Saturday, June 6, 2015

Abbess Juliana tells truth about church seizure in Chile – (Alexandra works for MP)

Reader Daniel forwarded two Internet Sobor comments made by church-thief  "Alexandra" who, according to Abbess Juliana's witnessing, dictated the entire seizure operation.

To  Dearest  Abbess Juliana,

 If you want your comment to these negative and false ones, put on 
THEN PLEASE compose your comment in good Russian [which you know very well] and send it to:
1) Eugene Vernikovsky  
2) and to: Metropolitan Agafangel
3) and to Nun Vera


EVERYONE  needs to read the truth,  which you know, not more lies from these church robbers and servants of the MP.

Your true friend and supporter of some years now, 
 Reader Daniel Everiss in Oregon

And, I pray that you and Fr. Benjamin and your loyal flock, would finally join our ROCA, where you belong!

FIRST comment by this 'Alexandra':
 # RE: Московская патриархия захватила Троицкий храм в Чили — alexandra 03.06.2015 13:54 
Господа, на самом деле все было наоборот. Полиция по приглашению о. Вениамина пришла изгонять из храма епископа Иоанна, но в действиях епископа не нашла состава преступления. Комиссар посоветовал о. Вениамину и иже с ним пойти в гражданский суд и там разбираться, так как полиция занимается уголовными делами.
Храм владыке Иоанну открыли представители Правления Кладбищенского Общества, в собственности которого находится постройка. Копию ключей сделали за несколько дней до этого. О. Вениамин имеет свой собственный ключ от алтарного входа и может им пользоваться когда ему заблагорассудится.
Все написанное в статье полная ложь. А отец лжи вы сами знаете кто есть.
Епископ Иоанн Каракасский и Южноамерикански й утром в субботу, 30 мая с.г. посетил о. Вениамина и в присутствии Президента К.О. вручил ему Указ о смещении с места настоятеля Троицкого прихода в Сантьяго. о. Вениамин угрожал вызвать полицию, если епископ вступит в храм, что и исполнил. Человек слова, надо отдать должное

# RE: The Moscow Patriarchate seized Trinity Church in Chile - alexandra 03.06.2015 13:54
Lord, in fact it was the opposite. Police at the invitation of. Benjamin came to cast out of the temple of Bishop John, but in the actions of the bishop found no corpus delicti. The commissioner advised about. Benjamin and others like him to go to a civil court and there to understand, because the police in criminal cases.
Bishop John Temple opened by representatives of the Board Cemetary Company, which owns the building. A copy of the keys made a few days before. O. Benjamin has his own key to the altar entrance and can use it as he pleases.
Everything written in the article a complete lie. And the father of lies you know who is.
Bishop John of Caracas and South American th in the morning on Saturday, May 30 this year, I visited about. Benjamin, and in the presence of the President of the KO I handed him the decree on removal from the place rector of Trinity parish in Santiago. about. Benjamin threatened to call the police if the bishop would enter the temple that fulfilled. Man of his word, we must pay tribute

SECOND Comment by this 'Alexandra':
 # RE: Московская патриархия захватила Троицкий храм в Сантьяго, Чили — alexandra 04.06.2015 04:51
Сантьяго, 31.05.15
Дорогие братья и сестры!
Сегодня был особый, очень значимый день. Впервые за много лет в храме Пресвятой Троицы и Иконы Казанской Божьей Матери в Саньяго была совершена служба епископом Русской Православной Церкви Заграницей. Можно считать, что храм и приход при нем вернулиcь в лоно Русской Православной Церкви, к которой принадлежали с момента основания. Службу совершал владыко Иоанн Каракасский и Южноамерикански й, который находится с визитом в Чили. В богослужении участвовали прихожане русско-сербской общины Николая Сербского и общины Св. Нектария Пентапольского.
Надеемся, что храм Пресвятой Троицы и станет центром русского православия в Чили, местом встречи для всей русской общины, иммигрантов разных волн и их потомков, родившихся и выросших в Чили, людей с такой разнообразной и сложной историей. Мы хотели бы чтобы радость о возвращении прихода в Русскую Православную Церковь разделили бы все русские люди, считающие себя православными

