Wednesday, August 30, 2017

ROCA's schismatic 'friends': "All love and light" (?): Trenton,

Our ROCA's schismatic 'friends': "All love and light" (?): Trenton, New Jersey: Dormition Altar-Feast, Andronik with Sabelnik, in Sabelnik's cathedral-

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Dan Everiss

Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 11:10 PM

 Yes, indeed!.......HOW VERY VERY TRUE!  "By their fruits shall ye know them!"- this strong Gospel admonition and dire danger warning from Our Lord,
 is one which warning covers, everyone, without exception, but which is most applicable to those who are false shepherds, wolves in sheep's clothing,
 confused schismatics,  ignorant and de-facto heretics, disobedient to their lawful and Orthodox bishops, and soul and church killers, and who divide  the faithful....who exhibit false-virtue.
Is such activity creating, 'unity'??? What a sad joke!
What Andronik Kotlaroff, with Stefan Sabelnik, and aided by Andre Erastov and Sofrony Musienko are founding, is but one more anti-Orthodox SECT, yes but,  'Orthodox-ish' in outward rituals, clerical titles, & formal appearance, but still a just a SECT, contrary to any and all Orthodox normal church order and canons.
The Stalin founded Moscow Patriarchy is one  other big example of the same grace-less type of organization, which pretends to be The Orthodox Church.
The 2000 plus years of Church history is full of such types, and most of those who have lead such church destructions,
 have been renegade self-deluded ordained clergy, deposed  former disobedient arrogant unrepentant bishops most prominently. Power and money and the praise of men, VAINGLORY! that is what actually motivates them. Though they usually claim that they are heroically and righteously struggling to: purify and reform the corrupted church, to make it ...'better', to get rid of corrupt and evil leadership/'bad bishops',  and to install THEMSELVES as better leaders.
That self-aggrandizing goal they label, as 'progress'.
Here, those guilty themselves, of exactly this Christ condemned evil-doing, DISSEMBLING, attempt to accuse those whom they have wrongly left and have viciously slandered, of being under this biblical condemnation.
"If the shoe fits, put it on!" a wise old saying which fits them.
Rd. Daniel in the forest-who knows nothing-only what the birds of the air chirp to me.



Престольный Праздник Кафедрального Храма Успения Пресвятой Богородице в Трентоне Нью-Джерси

Праздник духовного единства
Господь и Бог наш Иисус Христос указал верный признак, по которому мы можем дать оценку происходящим событиям и явлениям нашей жизни : " По плодам их узнаете их " (Матф. 7.16). На праздник Успения Богородицы в Успенском храме г.Трентона состоялось сослужение двух иерархов РПЦЗ , епископа Стефана Трентонского и Северо-Американского и архиепископа Андроника Сиракузского и Свято-Никольского. Радость двунадесятого и Престольного праздника, торжественное богослужение, глубокое утешение от совместной молитвы и братского общения - все это создало особую духовную атмосферу единства во Христе. Плоды этого отрадного события были в сердцах и на лицах всех участников праздника. Владыкам Стефану и Андронику сослужили иеромонах Игнатий (Крутков) и иеродиакон Павел (Липин). По окончании Божественной литургии был совершен краткий молебен Богородице, после чего архиепископ Андроник в знак духовной поддержки и братской любви приподнес владыке Стефану икону Богородицы, привезенную из Румынии. На что Владыка ответил благодарностью и проникновенным словом о помощи Богородицы и святителей Зарубежной Церкви, служивших когда-то в этом храме.
      Образно говоря, можно долго рассуждать о вкусе меда, но аромат и полезность мы ощутим только попробовав его. Так и в жизни церковной : можно много говорить о желательном единстве, но только через практические шаги, ведущие к совместной Евхаристии, мы познаем на деле выражение псалмопевца : " Се что добро или что красно, но еже жити братии вкупе " (Псал. 132;1 ) Прочуствовав добрый плод и светлое утешение от совместного праздника , душа исполняется надеждой на то, что наше единство будет крепнуть , и несмотря на неизбежное противодействие человеческих немощей и антицерковных сил, к процессу объединения примкнут представители других частей некогда единой РПЦЗ.


Patronal Feast at the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Trenton, New Jersey

A Celebration of Spiritual Unity
           Our Lord and God Jesus Christ pointed out a faithful sign by which we can evaluate the events and phenomena of our life: “By their fruits shall ye know them.” (Mt. 7:16). Two hierarchs of the ROCA, Bishop Stefan of Trenton and North America and Archbishop Andronik of Syracuse and St. Nicholas, concelebrated the Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos in the Assumption Church of Trenton. The joy of the Great Feast and the Patronal Feast, the solemn worship service, the deep consolation from joint prayer and fraternal fellowship -- all this created a unique spiritual atmosphere of unity in Christ. The fruits of this welcome event were felt in the hearts and seen in the faces of all the participants of that holy day. Bishops Stefan and Andronik were joined by Hieromonk Ignatiy (Krutkov) and Hierodeacon Paul (Lipin). At the end of the Divine Liturgy, a short molieben to the Theotokos was celebrated, after which Archbishop Andronik, as a sign of spiritual support and brotherly love, presented Vladyka Stefan with an icon of the Theotokos brought from Romania. To which Vladyka responded with gratitude and offered a heartfelt homily about the protection of the Mother of God, and also spoke of the hierarchs of the Church Abroad, who once served in that church.
One can speak a long time figuratively of the taste of honey, but we can sense the aroma and enjoy its effect only after having tried it. So too in the life of the church; we can speak much of a desired unity, but only through the practical steps which lead to a joint Eucharist, do we understand fully the words of the psalmist, “Behold now, what is so good or so joyous, as for brethren to dwell together in unity.” (Psalm 132:1) Having experienced the abundant reward and joyous consolation from the jointly celebrated feast, the soul is filled with the hope that our unity will grow stronger, despite the inevitable difficulties of human weaknesses and the forces arrayed against the church. The process of unification will persuade inevitably other parts of the once united ROCA to come together.

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