Dan Everiss
<oregdan@hotmail.com> | Sun, Dec 31, 2017 at 3:26 PM |
Dear Fr. Elias Warnke in Las Vegas, Nevada, -you whom we have greatly respected and revered-
What. Father, is your explanation to us in the church you have not long ago left, our
canonical ROCA, headed by our lawful & fully canonical hierarch, Vladyka Metropolitan Agafangel and our
ROCA Synod, and then afterwards you joined yourself to the GOC, [not very long ago, it seems], -as to why you have
now, left the GOC, our sister church, also, and joined yourself to our ROCA Mountain View schismatics?
And why was the GOC also not good enough for you?
What is 'wrong' with it?
How has the GOC failed or disappointed you also?
OR is this not the true picture? Is there some other unseen scenario or set of explanations?
Even if I make wild guesses, I simply cannot understand your reasons, or your actions.
What you appear to be doing, makes no logical or sane sense at all.
It is what St. Paul labeled, church dissembling.
And I feel the same about Andronik Kotlaroff and his misguided and blind followers.
We whom you have abandoned, want to know. We have a right to know.
And I shall share your answer, whatever it may be, if I agree with it or not.
Thank you Fr. Elias!
Daniel in Oregon
Truly, you have surprised and shocked myself and others.
We thought very highly of you.
But now, what are we to think?
Please respond.
Found on the schismatics website: :http://rocana.org>

Russian Orthodox Church Abroad Dioceses of Syracuse-St. Nicholas and Ottawa-Canada
Good News!
On Monday, December 18, 2017, Archbishop Andronik accompanied by
Hierodeacon Pavel and two of his parishioners arrived in Las Vegas,
Nevada, where they served the All-night Vigil in the house church
dedicated to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker....
read more
The mission parish of St. Nicholas returns to the ROCA on its feast day
read more
Congratulations to the Bishop of Trenton and North America, the Right
Reverend Stefan, on his 10th Anniversary of Consecration as Bishop,
from the Archbishop of Syracuse and St. Nicholas, the Right Reverend
read more
Congratulations to the Archbishop of St. Petersburg and Northern
Russian, the Right Reverend Sophrony, on his 10th Anniversary of
Consecration as Bishop, from the Archbishop of Syracuse and St.
Nicholas, the Right Reverend Andronik.
read more
On December 1, 2017, a meeting of the ROCA Council of Bishops
(Diaspora District) was held in the Spiritual and Educational Center of
Mountain View.
The Resolution and the Minutes are attached
read more
Feast Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker - a report by hierodeacon Pavel (Lipin)
Good News!
On Monday, December 18, 2017, Archbishop Andronik accompanied by
Hierodeacon Pavel and two of his parishioners arrived in Las Vegas,
Nevada, where they served the All-night Vigil in the house church
dedicated to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The rector
of the church is Protopriest Elias Warnke, the guardian of the
myrrh-streaming icon of St. Nicholas, which has been issuing copious
amounts of fragrant myrrh for almost 20 years already.
Archbishop Andronik led the Divine Liturgy the morning of the next
day; at the end of which, he offered a sermon on the life of St.
Nicholas and how the saint defended the poor and unjustly accused.
After the service, he blessed a Slava Bread (Slavski Kolac)
for a Serbian family that was celebrating their heavenly protector. Fr.
Elias has parishioners of many nationalities; American, Russian,
Serbian, Romanian and others. All are united by their love of the saint
and wonderworker Nicholas.
In the evening of that day, the clergy sang a joyous akathist to the
icon, after which Fr. Elias answered questions from those present, who
had come to venerate the wonder-working icon of St. Nicholas for the
first time. He related briefly the history of
the holy icon and some of the miracles that have occurred in answer to
people’s prayers.
It is gratifying to know that despite all the changes in our church
life, the wonder-working icon of St. Nicholas remains with the Russian
Orthodox Church Abroad and continues to bring comfort to the faithful!
I emailed Fr. Elias Jan 22 asking if he had a canonical release from the GOC to join Mountain View. So far I do not have a reply.