Monday, May 30, 2022

Holy New Confessor And Martyr, PATRIARCH TIKHON

  Holy New Confessor And Martyr, PATRIARCH TIKHON (Belavin), OF THRICE BLESSED MEMORY, the last Valid and Free & Canonical Orthodox PATRIARCH OF MOSCOW AND All RUSSIA: before Stalin's 1943 communist KGB run, anti-canonical bogus "Moscow Patriarchate" 




More Kremlin Propaganda from KGB-MP

More absurd lies & Kremlin Propaganda, from KGB-MP "Patriarch Kyrill", trying to cover up his and Putin's war on Ukraine, expressing sorrow for alienating so many Ukrainians... but without admitting that Kyrill and his 'buddy' Putin, caused this split. 

Head of Russian Orthodox Church Decries Split With Ukraine Orthodox Church

By Theodore Bunker    |   Monday, 30 May 2022

Moscow Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church (MP/ROC), said this week that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC/MP) cannot be separated from the MP/ROC despite the UOC's recent announcement.

Last week, the UOC/MP formally separated from Kirill, who is a prominent supporter of Russian President Vladimir Putin, due to the invasion of Ukraine. Many Ukrainian churches had already broken off from the UOC/MP and joined with the new The Orthodox Church of Ukraine, which was established in 2019, by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople,  after a split from Moscow.

Kirill said on Monday: "We cannot but grieve over what is happening in fraternal Ukraine. Undoubtedly, the same spirits of terrestrial malice have taken up arms against our church, seeking not only to divide the Orthodox people of Russia and Ukraine, but to make sure that an abyss lies between us — not just an abyss, but that a ditch be dug, like those trenches that are used during a military operation so that the enemy does not pass. I am deeply convinced that since all these efforts are not from God and not with God's blessing, the true goal will never be achieved."

He went on to say, "We fully understand how the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is suffering today, we completely understand with sympathy,  that His Beatitude UOC/MP Metropolitan Onuphriy and his episcopate should act as wisely as possible today so as not to complicate the life of their believers. But we also pray that no temporal, external obstacle should destroy the spiritual unity of our people."

Former Defense Intelligence Agency officer Rebekah Koffler told Fox News that the UOC/MP breaking off from the ROC/MP  is a ”huge blow to Putin”. 

She noted that ”Kirill and Putin are buddies.” And Putin “has weaponized the Russian Orthodox religion as a geopolitical tool”. 

"The idea of Putin unifying the ‘Russian world’, including Ukraine and other post Soviet states, hinges on the idea that Russia is the center of Christianity and the center of the unique Eurasian civilization that the Russians believe is exceptional, just like Americans think America is exceptional”.  Koffler continued. "Once the  church splits, it takes the whole divinity idea out of it”. 

Brief comments by Reader Daniel Everiss in Oregon:

Finally, we can begin to learn the true inner motivations of power-mad dictator, NAZI-Like, Vlad Putin-that he is far more than a average  historical bloody dictator, as this gives evidence that he, in his power delusions of being, somehow, the God-ordained (?) inheritor of his, exaggerated and mis-understood,  presumed glories of old Czarist Imperial Orthodox Russia, now has  as his divine mission, to, conquer and retake those territories, such as Ukraine, that once were a part of that old Czarist Russia…& later under Stalin’s  communist USSR tyranny, whether the modern Ukrainian people there, want this or not, and too, that he has designs on grabbing also, the former USSR-Soviet Era, enslaved  bordering eastern European ‘satellite nations’, once grabbed by Stalin’s Red Army, during & after World War II,  and forcibly  kept under  Soviet slavery….till the fall of the Berlin Wall,  Gorbachov & Yeltzin, etc. and the official fall of the USSR. Putin refers to that fall of the  USSR , as: “The greatest geopolitical   tragedy of our times!”..which history he seeks to REVERSE….i.e. to re-establish the old wonderful slave-state of the USSR.

