Dan Everiss
<oregdan@hotmail.com> | Tue, May 3, 2016 at 8:42 PM |
*Sorry that I earlier missed seeing this link to this original stunning video declaration of Deacon Gennady Kondrashov:
Those fluent in Russian, can hear and understand his own original words here.
For English-only speakers, we have this machine-English version below.
Note: This is the heartfelt and anguished testimony of an unhappy and OPENLY bravely protesting
[no doubt soon to be,- former?] MP deacon, Gennady Kondrashov, who has been a deacon connected to the
(MP) Moscow, Metochion/Podvoriyeh of the Optina Monastery,
and his righteous and very pious BASIC Orthodox complaints.
And his testimony is especially valuable for us, as he is one of those, who has been, INSIDE THE BELLY OF THE BEAST.
Sorry that this is not in perfect English!
(And sorry that I do not have the time to smooth out or to correct this rough -machine English version).
For myself, however, I understood its basics, -imperfect English or not.
It is really nothing new to those of us who are painfully aware of what is so very very wrong with the
founded in 1943, communist front, KGB/FSB run MP 'church' organization,
which is masquerading as, 'The Russian Orthodox Church'.
And this bogus and uncanonical and in APOSTASY neo-soviet organization, is STILL TO THIS DAY,
but a political/'religious' tool of the current criminal gang in the Kremlin,
is what ROCOR/MP Hillarion Kapral and his followers, owe their full loyalty and TOTAL ABJECT
obedience to, [from which they take all of their marching orders from],
their, 'Mother Russian Church ' !!!
Rd. Daniel Everiss in Oregon
Dissociation from the false shepherds (video transcript)
Public announcement by deacon Gennady Kondrashov, cleric of the Monastery the
Optina Desert/Pustin metochion/podvoriyeh in Moscow, for all those who want to preserve the purity of the Orthodox faith.
 Deacon Gennady Kondrashov
this video, father Gennady talks about his separation from the false
shepherds; the heretics in RPC MP hierarchy; the heretical documents;
Jesuits; the destruction of catholicity by fabricated heretical
repression to the Orthodox system; on the compulsory application of rule
15; the discouragement and cowardice in the practice of religion; the
invocation of the Lord that good will prevails over evil! This is the
execution letter of the will of the spiritual teacher Anatoly of Optina.
This is the justification of Optina in the current silence and blame
for all the timid, quienesst, and those with a weak heart, and cowards.
This is a call for victory in Christ and with Christ! God is almighty
and gracious, let the prayers of the Virgin Mary and all the saints give
grace to those who are not afraid to stand up with a new word of
confession for their Orthodox faith! We already see the rays that
come from imperial Russia and its new zealous Orthodox hierarchs.
Message from a deacon: Gennady Kondrashov:
My name is Gennady Kondrashov
and I am a regular deacon of The monastery Optina desert metochion in
Moscow (The Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Yasenevo).
„To the patriarch of Moscow and all Rus’ Kirill.
In February of this year you initiated two apostasy events in the Russian Orthodox Church:
including the heresy of Ecumenism into the Orthodox doctrine via a
document called „Relationships of the Orthodox Church with the rest of
the Christian World“; – and your meeting with the heretic, the pope.
The result of these events was a brutal violation of the basics of the Orthodox Faith – the Church Doctrine.
I decided to apply to you the 15th rule of the Constantinople Double
Council and separate myself from interacting with you. From now on you
are a false Bishop and a false patriarch to me.
Deacon Gennady Kondrashov, the 20th of March, 2016. The triumph of the Orthodoxy.“
order to make the reasons of my action clear, I’d like to analyze the
current Church situation. That’s why I am referring to prophetic words.
I am going to read a prophecy which, in my opinion, the most correctly describes the modern Church situation.
Reverend Anatoly of The Optina Pustyn wrote to his spiritual son:
son! You should know that the last days, according to the Apostles,
will be very hard. Due to the impoverishment of piety there will be
heresies and schisms in the Church. And as Holy Fathers predicted, there
won’t be anymore abbots who are experienced and skilled in the
spiritual life. Because of this the heresies will spread everywhere and
attract many people. The Enemy of the Humankind will act sneaky to have a
possibility to persuade the chosen ones to accept the heresy. He won’t
blatantly deny the dogma of the Holy Trinity, the deity Jesus Christ and
the dignity of Our Lady, but will discreetly distort the Church
doctrine which was given to Holy Fathers by the Holy Spirit, including
the core of the doctrine and its rules. These tricks of the Enemy will
be noticed only by very few, the most skilled in the spiritual life
people. The heretics will take the power over the Church.“
think, the key phrase in this prophecy is „The heretics will take the
power over the Church. They will place their servants everywhere and the
piety will be neglected. The God said: „You shall know them by their
fruits.“ Not by the preachings of the patriarch, not by his great and
„super Orthodox“ words, but by his actions.
