Russian church deals with criticism from within Orthodoxy
RIA Novosti, 22 April 2016
Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church (BOC) called a number of
provisions of one of the documents of the Pan-Orthodox Council,
"Relations of the Orthodox Church with the Rest of the Christian World,"
"completely unacceptable," and it introduced a number of changes into
it, the website of the synod reports.
In particular, it
considered a letter of Metropolitan of Lovech Gabriel regarding the
aforementioned document, which was also signed by priests of the Lovech
diocese, and a similar letter of Metropolitan of Plovdiv Nicholas with
signatures of 240 priests.
According to a report of the
synod of the BOC, in point 5 of the document "Relations of the Orthodox
Church with the Rest of the Christian World," where it says that
"contemporary bilateral theological dialogues . . . have the goal of
seeking the lost unity of Christians," it is necessary "to clarify that
the Holy Orthodox Church, which is one and catholic, has never lost
unity in the faith and communion in the Holy Spirit among Christians,
and it will so continue to the end of the world."
point 6 and a number of other points of the document, the BOC synod
pointed out that "besides the Holy Orthodox Church, there do not exist
other churches, but only heresies and schisms, and to call the latter
'churches' is theologically, doctrinally, and canonically completely
The hierarchs of the Bulgarian church also
called attention to point 12, which says that "the goal of theological
dialogues common for all is the final restoration of unity in the true
faith and love." "This is completely incorrect and unacceptable, because
it is necessary to clarify and emphasize that a return to the true
faith applies to heretics and schismatics and not in any instance does
it apply to the Orthodox Church," the synod's statement says.
also notes that in 1998 the Bulgarian Orthodox Church withdrew from the
World Council of Churches (WCC), expressing its disapproval of its
activity, because it cannot be a member of an organization in which it
is considered to be "one of many churches or some branch of the one
church, which are aspiring to and fighting for unification through this
World Council of Churches."
"The resolution adopted will
be presented and defended as the unchanged position of the Bulgarian
Orthodox Church regarding the text of 'Relations of the Orthodox Church
with the Rest of the Christian World' at the Great and Holy Council of
the Orthodox Church on the island of Crete in 2016," the website of the
synod reports.
Earlier a number of hierarchs of the Greek,
Georgian, and some other local churches expressed criticism of the
aforementioned text and of the document "The Mission of the Orthodox
Church in the Modern World."
!!!In particular, the Bishops' Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR
-M P)
under Hilarion Kapral published a statement, which pointed to "serious shortcomings" in some documents of the Pan-Orthodox Council.
Thus, in the opinion of the ROCOR-
hierarchs, one of the drafts of documents speaks incorrectly about
Christian unity as about something that has been "lost," while nowhere
in the text is the division among Christians defined as the consequence
of schisms and heresies, following the rules of the Holy Fathers and
canons of the ecumenical councils. The ROCOR
synod's statement notes that it is necessary in the council's document
"to declare that the real absence of unity among Christians today is the
loss of the heterodox's unity with the Orthodox Church, and the path to
its healing, which can give humanity genuine unity, is repentance for
schisms and heresies and return to the One Church, whose unity has never
been lost."
In his turn, the head of the Department for
External Church Relations (OVTsS) of the Moscow patriarchate,
Metropolitan of Volokolamsk Ilarion, declared that in improving drafts
of the documents for the council the Russian church will take into
account constructive criticism, which has come from various hierarchs
and theologians. He said that the key point is "the question about the
reception of decisions of the Pan-Orthodox Council." The head of OVTsS
noted that the documents have been published, and they have met "certain
criticism . . . from various parties and from various local churches,
and it is impossible not to pay attention to this factor."
criticism is important so that after the adoption of the decisions at
the council, they will not evoke rejection on the part of our
believers," the metropolitan noted. (tr. by PDS, posted 23 April 2016)
Interfax-Religiia, 16 April 2016
Members of the Holy Synod expressed support for the church course in the area of external relations.
recognize the historic character of the meeting of Patriarch of Moscow
and all-Rus Kirill and Roman Pope Francis in Havana and to note its
importance in the business of uniting efforts in defense of Christians
who are experiencing persecution in the Near East and in Africa and of
the establishment of peace and justice in the land of Ukraine. To
approve the joint declaration signed on the basis of results of the
meeting," the synod's decision, which was published on the website of
the Russian church, says.
