Sunday, July 31, 2022

Metropolitan Anthony's Message

8/31/2022: SHARING: In an English human-translation & in its original-Russian: Of 'ROCOR'/ RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH OUTSIDE OF RUSSIA's: Metropolitan Anthony's Message to Orthodox Russian people, in 1930  

  Time:  Wed, 31 Aug 2022 


And an added sobering update to this strong 1930 message: The Stalin-founded in, the dark of night-secretly, his  1943 creation,  the  uncanonical and still communist religious-false pretend ‘church’, their totally controled, puppet-church,  their “Moscow Patriarchate”, has not EVEN TO THIS VERY YEAR OF 2022, repented or cleansed itself of it’s Communist/Kremlin-“Russian-World”, gangster masters, and it is STILL NOT, the canonical or REAL…let alone, “HOLY”  Russian Orthodox Church, whose very last real canonical HOLY & ORTHODOX-CHRISTIAN, Patriarch - freely elected and consecrated by the LAST CANONICAL  RUSSIAN SOBOR-CHURCH COUNCIL: The 1917 All-Russian Moscow Sobor-, whose head, was Holy New Confessor and Martyr, TIKHON (BELAVIN-) of THRICE BLESSED  MEMORY. After him, there have been and still are only uncanonical, ALL… false-actor “Patriarchs”, all Communist-Party- KGB/FSB members, as is current “Most-Holy Patriarch KYRILL”-GUNDAEYEV, a KGB opporative -ACTOR, but one very well practiced in Orthodox worship norms and performing his role, to the most purest performance level,   wearing the theatrical costum/garb  of a real  Orthodox Patriarch-he who openly blesses madman SATANIC Dictator Vlad Putin’s Genocidal War on the Orthodox Ukrainian people and their free nation of Ukraine.

Retired Reader Daniel Everiss in Oregon

“Those who don’t know history, are doomed to repeat it!”


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Metropolitan Anthony: Message to Orthodox Russian people 1930

Author: Metropolitan Agafangel. Publication date:August 15, 2022. Category: ROCOR archive .

Archpastoral epistle to all Orthodox Russian people in under-yoke Russia and abroad (1930)

Orthodox Christians! For many years now, the Antichristian red power has been tormenting our Motherland, great Russia, trying to burn out, like a red-hot iron, the Russian soul from the Russian people in order to turn them into their obedient herd. Everything Russian is taken away from the people: - Russian conscience, Russian ancestral life, Russian glorious past, the very name is Russian.

However, the most hateful thing for the power of Antichrist is the Russian Christian faith, for in this faith lies the last and greatest stronghold and fortress of the Russian spirit. That stronghold that helped the Russian people, during its thousand-year history, to stand victoriously against the greatest adversities and trials and turn the Russian state into the largest power in the whole world.

From the very beginning of communist rule over Russia, the robber gang did not stop persecuting the faith, and during the years of the red hard times, the Church of Christ in Russia shone brighter than the sun with countless hosts of holy martyrs - bishops, monks, priests and laity - who received from red hands the incorrupt martyr's crowns for the bright the name of Christ.

In addition to these dead, other equally courageous confessors of the faith are languishing in multitudes in prisons and in exile.

Now, in the face of the ever-growing wrath of the people, the power of Antichrist waged a final and decisive battle against the faith of Christ.

Thousands are closed holy temples. Forcibly selected holy icons are burned in whole mountains. The bells are withdrawn into the red treasury. Holy books are being destroyed. The last surviving holy relics are desecrated. The clergy are dispersed, exiled and deprived of their rights. Sacred services are prohibited. Church communities are closed. Even crosses in cemeteries are being removed.

Seeing this terrible sight and hearing about these unprecedented persecutions, the religious conscience of the whole world woke up: - in all countries, the highest representatives of various religions, starting with the Pope of Rome, the head of the Catholics of the whole world, and ending even with non-Christian religions, raise their voice against the red persecution of faith and call on their flocks to pray for the deliverance of the Russian people.

The whole world is waiting for the Russian people to be able to stand up for their trampled faith.

The whole world has the right to wait for the Podyaremennaya:(the-under-persecution) Russian Church itself, in the person of its highest spiritual rulers, to raise its voice against the red persecutions. But in impotence and in captivity, the Podyaremnaya Church of Russia. The voice of courageous shepherds will not reach from the prison cellars. And those who have taken upon themselves the helm of the spiritual government either remain silent, or, what is worse, allow the Red threats to force them to cowardly praise the power of the Red persecutors. May the Lord God be their Judge!