I’m going on reading the letter:
God said: „You shall know them by their fruits.“ And you too, my son,
by judging them by their fruits (actions), try to distinguish the
heretics from the true shepherds. These Spiritual Thieves, stealing the
spiritual herds, will enter the God’s Home (the Church) and they will do
it illegally, using force and violating the God’s rules. The Lord names
them the Raiders. Indeed, the first thing they do will be the
persecution of the true shepherds, the imprisoning and expulsions,
because without such actions it will be impossible for the Raiders to
steal the sheep from the spiritual herds. That’s why, my son, as soon as
you see the violation of the God’s ceremonies and rules in the Church,
you should know the heretics are already there, although they will most
likely try to hide their wickedness from time to time, or they will try
to distort the God’s Belief discreetly in order to lure more ingenuous
and inexperienced people into their nets. Not only shepherds will be
persecuted, but also all the servants of God, because The Devil who is
ruling the heresy, won’t tolerate the piety. You can recognize these
wolves in the sheep skin by their arrogance and their lust for power.
There will be slanderers, traitors, people sowing hatred and wickedness
everywhere, and that is why the God said „you shall know them by their
fruits“. The true servants of God are humble, love their brothers and
obey the Church. The monks will be persecuted especially, the monastic
life will be disparaged and monasteries will get empty, very few monks
will remain and they will suffer from violence. However, these haters of
the monastic life who only pretend to be righteous, will try to
persuade remaining monks to come to their side, promising them
protectorship and welfare, and will threaten to exile the disobedient
monks. Due to these threats the fainthearted ones will fall into
despair, but you, my son, be cheerful when you see these times have
come, because at these times even those believers who have no other
virtues apart from being believers, will get crowns (rewards from the
God) just for following the Faith. Fear the God, my son, fear to lose
the crown prepared for you, fear to be separated from Christ and placed
into pitch darkness and eternal torment. Bravely stand by the Faith, and
if necessary, joyfully accept exile and other sorrows, for the Lord
will be with you, and holy martyrs, and confessors: they will joyfully
look at your deeds. But those monks, who choose comfort and peace over
love, and obey the heretics, will regret it. They’ll try to deal with
their conscience, saying „we will save our monasteries from destruction
and God will forgive us“. These poor blind monks have no idea that
demons will enter monasteries along with heresies. So the holy abode
will become noting but the walls where will be no God’s grace any
longer. But the God is stronger than the Enemy and he will never abandon
his Servants, and the True Christians will remain until the end of
time, but they will choose solitary, empty places to live. Don’t be
afraid of sorrows, but fear the harmful heresy, for it leaves you
without God’s grace and separates you from Christ. That’s why the Lord
said to consider a heretic a pagan and a tax collector. So, strengthen
yourself with Christ’s grace, my son, be ready to accept future
suffering joyfully, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ, who said „Be
faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.“
(Revelation 2:10)
In order to make sure that the
heretics already took over the Church, we need to analyze two Church
events which happened in February of this year:
The first event is
an acceptance of a document called „Relationships of the Orthodox
Church with the rest of the Christian World“ which happened at the
Bishop Council (Synod) on the 2-3rd of February, 2016.
We can’t analyze the full document in this video, but I’ll give you its short characteristics.
Firstly, this document is obviously heretic,
it contradicts the Church Doctrine and the 9th part of The Apostles’
Creed, and it claims as if there are some other churches and „other
Christians“ who don’t belong to the Church and it says we should seek
for the unification of the churches, because, according to the heretic
authors, the unity is lost. This document justifies the activities of
The World Council of Churches, but we know that the members of this
Council are equal, they all sign a basic document saying they detach
themselves from being the holders of the Ultimate Truth, so that means
the Orthodoxy doesn’t hold the God’s Truth any longer, and it’s a
heretic statement. The Orthodox Faith claims that there’s the only one
Church which is not divided into any other churches, there are no
Christians who don’t belong to the Church, because people who separate
themselves from the Church become schismatics and heretics. The Holy
Fathers never called such people Christians. The Church of Christ is
united and it’s an unchanged and eternal feature of the Church. That’s
why there’s no need for us to seek for a pseudo unity with heretics and
schismatics. The name of this document is heretic itself as well –
there’s no other Christian World beyond the Church.