So, Vlad Putin is no ordinary historical power mad, mass murdering, nation plundering   dictator, …no, not at all. PUTIN IS ON A DIVINE MISSION!...he thinks. BUT THE FEAR OF The Devine GOD, IS NOT BEFORE HIS EYES! & God’s commandments he disregards entirely. Human life means nothing to him…except HIS OWN!. Merciless and cruel Putin is in extreme prelest, total spiritual/mental satanic Grandiose DELUSIONS. The blood of millions is on his hands and soul.

But: as an old poetic saying puts it so well:

“OH!... what a tangled web we weave!, when first we practice to deceive!”

And, KGB clergy-actor, “Holy Patriarch Kyrill”, is KGB Putin’s ‘buddy’ and chaplain and ‘spiritual advisor’!:

“The blind leading the blind, and they both shall fall into the ditch!”

Evenso, come quickly Lord Jesus, come quickly!

“O Lord, save the God-fearing, and hear us!”

Psalm Reader Daniel Everiss, in Oregon

Convent Consecration in Athens PHOTOS

5/29/2022: Re-Sharing: Sweden: Consecration of Holy Angels Convent: pics 
Sun, 29 May 2022 21:37:34 +0000  

Dan Everiss <> 

Sent: Sunday, May 29, 2022 1:16 PM

Subject: Fwd: Consecration of Holy Angels Convent
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: IMAgionAngelon <>
Date: Sun, May 29, 2022 at 4:33 AM
Subject: Photos from Sunday of the Samaritan Woman
Christ is risen!
Here are a few pictures from the consecration this past Sunday. Not many but at least you can see a little bit of the big day!
Huvudkyrkan i Heliga Änglars kloster konsekrerad (

With love in Christ,
Sister Pelagia

Friday, May 27, 2022

5/26/2022: TWO Items: 1) You Tube 2) Internet Sobor article

1)  3½ minutes Video  Russian Mother Saves Sons From War

"Russian Mother Saves Sons From War"  3½ minutes

2) "The Moscow Patriarchate (Stalin's 1943-founded anti-canonical false-pretend 'Russian Church') In The Service Of The Kremlin".

Moscow Patriarchate in the service of the Kremlin

Author: Internet Cathedral. Publication date:May 23, 2022. Category: Moscow Patriarchate .

The Kremlin attracted the Moscow Patriarchate to mobilize and filter the population in the occupied territories of Ukraine.

The Russian Federation is actively using the capabilities of the Moscow Patriarchate to conduct hostile, anti-Ukrainian activities, as well as to further commit the genocide of the Ukrainian people.

This is told by theirC own sources of the Spiritual Front of Ukraine among the clergy of the MP and the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate (ROCvU).

In particular, the interlocutors noted that these days the Putin regime assigns two main tasks to the MP - preparing the Russian population for mobilization and organizing the work of the MP in the occupied territories of Ukraine.

As it became known, on May 7, 2022, the Moscow Patriarchate held a meeting in Rostov with the participation of the leaders of the MP dioceses located on the territory of the Kursk, Bryansk, Voronezh, Belgorod, and Rostov regions of the Russian Federation.

To conduct this meeting, the head of the Department for Cooperation with the Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies of the Russian Federation, Bishop Savvaty (Sergey Zagrebelny), who, by the way, was an officer of the General Staff of the Russian Federation, arrived from Moscow, as well as his deputy, Archimandrite Alexy (Alexander Ganzhin), a former employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs RF.

During the meeting of the clergy of the MP, the following main issues were considered:

− preparation for mobilization in the border areas with Ukraine.

Representatives of the dioceses of the above areas were tasked with carrying out appropriate preparatory activities within a month. If mobilization is announced, to carry out its active informational support through the existing church and near-church opportunities and resources. The emphasis in the information campaign is prescribed to be made on "growing support for Ukraine from NATO and the need to resist it";

− start of work of a new MP department for "liberated territories".