If those who are in captivity are shackled by threats and impotence, all the more so before God and conscience those who are free are obliged to act.

I, humble Anthony, Metropolitan of Kyiv and Galicia, the oldest of the Russian Archpastors, who by the will of God are free from red captivity, raise my voice to proclaim to the Russian people:

Orthodox Christians! Stand up all of you,  against the red Antichrist! Do not listen to anyone's calls to reconcile with him, no matter from whom these calls come! There is no peace between Christ and Satan. With the power given to me from God, I bless every weapon that is raised against the red Satanic power, and I forgive the sins of all who, in the ranks of the rebel squads or as a lone people's avenger, lay down their lives for the Russian and Christ's cause.

First of all, I bless the weapons and combat work of the nationwide Brotherhood of Russian Truth, which for many years has been waging a stubborn struggle against the red Satan in the name of God and Russia in word and deed. May the Mercy of the Lord rest on everyone who joins the ranks of the Brotherhood or comes to the aid of the Brotherhood! Be fearless all of you who go against the Antichrist and his henchmen, for the Holy Scripture says: “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul.” Joy in heaven is for those who perish. Joy on earth is for those who survive.”

First published in the "Tsar's Bulletin". No. 92. 1930

Biography of His Beatitude Anthony, Metropolitan of Kyiv and Galicia. Volume IX. New York: Diocese of North America and Canada Press, 1962, pp. 138-140.

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RE: Metropolitan Anthony: Message to the Orthodox Russian people 1930 - Metropolitan Agafangel 08/15/2022 07:41

Metropolitan Anthony, and with him the entire ROCOR, directly called the Soviet government the power of the Antichrist.
The current government in the Russian Federation calls itself its successor ...




Митрополит Антоний: Послание православным русским людям 1930

Автор: Митрополит Агафангел. Дата публикации: 15 августа 2022. Категория: Архив РПЦЗ.

Архипастырское послание ко всем православным русским людям в подъяремной России и в зарубежье (1930)

Православные христиане! Много уже лет Антихристова красная власть терзает нашу Родину-Мать, великую Россию, стремясь выжечь, словно калёным железом, из русского народа его русскую душу, дабы обратить его в своё покорное стадо. Всё русское отнимают у народа: — русскую совесть, русский предковский быт, русское славное прошлое, самое имя русское.

Однако, всего ненавистнее для власти Антихриста есть русская Христианская вера, ибо в этой вере заключена последняя и величайшая твердыня и крепость русского духа. Та твердыня, что помогла русскому народу, в течение его тысячелетней истории, выстоять победно против величайших невзгод и испытаний и развернуть державу российскую в самую большую державу всего света.

От самого начала коммунистического господства над Россией разбойная шайка не прекращала гонений против веры, и за годы красного лихолетья Церковь Христова в России просияла паче солнца бесчисленным сонмом священномучеников, — епископов, иноков, иереев и мирян, — приявших от красных рук нетленные мученические венцы за светлое имя Христово.

Кроме этих погибших, другие столь же мужественные исповедники веры томятся во множестве в тюрьмах и в ссылке.

Ныне, пред лицом всё растущего гнева народного, Антихристова власть повела последний и решительный бой против веры Христовой.

Тысячами закрываются святые храмы. Целыми горами сжигаются насильственно отбираемые святые иконы. Отнимаются в красную казну колокола. Уничтожаются священные книги. Оскверняются последние уцелевшие святые мощи. Разгоняется, ссылается и лишается прав духовенство. Запрещаются священные службы. Закрываются церковные общины. Снимаются даже кресты на кладбищах.

Видя это страшное зрелище и слыша об этих ещё небывалых гонениях, проснулась религиозная совесть всего мира: — во всех странах высшие представители всевозможных религий, начиная с Папы Римского, главы католиков всего света, и кончая даже нехристианскими религиями, возвышают свой голос против красных гонений на веру и призывают свои паствы молиться об избавлении русского народа.

Весь мир ждёт, что русский народ сумеет сам встать на защиту своей попираемой веры.