Beyond the Church, there’s only the world of schismatics and heretics and it’s not Christian World.
The second characteristics of this document is that this is a false document.
It claims as if the Church took part in the ecumenic movement since the
day it was created and this is a lie, because we know this movement was
created by the masons and protestants. They spent years to involve the
Orthodoxy into this process, that’s why it’s impossible to claim the
Church was involved into Ecumenism since the beginning.
document doesn’t hesitate to lie about our God Jesus Christ, because in
order to justify this heretic movement the authors cite the words of the
Lord: „all of them may be one“ (John 17:21). We should point out that
John 17:21 tells us about the high priest prayer of Jesus Christ, but
this prayer involve only the Children of the Church, because the God
himself says: „I pray for them; I do not pray for the world, but for
those You have given Me, because they belong to You.“ (John 17:9) So the
Lord prays only for his True Children: „My prayer is not for them
alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their
message“ (John 17:20) and this prayer is not addressed to the heretics
and schismatics, but to those who are faithful to the Church and the
The problem of the Church unity is falsely created by the Ecumenic heretics.
The Lord said: „that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in
me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may
believe that you have sent me“. So you can see the unity of the God and
humans is based on the correct interpretation of The Holy Trinity,
that’s why the Church was always concerned about the correct doctrine.
The heretics want to separate the unity and the faith. Claiming there’s
no unity in the Church is the same as claiming the Church no longer
The authors of this document don’t hesitate to spread lies,
because the 4th paragraph of it says: „Constantly praying for the
unification of everyone, the Orthodox Church always maintained the
dialogue with separated from it close ones and distant ones.“ This
statement is a lie. The Orthodox Church has never prayed for the
unification of everyone. It has never prayed for the unification with
the schismatics and heretics. The Church only prayed for their
repentance, so they could come back to the Mother Church.
feature of this document is that the authors use psycho technics to
manipulate the readers into accepting the false statements.
Every Church document should be full of the Holy Spirit, but it’s
impossible to imagine the Holy Spirit using such cunning language.
The second event which shows us that the Church is under the rule of the heretics is the patriarch’s meeting with the pope.
Firstly, who is the pope?
A great saint and prophet of the Greek Orthodox Church Cosmas of
Aetolia tells us that „the pope is antichrist, anathematize him“. How
valid is this statement? The word „anti“ means not only „against“, but
also „instead“. What status the pope has, according to the Latins? If we
look into a doctrine about the primacy of the Bishop of Rome, we will
see the obvious replacement of the image of Christ by the pope. So the
pope misappropriated the authority of Christ on the Earth. So in this
meaning it’s true – the pope is the antichrist, because he replaced
Christ. Moreover, if we look into other Latin doctrines, we will see
than the pope did not only misappropriated the authority of Christ, but
even became higher than him. One of the Catholic theologians said: „the
sin of rejecting the pope is worse than the sin of rejecting Christ“. So
the pope is not only a heretic, but is indeed the antichrist.
But what happened at the meeting? A fraternization! I’m sorry, but if Kirill fraternized with the antichrist pope, then who is Kirill himself?
Obviously, he’s the same kind of antichrist. Isn’t it so?
It was not only a fraternization, but also an acceptance of the same
faith, because after the meeting the pope told the journalists „we have
the same faith and we are both holy hierarchs“. Kirill was smiling and
nodding while listening to the pope and he never protested.
This meeting wasn’t political, but deeply mystical, for it legalized the Latinism in the eyes of the Russian Orthodoxy.
Secondly, it was sad to read the articles of our patriots
who applauded the patriarch’s status on this meeting, saying he was
equal to the pope and so on. My dears, let’s face it: the Catholic
doctrines say that the catholics can’t be equal to others including the
Orthodoxes, it’s against their ideas. For the pope we are the
schismatics who should bow down to him. What equality are you talking
about? The only exception was made for the judaism, but all the others
for the catholics are the objects of enslavement.
