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How the Slavic peoples disappear
Author: Internet Cathedral. Date of publication: January 27, 2018 . Category: Society .

Zoran Milosevic (Zoran Milosevic)
According to 2013, which leads the "Analytical Newspaper", today the Slavic world has about 300-350 million people, and the same number has been assimilated with other peoples. In other words, assimilation literally divided the Slavic world into two halves and did more harm than all wars-first of all, liberation-led by the Slavs. The Slavs "melted" into all neighboring nations: Germans, Hungarians, Romanians, Turks, Albanians, Swedes, Finns, Lithuanians, and also assimilated with each other. Most often the Slavs of the Roman Catholic faith "absorbed" the Orthodox Slavs (Poles - Russians, Croats - Serbs), or the carriers of the "distorted Orthodoxy" (Romanians) assimilated the Orthodox Slavs (Serbs and Russians).
The complex processes that led to the disappearance of different parts of the Slavic peoples began in the distant past, but continue to this day, but the Slavic scholars have not tackled this phenomenon. It is clear that the Slavs are attacked, and that many of them died in different wars. At the same time, the Slavs themselves did not cause the disappearance of any of their peoples - this was facilitated by (enforced) assimilation, which changed their identity. In some cases, assimilation lasted a long time and affected a larger or smaller group of the Slavic people, whereas in other cases, under the influence of foreign power centers, a new Slavic people was formed. True, he had a new ideology and a system of values, and such a people possessed its own culture, political orientations and character, which is completely different from others.
According to the Russian portal, with which the Serbian supporters of autochtonism also agree, the earliest example of assimilation of a large part of the Slav population is the process taking place in the territory of modern Greece, that is, in the Peloponnese. Assimilation ended in the 11th century, and only in the north of this region did the Slavs manage to maintain their identity. Probably the most dramatic situation is in Aegean Macedonia. According to the Turkish census of 1904, Serbs accounted for 85% of the population of Aegean Macedonia (896,494). But the next, the Greek census of 1912, brought data that 326,426 Orthodox and 41,000 Islamized Serbs live in this region, together with 295,000 Turks, 234,000 Greeks, 60,000 Jews, 50,000 Orthodox Wallachians, plus 25,302 Gypsies and 15,108 Albanians. According to the following census, which Greece conducted in 1920, the Serbs were 500,000, and in 1949 - 195,395. Today there are no Serbs in Aegean Macedonia, but there are Greeks who speak the Slavic language (there are ten thousand of them).
Another example of complete assimilation is the "absorption" by the Germans of the numerous tribes of the Polabian Slavs, who from the 12th century were under the rule of the Germans (secular and ecclesiastical). As a result of this assimilation, the Slavs in the east of modern Germany simply disappeared. And only the Lusatian Serbs who lived far from the big trade routes in dense and inaccessible forests managed to save themselves (today there are about 46 thousand of them). The same fate befell the Slavs in the Eastern Alps: there their territory was reduced by two thirds.
Ethnicity in Romania
Especially noticeable was the disappearance (ethnocide) of the Slavs, mostly Serbs and Russians, in the territory of modern Transylvania, Wallachia and Moldavia. The Roman Catholic Church engaged there social engineering: in the framework of the so-called Ardelan school (it was led by the Jesuits) the ideology of "Romanism" was created. According to her, the inhabitants of these three provinces, once even constituting an independent state - the Danube principality, are descendants of the citizens of the Roman Empire. For them, a corresponding Romance language was created, in which at first there were up to 50% Slavonic words, and then, after different campaigns on the "struggle for the purity of the Romanian language", there remained no more than 25%. Therefore, the name of their state (in translation) is more like a joke than an ethnic reality: Romania is a state of Roman soldiers! Millions believe this lie today, but only the most knowledgeable understand the fact that the people of this state are assimilated Slavs.
Direct Romanization of the population in the territory of modern Romania began with a public education - first of all, in Transylvania under the control of the Habsburgs. Negotiations began on the union of the Orthodox Diocese with the Roman Catholic Church, and then Romanization was carried out within the framework of universal school education. Later, Greek Catholic teachers spread the ideas of Romanian nationalism in Transylvania, and after the liberation of Wallachia and Moldavia from the Ottomans, these teachers continued the same work in the literary field. The ideas of Romanian nationalism were spread by educated people who, paradoxically, were mostly foreigners of origin. They were supported by the Habsburg Empire, and then by the French Empire. They influenced the people's consciousness through education, school education, the press and literature.
First, the Jesuit Ladislav Barniai, on behalf of the Roman Catholic Church, negotiated the union of Rome with the Metropolitan of Transylvanian Belgrade (Alba-Julia), Theophilus Seremius (Metropolitan in 1692-1697), who was ready to violate the unity of the Orthodox Church. Metropolitan Theophilus convened the Metropolitan Cathedral in 1697 to agree to a union with Rome. After his death, a new candidate for the place of Metropolitan Atanasiy Angel, arriving in Constantinople for ordination, was forced to swear that he would not agree to a union with Rome.
