Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Live Video Putin's visit to Mt. Athos

General Sharing for those who have the time: Live Video of Putin's -along side of 'Pat' Kyrill's delegation: Visit to Mt. Athos, this Month of May, 2016

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Dan Everiss

Tue, May 31, 2016 at 1:26 PM

This somewhat long video does not actually begin till: 1:37:40
The sound does not actually start till:  2:01:33
And it is mostly in Greek, but with some questions addressed to Putin,
and his answers in Russian, translated from the Greek, etc.

I have not yet watched this whole video, so I dare not comment yet.
Take it for what it is.....if nothing else good, at least it gives us a few glimpses
 of how things look on a part of Mt. Athos today and its great natural beauty,
 a very holy place in Orthodoxy for many long centuries.
As to Putin's pomposities and shenanigans,... !!!
Rd. Daniel

Video Theophany (no narration)

Inspirational Sharing: a Video (without any speaking): The Great Theophany Blessing of the Waters: Going With Vl. Athanasius in Vladivostok

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Dan Everiss

Tue, May 31, 2016 at 12:10 PM

"Let him who would be the first among you, be the servant of all."

ROCA pilgrims visit GOC Monastery in Fili

General Sharing: ROCA pilgrims, lead by Metropolitan Agafangel, Pay Respectful Visit to Monastery of Sts. Cyprian and Justina, in Fili, Greece

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Dan Everiss

Tue, May 31, 2016 at 10:56 AM

*From article on:<http://internetsobor.org>


Посещение монастыря Киприана и Иустины (ФОТО)

 Visiting the Monastery of Sts. Cyprian and Justina (PHOTOS)

Автор: Митрополит Агафангел вкл. Author: Metropolitan Agafangel incl. . . Опубликовано в Старостильные Церкви (Просмотров: 66) Posted in Old Calendar Church (Views: 66)

30 мая исполнилось 3 года со дня смерти Митрополита Оропосского и Филийского Киприана.
 May 30 is 3 years. from the date of the death of Metropolitan Cyprian of Oropos and Fili.
Прибывшие в этот день в монастырь Киприана и Иустины Митрополит Агафангел, Архиепископ Георгий и протоиерей Леонид молились за Божественной Литургией, а затем приняли участие в служении панихиды по почившему.
Arriving on this day in the Monastery of Sts. Cyprian and Justina,  Metropolitan Agafangel,  with Archbishop George and Archpriest Leonid,  prayed in the Divine Liturgy, and then took part in a requiem service for the departed, Metropolitan Cyprian.
 После службы была встреча в комнате для приемов, где присутствующие поделились воспоминаниями о владыке.
After the service, there was a meeting in the monastery's  Reception Room, where those present shared their memories of Vladyka Cyprian..

Фото с игуменией и насельницами монастыря в честь св. Photos from the abbess and nuns of the monastery in honor of the Holy Angels

In Greece: Church sponsored blood bank

Orthodox Christian Caring About Others In Need: In Greece: Church sponsored blood bank

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Dan Everiss

Mon, May 30, 2016 at 4:40 PM

> From: info@saintedwardbrotherhood.org
> Subject: Church sponsored blood bank
> Date: Mon, 30 May 2016 09:02:59 +0100
> To:
> > From the website of the Metropolis of Fili & Oropos:-

V. Putin is Enthroned as the New Byzantine Emperor!

Amused Sharing: V. Putin is Enthroned as the New Byzantine Emperor!: 

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Dan Everiss

Mon, May 30, 2016 at 4:27 PM

This article found on:<http://internetsobor.org>

 The President of Greece refused to visit Mount Athos because of the fact that Vladimir Putin the  Russian president, did not agree to give him the royal throne; [i.e. the Abbot's throne],  in the Athonite Monastery temple of the Protation, in Kayres. Автор: Монахиня Вера вкл. Author: NUN VERA  . . Опубликовано в Мониторинг (Просмотров: 17) Posted in Monitor (Views: 17)
Президент РФ Владимир Путин в ходе своего визита на Святую гору Афон 28 мая оспаривал у президента Греции право сидеть на императорском троне, сообщает "Религия в Украине" .
Russian President Vladimir Putin during his visit to Mount Athos on May 28, challenged the President of Greece for  the right to sit on the imperial throne, said , "Religion in Ukraine" .