# RE: The Moscow Patriarchate seized Trinity Church in Santiago, Chile - alexandra 04.06.2015 04:51
Santiago, 05/31/15
Dear brothers and sisters!
Today was special, a very significant day. For the first time in many years in the church of the Holy Trinity and the Icon of Kazan Mother of God in Sanyago service he was made bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia. We can assume that the church and the parish when it vernulic to the bosom of the Russian Orthodox Church, to which belonged since its inception. Service made lord John of Caracas and South American th, who is on a visit to Chile. The worship service was attended by the parishioners of the Russian-Serbian community and the Serbian community Nicholas St. Nectarios.
We hope that the temple of the Holy Trinity and will become the center of Russian Orthodoxy in Chile, a meeting place for the whole of the Russian community, different waves of immigrants and their descendants, born and raised in Chile, people with such a diverse and complex history. We would like to return to the joy of the arrival of the Russian Orthodox Church would divide all the Russian people, who consider themselves Orthodox

10am June 4 shows 21 comments on the Internet Sobor post about the Red Church (Rocor-MP) seizing the independent White Church.

VERY Rough machine-English translation:
# RE: The Moscow Patriarchate seized Trinity Church in Santiago, Chile - Archpriest Eugene 04/06/2015 7:34
It is not clear in 1997 helped drive the o.Berzinsh m.Iualianiyu of Sv.Zemli, he also was to the clergy of ROCOR and was not even the Chief of the Mission, then there ruled ep.Varnava? 
But I was interested in another story with "en" John. In 2007, he is listed as Schema-abbot, he himself is demonstrated, wearing the red cross on a nun's cowl - eg the Greeks. Because with this question: being a clergyman of the ROCOR, ie Russian tradition of monasticism, hirotonisuyut why his bishop? We know that: "The monks who take great schema, which assumes perfect renunciation, usually leave the execution of church posts, go to bed. Rule 2 nd Council in the church of Saint Sophia, according to which the bishop, who took vows, to be removed from the pulpit in a monastery in the monastic life, we have included reference to the bishops who take great schema, because literally this canon we can not be applied as posed in the bishops of the Russian Church certainly precedes vows. It is clear that he accepted the great schema with the bishop does not lose his dignity, but only loses power of the bishop. A similar procedure is installed and accepted the great schema monasteries governors and other officials in the priestly or diaconal dignity. "

The body of the 2 canon of the Cathedral of St. Sophia in: "Although until now, some bishops nizshedshie in the monastic way, amplified prebyvati high service a bishop and takovyya ostavlyaemy actions were ignored: but this holy and ecumenical council, limiting such nedosmotrenie, and returning these things is tolerated order to effect the ecclesiastical statutes defined: If any bishop, or someone iny arhiereyskago san voskhoschet in dreams in monastic life, and articles on a place of repentance: such future already so does not seek consumption arhiereyskago dignity. For vows monashetsvuyuschih contain a duty of obedience and discipleship, not of teaching, or of command they promise not to other's mouth, but the flock be alone. Togo's sake, as the above recheno, resolve: Yes, none of which are in the class of society bishops and pastors did not come down himself to the place of his flock and penitents. If thou but whoever dares sotvoriti this, after the declaration of recognition and enforcement proiznosimago current definition: such, removing himself from arhiereyskago place, but still not back to dignity, which itself has postponed the case. "

# RE: The Moscow Patriarchate seized Trinity Church in Santiago, Chile - Metropolitan Agafangel 04/06/2015 8:02
Unfortunately (or unfortunately) ROCA seriously concerned these rules. Ow. Anthony (Medvedev), as bishop took the schema. And I buried him in the schema (as I said, ow. Laurus). 
In St. John the Earth (Berzins) was living at the time. He has always been a supporter of the MP.

+2 # RE: The Moscow Patriarchate seized Trinity Church in Santiago, Chile - Archdeacon Hermann 04/06/2015 14:14
"From." or "en." John Berzinysh was always eccentric and loved to play, some very "spiritual role". I remember once we were together with him for the week in Jordanville. He was some kind of all absorbed in prayer, with the strange hats and Old Believers of the Rosary. It instills the impression that standing next to him was to feel his insignificance. And in fact, he showed his guts now was simple and philo-empeshnym priest. And now, a lack of training in the diocese entrusted to him, decided to expand its field of action and brazenly, Soviet-style, captures people's property.

