Dan Everiss
<oregdan@hotmail.com> | Sat, Jan 13, 2018 at 3:58 PM |
Thee O Lord have I hoped. Let me not then be put to shame, in the age to come!"
has granted an inheritance, O Lord, to them that fear Thy name!"
Вечная память: Панихида по Евгению Магеровскому (+eng)
Автор: Митрополит Агафангел. Дата публикации: 13 января 2018. Категория:
18-го января исполнилняется девятая годовщина со дня смерти
Полковника ген. штаба
армейской разведки США
По этому случаю будет отслужена панихида
В субботу 20-го
января 2018г.
в 4 часа дня
В храме Жен Мироносиц
В Синодальном доме
Lake Road
Cottage, NY
о чем извещают
Вдова, дочь, родственники и
друзья покойного
Русской Православной Церкви Заграницей
Русская Академическая Группа в США
Российская Зарубежная Экспертная Комиссия
евгений магеровский,
вечная память
In Memoriam: For the Ninth Anniversary of his passing: Professor EUGENE L'VOVICH MAGEROVSKY
Remembering: LEST WE FORGET!-In Memoriam on the 9th, Anniversary of
his passing, 'White-Russian', Professor EUGENE L'VOVICH MAGEROVSKY :
December 11, 1934-January 18, 2009,
he died on the eve of Theophany 2009, ....
who with his illustrious father, was a life-long fighter
against the Communists and a big promoter of our Continued ROCOR under
our honorable and solidly Orthodox, Vladyka Metropolitan Agafangel. He
loved his real Russia, and he loved his adopted
home, America, and he fought for both.
Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 5:06 PM |
brief updated comment: If he were with us now, there is no way that he
could sympathize, in the least, with these unbalanced
and deceiving Andronik Kotlareoff/Sofrony Musienko/ 'Mountain View'
Schismatics who are determined to divide and destroy our ROCA, and to
pretend that they
are the replacement legitimate/canonical ROCOR, [clearly to the
joy of the successors of the modern KGB/FSB run MP, and the
neo-soviet/communist rulers of his beloved still-unfree-Russia] and
especially so, as he was a constant defender and promoter
of our heroic and much abused & canonical Vladyka Metropolitan
Agafangel, to lead us. It was my extreme honor to be his friend and
confidant and co-worker, even for the relatively short time frame that I
knew him. Even today, I greatly miss our almost daily
long phone conversations and sharing church information. Professor
Evgeni had a long colorful and interesting life, and I had hoped to
learn more from him,
on many varied subjects, from his rich life experiences, but then...suddenly he was gone.
morning of his passing, I got a shocking early phone call from his
long time co-worker and friend, Peter Koltypin, informing
me: "Well, we lost Gene!". I was floored at that sad news.
May God forgive all the sins of his earthly life, and grant him rest in Heaven, near the Throne of the God of Truth, Who can
only abide fellow truth-seekers and truth tellers.
MEMORY ETERNAL! VECHNAYA PAMYAT! to you my dear valued friend, Eugene L'vovich, and MAY YOU REST WITH THE SAINTS!
God grant this!
Reader Daniel Everiss in Oregon
From Portal-Credo.ru, Russian & English, a Short-Biography of Eugene L'vovich MAGEROVSKY-
Comment: Much more could be written about this life-long ANTI-COMMUNIST, a true son of Old Orthodox Christian Russia, and a
very good man's amazing productive life and works.
*He loved his real Russia, and he loved his America, both.
I was very privileged to have spoken to him daily via phone, as his
far-way fellow Orthodox friend and confidant, for about his last year
and a half, up till his sudden passing, on the eve of Holy Theophany,
January 18, 2009, as we both fought that foul bogus
're-union' with Stalin's founded in 1943, 'Moscow Patriarchy', which was a
Kremlin engineered plot from the start of it,
and was not only aimed to subvert/capture the anti-communist
Russian diaspora church people, i.e. to capture ROCOR, but also as
another perfidious fifth-columnist plot against
country the KGB Kremlin gangsters still see, [now lead by KGB agent
dictator Vladimir V. Putin and his gang] as their number one enemy
nation in this world! ..and I know
just how very dedicated he was to freeing his beloved
Russian land and people and church! from the oppressive
godless communist yoke and it's present neo-soviet KGB
controlled debased condition, and returning/resurrecting Russia to
what was
best, most noble in old historic Russia, the real Russia, that Old Orthodox Christian Russia which the reds have murdered off, or virtually totally still do enslave.
Yet his pro-Kremlin propaganda lying slanderers called
him, 'anti-Russian', a 'hater of Russia', and 'working for the CIA',
etc....others claimed that he was 'working for both the KGB...and...the CIA !'. WHAT LAUGHABLE RUBBISH!!! ...(and he did laugh
at that ridiculous propaganda accusation).
He refused any compromise with those who had betrayed, in 2007, a large part of our old free ROCOR,
to the KGB controlled MP 'church'.