Путин прибыл на катере в главный порт Афона — Дафни, откуда на автомобиле отправился в административный центр полуострова — Карею.
Putin arrived by boat to the main port of Mount Athos - Daphne, where the car went to the administrative center of the peninsula - Kayres.
 В греческих СМИ отмечаются невиданные ранее меры безопасности: везде были рассажены снайперы, в акватории плавали аквалангисты, мобильная связь на полуострове была полностью отключена.
The Greek media noted  the unprecedented security measures: all around  the area there were seated snipers, divers swam in the waters, and all mobile telephones on the peninsula had been completely disabled.

В Кареи Владимира Путина встречал президент Греции Прокопис Павлопулос, министр иностранных дел Никос Коцьяс, его заместитель Яннис Аманатидис, и.о.
In Kayres, ,President Vladimir Putin met Mr. Prokopis Pavlopoulos, Foreign Minister Nikos Kotsyas, his deputy, Yiannis Amanatidis, acting
 министра агроразвития Маркос Боларис, гражданский губернатор Афона Арист Касмироглу, представитель Константинопольского патриархата митрополит Милитский Апостол и прот Афон о.
 Minister Markos Bolaris  of  agriculture development, the Civil Governor of Mount Athos, Arist Kasmiroglu, and representative of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, Metropolitan of Militsky, Apostle and Archpriest of Athos. Павел Лавриот. Paul Lavriot
В храме Афонского протата в Кареи был совершен торжественный прием Владимира Путина.
In the main temple of Athos, of the  Protation,  a reception for Vladimir Putin took place in Karyes..
Однако президент Греческой Республики на нем отсутствовал — из-за конфликта, который самая влиятельная газета Греции “Кафимерини” назвала “Игрой престолов”.
 However, the President of the Hellenic Republic  was absent - due to the conflict, which in the most influential Greek newspaper "Kafimerini" was called "A Game of Thrones".
Спор возник по поводу того, как посадить вместе двух президентов, если почетное место, которое обычно занимает предстоящий за литургией архиерей (исторически его мог занимать и император), одно.
The dispute arose over how to put together the two presidents, if the one  place of honor, i.e. the Abbot's Throne,  which usually is occupied by the current server of the Liturgy, the bishop   (which throne historically, could be borrowed by the Byzantine Emperor, if he was present in the church).
Президентская служба главы Греции отказалась усаживать его в обычную стасидию ниже Путина, а афониты отказались ставить рядом другое архиерейское место для греческого президента.
The presidential office of the head of Greece, refused to arrange to seat the President of Greece,  in the usual position, [ in that throne chair],   but below Putin, and the Athonite  government,  refused to put the Greek President  next to Putin, or in another place usually reserved for  a bishop.
 В результате президент Павлопулос принял решение не участвовать в мероприятии, что, как отмечает греческая пресса, весьма раздосадовало Путина.
As a result, the Greek President Pavlopoulos, made ​​the decision not to participate in the event which his refusal , as the Greek press, reported, was: very annoying to  Putin.

Прот Святой горы о.
 Speaking for the Holy Mountain ....
 Павел Лавриот призвал Путина к установлению мира.
 Paul Lavriot,  called to Putin for peace, and ....
 На необходимости мира позже акцентировал внимание и президент Греции.
On the need of the world to... later..be,   focused on the  President of Greece.
 Он сказал, что государственный правитель, посещая Афон, имеет возможность принять важные для своей страны решения.
He said that the State Governor, about visiting on Mount Athos, has the ability to make important decisions for the country.
Эти решения должны основываться на принципах “гуманизма, солидарности, справедливости и мира”.
These decisions should be based on the principles of "humanism, solidarity, justice and peace."
Он отметил, что Греция уже живет по этим принципам, а Россия лишь к этому идёт.
He noted that Greece has lived on these principles, while.... Russia only recently has come to them.
 Он также подчеркнул то, что Афон — это неотъемлемая часть греческой государственности.
 He also stressed that  Mt. Athos - is an integral part of the Greek state.

Неожиданно Владимир Путин поблагодарил Константинопольского Патриарха Варфоломея, которого он назвал Вселенским, и главу Элладской архиепископии за оказанное ему гостеприимство.
Suddenly Vladimir Putin, thanked Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, which he called the Universal-head,  and the head of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese  which had extended its hospitality to him.
«Я здесь второй раз и всегда чувствую особую теплоту, доброту и самое лучшее отношение не только ко мне, как главе российского государства, а к русскому народу, народу в целом», — цитирует его ТАСС.
 "I am here for the second time, and I always feel a special warmth, kindness and the best attitude not only to me, as the head of the Russian state and the Russian people, but from  the people as a whole", - quoted  Tass.
Как пишет " Лента.Ру" , в ходе визита глава России присутствовал на кратком молебне в храме Успения Богородицы.

