The Temple of St. Mitrofan of Voronezh, in Moscow (MP).
Настоятель - прот. Димитрий Смирнов.
Rector Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov.
таким интересным методом пытаются выдавить радость из сердец верующих,
очередное свидетельство отсутствия благодати в храмах, где поминают п.
Кирилла, а там где живет благодать, никакая стимуляция не нужна, сердце и
так радуется, что Христос Воскрес!"
is such an interesting method of trying to squeeze/stimulate ... more
joy.... out of the hearts of believers, a further evidence of the lack
of grace in the (MP) churches, where they commemorate
'Patriarch Cyril'-Gundyaev and where there should be a living grace, where no artificial further stimulation is needed, and so that the heart, simply, rejoices....... that..... CHRIST IS RISEN!" (Килияс Росикос). (Kiliyas Rosikos).
My comments on this:Well.................!
I did just view this short spectacle video, which needs no narration.Other than it being surprising and somewhat disturbing-
I can only make a few wild other-guesses:
This MP priest has some loose screws upstairs, and/or....
he really wants to join some theatrical circus act, and/or....
he is very bored [ as he may be an atheist anyway], with normal slower/more reverent Orthodox worship rubrics,
[ especially after the long tedious lent], and/or he wants to...
some local 'Holy Roller' Pentecostals? [ who jump around when they
worship], ...and/or?..he is just a plain exhibitionist nutty clown?
No doubt, he attracts some people to his services, just to witness his (?),
or for an entertainment laugh?
One wonders if he performs similar liturgical exuberances often, or in his other church services?
One might guess so.
Maybe he thinks that this is how a 'Holy Fool' should act?...and he wants people to see him as that saintly personage?
Also, it is quite possible these days, that he is on some 'upper' drugs.
Many others are.
Rd. Daniel in Oregon, still not eaten by the bears
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