The synod called bishops and
clergy to explain to the clergy, monastics, and flock the significance
of the joint declaration of the patriarch and pope, "the text of which
does not touch upon theological, doctrinal, and ecclesiological matters
but points to acute social, political, and moral problems of the present
"The joint declaration of Patriarch Kirill and
Pope Francis facilitated the achievement of a ceasefire on Syrian land
and thereby it helped to save thousands of lives," the hierarchs noted.
pointed to the importance of the call addressed to the international
community that is sounded in the joint declaration of the patriarch and
pontiff "for immediate actions for preventing further displacement of
Christians from the Near East" and for the use of all possible efforts
"to put an end to terrorism with the help of common, joint, coordinated
They also recognized the timeliness of the
concern expressed in the joint declaration for discrimination against
Christians and the crisis of the family in a number of countries as well
as of the call for respect for the inalienable right to life, including
of infants who are in the mother's womb.
Along with this
the session participants touched on topics of Ukraine, which also was
reflected in the declaration of the patriarch and pope. Members of the
synod emphasized that the Unia (Greek Catholicism) "remains an open
wound in Orthodox-Catholic relations," and they declared the importance
of the call for a truce between Orthodox and Greek Catholics which
sounded from the lips of the patriarch and pope.
The synod
hopes that the call of the heads of the Russian and Catholic churches
"will be heard by all sides of the civil confrontation in Ukraine," and
it calls the adherents of the church schism in Ukraine "to return to the
saving bosom of the Orthodox Church."
In addition, the
hierarchs also touched on the discussion regarding preparation for the
Pan-Orthodox Council, which will be held in June on Crete.
of the Synod unanimously noted the impermissibility of condemnation of
the hierarchy because of the above mentioned external church events from
a position that does not contain any theological argumentation and is,
as a rule, only 'emotional assessment,'" the head of the synod's
Department for Relations of Church and Society and News Media, Vladimir
Legoida, told journalists at the conclusion of the synod, as quoted by
his press service. (tr. by PDS, posted 22 April 2016)
Russia Religion News Current News Items Editorial
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Church discipline against dissenters in Moscow patriarchate
Interfax-Religiia, 27 April 2016
of Naryan-Mar and Mezen Yakov inhibited from ministry a priest of the
diocese, Alexander Borichev, who refused to commemorate the patriarch in
the divine liturgy.
"Priest Alexander Borichev became a
stumbling-block by posting on the Internet his video message with
accusations of the hierarchy of the Russian Orthodox Church," the
diocesan press service reports.
As noted in the report,
the dean of the Ust-Vashka district, Archpriest Vladimir Strelnikov, and
parishioners of the city of Mezen "confirmed the fact of the schismatic
actions of the cleric."
Earlier there appeared on the
Internet a video report of this priest in which he accused the patriarch
of the "heresy of ecumenism" after the meeting of the primate with
Roman Pope Francis. (tr. by PDS, posted 29 April 2016)
Moscow-Third Rome, 28 April 2016
Priest Alexander Borichev, who refused to commemorate the head of the
RPTsMP in the divine liturgy after his meeting with the pontiff was
inhibited from ministry. We note right off that any discipline on the
part of a heretical hierarchy applied to a priest or layman, using the
15th rule* of the First-Second Council [Constantinople, A.D. 861], does
not have force and submission to a false archpastor is not necessary.
(tr. by PDS, posted 29 April 2016)
*Rule 15 of the 861 council: "But as for those persons, on the other
hand, who, on account of some heresy condemned by holy Councils, or
Fathers, withdrawing themselves from communion with their president,
who, that is to say, is preaching the heresy publicly, and teaching it
barehead in church, such persons not only are not subject to any
canonical penalty on account of their having walled themselves off from
any and all communion with the one called a Bishop before any conciliar
or synodal verdict has been rendered, but, on the contrary, they shall
be deemed worthy to enjoy the honor which befits them among Orthodox
Christians. For they have defied, not Bishops, but pseudo-bishops and
pseudo-teachers; and they have not sundered the union of the Church with
any schism, but, on the contrary, have been sedulous to rescue the
Church from schisms and divisions." Source: "Canons of the Regional Councils; The First-Second Council"
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Patriarch concerned about recent developments in Ukraine
Interfax-Religiia, 1 May 2016
of Moscow and all-Rus Kirill called Ukrainian authorities not to try to
reshape the religious sphere for political purposes.