 According to " to Lenta.Ru" , during the visit of the Russian leader, he  attended a short prayer service in the church of the Assumption of the Virgin.

 На молебне была вознесена молитва с прошением о здравии, жизни и милости раба Божия Владимира с семейством и окружающих его (в 2013 году Путин развелся с супругой).

 In the prayer service, there  was prayed  for:  a special  petition  for the  health, life and the grace for  the servant of God, Vladimir, together  with his family and those around him (in 2013, Putin had divorced his wife).

От имени Протата Путину была подарена икона “Христос на троне” — копия знаменитой фрески Мануила Панселина.

On behalf of the Church of the Protation,  Putin was presented with the icon "Christ on the Throne" - a copy of the famous fresco by Manuel Panselina.

Служба безопасности президента РФ тщательно проверила икону на наличие внутри нее взрывчатых веществ, просветив ее рентгеновскими лучами.

 (The Russian president's security service carefully checked for the possible presence of there being  inside of the icon, explosives, examining it by   X-rays.)

 Также тщательно проверяли на предмет ядов традиционное афонское угощение — лукум и ракию.

 (Also they carefully checked for possible poisons in the traditional Athos visitors'  treats:  - Turkish delights (sweets) and brandy).

Константин Малофеев, предприниматель и меценат РПЦ МП из окружения Патриарха Кирилла (Гундяева), ранее участвовавший в прямой поддержке сепаратизма в Крыму и на Донбассе, а теперь освещающий через свой телеканал "Царьград" визит Путина на Афон, заявил , что на Афоне свершилась "интронизация" Путина.
Konstantin Malofeev, entrepreneur and philanthropist of the ROC [MP] in Patriarch Kirill's entourage (Gundyaeva), previously participated in direct public support of the 'separatism from Ukraine of the  Crimea and Donbas', and he now promoted,  through its news channel: "Constantinople",  Putin's visit to Athos, and he said 'that on Mount Athos was accomplished.... [The "Enthronement of Putin"!!!]
 Комментируя занятие президентом РФ почетного места в храме, которое по его интерпретации ранее занимали византийские императоры, Малофеев представил событие как сакральный знак, "метафизику геополитики".
Commenting on the Russian President's occupation of THE place of honor in the church, this Throne, which in his interpretation was only  previously occupied by the Byzantine emperors, Malofeev presented the event as a SACRED SIGN , under his label of: The "metaphysics of geopolitics." !!!
Источник A source 

Tearful end for faithful Catholics

Insight into the actual workings of the Church of Rome, - Tearful end for faithful Catholics, a Sad Storey Repeated Many Times Over: More Proof that The Only Things the Roman Catholic Church cares about are : Money and Worldly Power, Not Souls