The task of the new department is to organize the work of the MP in the occupied regions of Ukraine. Such work, in particular, included the search for persons loyal to the invaders and their involvement in work for the occupying power. Orthodox churches in the "liberated territories" should become centers for the fulfillment of this task. At the same time, it is planned to conduct a thorough check of all the servants of the UOC-MP who remained in the occupied regions, and in case of doubts about their loyalty, they will be immediately removed from service in the MP with subsequent transfer to undergo "filtration measures". It is planned to complete this work within three months. At the same time, it is planned to gradually replace Ukrainian priests with Russian ones in the occupied territories of Ukraine.



RE: Moscow Patriarchate in the service of the Kremlin - Metropolitan Agafangel  05/23/2022 07:11

A clear illustration of the fact that the Moscow Patriarchate has not changed in any way since the time of Stalin and continues to be a division of the FSB-KGB.

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Sunday, 5/22/2022: TWO News Items From Russia:

1) MP Parish Priest in Russia fined for calling Ukraine war, a war:


Thursday, May 19, 2022

Thursday May 19 Selections

Banned in Ukraine 

  Time:  Thu, 19 May 2022  

The Communist Party is finally banned in Ukraine

Author: Metropolitan Agafangel. Publication date:May 17, 2022. Category: Society .

The decisions of the District Administrative Court of Kyiv on the termination of the activities of the Communist Party of Ukraine entered into force, said the MP, representative of the Verkhovna Rada in the Constitutional Court Olga Sovgirya (Servant of the People faction).

“More than six years after the adoption of… the ‘law on decommunization’, the Communist Party was finally banned in Ukraine… The District Administrative Court of Kyiv, by a decision of December 16, 2015, terminated the activities of the Communist Party of Ukraine, but this decision was appealed on appeal and did not enter into legal strength. All this time, the Communist Party of Ukraine continued to exist and even received membership dues, although it was excluded from the electoral process. Recently, the Sixth Administrative Court of Appeal completed consideration of the appeal in this case and refused to satisfy it, as a result of which the court’s decision to ban the Communist Party came into force,” Sovgirya wrote on Telegram on Monday.

She recalled that the Verkhovna Rada adopted the “law on decommunization” back in 2015, but it provided for the condemnation of the communist regime and the ban on propaganda of its symbols, and the issue of banning the Communist Party was to be decided by the court.

The decisions of the District Administrative Court of Kyiv on the termination of the activities of the Communist Party of Ukraine entered into force, said the MP, representative of the Verkhovna Rada in the Constitutional Court Olga Sovgirya (Servant of the People faction).

«Спустя более шести лет после принятия… "закона о декоммунизации" в Украине окончательно запрещена Коммунистическая партияОкружной административный суд г. Киева постановлением от 16 декабря 2015 г. прекратил деятельность КПУ, но это решение было обжаловано в апелляционном порядке и не вступило в законную силу. Все это время Коммунистическая партия Украины продолжала существовать и даже получала членские взносы, хотя и была отстранена от избирательного процесса. Недавно Шестой апелляционный административный суд завершил рассмотрение апелляционной жалобы по этому делу и отказал в ее удовлетворении, в результате чего решение суда о запрете КПУ вступило в законную силу», - написала Совгиря в понедельник в Телеграмме.

She recalled that the Verkhovna Rada adopted the “law on decommunization” back in 2015, but it provided for the condemnation of the communist regime and the ban on propaganda of its symbols, and the issue of banning the Communist Party was to be decided by the court.

Of interest 

  Time:  Thu, 19 May 2022   

The running script English translation of what this village teacher is saying, is in very poor incorrect English, so for those who do not know some Russian or Ukrainian language usages (as I do), English-only speakers must imagine her approximate actual meaning-of which the video film  basically tells the tragic story. Mad-Dictator  KGB agent, Vlad Putin’s vicious invasion and massive unprovoked attack on Ukraine, (which attack is not at all the fault of…or ..caused by:  “NATO”, or “THE WEST,” or “AMERICA” or the “EU”, or of any other imaginary Kremlin-concocted, paper-tiger “Enemies of Russia”) is aimed not only at Ukrainian military targets, but at totally killing off/MASAQUERING-SLAUTERING,  and destroying the common civilian people of Ukraine, their lives, their homes, their farms, their schools, their hospitals, and their economics, and even their churches-most of which are, of course, ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN CHURCHES….as over 70% of Ukrainians are Orthodox Christians….and also, up till now, the majority of  those Orthodox Ukrainians  have been piously obedient to Moscow’s “Most Holy Patriarch of All Russia, Kyrill”! But now, Putin and his pal, KGB- “Patriarch Kyrill”-who CONDONES  and blesses all the  evils of his spiritual child, Vlad Putin in all of his bombings and killings and destructions in Ukraine,  are together, curing most of them of that former misplaced trust and obedience.