Mother Juliana correctly writes that he, as the Holy Land, complicit in her exile from there. Ow. Barnabas was not there and his hands still took Vl. Mark, appointing himself an observer! Cunning and a little cowardly man VI. Mark. rushed to the Holy Land, explaining Metropolitan Vitaly, he did it for the good of the Church Abroad (!), as the most geographically close to the Holy Land Bishop. Then he was still afraid of Vl. Metropolitan, pretended to help him fully. But then showed his real face and even "boasted" that he allegedly had to shout at the Metropolitan, to force him to sign a letter of apology silliest e Arafat, probably composed by Mark ... 

It is recalled that the seizure of power in the Holy Land was committed Vl. Mark in two steps: first, not udavshayasya, an attempt in 1995. In August of that year, our Holy Nikolaevs cue the arrival in Lyon (both on the evil!) organized the pilgrimage. Arriving there and unsuspectingly we found poor abbess in complete disarray: in her arms was her airline ticket with a strict instruction Vl. Mark always get out on to the Holy Land. Understand the situation, we immediately entered into direct contact with a completely misinformed nym Vl. Metropolitan, explaining it all a scam behavior Vl. Mark, who can assume much dislike us for it! And my mother was able to spend two more years at the head of the Mt of Olives monastery, protect the interests of the Church Abroad. The second attempt, in 1997, unfortunately, proved to be successful with all the well-known bitter consequences. 
It's just a few touches for fans of "secret history"! 
Protodeacon. Herman

-2 # RE: The Moscow Patriarchate seized Trinity Church in Santiago, Chile - Alexandra 4.6.2015 2:31 p.m.
Dear Archdeacon Herman! I do not know about your business in St. Earth, do not judge me, I was not there. But in Santiago de Chile, I was personally svideytelstvuyu that Bishop John of Caracas and South American th at the invitation of the Board of the Company Cemetary, owner Trinity Church. By the way, under the Charter of the Company's Cemetary, ROCOR bishop of our diocese is the Honorary President of the KO And your speculation "... insolent, Soviet-style, captures people's property ..." did not have a reason. You're lying void sumyashasya our internal affairs and the compromising everything else is writing about and its dignity in the process.

-1 # RE: The Moscow Patriarchate seized Trinity Church in Santiago, Chile - Alexandra 4.6.2015 twenty-nine past three p.m.
Protodiyakon Herman! Here are the minutes of our meeting, and the decision on the invitation of the bishop of the church to address the challenges that we as a society people can not solve: [url shown in original on Internet Sobor] in paragraph 10 skazno that since the arrival of ungovernability is necessary to invite the representative of ecclesiastical authority, that is, the bishop of our diocese to restore good governance. And here's our letter. Benjamin with a lot of useful things proposed and said about the historical pereemstvennost and lines protodiyakon German, and only then express their opinion.

-5 # RE: The Moscow Patriarchate seized Trinity Church in Santiago, Chile - Alexandra 4.6.2015 4:51
Santiago, 31/5/15 
[Alexandra's 2nd comment shown above]

+2 # RE: The Moscow Patriarchate seized Trinity Church in Santiago, Chile - Internet Council 06/04/2015 11:59
You read, turns out so well that they had cast out of the temple 89-year-old priest who built it and served there for 34 years. Kicked out with all his flock. So as you've probably never wake up.

-3 # RE: The Moscow Patriarchate seized Trinity Church in Santiago, Chile - Alexandra 4.6.2015 12:17
The Lord is with Internet advise the Council to familiarize himself with our problems and not take our word for lying to people. Priest of the temple no one chased. His own hierarchy is removed from the parish. For disobedience and schism. There is a decree of the bishop, who ministers to legally all the parishes of the ROCOR Synod of Bishops of New York to South America. Our parish in its history submitted ROCOR Synod of New York and any other Synod and your "Synod", too, has nothing to do, it is not clear for what reason are you interfering in our affairs. That's a legitimate bishop came to his canonical territory, and not to you in Odessa, among other things. Board of him, as the law has opened up the hierarchy access to the temple. Temple is not the personal property of. Benjamin and Iulyanii Abbess, and public ownership of KO So the decision of the Board is completely legal. Besides, y o. Benjamin has always had his own key to the altar. Engage your best friend Mikhail Nazarov, in the case of New York Synod, and it controls the parishes do not go, remain silent - for thou shalt smart.