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Dan Everiss

Mon, May 30, 2016 at 2:26 PM

 In America, with our huge Roman Catholic population, we see this story repeated over and over:
 with the numerous Catholic church properties,
 most of them lavish and large ornate churches, monastic buildings, hospitals, schools, shrines, colleges,
seminaries, nursing homes, and other mostly large institutions
-many of which are located on very valuable [ in money value], real estate,...we see the Catholic diocesan bishops,
 with Rome's full backing and approval, -evicting the faithful Catholic people who built them, [usually by
 force- by civil court and police actions!],
 and then selling them off to the highest bidder, often not even caring as to what use [ religious or secular, even shameful
purposes, as making them into taverns, etc.] they will then be utilized for! 
The Catholic bishops, declare them: "De-sanctified!"...something unimaginable to we Orthodox.
Often the poor bewildered local Catholic people are then told,
piously, by those same arrogant diocesan bishops to: Go to some other nearby parishes, if you can find such..
When the people then take these cases to American civil court, to SUE their own bishops, the courts, almost always,
base their decisions on 'Church Laws'. i.e ancient canons, [ which early universal canons  we Orthodox also must
 deal with, somehow,  today],
  giving... 'all..... diocesan properties..... as exclusively belonging  to the actual ownership of the current ruling diocesan bishop,
 and which are IN HIS NAME'. And when he dies, then his episcopal successor, as bishop, gains that same ownership.
(In modern American civil law: the 'diocesan bishop' is thus,  'the corporation sole').
Thus the poor homeless Catholic faithful, who built those churches and maintained them for years and years
and who still pray in them and who WANT and need them, are thrown out on the street and they have no voice at all
 in their being made homeless and without their parish homes,  by their own Church!
And when these all-powerful and pompous local Catholic bishops give, to the news media,  as their reasons for this,
 they always say the same lame excuses:
'That parish is poorly attended & is dying,  it does not bring in enough income per month to justify keeping it,
it is too costly to keep the buildings in good repair, and we just do not have enough priests [ the 'priest shortage']  to
 serve in it', etc,. etc., etc.
Also regarding former huge Catholic institutions:  [mostly former Catholic parochial schools but also hospitals and colleges, etc.]
 "We no longer have the [unpaid, free-labour] brothers or nuns to run them,"....the 'monks and nuns shortage'., 'not many going into those vocations'.
Then there is one of the real  central economic reasons, which they usually do not publically address:
Because of the many past or even recent  'sexual molestation' immoralities of their FORCED-celibate, Catholic clergy
...which in recent times [ in many countries] has been taken to civil courts,  and usually by born Roman Catholic males,
 but also by some women too, who claim being molested or sexually otherwise used, by priests, even long ago,...
and surely at least some  of them very likely have concocted  such  false claims in order to receive high monetary court settlements, 
 and in which the Catholic Church customarily usually looses- whole Catholic dioceses here in America, have had to declare bankruptcy, and to sell of much..or even ALL....
 of their valuable properties [ usually, of course,  against the will of the local Catholic faithful], in order to PAY ENORMOUS COURT ORDERED LAWSUITS!. usually many millions of dollars in EACH lawsuit!
...and then be forced to officially, "CLOSE"... i.e. be erased and subsumed into other dioceses, with all of their diocesan properties gone, even their former diocesan administration buildings.
What astounds me, as an Orthodox Christian,  is what numbers of parish members their bishops consider 'low numbers of church attenders' as a prime excuse for closing SO MANY of their local parishes, and also, 'insufficient monthly parish income', etc.
In many of these 'condemned' Catholic parishes, we see those churches FULL of people, but...they do not yield 'enough monthly income' (set at very high rates by their bishops, and not in the control of their local parishes, AT ALL), to justify keeping them open. The Vatican is not getting what it demands.
After-all, to build their mammoth  St. Peter's Basilica, in Rome,  they provoked the Protestant Reformation and caused enormous schisms in western Christianity, and wars and much bloodshed, ....all for the sake of MONEY and POWER.
In an Orthodox context, we would be overjoyed to see so many local  faithful  praying in and filling our churches, and whatever their monthly parish income, we Orthodox simply  MAKE DO! with; (and as we Orthodox do not have to send to Rome our specified monthly Papal 'stipend' to support, 'The Sole Vicar of Christ'.)
Also too, if we Orthodox do not have a resident  or regular priest, then we can do routine READER SERVICES, with a priest to serve Liturgy and giving us the sacraments, coming when he can.
So what happens to these made-homeless-by-their-own church, poor Catholics? (for whom I feel much sympathy).
Some go to some local Protestant churchs, others become church-less and even become anti-Catholic, some end as atheists, and then...some, others...become interested in Orthodoxy.
But their impious Catholic church could care less what happens to them or their souls!
Such is the sad state of the current and till heretical Roman Catholic Church, which cares only about its money and power, as it always has in the past. But, it is loosing  those riches and powers of this world, now, not gaining them,  even as whole formerly Catholic nations, as in South America, are becoming Protestants...or atheists.
Even Catholic Ireland is turning against its Catholic roots.
And yet, this is the  post-Christian mess, that our  foolish 'Orthodox Ecumenists' want us to join with???
Rd. Daniel

Note: In  reports about this particular parish, it is mentioned that this church sits on 30 plus acres of very valuable coastal front land, which must be worth many millions of dollars,... many!

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Links to Act of Glorification & to Photos