Весь мир вправе ждать и того, чтобы сама Подъяремная Церковь Российская, в лице своих высших духовных правителей, возвысила свой голос против красных гонений. Но в бессилии и в плену Подъяремная Церковь Российская. Не долетит из тюремных подвалов голос мужественных пастырей. А те, что приняли на себя кормило духовного правления, либо безмолвствуют, либо, что хуже, допускают красным угрозам вынудить от них малодушную хвалу власти красных гонителей. Господь Бог да будет им Судьёй!

Если скованы угрозами и бессилием те, кто в плену, тем паче перед Богом и совестью обязаны действовать те, кто на свободе.

Я, смиренный Антоний, Митрополит Киевский и Галицкий, старейший из русских Архипастырей, находящихся волею Божией на свободе от красного плена, возвышаю свой голос, дабы возвестить русскому народу:

Православные христиане! Вставайте все против красного Антихриста! Не слушайте ничьих призывов примириться с ним, от кого бы сии призывы не исходили! Нет мира между Христом и Сатаной. Властью, данной мне от Бога, благословляю всякое оружие, против красной Сатанинской власти подымаемое, и отпускаю грехи всем, кто в рядах повстанческих дружин или одиноким народным мстителем сложит голову за русское и Христово дело.

Первее же всего благословляю оружие и боевую работу всенародного Братства Русской Правды, которое уже немало лет словом и делом ведёт упорную борьбу против красного Сатаны во имя Бога и России. Милость Господня да почиет над каждым, кто вступит в Братские ряды либо придёт на помощь Братству! Будьте бесстрашны вы все, идущие против Антихриста и его приспешников, ибо говорит Св. Писание: — «Не бойтесь убивающих тело, душу же не могущих убить». Радость на небе — тем, кто погибнет. Радость на земле — тем, кто уцелеет».

Впервые напечатано в «Царском Вестнике». № 92. 1930 г.

Жизнеописание блаженнейшего Антония, митрополита Киевского и Галицкого. Том IX. Нью-Йорк: Издание Северо-Американской и Канадской епархии, 1962. С. 138-140.

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# RE: Митрополит Антоний: Послание православным русским людям 1930 — Митрополит Агафангел 15.08.2022 07:41

Митрополит Антоний, и вместе с ним вся РПЦЗ, прямо называли советскую власть властью Антихриста.
Нынешняя власть в РФ называет себя её правопреемницей ...

Friday, July 22, 2022

Mikhail Gorbachev speaks his mind about Putin

7/22/2022: Some truthful & regretful sad words from a 91 year old man in poor health, Mikhail Gorbachev, who obviously does not fear Putin's retaliation, but speaks his mind regardless, before he leaves this world.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

7/19/2022: THREE articles:

7/19/2022: THREE articles: 

1) Putin runs out of troops, so he sends Prisoners to the front [as his new cannon fodder], & 

2) Invader-Putin's Russian Troops in Ukraine, Revolting, 

3) Ukrainians forcibly sent to Russia's "Filtration Camps" 


Tue, 19 Jul 2022 18:34:05 +0000


Dan Everiss <> 


My comment:  All of this mass murdering & barbaric mass pillaging insanity is the devilish  work of Soviet era hangover, MERCILESS DICTATOR FOR LIFE, HITLER & JOSEPH STALIN LIKE, NAZI-LIKE, totally mad with his absolute dictatorial power, KGB torturer,  Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, who imagines, under direction of his true ‘spiritual guide’ -Satan, & “Blessed” by his KGB pal,  MP-Patriarch-ACTOR-“Holy Patriarch”(???) Comrade  Kyrill Gundayev, that he is restoring the glory of….what?....”Old IMPERIAL Russia”???..NO!, but of the horrible 1917 onward, Communist USSR- Soviet Union….WHICH KILLED THAT OLD RUSSIA!... IF UKRAINE LOOSES THIS WAR, then not only will Ukraine loose, AND THE WHOLE FREE WORLD ALSO, but every decent Russian person will also loose,  as current non-free Russia needs to be finally freed from this anti-God soviet communist hangover tyrannical & anti-human WAR-MONGERING & BLOODTHIRSTY regime, lead now by a for-runner of Anti-Christ, mass -murderer demonic power-mad and totally MERCY-LESS V. Putin (“The Sincere Orthodox Christian”?) and his corrupt and evil super-rich Kremlin pals.

And if this deranged monster will truly unleash his nuclear weapons on Ukraine and/or on the West, then in retaliation, any version of ‘Russia’, will also end on this earth, once and for all times.