+1 # RE: The Moscow Patriarchate seized Trinity Church in Santiago, Chile - Internet Council 06/04/2015 14:26
"Father and put on nachal peacefully razskazyvat what happened, that he Vlad. [John] byl dnem yesterday, and that on prosil did not go unto nash hram. At nas temple prazdnik not serve because we never obeyed and are not going to be and now MP Sh. " Wake up, alexandra, you justify such conduct in relation to the 89-year-old man. Conscience do you have? In this situation all obvious. Synod also registered in our New York. And your Synod nothing to do with the historic ROCOR Synod has not, because you have betrayed everything.

-1 # RE: The Moscow Patriarchate seized Trinity Church in Santiago, Chile - Alexandra 4.6.2015 fifty-six past two p.m.
Inernet Cathedral, your "synod" was first in Odessa, and then in New York, decided to open a branch, it is necessary to copy everything to confuse people. But not in this case even, and that you pop your nose into other people's business. Interfere in the affairs of others (ROCOR Synod of Bishops of New York) and the arrival of a foreign non-governmental organization (Russian Orthodox Cemetery Society Living in Chile). Publish all sorts of nonsense and lies are not really bothering to study the situation. 
As a tool for catching up recommend our blog: 
[url published here in original on Internet Sobor]
Looks like your level of work - the pressure on the psyche compassionate and poorly informed people's.

# RE: The Moscow Patriarchate seized Trinity Church in Santiago, Chile - Internet Council 04/06/2015 15:20
On your link I found out that the cemetery society something like a funeral with a collective membership, not more. Even among you, not all Orthodox. This company is not difficult to manipulate. Why 8 years thought before the old man on the street to drive? And our Synod in Odessa has never been. But you certainly do not lie. Do people like you lie?

-2 # RE: The Moscow Patriarchate seized Trinity Church in Santiago, Chile - Alexandra 4.6.2015 twelve thirty-six
And another. You then labored to represent "true Christianity", and so, you are bad prayed before such an important issue and ask for blessings is not right. You publish lies about us and now I know for myself that all the public Internet Cathedral, absolutely, the same lies and distortion of both the events in our parish in Sanyago. Congratulations

+3 # RE: The Moscow Patriarchate seized Trinity Church in Santiago, Chile - Eugene 04.06.2015 twelve forty-four
Sorry, Alexander, but whether or not your words, "all the public Internet Cathedral, absolutely, the same lie" to refer to the statements of Metropolitan Filaret of Moscow Patriarchate, which are also published on the Internet Council, and to which, apparently, are you?

-3 # RE: The Moscow Patriarchate seized Trinity Church in Santiago, Chile - Alexandra 4.6.2015 1:27 p.m.
Firstly it is not necessary to define me at once into the ranks of the parishioners of the Moscow Patriarchate, which I never belonged. Our parish, once again I say, refers to the ROCOR Synod of Bishops of New York. Internet Cathedral is free to publish the works of various authors, from the Metropolitan Filaret lo Karl Marx. This is not about philosophical views and interpretations of events that highlights the Internet's Cathedral. Since the information about the events that occurred in our country, is a lie, it means that all the other similar cases "capture" and "Exile" is a lie. And do not, Eugene, distort and hide the back of Metropolitan Filaret.

# RE: The Moscow Patriarchate seized Trinity Church in Santiago, Chile - Metropolitan Agafangel 04/06/2015 3:45
On Saturday night, I was at Ste Zoe (she lives close to the church). Around 16-40 I saw in the window as Bishop John left the house with the package, which contained the priestly vestments. I realized that the bishop goes to the temple to perform the service. Immediately I called Michael Krys'ko, keeper of the temple, and said that will happen soon. He told me that already knows everything, as in the temple have gathered a group of people, supporters of Bishop John. I said that the need to protect the temple and not to allow outsiders to the altar, to which Michael replied, inviting me to come and see what happens. Wasting no time, I went to church, taking a tape recorder and a mobile phone to keep filming. Approaching the church, I saw Sergei Chakin standing opposite the church gates. I asked him what was going on inside the temple, and he said that the bishop is already at the altar, preparing to launch the service, and that he Chakin already called the Carabinieri. Then came M. Krys'ko. Meanwhile, I went to the temple, made a shooting worship with choir and took photocopies of the Decrees of the Synod on the status of the Diocese and of the Chilean. Benjamin. About 10 minutes after that came the car patrol. She met S. Chakin, and began to explain the reason for the call Carabinieri, showing text of the decree. This conversation was also attended by M. Krys'ko, and add your comments. S. Chakin explained that you need to wait rector. A few minutes later he came about. Benjamin dr. Juliana and other parishioners. After a brief dialogue with the carabinieri, all took place in a conference room for further discussions.