Thirdly, we have to remember about the Metropolitan of Leningrad and Novgorod Nikodim (Rotov), who was a crypto-catholic. The
catholics claim he was also a secret cardinal. Moreover, according to
his own words, the best what catholicism has is the Order of the Jesuits
which is a satanic cult existing in the structure of catholicism. Even
the Europeans were horrified by the deeds of this Order and asked the
pope to close it. Rotov did not just love this Order, but he even made
friends with some of its members. Meanwhile, he used very strong
Orthodox rhetoric in his speeches.
My prognosis is, the patriarch
Kirill will do the same – using „super Orthodox“ rhetoric while
contacting to the heretics. We shouldn’t be deceived by such speeches.
Our king Christ said: „You shall know them by their fruits.“ The
Reverend Gabriel Urgebadze said: „there will be time when the servants
of the antichrist will be serving in the churches and they will tell us
the Evangelic words.“ But the Reverend told us that we shouldn’t only
listen to words, but also pay attention to their deeds.
Back to the
Metropolitan Nikodim. It is silly to believe that the Jesuits who
closely interacted with Nikodim, didn’t pay attention to his closest
circle, and it is known that Kirill belonged to this circle. From this
point of view, it’s no wonder that the historical meeting of the
patriarch and the pope occurred after the jesuit pope was elected. Now
you see that when the pope says „we are brothers“, it makes evil sense.
The 4th and very sad thing about this meeting is that it reminds us about 30 pieces of silver. The
result of the meeting was a so-called Final Declaration which contains
30 paragraphs. This declaration accepts the status of the latin church
and the pope. It contains a joint prayer and a joint benediction and
also it contains an altering of the Liturgy. But this declaration is not
the most important thing. The more important is that straight after the
end of the meeting the pope said „we’ve been talking for two hours and
no one knows what we were talking about“. So the declaration was created
for the dummies. The real purpose of this meaning was something else.
This meeting’s purpose was announced as a „protection of Syrian
Christians“, but it’s also a lie. The Christians of Syria have been
suffering for 5 years already, but neither the current pope nor his
precursor ever paid attention to this subject. The pope never did
anything to protect Syrian Christians and never condemned the perishing
of them. Why it suddenly happened now, when the most of Syrian
Christians are either killed, or evicted from their homes? Everyone with
a common sense can see this „purpose“ is nothing, but an excuse.
Another thing about this meeting. It’s
upsetting to see the deception of our media. Before the meeting they
claimed this meeting had nothing to do with the planned Ecumenical
council. Meanwhile, foreign media claimed the opposite – they said the
meeting was related to this council, and the pope said the same after
the meeting. So what were they talking about during the meeting? Nobody
knows. The patriarch and the pope never told us. I think, it’s
appropriate to guess that the meeting was an attempt to perform the
catholicization of the Russian Orthodox Church, because there’s a
prophecy saying the Russian Church will be catholicized. That’s why it’s
appropriate to guess there’s a high chance of Kirill’s betrayal. He
already violated the Apostles rule #34 which says the Orthodox Church
doesn’t have the ruler, the real ruler of it is God himself, and the
patriarch is only the first among other archbishops and he’s not allowed
to make any decisions about the Church status without an approval from
all the others.
And the last and probably the most important thing
about this meeting is that the pope is implementing a project of
creating the religion of the antichrist. He already said in December
that 2015 was the last year when the catholics celebrated Christmas.
Then, during his meeting with the president of Iran both the pope and
the president announced that 2016 will be the year of extreme changes.
Also, the Jews announced that there’s the antichrist among them already
and they are going to identify him in October. That’s why when the
patriarch takes part in such meeting means not only his betrayal, but
also his collaboration in creating the religion of the antichrist.
Now let’s talk about the management structure of our Church. It
was changed. If we look at the Church Statute from 1988, we will see
that the main authority belonged to the Local Council of the Russian
Orthodox Church which consists of bishops, priests and the laity. After
1988, the Local Council lost the biggest part of its authority. Now,
according to the latest changes, the Local Council has only two
competencies: – electing the patriarch of Moscow; – and approving the autocephaly.
The rest was taken away from the Local Council – now it doesn’t even
have a right to defend the purity of creed. What a horrific situation,
isn’t it?
Now the main authority belongs to the archbishop Council. Let’s see what the Archbishop Council is. The latest Council clearly showed us what it was.
Firstly, the latest pre-council meeting happened behind the closed doors. No one knows what happened there, because journalist were not allowed to attend it.