Yet the hypnotized & deluded propagandized idiot-worshippers of Vladimir Putin, (mistakingly  confusing Putin , with “Russia”) still insist: “But Vladimir Putin is…’a sincere Orthodox Christian!’;  he goes to church, he crosses himself, he lights candles, he kisses the holy ikons…he builds churches, and, he is ..,..The Protector Of All Orthodox Christians Everywhere !”(…???)….well…EXCEPT IN UKRAINE APPARENTLY!

I do not think that most people  in present under attack and devastated Ukraine, believe those fantastic Kremlin manufactured propaganda lies, not in most Ukrainian cities, or villages or places like this bombed village, which his forces have devastated….a totally non-military target.

When the film  shows this poor lady’s interior of her  bombed home, she points to her Icons, and says that they alone did not fall off the wall or were damaged, when virtually all else fell down, from the bomb blast vibrations and shrapnel piercings.

[*It would seem, that Putin’s Russian  bombs dropped on this village were of the “Cluster Bomb” multi- fragmented variety, which are designed to level buildings and to kill, or severely mame the MAXIMON   number of every living beings….humans and animals. Putin has generously dropped them previously, on Syria to help keep his pal in power. Dictator Asad,  and Chechnya, (killing millions) and various other places. They kill the maximum number of human beings: mothers and their  babies & doctors and nurses, in hospitals, men, women, and elderly- they are weapons of MASS HUMAN FATALITY- the weapons of a (as was NAZI-Adolf Hitler and COMMIE Joseph Stalin) DERANGED  & SATANIC-HATER OF THE HUMAN RACE, mass murderer, as Crazy Evil HITLER-NAZI-& FASCIST LIKE, power-mad, Vlad Putin is clearly. MAY GOD QUICKLY REMOVE HIM AND HIS EVIL COMMUNIST/USSR-hangover tyrannical GOVERNMENT AND MILITARY!]…and save Ukraine and save and FREE RUSSIA and its enslaved people from his insanity and tyranny!




ROCOR: Father Nebojsa Mirkovich was awarded a golden cross


Author: Metropolitan Agafangel. Publication date:May 17, 2022. Category: ROCOR .

          Bishop Nikon, who is in Serbia today, on May 17, at the Divine Liturgy in the Church of the Intercession, with the blessing of the Ruling Bishop Metropolitan Agafangel, awarded the rector of the parish, Priest Nebojsa Mirkovic, the right to wear a golden pectoral cross. At the same service, Vladyka Nikon  elevated the parishioners Sasha Ivich to the rank of subdeacon,  and tonsured Nikola Vukashevich as a reader.

 SUNDAY OF THE PARALYTIC: Friendly Ukrainian Village Bee-keeper, helps & saves, wandering worn-out & weary & hungry young Russian soldiers to peacefully surrender, with kindness and tea, food, and his honey: Just sharing the traditional "Cup of Tea"  

  Time:  Thu, 19 May 2022    




"We came here as Nazis", Russian Soldier Acknowledges 

  Time:  Thu, 19 May 2022

Subject: "We came here as Nazis", Russian Soldier Acknowledges

Putin's Invading Military's Bombing of Soldatsky Village in Ukraine: "If someone in Russia doesn't believe what is happening here, let them come here and see for themselves

