Wednesday, January 3, 2018

TWO GOC related article

& TWO GOC related articles-first one found on our ROCA's Internet-Sobor: 1) St. Andrew the Apostle Feast in Peristeri, Attika, Greece and 2) Convent Concert in Etna, California

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Dan Everiss

Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 5:37 PM

Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle in Peristeri, Attika, Greece
Автор: Ольга вкл. Author: Olga etc. 17 декабря 2017 December 17, 2017 . . Опубликовано в ИПЦ Греции (Просмотров: 146) Published in the CPI of Greece (Views: 146)

Во вторник 30-11 / 13.12.2017, отмечался праздник в исторической церкви Святого Апостола Андрея в Перистери Аттика.

On Tuesday 30-11 / 13.12.2017, a holiday was celebrated in the historic church of St. Andrew the Apostle in Peristeri Attika.
В праздник святого апостола Андрея в Божественной Литургии принял участие Первоиерарх Истинной Православной Церкви Греции Архиепископ Калинник в сослужении Архиепископа Иерусалимского Нектария и иеромонаха Аверкия.

The feast of St. Andrew the Apostle celebrated in the Divine Liturgy, was presided over  by the First Hierarch of the True Orthodox Church of Greece, Archbishop Kalinnikos, and co-served by Archbishop Nektari of Jerusalem and Hieromonk Averky.

После окончания Литургии был совершен Крестный ход с участием многочисленных верующих.

After the end of the Liturgy, the outdoor  Cross procession was performed with the participation of numerous believers.

Затем Архиепископу предложили угощение в трапезной церкви, где он также имел возможность обсудить духовные вопросы.

Then the Archbishop was offered refreshments at the refectory of the church, where he also had an opportunity to discuss spiritual matters.
Источник A source

From: Archimandrite Alexis <>
Sent: Friday, December 22, 2017 7:06 AM
To: Archimandrite Alexis
Subject: Convent Concert

From: CTOS
Subject: Convent Concert
Date: 22 December 2017 at 12:50:10 GMT


Ἱερὰ Ἐπισκοπὴ Ἔτνα καὶ Πόρτλαντ, 


by the Choir of the Convent of St. Elizabeth
the Grand Duchess of Russia

Last evening, on December 21, 2017, a very cold night in the village of Etna, six of the fourteen nuns at Convent of St. Elizabeth the Grand Duchess of Russia, who make up the convent’s choir, presented a concert of chants from the Orthodox Nativity services, along with a few Greek carols (Κάλαντα Χριστουγέννων) and traditional western Christmas carols, to the Etna community at a local Protestant church. The chants, hymns, and carols were beautifully and superbly sung in Greek, English, Ukrainian, and Russian. The choir, as one of those attending remarked, "sounded like a choir of thirty voices, instead of six.” There were many teary eyes in the audience, all of whom seemed moved by the concert.

After the event, which attracted, surprisingly, a large percentage of the small Etna community, the convent offered Christmas cookies and refreshments, including fasting items for the Orthodox in attendance. The choir leader, Mother Synkletike, pointed out that the traditional Nativity (Christmas) Feast is celebrated on January 7, December 25 on the Julian Calendar, which is used to determine the Festal Calendar by us “Old Calendar” Orthodox, who keep this ancient part of the Orthodox Church’s traditions.

Not only were those attending the concert fascinated by the Orthodox Church’s unique traditions, but the Protestant church that so kindly offered its facilities for the concert asked the nuns, who also carol at various homes and a convalescent hospital in nearby Yreka during the week following our Orthodox Nativity Feast, if they would be willing to present a similar concert on an annual basis. That last evening’s concert was a successful witness to the Orthodox presence in the small village of Etna is attested by the following gracious letter sent by the editor of the “Scott Valley News” immediately after to the Convent:

Thank you so much for the beautiful concert tonight. Please extend my gratitude to all involved in making this night happen. It was a beautiful picture of God’s hope for Scott Valley — from the wide cross section of the audience, the love expressed by you and the nuns, the photos displayed of our home, to the messages from around the world of God’s grace, mercy and love. Thank you again. Merry Christmas. A pleasure meeting you. Daniel.

Wishing all of you a blessed conclusion to the Nativity Fast, 

† Bishop Auxentios of Etna and Portland

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