More Sharing: Links to Act of Glorification & to Photos

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Dan Everiss

Sun, May 29, 2016 at 5:25 PM
To: Dan Everiss 


Synodal Act of Glorification (Ἁγιοκατάταξις)

of Our Father Among the Saints Chrysostomos, Former Metropolitan of Phlorina the New Confessor
The great Apostle Paul says concerning the Righteous Moses that he preferred rather “to share ill treatment with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season, accounting the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt: for he looked unto the recompense of reward” (Hebrews 11:25-26). Emulating this Prophet and God-seer, the ever-memorable Chrysostomos, former Metropolitan of Phlorina, preferred to undergo countless hardships and persecutions, together with the people of God of the Genuine Orthodox Christians of Greece, than to enjoy comfort, honors, and riches by conformance with the innovating Hierarchs.
Chrysostomos Kabourides (as he was known in the world) hailed from Madytos in that most Hellenic region of Eastern Thrace, being born on November 13, 1870, the day of the commemoration of St. John Chrysostomos, whose name he received. Loving God from his youth and desiring to offer himself to the service of the Church, he studied the sacred science of theology and was ordained a Deacon of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. Elevated to the ranks of Presbyter and Bishop, he served as Metropolitan of Imbros, later of Pelagonia, and thereafter of Phlorina, attaining distinction as a preacher of the true Faith and a teacher of virtue in deed and word.
Being a “zealot according to knowledge” of the traditional Faith, the ever-memorable one opposed every contrivance against the Orthodox Faith and took part in the formation of the Holy Synod of the Church of the Genuine Orthodox Christians of Greece, over which he subsequently presided illustriously. Having proved to be an excellent Shepherd of the reason-endowed flock of Christ in difficult times of apostasy from the right Faith, and having championed the Faith handed down by the Fathers in deed and word into hoary age, he completed the course of his life on September 7, in the year of salvation 1955.

In view of the naturally engendered recognition of him as a Confessor and wonderworker by his contemporaries and those who came after him, and taking into consideration all that His Eminence, Metropolitan Cyprian of Oropos and Phyle set forth by report and proposal, which was affirmed by the Holy Synod, when he made a formal motion concerning the incorporation of the aforesaid Hierarch into the choir of Holy Confessors and Hierarchs, we, the least of all Bishops, constituting the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Church of the Genuine Orthodox Christians of Greece, beholding his God-pleasing life and conduct, his indefatigable struggles and toils on behalf of the Orthodox Faith and of piety, and taking thought for the spiritual benefit of the faithful—his renown having been made manifest before us, in that the Lord has shown that his precious Relics, replete with spiritual fragrance, bestow miracles, being preserved in a silver reliquary in the Holy Convent of the Dormition of the Theotokos in Parnes, Attica, where the blessed one was buried and where they are already set out for veneration by the faithful unto their sanctification—have resolved, in consonance with the Divine Fathers before us and following the customary practice of the Church, to ascribe to him, too, the honor befitting holy personages.

Wherefore, we declare Synodally, decree, appoint, and enjoin, in the Holy Spirit, that henceforth and unto all eternity the aforementioned, ever-memorable Chrysostomos, former Metropolitan of Phlorina, be numbered in the choir of Holy Confessors and Hierarchs of the Church, being honored in annual Divine services and rites by the pious body of the faithful and acclaimed in hymns and encomia on the 7th of September, the day of his repose, to his honor and to the glory of our God, Who is wondrous in His Saints, Who glorifies the Saints, and Who is glorified in their holy commemorations and sacred solemnities.

In proof and assurance thereof our present Synodal Act was executed, having been drawn up and signed, according to the sacred Procedural Protocols of our Most Holy Church of the Genuine Orthodox Christians of Greece, on the eighth day of the month of May, in the year 2016.

Confirmed in Parnes [Greece], in the year of salvation 2016, on the fifteenth day of the month of May.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Alex Spiroglou 
Subject: Synodal Act of Glorification (Ἁγιοκατάταξις)
Date: 29 May 2016 18:43:35 GMT+01:00

Photos Glorification of St. Chrysostomos the New of Florina

And A General Rejoicing Sharing: Best Photos yet!: From the Divine Liturgy at the Holy Dormition Monastery, in Greece, for the Glorification of St. Chrysostomos the New of Florina,

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Dan Everiss

Sun, May 29, 2016 at 11:30 AM
*This article found on:<http://internetsobor.org>

*The joy of a newly glorified Orthodox Saint!

"The memory of the righteous is celebrated with hymns of praise!"

Oh our Holy Father, St. Chrysostomos the New of Florina,

 Photos from the Divine Liturgy at the Holy  Dormition Monastery in Greece GOCАвтор: Митрополит Агафангел вкл. Author: Metropolitan Agafangel incl. . . Опубликовано в Старостильные Церкви (Просмотров: 6) Posted in Old Calendar Church (Views: 6)
Фоторепортаж прославления святителя Хризостома Флоринского в Успенском монастыре в Греции.

Photo report of the canonization of St. Chrysostom the New of Florina, in the Holy Dormition Monastery in Greece.
IMG 1517

Источник A source