Time:  Thu, 19 May 2022  

The running script English translation of what this village teacher is saying, is in very poor incorrect English, so for those who do not know some Russian or Ukrainian language usages (as I do), English-only speakers must imagine her approximate actual meaning-of which the video film  basically tells the tragic story. Mad-Dictator  KGB agent, Vlad Putin’s vicious invasion and massive unprovoked attack on Ukraine, (which attack is not at all the fault of…or ..caused by:  “NATO”, or “THE WEST,” or “AMERICA” or the “EU”, or of any other imaginary Kremlin-concocted, paper-tiger “Enemies of Russia”) is aimed not only at Ukrainian military targets, but at totally killing off/MASAQUERING-SLAUTERING,  and destroying the common civilian people of Ukraine, their lives, their homes, their farms, their schools, their hospitals, and their economics, and even their churches-most of which are, of course, ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN CHURCHES….as over 70% of Ukrainians are Orthodox Christians….and also, up till now, the majority of  those Orthodox Ukrainians  have been piously obedient to Moscow’s “Most Holy Patriarch of All Russia, Kyrill”! But now, Putin and his pal, KGB- “Patriarch Kyrill”-who CONDONES  and blesses all the  evils of his spiritual child, Vlad Putin in all of his bombings and killings and destructions in Ukraine,  are together, curing most of them of that former misplaced trust and obedience.

Yet the hypnotized & deluded propagandized idiot-worshippers of Vladimir Putin, (mistakingly  confusing Putin , with “Russia”) still insist: “But Vladimir Putin is…’a sincere Orthodox Christian!’;  he goes to church, he crosses himself, he lights candles, he kisses the holy ikons…he builds churches, and, he is ..,..The Protector Of All Orthodox Christians Everywhere !”(…???)….well…EXCEPT IN UKRAINE APPARENTLY!

I do not think that most people  in present under attack and devastated Ukraine, believe those fantastic Kremlin manufactured propaganda lies, not in most Ukrainian cities, or villages or places like this bombed village, which his forces have devastated….a totally non-military target.

When the film  shows this poor lady’s interior of her  bombed home, she points to her Icons, and says that they alone did not fall off the wall or were damaged, when virtually all else fell down, from the bomb blast vibrations and shrapnel piercings.

[*It would seem, that Putin’s Russian  bombs dropped on this village were of the “Cluster Bomb” multi- fragmented variety, which are designed to level buildings and to kill, or severely mame the MAXIMON   number of every living beings….humans and animals. Putin has generously dropped them previously, on Syria to help keep his pal in power. Dictator Asad,  and Chechnya, (killing millions) and various other places. They kill the maximum number of human beings: mothers and their  babies & doctors and nurses, in hospitals, men, women, and elderly- they are weapons of MASS HUMAN FATALITY- the weapons of a (as was NAZI-Adolf Hitler and COMMIE Joseph Stalin) DERANGED  & SATANIC-HATER OF THE HUMAN RACE, mass murderer, as Crazy Evil HITLER-NAZI-& FASCIST LIKE, power-mad, Vlad Putin is clearly. MAY GOD QUICKLY REMOVE HIM AND HIS EVIL COMMUNIST/USSR-hangover tyrannical GOVERNMENT AND MILITARY!]…and save Ukraine and save and FREE RUSSIA and its enslaved people from his insanity and tyranny!


 Of Interest 

  Time:  Thu, 19 May 2022

 Of Interest 

  Time:  Thu, 19 May 2022

Amassing & Enlightening: YOU-TUBE VIDEO RECORDING OF: Ukrainian interrogation/conversation with a young Russian soldier who surrendered in Ukraine, & held captive: & of his phone conversation with his mother in Russia: FAST English running translation-  

  Time:  Thu, 19 May 2022

ROCOR-MP Met. Hilarion (Kapral) dies

 ROCOR-MP Met. Hilarion (Kapral) dies  

  Time:  Thu, 19 May 2022   

  From: Dan Everiss <

ROCOR MP Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral) dies

Author: Metropolitan Agafangel. Publication date:May 16, 2022. Category: Moscow Patriarchate .

On May 16, at 2 p.m. New York time, after a long illness,  Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad in the Moscow Patriarchate , died in one of the city’s hospitals  .

Monday, May 16, 2022

The Way of the Cross Leads Home

 A God-Depicter, holy-Icon writer, using her only remaining talents, which God has given her, and making no self-pity excuses for her physical debilities: "God hath chosen the lowly of this world, to confound the mighty". 

