Saturday, July 21, 2018

Parish patronal feast ROCA Diocese Vladyka Anastassy

Subject: Parish patronal feast in our ROCA Far-Eastern Diocese with Vladyka Anastassy

"Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them!"

РПЦЗ: Престольный праздник на Дальнем Востоке (ФОТО)

 ROCOR: Patronal Feast in the Far East (PHOTOS)

Автор: Митрополит Агафангел.Author:Metropolitan Agafangel.Дата публикации:Date of publication:..Категория:РПЦЗ.Category: ROCOR.
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Фотографии с престольного праздника Святителя Иоанна Архиепископа Шанхайского и Сан-Францисского.

Photos from the patronal feast of St. John the Archbishop of Shanghai and San Francisco
Дальний Восток, Приморский край, Надежденский р-н, с.Far East, Primorsky Krai, Nadezhdensky district, p.Прохладное, ул.Cool, st.Центральная, 12. Настоятель Епископ Анастасий.

Central, 12. Parish-Rector: Bishop Anastassy.

Close-up of the product.
Close-up of the product.
Close-up of the product.
Close-up of the product.
Close-up of the product.
Close-up of the product.
Close-up of the product.
Close-up of the product.
Close-up of the product.
Close-up of the product.

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