# RE: The Moscow Patriarchate seized Trinity Church in Santiago, Chile - Metropolitan Agafangel 06/03/2015 16:02
"In this picture," noble hearts "thieves in our Holy Trinity Cathedral in Santiago, Chile, Street Holanda, celebrate the Holy Trinity. The church was captured on Saturday night 
as you can see, there are not many! 

Most parishioners those with [ROCOR MP / E. John], they openly admit that they are atheists, and "Democrats" Mother Church does not interest them! 

Choirmaster Anastasia went to pick up his musical books and found that the locks for all doors and gates are changed. 

As Benjamin could not get their vestments given to him during his 73 years of service in the church. 

Built 34 years ago as the Cathedral they got on a gold platter.

That same person [ROCOR / MP En. John], helping to expel me from the Holy Land in 1997, first in Hebron and then to the Mount of Olives, and in 1946 his "spiritual" ancestors Megapixel kicked us expelled from Ain Karem, our monastery visits, Gorny. My favorite is the monastery where I spent my childhood (since 1938.). 

I ask prayers. I believe in miracles. 

May God be merciful to her father, Benjamin, who 89 years. 

If they want to pray, why steal the Church Abroad? MP has a lot of money to build. I asked one of them, the answer is no. " 

Abbess Juliana

-3 # RE: The Moscow Patriarchate seized Trinity Church in Santiago, Chile - Alexandra 4.6.2015 9:28
Abbess Iulyaniya, it looks like you not read the Holy. Scripture and did not notice that it says that it is a lie = mortal sin. You know perfectly well that we have only made a copy of the key to the side door of the church, while about. Benjamin is, except the key, and the key to the entrance to the altar, and he can easily pick up their garments and so on., And also the liturgical books. Knowing that, in respect of keys you're lying, we can assume that lying and about everything else expulsion from Hebron, etc.

# RE: The Moscow Patriarchate seized Trinity Church in Santiago, Chile - monk Nikandr 03/06/2015 15:44
"Old Believers"!

+2 # RE: The Moscow Patriarchate seized Trinity Church in Chile - Metropolitan Agafangel 03/06/2015 15:04
[Vl. Agafangel translates Abbess Juliana's letter into Russian]

-6 # RE: The Moscow Patriarchate seized Trinity Church in Chile - Alexandra 03/06/2015 1:54 p.m.
[Alexandra's 1st comment shown above].

+4 # RE: The Moscow Patriarchate seized Trinity Church in Chile - Metropolitan Agafangel 03/06/2015 7:32
I have always said that we would successfully defended if those who had been in the ROCA would be together now. But, unfortunately, I did not hear

Abbess Juliana asks that this be posted on Internet Sobor

Alexandra says
  Епископ Иоанн Каракасский и Южноамерикански й утром в субботу, 30 мая с.г. посетил о. Вениамина и в присутствии Президента К.О. вручил ему Указ о смещении с места настоятеля Троицкого прихода в Сантьяго. о. Вениамин угрожал вызвать полицию, если епископ вступит в храм, что и исполнил. 
  Bishop John of Caracas and South American th in the morning on Saturday, May 30 this year, I visited about. Benjamin, and in the presence of the President of the KO I handed him the decree on removal from the place rector of Trinity parish in Santiago. about. Benjamin threatened to call the police if the bishop would enter the temple that fulfilled.