Atanasiy Angel was the son of an Orthodox priest from Bobyaina. However, after arriving in Alba Iulia, it turned out that the oath for the new metropolitan did not mean anything. Favorable conditions for the conclusion of the union formed when all the hierarchs of the Habsburg empire, headed by Athanasius the Angel (died in 1713) formally agreed to a union with Rome at the new cathedral in Alba Iulia in 1698. Then, in 1700, the union with Rome at the cathedral was approved by the remaining Orthodox hierarchy of Transylvania. All the surviving documents from this cathedral are written in the Slavic language (today Romanians hide this fact, calling the Slavic language "Old Romanian"). However, there are also such scientists as, for example, Elijah Barbulescu, who call this period of the history of Romania "Slavic". But the Jesuits with the Uniates opened an educational institution for the propagation of their own ideology. Later this school was called Ardelanskaya. It was her students who created the movement of the Ardelana school, thanks to which in 1791 there was a political petition of the Romanized Wallachians of Transylvania. The petition demanded the unification of the Wallachian, Transylvanian and Moldovan nations on the ideological basis of revolutionary France. Then, for the first time, a political demand was made to unite the peoples, who today represent the Romanian political nation. Participants in the movement of the Ardelan school became the true creators of the Romanian language and Romanian nationalism and the destroyers of the Slavic heritage in these lands. Unia as a method of the Roman Catholic Church for the conversion of Orthodox to Catholicism, unfortunately, neither the Serbs nor the Russians so thoroughly studied and made the necessary conclusions.
The fate of the Slavs, first of all Serbs and Russians, and in Moldavia was tragic. It is known that Moldavia founded the governor Dragos. The second ruler of Moldavia was the governor Bogdan, who defended the independence of Moldova in the fight against the ugras. In 1512, the Russian (now Belorussian) Francys Skaryna visited Moldova with Queen Helen Brankovic, who gave him money to fight Unia and Roman Catholics. The Romanian Elijah Barbulescu, who was, of course, our academician in the interwar period, argued that before the 17th century, mostly Serbs lived in Moldova, and there was an authoritative theological school. It was visited by theologians, even from the Baltic and modern Western Ukraine (from Lviv) to "study the Serbian language and church singing." We are not talking about the fact that Wallachia and Moldavia were part of the Serbian Orthodox Church (Ohrid Archbishopric and then the Pec Patriarchate), this church was ordained by priests, and it was the Serbian Orthodox Church that created a lot of manuscript books used in the liturgy and education! The Romanian church became independent, just like the so-called Macedonian Orthodox Church, by the decision of the state and only when it was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in 1924 by a volume that granted it the status of autocephalous. Of course, the new autocephalous church switched to Roman and Romanian, as well as the Gregorian calendar.
The discrimination of the Slavs, beginning with the Serbs and Bulgarians that began under the rule of the Ottomans, began in the 15th century and led to their Islamization. Official Istanbul turned it into a state policy and remained faithful to her until the last day. Today, according to Turkish data, about ten million Serbs who converted to Islam live in the Republic of Turkey and two million of the same Bulgarians. Their number in Albania, Macedonia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina is only to be learned. The main consequence of the Islamization of Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina was the appearance of the Bosnians, who thus "fell out" from the Serbian nation, while retaining a very weak Slavic identity. Their cultural and political model is permeated with Islam and adherence to everything Turkish, therefore they do not feel their belonging to the Slavic peoples. The same position is occupied also by Muslim Serbs, Muslims of the Raska region, as well as torbeshes in Macedonia and pomaks in Bulgaria. All of them are rather opponents of the people, from which they came out, rather than its allies.
Austro-Hungarian Germanization
The Austro-Hungarian monarchy pursued a policy of Germanization, although the Germans were only 25% of the population, and different Slavic peoples - 60%. Assimilation was conducted in various ways: with the help of schools, the church union and the system of legislation, according to which, for example, the Orthodox could not become officers without adopting the Roman Catholic faith. Of course, Vienna also adopted the ideology that helped Germanization. Hence, for example, pseudoscientific theories that the ancient Czechs were Germans who assimilated with the Slavs, and the Slovenes were "ancient Germans" who must return to their roots. Austria-Hungary achieved great success in assimilating the Serbs in Transylvania, which they inclined to increase their taxes 18 times to Madyarization, and in secular Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia formed a new Croatian nation from Uniate Serbs and Catholics, which became the "shock fist" of the Vatican and Vienna against the Orthodox Serbs. It is not even worth talking about the ideology of the Ustasha Croats and their hatred of the Serbs and Russians.