(The way of the cross leads home).    

Time:   Fri, 13 May 2022 

For The Sunday of the Paralytic: Christ’s healing of the paralytic. The Fourth Sunday of Pascha (“Easter”):

Christ Is Risen From The DEAD,

Trampling down death by death, and upon those in the tombs, bestowing life!

CHRIST IS RISEN!  TRULY HE IS RISEN!   And death is no more!


You Tube Selections May 11—14

 Some plain truth from a captured self-surrendered Russian soldier in Ukraine, speaking by cell phone to his mother and father in Russia  

  Time:  Sat, 14 May 2022

 Two Short Videos: Some of the many real hurting people: All Victims of this unjust Putin's war: 

  Time:  Sat, 14 May 2022 


Sorry, but the running poor English translation of what is being said in Ukrainian is not the best or totally correct English, but the first video is about some lost and wandering surrendering Russian soldiers saying why they are surrendering, and the second is about the village people and their priest trying to observe Orthodox Pascha-”Easter”, as best they can, while under possible enemy attack.

          Reader Daniel Everiss in Oregon

1) Russian Soldiers Against Putin

2) Difficult & Limited War-time Pascha/"Easter" celebration in a Ukrainian village church in Sumi region of Ukraine  

Difficult Pascha in a Sumi region Orthodox Church in Ukraine

 Sharing: in order to TRY (if it is at all possible) to better understand present-day VERY COMPLICATED tragic & chaotic Putin's war on Ukraine realities over there: More Recent Ukrainian/Russian/European History-: "How Ukraine Became Part Of The USSR"  

  Time:  Fri, 13 May 2022 


 Comparing: Reading of ONE! Factual History & Putin's incredible historically very false & inaccurate version of Ukrainian and Russian History, compared with the VERY COMPLICATED historical record, over past centuries & more recent times, up till today  

  Time:  Thu, 12 May 2022    

  From: Dan Everiss <>


 "Russia Is A Fascist State, And Here's Why":-related by a Russian man, who knows painfully well what he speaks about. It, the "Russian Federation:" is neither an Orthodox Christian Monarchy nor a Democracy.

  Time:  Thu, 12 May 2022    

  From: Dan Everiss <> 

A brief, but good over-view of Putin and his non-free Fascist State.

  SCHOCKING & VERY SAD: Putin's Child Soldiers: Robing them of their innocence & of what should be their formative GOOD childhoods, training little Russian boys & even some little girls, to use guns and to prepare to go out and kill "Russia's enemies" 

       Thu, 12 May 2022    

  From: Dan Everiss <>


TRUTH-SEEKING:: 5/11/2022: Putin's War On Ukraine SHARING: : SOME Interesting Internet posted Videos: EU Sanctions against Pat. Kyrill, and Pat. Kyrill splits Orthodox, and more.... 

  Thu, 12 May 2022   

  From: Dan Everiss <>  


1.  EU Sanctions Against Pat. Kyrill

2.  Patriarch Kyrill splits Orthodox

3.  Bodies of dead Russian soldiers who died in Ukraine, with difficulty being located & dug up, carefully identified,  and  wrapped & stored in refrigeration railway cars, by Ukrainian Army, for respectful return to their families in Russia-but Putin’s  government is refusing to accept them (it clearly seems because they  in Moscow don’t want their families to know that they even died)

4.  Former KGB agent, comments on Putin’s speech and more…

5.  How religion and the government in Russia help each other, etc.


Wednesday, May 11, 2022

You Tube selections

"May 9 in Russia: OH MY GOD!": exposing OUTRAGEOUS & VICIOUS & ABSURD! Kremlin racist propaganda- machine's slanders against Ukrainians; rebuted in English by a Ukrainian soldier: Kremlin's Reverse Universe, BIG LIES/VILE SLANDERS-to hide their own sins 
          My apologies for sharing these pathetic  Kremlin’s obscene anti-Ukrainian slanders, which this Ukrainian soldier clearly finds very obscene and ridiculous and  totally untrue,  but we need to know the truth, which  Putin’s propaganda machine, tells only lies, (to Russians and all nationalities within the Russian Federation, and around the world to every country, in EVERY MAJOR WOLRD LANGUAGE!) and covers up for himself and his “Russian-World”  Globalist World Domination Plans, pushed on the world, by his  captive conscripted RED ARMY’s  vicious atrocities. A saint has said that:  “You  can always tell, in the end,  who is a servant of the Devil; as: They NEVER!  tell the truth, as does their father, the Devil.”

