Tuesday, August 29, 2017

con-celebration of 'our' Andronik schismatics with Stefan Sabelnik's schismatics

Richmond Hill, Queens, New York: Dormition con-celebration of 'our' Andronik schismatics with Stefan Sabelnik's schismatics-in a property stolen from our ROCOR, BY SABELNIK, which was to be, the cathedra of OUR Bp. Andronik? -LIFE IS STRANGE

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Dan Everiss

Mon, Aug 28, 2017 at 5:42 PM

My surprised and somewhat incredulous comment to this strange & somewhat ironic twist of events,  news:
This Richmond Hill, Queens New York, old house-church & with its declining small, mostly elderly parish family,[ an unimportant building and dying parish which even Hilarion Kapral wasn't even willing to fight to keep under himself...though they threatened a civil law suit to grab  it under their ROCOR/MP's ownership,  was at our church's formation.....as our Continued Russian Church Abroad,  originally  with and in our ROCA under our Vladyka Agafangel,-

with Vl. Andronik  REPRESENTING HERE, his superior, Vladyka Metropolitan Agafangel and our ROCA Holy Synod,(those who consecrated him a bishop and to whom, he was obliged to be in SOBORNOST/CONCILIAR  MUTUAL BROTHERLY OBEDIENCE TO!)....  with our Vladyka Andronik as our ROCA bishop of North America,  but by trickery and deceit,  its legal property ownership  was literally STOLLEN from us, and taken to Stefan Sabelnik's RTOC, when he was under RTOC-Tikhon Pasechnik. My memory is a little foggy now, as to some names from the past, but I seem to remember that the priest who betrayed us there, was ..Sergei Klestov. Some of our substantial  ROCA funds were used to remodel this old decaying run-down  building, to make it fit and decent and ready for OUR beloved and loyal, Vladyka Andronik to be able to live there, in a clean and functional building, one suitable for a bishop's proper residence, PODVORIYEH, and it was planned to be the designated titular CATHEDRA of our North American ROCA diocese, with Vl. Andronik's announced official  title as: 'Bishop of Richmond Hill' and [later]of....St. Nicholas'.

NOW all of our rival and schismatic 'fragments' have come together, so as to better destroy our ROCA here in North America.

Who do they, their leadership,  really serve? Do they even know?
Truly, the old expression comes to my mind: "LIFE IS STRANGE!"
Rd. Daniel...constantly newly surprised & amazed by what the energetic foes of our Russian Church Abroad, are endlessly ever busy doing, in their 'righteous crusade, to purify and save the church', etc....which is only -all to the joy of Moscow, the MP, and Vladimir Putin.
They claim that.....they...are all-honesty and all-love and all-light and all-truth, while our much maligned and slandered Vladyka Agafangel is some sort of....an  evil dictatorial money-grabbing devil, etc. 

Like their father the Devil, these impious schismatics [as with all schismatics and heretics of the past history of The Church]  never seem to either know the full truth nor to tell the truth. Money and power is what the schismatics want, and the praise of men. Yet they fool and deceive many, How sad!

History repeats itself!

But, God is never fooled, and it is HE Who will determine who is right or wrong in this life, BY EVERY WORD and DEED that comes out of each one us!, and what is IN OUR HEARTS, and to where each one of our immortal souls belong, in the next world.

"Man proposes, but God disposes!"
P.S. The real and sole 'crime' of our Vladyka Agafangel, & of our entire ROCA Synod,  and which caused those 'Izshehvsk' rebels & their other kindred pro-Moscow Patriarchy/pro-Putin
ilk, 'good and loyal Russian citizens', [who really never truly, in their hearts or minds or loyalties,  left the MP, when they 'joined' our Vl. Agafangel's ROCA, or their 'Russian patriotic' loyalty to Putin and his MP] in Russia ....with whom our Andronik/Sofrony schismatics TOTALLY sympathize, and have LINKED themselves to.... & the 'whys'-[ as they have clearly stated in their various propaganda attacks on Vl. Agafangel, WHICH I HAVE READ MYSELF!, on their own websites]  of those traitorous rebels in Russia,  turning against Vl. Agafangel,  and against our canonical ROCA:.....which is a world-wide church ministering to many different people and living in various nations.
In their minds, the SIN or crime,  of  Vl. Agafangel  is that he WOULD NOT or indeed, COULD NOT SUPPORT nor CALL VLADIMIR PUTIN...... righteous, The Good Guy,  .....or justify Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin...the great idolizer of Lenin and Stalin,  as ,"A great Russian National Hero, reviving and restoring the glory and honor of Russia''...  in Vladimir Putin's  bloody and unjustified antichristian and immoral invasion and civil-war-supporting against neighboring  Ukraine, because as they accused Vl. Agafangel  of:..... "Agafangel  is not.... 'a Russian patriot!"
Our much wrongly attacked and slandered , the Vladyka Agafangel-hating schismatics, they clearly take the side of dictator Putin's war making,.... so we see..... whose side they are really on- it is on war-loving Putin's side and..... his church,..... his captive and KGB Kremlin enslaved, in 1943 Stalin founded, MP.
Doesn't anyone these days, care about the truth?


Russian Orthodox Church Abroad Dioceses of Syracuse-St. Nicholas and Ottawa-Canada


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