A Sharing: ICON + 3 GOC connected articles: 1) Sermon of Met. Demetrius, and 2) Missionary Journey to Southern Germany and Austria, and 3) Message from GOC parish priest in Portland, Oregon, Fr. Photios CooperInbox |
Bless! Taken from the website of the Genuine Orthodox Christians of America today.
Sermon by Metropolitan Demetrius on the Parable of the Great Banquet
Missionary Journey to Southern Germany and Austria
From: Archimandrite Alexis <theshepherd@mac.com>
Sent: Monday, December 25, 2017 10:56 AM
To: Archimandrite Alexis
Subject: Missionary Journey to Southern Germany and Austria
Sent: Monday, December 25, 2017 10:56 AM
To: Archimandrite Alexis
Subject: Missionary Journey to Southern Germany and Austria
> Bless! Taken from the Oropos & Fili website today, a report with pictures on a Missionary Journey to Southern Germany and Austria by Metropolitan Cyprian.
> http://www.hsir.org/pdfs/2017/
Message from GOC parish priest in Portland, Oregon, USA by Fr. Photios Cooper to his flock and to other supporters-
May the Lord bless you and keep you!
The weather is steadily becoming more wintry around the Portland
area, with the possibility of snow in the forecast for the next few
As always, be careful when driving, and if it gets too snowy for
safe driving then do what is sensible. If services are cancelled,
you will hear about it via email, Facebook and if you are local,
by text. If you don't hear anything, we are still having services. The
weather is whacky around here, with some areas getting a lot of
precipitation, and others none at all. So if you wae
up seeing snow, but have no notification of cancellation, assume the
services are still on. If you decide to come, do so safely and with
prayer. If you do not, at least keep the day holy! Sunday is still the
Lord's day, church services or not.
The floors in the basement of the church will be stripped and waxed
on the 1st of January, and will not be usable until the 3rd. Before
that time, anything touching the floors and adjacent walls will be
removed, and so we will not be decorating the parish
basement for Nativity until later in the week. My suggestion is Thursday
or Friday (4th and 5th) can be used to do so.
This year Nativity falls on a Sunday, so I am hoping we see a full
house. The schedule of services is as follows, for those who have not
seen the schedule via Google Calendar I sent out.
Friday 5th, 7pm Royal Hours
Saturday 6th at 8pm Vigil for the Nativity of Christ, with Divine Liturgy
Sunday 7th 12:30 pm Vespers with Festal potluck following.
Sign-ups for which meal folks would like to bring will be in the basement this evening.
I pray that I will see you all soon to celebrate the Feast. Until then keep my family in your prayers, as you are all in ours.
In Christ,
Fr. Photios Cooper
PS: I have had massive issues with Facebook as of the last two months. If anyone has written me on their messaging service, I have not received it. Please use this email address to write to me, as it is reliable in comparison. I am hoping for a
miracle to get all of my technological issues fixed soon. They are many...
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