Putin's Missal Attack on Odessa  

Many Russians hungry for independent news...…. 

Crimean Bridge, the most controversial bridge in the world" and some of the VERY complicated history of that ancient historic region and of its various past peoples and their powerful empires-which once ruled that entire region, in English narration. 

          Tue, 10 May 2022  
          Comment:  Why should anyone today, care about all of this complicated history? Because, in this present Dictator Putin’s invasion and efforts to conquer and to subdue  Ukraine and to force it ALL under  his “Russian World” Kremlin rule, this bridge will have to be destroyed  by the Ukrainians, sooner or later….but most likely…soon, because it is a very important road from the Russian Federation into Crimea and Ukraine, to transport its military invading armies and materials.

Hackers humiliate Putin

5/9/2022: Sharing: Former Russian Prime Minister, Mikhail Kasyanov, Says Putin Is Loosing 


Monday, May 9, 2022

Russians erect staues of Lenin in Ukraine

Russians erect monuments to Lenin in the occupied territories

Author: Internet Cathedral. Publication date: April 30, 2022. Category: Society. Russians in the 

The Russians in the occupied Novaya Kakhovka in Ukraine, as part of the spread of the "Russian world", brought and erected on the central square an earlier demolished monument to Lenin, the chief gravedigger of historical Russia. Also on the central square "liberators" raised the red Soviet flag.

Earlier, the invaders did the same in the captured Genichesk.

The current Moscow "Russian world" is in fact the return of the USSR and its ideology, and nothing else.


# RE: Россияне на захваченных территориях устанавливают памятники ЛенинуПротодиакон Герман 30.04.2022 21:37

Who are the good guys, who are not the good guys - it's hard to say. Some, Ukrainians, are dumping monuments to Lenin, but at the same time to Pushkin and the glorious generals of past centuries, while others, the so-called. Russians are restoring monuments to that freak-sadist.

Well, well ... The dissident writer Al wrote correctly. Zinoviev, that one of the main achievements of the Bolsheviks was that they firmly created a new type of person: Homo Sovieticus.

That some, then others have sailed far from Russian culture ...

Protode. Hermann

# RE: Россияне на захваченных территориях устанавливают памятники ЛенинуМитрополит Агафангел 01.05.2022 01:10

For me and for many who lived in the USSR, there is nothing worse than returning to it, and this picture with Lenin and the red banner means only one thing - this should never, under any reservations, be repeated.

Of course, the culture carried by Ukrainian nationalists is deeply alien to us. But it is a lesser evil than communism and totalitarianism. The fact that the nationalists destroy everything connected with the Russian imperial culture is a direct consequence of the war unleashed by the "homo sovieticus" and massacres, violence and destruction.

The scary thing is that the Soviets connected communism with our past (which, in fact, is incompatible), and the local people, seeing the Russian tricolor, firmly associate it with the current, completely mad, Kremlin regime.

# RE: Российские войска на захваченных территориях устанавливают памятники ЛенинуМитрополит Агафангел 30.04.2022 15:30

Justifying the war, the bearers of the non-Russian world allow the mass murder of civilians for the sake of the "high ideas" of their Russian ideology (it is the desire for mass murder that distinguishes the Soviet person, who has always dreamed of destroying all ideological enemies, from the Russian person).

All their lofty ideology, noisily sung by "patriots", useful fools and KGB-shniks, comes down, as we see, to a return to the Soviet Union.

Well done Ukrainians, Russians and all the peoples living in Ukraine, standing to the death against this non-Russian world.