Retired Psalm-Reader Daniel Everiss, and yes: thoughts from a mere no-body, in these End Times, but from one who observes the signs of the times, and of the seasons.

“The handwriting is on the wall”, as is written in the Book of the Holy Prophet Daniel.


”Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus, come quickly!”




WAKE UP!, and prepare to meet Our Lord.


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1)  Putin sends prisoners to the front, as he is running out of his troops


2) Putin’s  Russian troops in Ukraine, revolting: 


3) Ukrainians who have been forcibly sent to Russia’s “Filtration Camps” 


Sunday, July 17, 2022

"I came to kiss Jesus!'

  God sending me night inspiration from the past, to fortify me in these terrible days: The drunken young Russian man came into St. Theodosius Cathedral in the middle of Holy Friday Night, (in Russian): "Why are you here??" He said: "I CAME TO KISS JESUS!" 

Monday: June 28/July 11: On this eve of this  Great Feast/Celebration  of The Holy, Glorious,, and All-Praised  Leaders of the Apostles, PETER AND PAUL:  Who Preached the Good News-The Holy Gospel to the Whole World-


To continue my memory: About an example, that God allowed me to observe long ago,  of what WE ALL, EACH OF US NEED TO DO: In spite of any failing or bad habits or sins we may have burdening our souls: AND to be non-judgmental  of the failings and sins of others!, To REFORM OUR LIVES, & to COME AND IN LOVE WITH OUR SAVIOUR: TO COME AND KISS JESUS!..TO LOVE AND TO SERVE HIM, .regardless of any other intervening obstacle or excuse, so that here on earth, NOW! BEFORE WE LEAVE OUR EARTHLY PERISHABLE BODIES,  we may be WITH THE LORD, and LATER, IN HEAVEN!  forever….so, that we, OUR REAL SELVES, OUR IMMORTAL SOULS! MAY BELONG… IN HEAVEN…where only the sanctified, the Saints may dwell. 


SO, ….But, rather than to throw the drunken young man  out of the church-as might have been done by others, in any church,  instead, two of the 4 door-keeper guardian men, after what  he told them & that they clearly perceived that he was in a repentant spirit, regardless of his obvious sin of drunkeness: “To Kiss Jesus”, then…. they could not… throw him out, but they  instead helped him, one on each of his sides, firmly  holding his arms,  to walk, without falling,  up to the plaschanitza/Holy Shroud, -Our Lord’s Sacred Dead BODY, and then to bow down and kiss his beloved entombed Saviour, and then to walk back safely out the door of the church, because he could not stand up nor walk without aid.

Drunk or not, they realized that he needed to, had a right to,  kiss his Jesus!! they were, with him, fellow Orthodox Christians!, and anyway, they had no right to JUDGE OR CONDEMN HIM!...but to HOPE FOR HIS REPENTANCE, and to condeme  only…. themselves, which is THE WAY OF The SAINTS, CHRIST’S TEACHING and THE ONLY PATH TO HEAVEN, entering The Narrow Gate, of The Gospel.


Likely he was one of the many very hard-working & struggling male members of that very large Orthodox Christian parish in Cleveland, Ohio, back in about 1962, -in that very industrialized   extreme northern part of  the Mid-Western region of America, -my native State of Ohio, which had a  huge Orthodox immigrant population, of every Orthodox ethnic group, -then it was an industrialy prosperous-giant of a city, sitting at the northern tip of Ohio, directly on  the southern shore of massive Lake Erie (one of the Five Great Lakes),  due north of which lake,  is Ontario, Canada, - whose large number of my St. Theodosius Parish communicant parish members, still then many of whom were of the very pious First Generation European immigrants & were then alive, (most who came to America, before World War I), but with growing numbers of their, American born  Second Generation children and Third Generation grand- children present,  were mostly of self-identified : Russian, Carpatho-Russian, Byelorussian, or Ukrainian, Georgian, and of smaller numbers of various  other new-immigrant ethnic-Orthodox nationalities, -some Arabs, some Greeks, etc. including lots of former  Ukrainian-Uniates (“Greek Catholics” under the pope),  many of whom worked in the, plentiful industrial jobs in THEN! economically robust Cleveland and who SOME OF WHICH, went to church at St. Theodosius Cathedral,  the ‘just atop  the hill’  visible for miles around, THAT exotic other-worldly looking, many onioned domed church, sitting atop, “Russian Hill”/”Literrary Heights”,  part of  then in 1962,  Cleveland’s largely new-immigrant settled foreign “West-Side”, set among or near to,   its  never-stopping,  huge  steel mills.