The Hungarians captured the primordially Slavic lands of Serbs, Ruthenians and Slovaks, who were soon assimilated. The main method of assimilation in Hungary was the imposition of the Hungarian language. The best structure of the Hungarian nation illustrates the origin of the famous Hungarian poet and national leader Shandor Petofi (Alexander Petrovich) - he was a Serb by his father, and by his mother - by a Slovak. In Hungary, Greek Catholics (Orthodox Serbs and Rusyns) have remained, however, only in the liturgical sense, as they have forgotten their native language.
The situation did not improve in the 20th century. During the Second World War, the process of assimilation of the Slavic population of Europe found a threatening character. The Third Reich wanted to "finally solve the Czech question," that is, to Germanise all Western Slavs. An ideology was advancing, according to which the Czechs are "Germans who speak the Slavic language". The Germans built similar plans for the Poles, Slovaks, Slovenes, Russians, Serbs and other peoples. Hitler was going to flood Moscow and in its place arrange a lake, and send all Russians to Siberia. Pavelic, with the help of genocide, solved the Serbian issue on the territory of the Independent State of Croatia, while Serbia itself was divided and given away to different invaders.
Since the end of World War II, the Albanization of Kosovo and Metohija has been under way, and this project began with the last two letters ("ich") being written out of the surnames, since such names were clearly of Slavic origin. The first to hit were Serb Muslims, and then the Orthodox Serbs began to pursue and kill. The best example of the Albanization of Kosovo and Metohija is the Serbian community of Rafchan (Orahovac and surroundings). Its complete Albanization has not been completed so far, since its representatives, although they associate themselves with the national Albanian identity, consider their native language to be Serbian (although they call it "Rafchan" and "our" language). After "gaining" Kosovo independence, representatives of the community pushed out this part of their identity. According to available information, today the "state" of Kosovo conducts the most severe Albanization of the remaining Serbian population.
The fact that the tragedy of the Slavs was even greater, they themselves took care of. Thus, some states even organized the process of inter-Slavic assimilation, which was successful in view of the closeness of peoples. Poland polonized Russian in Byelorussia and Little Russia (now Ukraine) and came up with the ideology of Ukraine, which led to the creation of a new Slavic nation, consisting mainly of ethnic Russians. Nowadays the situation has taken a tragic turn. The baton of the "derusification" of Byelorussia and Ukraine was later accepted by various centers of power, including Austria-Hungary, Germans (Nazis and neo-Nazis), Bolsheviks, EU, USA ...
The present state of identity of Russians and Serbs is very similar. Today, Russia's national policy copies the course of the times of the USSR in the same way that Serbia copies the policy of the SFRY. This leads to the artificial creation of national minorities and problems. For example, in Russia they claim the existence of some Siberians, Cossacks and so on, and in Serbia - "voevodintsev" and Romanians.
The collapse of the USSR and SFRY again not only plunged the Russians and Serbs into the identity crisis, but also deprived them of natural protection. Representatives of other nations, protected by national states and nationalist ideology, called the Serbs and Russians the main evil of mankind and unhindered to persecute, evict, rob and take away the territories on which they lived. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, there were 119 million Russians in the Russian Federation in 1989, 11.4 million (22% of the population) in the Russian Federation, 3 million in Kazakhstan (37.8% %), in Uzbekistan 1.7 million (eight percent), in Belarus - 1.4 million (13.2%), in Kyrgyzstan - 917 thousand (or 21.5%), in Lithuania - 905.5 thousand (37 , 6%), in Moldova - 562 thousand (13%), in Estonia - 475 thousand (30%), in Azerbaijan - 393 thousand (5.5%), in Tajikistan - 389 thousand (7.6%), in Georgia - 342 thousand (6.3%), in Latvia - 344.5 thousand (9.3%), in Turkmenistan - 334 thousand (9.4%), in A Menia - 51.5 thousand (1.5%). All Russians who stayed outside of Russia were persecuted and restricted their national rights. And in some new states that appeared in the post-Soviet space, for example, in Ukraine, this policy continues, and the rights of Russians are still limited (it is a question of the right to language, education, the media, and so on). In the same situation, ethnic Serbs appeared on the territory of the former Yugoslavia. We add only that 1.4 million Russians live in the far abroad, and most of them are in the US (one million).
The lack of a policy in the sphere of the national question threatens the fragmentation of the Slavic peoples, primarily Russians and Serbs, will continue. However, this process will not bypass the Slavic peoples living in the European Union. Under the influence of Brussels, for example, "mixed marriages" are popularized, although for states whose leadership cares about national identity and national integration, such marriages are undesirable because they lead to national assimilation. In Israel, for example, there is a state program, in which Jews are told about the danger of mixed marriages. But in Russia and Serbia, such marriages are popularized by the media.
History proves that the main factors of the ethnic consolidation of the Slavic population over the centuries were language and culture, as well as internal state policy. The loss of linguistic and cultural characteristics (namely, the meaning of the fragmentation of the Serbian and Russian languages, the replacement of the Cyrillic alphabet by the Latin alphabet, and so on) has always led to the rapid assimilation of the Slavs with strangers to them.
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