is necessary to remind all authorities (of Ukraine—IF): do not touch the
religious convictions of people, do not dabble in church life, do not
try to reshape this life in favor of political goals," the patriarch
declared in an interview on television channel NTV.
primate emphasized that this is dangerous, "and what is most important,
it never leads to the results that the initiators of such pressure on
the church would consider to be desirable for themselves."
current actions of Ukrainian authorities with respect to believers
reminded him of soviet times, when the canonical church was subjected to
persecutions and support was given to schismatics, the so-called
"Unfortunately, in Ukraine today they
are turning to the very same devices in the name of the consolidation of
society. Wasn't it in the name of the consolidation of society in
soviet Russia that persecutions were unleashed? It was necessary to
either reshape or remove socially and ideologically alien people. If the
same thing were to happen in Ukraine now, it would be a catastrophe,"
the patriarch declared.
In Ukraine three Orthodox
religious organizations are operating: the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of
the Moscow patriarchate and two that are not recognized in the Orthodox
world, the Kiev patriarchate and the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox
Church. Since the start of military actions in Ukraine, dozens of UPTs
churches have been seized by schismatics, often with the help of
nationalists and local authorities.
Ukrainian President
Petro Poroshenko has previously often called for the creation in the
country of a local Orthodox church. One of the goals of the initiative
is to separate the UPTs from the Moscow patriarchate.
a draft law was registered in the parliament concerning the special
status of religious organizations whose administrative center is located
in a state recognized as an aggressor country. The authors are deputies
from the "Petro Poroshenko Bloc." The UPTs has criticized this draft
law and sent an appeal to representatives of the European Union. (tr. by
PDS, posted 2 May 2016)
Background articles:
Ukrainian Orthodox seek international support against proposed law April 29, 2016
Ukrainian president pushes anti-Moscow moves April 24, 2916
Ukrainian president says Ukrainians want their own church April 23, 2016
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Moscow patriarch justifies Russian troops' actions
RIA Novosti, 6 May 2016
of Moscow and all-Rus Kirill called the war with terrorism in the Near
East, in which Russian armed forces also are participating, a "holy
war." On Friday the primate of the Russian church, on the day of
commemoration of St. George the Conqueror—the celestial patron of
troops-- performed the divine liturgy in the church of St. George on
Poklonnaya Hill.
"Today, when our troops are participating
in military actions in the Near East, we know that this is not
aggression, this is not occupation, this is not imposing ideology on
anybody, this is not support of some particular governments, this is a
struggle with that terrible enemy who carries within itself evil not
only for the Near East but for the whole of humankind. This is the evil
that we today call terrorism," the patriarch said.
noted that terrorists kill peaceful people who are not in any way
fighting them nor representing any danger and they kill "in order to
intimidate, in order to break somebody's resistance, and terrorism has
brought so much suffering and innocent victims."
today the war with terrorism is a holy war. And God grant that
everybody in the whole world would understand this, so that nobody would
divide terrorists into good ones and bad ones and nobody would connect
the achievement of any of their own often undeclared but powerful in a
political sense objectives with the war against terrorism," the RPTs
primate said.
He recalled that the Great Patriotic War
also was called "holy" from the very beginning. "We did not start the
war, but the enemy invaded our land and began from the first days of
military action to display incredible cruelty, to destroy the civilian
population, to burn villages and to destroy cities," the patriarch said.
said that the Russian troops "can safely be called Christ-loving troops
because they were fighting for the truth, for the motherland, for their
own land, and for the people against a treacherous and cruel enemy."
"And we pray that the armed forces of our fatherland will always, in any
circumstances, remain faithful to that spiritual line that presupposes
the participation of the armed forces only in the struggle against evil
and the struggle for justice and for the salvation of human life," the
patriarch concluded. (tr. by PDS, posted 7 May 2016)
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