Most services were in Church Slavonic, & sermons at those services were in the standard Russian language,  but we had then an early all-English Sunday Liturgy, with a separate second, all Slavonic liturgy.. For myself, I regularly attended, as best I could,  all services in Slavonic and in English. And I treasure being a participant in the Slavonic vigil services and a witness of,  the saintly babushkas, always in a state of constant holy other-worldly prayer, grandmothers, whose holy presence inspired me, BEYOND ANY HUMAN LANGUAGE BARRIERS, and as I felt their sincere heart-warming spiritual GODLY LOVE and  holiness. Now, I have no doubt, that they all must be in Heaven!  -VECHNAYA PAMYAT! They greeted me, with SLAVA IESUSU KHRISTU ! ..Glory to Jesus Christ!, and I responded: SLAVA NA VECKI!:… Glory To Him forever!...i.e. WE PRAYED TOGETHER!, in which spiritual state, there are no human or cultural barriers!


This man  could not come in time for the earlier, massively  attended by a few thousand souls,  Great & Holy Friday Burial Service & Procession, but when he got off of his shift in the nearby steel mills, (whose furnaces never stopped burning),  and had… regrettably, drunk too much, he THEN remembered that, regardless… perhaps with guilt, he HAD TO COME AND GIVE HIS KISS TO HIS BELOVED SAVIOUR, lying now dead in His tomb.

The local custom there, was for a small volunteer group to keep an all-night death-watch vigil, over Christ’s holy  grave,  in the candle-lit church (whose sacred walls and ceiling  were all frescoed with wonderful heart-moving scenes of the marvelous Gospel recorded life of Christ and of Our Lord’s wonderful many saints). The church was dedicated to “Holy Hierarch Theodosius, The Archbishop and Wonderworker of Chernigov”, who lived at the end of the 1600’s, (Chernigov being, still there today, if power-mad dictator Putin doesn’t reduce it to rubble!,   a very old sacred Orthodox city of Kievan-Russ, in the north of Ukraine),  which church in Cleveland, was kept open all night, so any could come when they were able (such as blue-collar working men, as this one,  who worked in the local steel mills, etc) and venerate the Holy  Shroud/Christ Entombed,  and guarded by volunteer 4 strong door-keeper men, & with us, a small group,  keeping an all-vigil, chanting alternately in English and/or  Slavonic, The Acts Of The Holy Apostles, The Psalter, Akathists, etc,  over and in the immediate presence of Our Saviour’s Sacred  Body, HE WHO GAVE HIMSELF FOR THE LIFE OF THE WORLD!,-FOR ALL Mankind!, depicted in His, very large Plaschanitza/Shroud/Epitaphios , an unusually huge Shroud, -the biggest one I have ever seen!- with Christ’s Body almost life-sized, and His Shroud surrounded on three sides, a  hundred or so,  burning huge 4-6  foot high, very thick candles and many fragrant lilies and other flowers. …The Tomb of The King of Kings, The Reviled and Crucified King of The Jews, Jesus of Nazareth: 


And so, God reminded me, last night, of that inspiring happening long ago,  to uplift my otherwise greatly wearied  soul, in these terrible depressing seemingly hopeless sad times, when it seems that evil is being victorious all over the earth, that:…. HE-GOD!.... IS ALWAYS ON HIS THRONE, THAT HE RULES ALL, and THAT IN THE END, HE!.-GOD ALMIGHTY! ..MAKES THINGS COME OUT AS HE WISHES!..i.e. “Man proposes, but God disposes!”


“When GOD!... so wills, He Who set in motion, the Order Of Nature:  the order of nature is…. overturned!”


AND MAY I, with God’s divine aid,  AND ALL OF US: regardless of all interfering circumstances or by our  intervening sins or for any excuses, “COME TO KISS JESUS!”…in this world…. And, may God grant…also,  in the next,…worshipping  at the feet of His Throne….To…. See The Lord!

Amen, and Amen!.

Grant this, O Lord!


Retired Psalm-Reader, the perpetually useless sinner, Daniel Everiss in the forest of southwestern Oregon, a wandering homeless pilgrim on this earth, seeking the New Jerusalem On High.