Secondly, the members of the Council had no possibility to approve the fundamental document
„Relationships of the Orthodox Church with the rest of the Christian
World“ simply because it was released on the 28th of January and the
pre-council meeting took place on the 2-3rd of February, so they simply
hadn’t enough time to read and analyze the document properly. Obviously,
such situation was created on purpose in order to make the members on
the Council to sign the document without reading it.
Thirdly, from all what I heard about the latest pre-council meeting, they didn’t even discuss the document! One
or several bishops attempted to start a discussion, but the patriarch
immidietely cut them off. No one was allowed to say a word about it,
because the decision was already made. But who made it? Maybe, it was
made by those international structures who control Kirill? So we can see
that formally the Archbishop Council has the full authority, but in
fact, the patriarch fully controls the Council.
And it’s not hard to
notice that now the management structure of the Russian Church became
exactly the same as the Latin Church has – the patriarch, just like the
pope, has all the authority.
Another important moment: now
every archbishop during their ordination gives a vow personally to the
patriarch, which is nonsense for the Orthodox Church, because they, as
the servants of God, are supposed to give their vows to the God only,
but not to a human. But such things are typical for the pope’s church.
So the prophecy was fulfilled. The heretics took over the Church.
What we, the clerics and the laity, are supposed to do in such
situation? According to the Church Canons – and these Canons were not
created by the mind of humans, but were given to them by the Holy
Spirit, there’s a solution. There are two Canons which describe what to
do when a bishop is a heretic:
– The 15th rule of the
Constantinople Double Council says if a bishop is a heretic, everyone
should separate themselves from interacting to him. According to this
rule, you can’t be called a schismatic for separating yourself from
heretics, on the contrary, you prevent the Church from the schism. – The 3rd rule of the Council of Ephesus says children of the Orthodox Church should never obey heretic bishops.
we all stood for our Faith, the heretics wouldn’t have the courage to
continue with their harmful actions. While we keep silence, the heretics
do whatever they want. Isn’t it a shame we have silent shepherds who
don’t protest? They were called by the Holy Fathers „dogs who are not
barking“ – useless dogs who don’t protect their herds.
It’s the
first time in the Russian Church when all the archbishops present signed
a heretic document – so all the main archbishops these days are the
Isn’t it a shame for the Russian Church? We guess, there’s
only one way to retunt you back into the Orthodoxy. Firstly, it’s
starting a rebellion and declaring a disagreement with the ecumenism.
Secondly, it’s a cancellation of your signatures under the heretic
We were happy to hear a statement made by a bishop Longin
(Zar). So far he’s the only bishop who officially rejected the heresy of
the ecumenism. He also officially condemned the meeting of the
patriarch and the pope.
Apostle Paul said: „if the God is with you, who can be against you?“
If you stay faithful to Christ, the Holy Spirit will make you fearless.
I selected for you several lines from John the Apostle’s Revelation Book:
„To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.“ “ The one who is victorious will not be hurt at all by the second death.“ „To
the one who is victorious, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will
also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it,
known only to the one who receives it.“ „To the one who is victorious
and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations—
that one ‘will rule them with an iron scepter and will dash them to
pieces like pottery’—just as I have received authority from my Father. I
will also give that one the morning star.“ (Revelation 2) „The
one who is victorious will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never
blot out the name of that person from the book of life, but will
acknowledge that name before my Father and his angels.“ „The one who
is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again
will they leave it. I will write on them the name of my God and the name
of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of
heaven from my God; and I will also write on them my new name.“ „To
the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my
throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his
throne.“ (Revelation 3) Dear Fathers! Jesus doesn’t need cowards. We are obliged to win.
In the end, when the Lord shows to John the Apostle the New Jerusalem,
when the Devil and all his servants, the antichrist and those who
accepted him will be thrown to hell, when the new Earth and new Heaven
will be created, the Lord says: „those who are victorious will inherit
all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children. But the
cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually
immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars —
they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the
second death.“(Revelation 21:7-8)
we are making a choice: are we going to be cowards and keep silence?
Such behaviour is not humbleness. First of all, we should be humble in
the eyes of the Lord, and secondly, we should be humble in the eyes of
human, but only if he guides us to the way of salvation. A heretic
bishop doesn’t guide us to the way to salvation, so we mustn’t obey him,
but we must separate ourselves from him and condemn him. That’s why we
must make a choice – if we are the winners, Christ will give us
everything and we will be his children, but if we are the cowards, our
destiny is a lake of burning sulfur. What do you prefer? Having your comfort or fighting for the Faith until the end?
Source: 3rm.info
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