And thus, he spoke boldly and, 'rudely'...more so in the Russian
language, but more and more also in English, into the delicate and
semi-closed easily offended ears of many. To them, he was 'strident',
'unpleasant', 'divisive', & 'offensive'.
Many of his critics back then, in
our old ROCOR, preferred to sit ...silently...in their comfortable
rocking chairs, twiddling their thumbs, and wishing & hoping,
that all would.... somehow...magically.... 'get
better'...on its own, without them having to do or say
anything....'upsetting' or severe or strongly worded. They mainly wanted
to be LIKED and approved of by everyone...to somehow PLEASE everyone,
and they FEARED offending... anyone. In hindsight now, we
can see where that do-nothing/know-nothing impotent pacifistic
mentality has lead. If CHRIST Himself, and His 12 Apostles had taken
that same self-defeating-silent/polite mentality,...to please men
rather than God, where would we today even have any Orthodox
Active Orthodox layman, and Professor and U.S. Colonel; (he had a
military burial at Arlington National Cemetery with full military
honors] Eugene Lvovich Magerovsky spoke the truth, no matter who wanted
to hear it...or not.
May his soul now rest near the Throne of the God of Truth, the God Who..... cannot abide.... any.... liars.
Vechnaya Pamyat! and Memory Eternal! to A GOOD HONEST MAN!
Rd. Daniel Everiss in Oregon
19, 2009, 15:55
SUMMARY: Eugene Lvovich Magerovsky (Eugene L. Magerovsky) (+ 18 January 2009)
Eugene Lvovich Magerovsky, known church activist and an active member of
the social movement of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
(ROCOR) - was born on December 11, 1934 in Prague. He was the son of
Lion Florianovich Magerovskogo.
He attended a Russian school in Prague. At the introduction of Soviet
troops into Czechoslovakia, the Magerovsky family moved to the U.S.
occupation zone of Germany. He continued
his education in the Russian Real High School in Regensburg (Germany).
Later he moved with his family to reside permanently in the United
States and he completed his secondary education at George Washington
High School (New York). Then he studied at the City College of New York,
where in parallel with the academic courses, he
also took part in officer courses. He graduated from college with a
Bachelor of Arts. At the same time he received the rank of Second
Lieutenant [ 'Stock'] (1956). He then enrolled at the Faculty of
Political Science and the Russian Department, (and later
-The Garrimanovsky Institute of Columbia University).
In parallel with his studies he taught at various universities. E.
Magerovsky began serving with the U.S. Strategic Intelligence Service [added note: he was not
ever connected to or with the U.S.
Central Intelligence Agency, a totally separate agency of the US government]. After
graduating from the Russian Institute with a Master of Arts, he
started his preparation work for the Degree of Doctor. In spite of his
military service and his teaching,
he successfully defended his work, receiving a Doctorate in history,
specializing in Russian and East European history, and he was a
graduate of Political Science at Columbia University.
As part of his research work, he researched many stacks and archives in
Europe and America. His trustee materials he submitted to a number of
Russian foreign national organizations for storage in the archive:
'Bakhmetyevskaya' of Columbia University. He was
one of the founders, and then deputy head of the Department of Slavic
Studies at New York University. He also served as assistant director of
the Institute of Soviet Studies at Middlebury College, where he taught a
course on the history of Russia and the USSR.
He taught in the department of history at the Institute for the Study of
Modern Russia at Fordham University. He advised the New York Office of
Public Education on matters related to the teaching of the Russian
language and Russian studies, and the establishment
of Russian-English "bilingual" education programs in urban schools. He
has held a number of other academic, research, scientific and
administrative positions. He was a member of a number of American
professional organizations. In his participation in his service
of Strategic Intelligence, he advised the U.S. War Department. He
served as Operations Officer and then -as the Commander of Operations
of the Department of Strategic Intelligence. In the 1970-ies. he spent
several years as an academic
officer in the Army Institute for Russian and East European
Affairs, in Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Germany). Then he served in the War
Office until his retirement. He retired after 35 years of service with
the rank of Colonel.
After this he taught Russian history at U.S. universities. He
participated in seminars and lectured at the University of National
Defense. He was a consultant and advisor to public and private research
institutions in international relations, and in national
defense and national security. He was a Professor and Co-Director of the
Department of Russian Studies at Georgetown University in Washington.
He supervised graduate students of Russian history at Georgetown
University. He was the Co-editor of the "New Journal"
(1980-1986).He was Vice-chairman of the Russian Academic team in the
U.S.. He was Co-editor of the annual "Memoirs of the Russian Academic
Group in the United States." He was Vice-Chairman of the Russian Foreign
Expert Committee to Determine the Fate of the
Remains of Members of the Russian Imperial House, founded in 1989, and
he was an active member of the "Society of Zealots Memory Metropolitan
Anthony (Khrapovitski)" (USA) and one of the lead authors
of "loyalty" ("Fidelity"),
of the Church and Public Publications of the Society. He was an active
opponent of "unification" of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of
Russia (ROCOR -Agafangel) with the Moscow
Patriarchate. After the "unification" of the ROCOR (Lavr-Skurla part)
with the MP, which action he did not agree with, he actively
participated in the creation of the Provisional Supreme Church Authority
(PSCA) ROCOR, headed by Bishop Agafangel (Pashkowsky).