Мы все предстанемъ предъ Престоломъ Божiимъ и на Страшномъ Суде,  будутъ открыты наши деянiя   
Правда посетилъ  влад. о  Веньмиеа.  НО ПОВТОРЯЮ.накакого указа не было вручено ему  ни въ этотъ разъ. ни въ прошлый. когда Г-жа  Сподина прочитала вамъ на собранiи.
Добвалю  и еще,  кто то изъ стоящихъ сказалъ  про  чтенiе указа Сподиной  онъ улвбнулся, пожал плечами, и сказал." я не принадлежу ему  (влад) этотъ указ, даже бы я и получил не обратил бы внимания. он не имеет права надо мной."      
Указов небыло. мы съ Мариной въ субб. переоблачали нашу часовеньку съ белаго въ зеленый, когда влад пришелъ  съ К.Акккнтьевысъ к о. Веньямину. 

We all predstanem pred Prestolom Bozhiim and Strashnom Court, it is the co-discovered our deyaniya

True posetil Vlad. about Venmiea. BUT POVTORYaYu.nakakogo decree was not delivered unto him, neither etot connector. nor unto the last. When Ms. Spodina read vam on sobranii.

Dobvalyu and again, someone iz stoyaschih skazal about chtenie decree on Spodinoy ulvbnulsya, shrugged, and said. "I do not belong to him (Vlad) etot decree, even had I received would not pay attention. He has no right to me."

Decrees nebylo. we will be with Marina unto Subba. pereoblachali our chasovenku Sh Belago unto green when Vlad prishel Sh K.Akkkntevys to about. Benjamin.
Abbess Juliana

More information from Abbess Juliana  – Must be read and known by all

Павел Проценко: Повышенное внимание КГБ к Русской православной церкви отмечалось с самого начала советской власти именно потому, что коммунисты всегда сосредоточивались (они были отличные тактики) на той главной силе, которая могла им больше всего навредить и противостоять. А церковь пользовалась огромным авторитетом в народе, поэтому они с самого начала решили ее нейтрализовать.
Нед. иг. Iулiанiя

Paul Protsenko: Increased attention to the KGB Russian Orthodox Church noted from the start of Soviet rule, precisely because the Communists have always focused (they were excellent tactic) on the main force that could hurt them the most and to resist. And the church enjoyed great prestige among the people, so they decided early on to neutralize it.
Abbess Juliana
Александр Подрабинек: Кто еще из иерархов Русской православной церкви сотрудничал с КГБ? Что об этом известно?
Павел Проценко: Была создана комиссия по расследованию антиконституционной деятельности ГКЧП. Ее возглавлял Лев Пономарев, и активное участие в ней принимал Глеб Якунин, народный депутат Верховного совета России. В частности, они занялись розыском документов, говорящих об антиконституционной деятельности КГБ в церковной сфере. Они проработали всего два месяца. За это время они нашли небольшое количество документов, где перечислялись клички, которые КГБ давало иерархам церкви. Причем, как правило, эти клички не были привязаны к фамилиям, поскольку давались оперативными работниками – это были их внутриведомственные разборки. Но благодаря некоторой аналитической работе кое-какие клички удалось расшифровать. Через два месяца председателя Верховного совета Хасбулатова посетил тогдашний патриарх Алексий Второй. С ним встречался также Евгений Примаков, на тот момент – руководитель службы внешней разведки. После встречи этих трех людей деятельность комиссии была срочно прекращена. После этого появился ряд публикаций с расшифровкой имен агентов. Прежде всего, хочется сказать о таком ярком деятеле тогдашнего православия, как митрополит Киевский Филарет (Денисенко) – как установил ряд исследователей, кличка у него была "агент Антонов". Но кроме него еще целый ряд священнослужителей: например, "Аббат" – это был митрополит Питирим, руководитель тогдашнего издательского отдела. А, например, "агент Реставратор" – это был известный митрополит Хризостом, сейчас вильнюсский.

Alexander Podrabinek: What other hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church collaborated with the KGB? What about that?

