Saturday, July 21, 2018

Pilgrimage to Hermitage in Maiskoye, ROCA

Pilgrimage to Hermitage in village of Maiskoye, ROCA Far Eastern Diocese

"O Mother of God! never will we cease to speak of thy wonders, unworthy as we are!"

O Most Holy Mother of God, Save Us!

РПЦЗ: Паломничество Дальневосточных приходов в скит в селе Майское (ФОТО)

ROCOR: Pilgrimage of the Far Eastern parishes to the Hermitage in the village of Maiskoye (PHOTOS)

Автор: Митрополит Агафангел.Author:Metropolitan Agafangel.Дата публикации:Date of publication:..Категория:РПЦЗ.Category: ROCOR.
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С 20 на 21 июля состоялось паломничество нескольких Дальневосточных приходов РПЦЗ в скит села Майское (Ханкайский район, Приморский край).

 From 20 to 21 July there took place a  pilgrimage of several Far Eastern parishes of our ROCA to the Hermitage of the village of Maiskoye (Khankai district, Primorsky Krai).

Традиция совершать паломничество сложилась уже давно и имеет отдельную историю.

The local tradition to make pilgrimage to this hermitage-skete  has developed over a long time and has its own  separate history.

После литургии состоялся молебен Пресвятой Богородицы с акафистом в часовне Казанской иконы Божией Матери.

After the Liturgy, the Moleben to the Blessed Virgin Mary with the Akathist, was held in the chapel of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.
Close-up of the product.
Close-up of the product.
Close-up of the product.
Close-up of the product.
Close-up of the product.
Close-up of the product.
Close-up of the product.
Close-up of the product.
Close-up of the product.
Close-up of the product.
Close-up of the product.
Close-up of the product.
Close-up of the product.
Close-up of the product.
Close-up of the product.
Close-up of the product.
Close-up of the product.
Close-up of the product.
Метки:рпцзепископ анастасийдальневосточная епархияTags: rpczbishop anastasiiFar Eastern eparchy

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