He was a member of the public committee for "The Continuity and Revival
of Russia" (Moscow), whose goal is to promote the societal views and
proposals related to the need to establish a legal and historical
continuity in the modern Russian Federation- that
of the pre-soviet Russia. He was married to Catherine V. (nee Brunst). He resided in Kinnelon, New Jersey, USA.
============================== ===================================================================================================
In Russian, from Portal-Credo.ru:
19 января 2009, 15:55 |
СПРАВКА: Евгений Львович Магеровский (Eugene L. Magerovsky) (+ 18 января 2009 г.)
Евгений Львович Магеровский – известный активист
церковно-общественного движения Русской Православной Церкви Заграницей
(РПЦЗ) - родился 11 декабря 1934 г. в Праге. Сын
Льва Флориановича Магеровского.
Учился в русской гимназии в Праге. При вступлении советских войск в
Чехословакию семья Магеровских переехала в американскую оккупационную
зону Германии. Продолжил
образование в русской реальной гимназии в г. Регенсбурге (ФРГ).
Позже переселился с семьей на постоянное жительство в США и завершил
среднее образование в Джордж Вашингтон Хай-Скул (Нью-Йорк). Затем учился
в Городском колледже Нью-Йорка, где параллельно с академическим курсом
занимался на офицерских курсах. Окончил колледж
с дипломом бакалавра искусств. Одновременно получил чин младшего
лейтенанта запаса (1956). Затем поступил на факультет политических наук и
в Русский (позднее – Гарримановский) институт Колумбийского
Параллельно с занятиями преподавал в разных университетах. Е.
Магеровский начал службу в Стратегической разведке США. Окончив Русский
институт со степенью магистра искусств, приступил к подготовке работы на
соискание степени доктора. Несмотря на военную
службу и преподавание, успешно защитил свой труд, получив степень
доктора исторических наук со специализацией по русской и
восточно-европейской истории в аспирантуре факультета политических наук
Колумбийского университета.
В рамках исследований работал во многих книгохранилищах и архивах
Европы и Америки. Попечитель материалов, переданных рядом русских
зарубежных национальных организаций на хранение в Бахметьевский архив
Колумбийского университета. Один из основателей, затем
заместитель начальника отделения славяноведения Нью-Йоркского
университета. Занимал должность помощника директора Института
советологии при Миддлбери-Колледже, где читал курсы по истории России и
СССР. Преподавал в отделении истории и в Институте по изучению
современной России Фордамского университета. Консультировал Нью-Йоркское
управление народного образования по вопросам, касающимся преподавания
русского языка и россиеведения, учреждения русско-английских
"двуязычных" программ обучения в городских школах. Занимал
ряд других научных, научно-исследовательских и научно-административных
должностей. Член ряда американских профессиональных организаций.
На службе в Стратегической разведке консультировал Военное
министерство США. Служил оперативным офицером, затем – командиром
оперативного отделения Стратегической разведки. В 1970-х гг. провел
несколько лет академическим офицером в армейском институте изучения
России и Восточной Европы в г. Гармиш-Партенкирхен (ФРГ). Затем служил в
Военном министерстве до выхода в отставку. Вышел в отставку после 35
лет службы в чине полковника.
После этого продолжил преподавание русской истории в университетах
США. Участвовал в семинарах и читал лекции в Университете национальной
обороны США. Консультант и советник государственных и частных
научно-исследовательских учреждений по вопросам международных
отношений, государственной обороны и национальной безопасности.
Профессор и содиректор кафедры россиеведения Джорджтаунского
университета в Вашингтоне. Руководил аспирантами по русской истории в
Джорджтаунском университете. Соредактор "Нового журнала" (1980-1986).
Вице-председатель Русской академической группы в США. Соредактор
ежегодных "Записок Русской академической группы в США".
Вице-председатель Российской зарубежной экспертной комиссии по
установлению судьбы останков членов Российского Императорского Дома,
в 1989 г. Активный член "Общества Ревнителей Памяти Блаженнейшего
Митрополита Антония (Храповицкого)" (США) и один из ведущих авторов
журнала "Верность" ("Fidelity"),
церковно-общественного издания этого Общества. Активный противник
объединения Русской Православной Церкви Заграницей (РПЦЗ(Л)) с
Московским патриархатом.
После объединения части РПЦЗ(Л) с РПЦ МП не согласился с этим и
деятельно участвовал в создании Временного высшего церковного управления
(ВВЦУ) РПЦЗ во главе с епископом Агафангелом (Пашковским).
Член общественного комитета "Преемственность и возрождение России"
(Москва), целью которого является популяризация в обществе взглядов и
предложений, связанных с необходимостью установления правовой и
исторической преемственности современной Российской Федерации
от досоветской России. Женат на Екатерине Викторовне (урожд. Брунст).
Проживал в г. Киннелон (шт. Нью-Джерси, США).
Фото с сайта: elmager.livejournal.com
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