Paul Protsenko: A commission was established to investigate the anti-constitutional activities of the Emergency Committee. It was headed by Lev Ponomarev, and active participation in it took Gleb Yakunin, MP of the Supreme Council of Russia. In particular, they engaged in tracing documents, talking about the anti-constitutional activities of the KGB in the church area. They worked for only two months. During this time they found a small amount of documents listing the nicknames that the KGB gave the bishops of the church. And, as a rule, these nicknames were not tied to surnames as given operational staff - those were their intra disassembly. But thanks to some analytical work some nicknames deciphered. Two months later, the chairman of the Supreme Council Khasbulatov visited the then Patriarch Alexy II. He's also met Yevgeny Primakov, at the time - the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service. After the meeting, the three people Working Committee was terminated immediately. After that, a number of publications with details of names of agents. First of all, I want to say about such bright people active in the Orthodox Church as Metropolitan of Kiev Filaret (Denisenko) - set as a number of researchers, the nickname he had "agent Antonov". But apart from him are still a number of priests, for example, "Abbot" - it was the Metropolitan Pitirim, the then head of the publishing department. And, for example, "agent Restorer" - this was the famous Metropolitan Chrysostomos now Vilnius.
Ancestors of the ones who are  trying to take us by force

Александр Подрабинек: Разумеется, наибольшее внимание госбезопасность уделяла высшим иерархам церкви – епископам, патриарху. Бежавший на Запад бывший генерал КГБ Олег Калугин, хорошо знавший патриарха Алексия Второго, рассказывает об одной из встреч с ним. Алексий сказал ему тогда:
Олег Калугин: "Вот ты тут меня публично обозвал агентом КГБ. Ты же не знаешь историю. Когда советская власть взяла в руки все, одной из первых жертв советской системы стала православная церковь. Треть эмигрировала, треть попала в концлагеря, некоторых расстреляли, а еще одна треть приспособилась, чтобы спасти нашу православную веру. Вот я принадлежу именно к этому числу людей. Я помог спасти православие, сотрудничая с вашими органами, ради высших целей".

Alexander Podrabinek: Of course, the greatest attention paid state security supreme hierarchs of the Church - bishops, the patriarch. Fled to the West, former KGB general Oleg Kalugin, who knew Patriarch Alexy II, he tells about a meeting with him. Alexis told him then:

Oleg Kalugin, "Here you are then publicly called me a KGB agent. You do not know the story. When the Soviet authorities picked up everything, one of the first victims of the Soviet system was the Orthodox Church. A third emigrated, one third got into the concentration camp, some were shot, and another one third adapted to save our Orthodox faith. Here I am belongs to that number of people. I helped save Orthodoxy, working with your bodies for the sake of higher goals. 
Abbess Juliana
4 Jun 2015
Dear in Christ Reader Daniel,

These are the  real Ukazi  sent to  Father Benjamin sent  by  our real  ROCOR Hierarchs in the past- When the ROCOR was pure- 

That is why Father Benjamin feels in his right.

Even when Bishops came to visit us, as Vladyka  Alexander  Mileant, Vladyka  John Legky-clad- Constantine .... may they all rest in peace. 

They honoured and respected the years served by Archimandrite  Benjamin,
for his age and loyalty to  the real  ROCOR.  Even Metrop. Vitaly, and  Lavr  and Archbishop Anthony  of L.A. and Metrop. Hilarion visited Chile in the past.

They lived and served, [ here with Fr. Benjamin]   but NEVER SPOKE OF OTHER UKAZES.

There were no contradictory ukazes from  those ones, and Father Benjamin  never received any others-

[Abbess Juliana]


Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2015

I am sorry to write again I sent you two answers for Mrs Bujinskaya,["Alexandra''] because I don't know how to answer in the file [ to make my comments on]  to respond to  all her comments
We need metrop Hilarion as the Highest Hierarch for them in their  N.Y. Synod that they  claim to belong to. 
Only  he,  with his authority   can  stop all these  terrible deeds of schema bishop John  and his followers,  he must be  just and look on his conscience and give us back our church that belongs to us  since  the year 1934 but it seems he does not hear our petition, 
The cemetery was founded many many years later, I think in 1985,  so where is the logic? 
How can the cemetery  LAY people rule the Church, which was founded years before?  Father Benjamin's only fault_ and who does nor make mistakes in life?  is only, for being honest himself, also  he believed in people and never thought that they will betray  him so.
To day is the Feast of our Archbishop Leonty and Bishop Leonty of Geneve-
I am going to Divine Liturgy-
They pray for us before the Altar of God and for their prayers we believe God will make hustice to us
 It is a beautiful morning.

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