Saturday, May 16, 2015

MP trying to take church in Chile

(This is a no-bishop church which left the ROCOR with Metr. Vitaly's forced retirement.)

Moscow Patriarchate trying to capture the church in, Santiago, Chile
Rough machine-English translation (sorry!):

The Moscow Patriarchate is trying to capture the church in Chile

Author: Metropolitan Agafangel incl. May 16, 2015. Published in the ROCA (Views: 68)
Tags: ROCA , Chili , santiago
Most Reverend
Metropolitan Hilarion N. of York
Pervoerarhu RZTS / MP
Your Eminence.
O Lord, holy!
We, the parishioners of Holy Trinity and Our Lady of Kazan in Santiago, Chile, appeal to you to attend to the problem faced by our parish.

The fact that in 1956 the parishioners of our church was founded "Society Cemetery Russian Orthodox living in Chile" to create and further maintenance of Orthodox cemetery in Santiago.

In its structure, "cemetery society ..." is exclusively secular organization, and therefore has no right to interfere in the internal life and, moreover, to appoint or remove the sacred-clergymen.

However, in recent years, the Board "Cemetary of the Company ...", now consisting of people distant from the Church carries out aggressive attempts to shift the abbot and spiritual father of our community Archimandrite Benjamin (Voznyuk), and impose as Ruling Bishop John Bishop Karakaskogo (Berzinsha).

After the death of our ruling Archbishop Leonty, followed in July 1971, our parish, by the Decree of the Synod of Bishops, removed from the jurisdiction of the Episcopate of South America, and Arch. Benjamin was appointed Administrator of the Diocese of the Chilean translation under the direct jurisdiction of the Synod of Bishops N.Yorka.

After the death of Metropolitan Vitaly Ustinov Arch. Benjamin stopped commemoration at the Liturgy of the episcopate of the ROCA, but did not retreat from the canons of the Orthodox Church.

Representatives of the Synod of Bishops repeatedly came to Chile for talks with Arch. Benjamin. As a result of these discussions, it was found that by Arch. Benjamin there are no violations of the dogmas of the Orthodox Church, hitherto Arch. Benjamin was not subjected to any interdictions from Svyaschennoierarhii.

However, the Board "Cemetary Society ..." and, in particular, its Secretary Buzhinskaya Alexander V. (Old Believers are not representative of Common Faith Church), using false accusations Arch. Benjamin made by Bishop John Karakaskogo adoption of the Decree on the Prohibition of the Arch. Benjamin from serving (which is about. Benjamin personally never received, but accidentally learned of the protocols Cemetery. Company) for alleged separatist activities, any fact which was not provided.

At the same time, no decree of Bishop John Karakasky not appointed Ruling Bishop of the Orthodox parish in Santiago.

We ask Your Excellency to intervene in the situation and, having used your pastoral authority to stop lawlessness perpetrated by letting our dear priest about. Benjamin continue his pastoral deeds for the glory of the Most Holy Trinity.

Please find attached our petition appeal prot. Alexander (Iwaszewicz) as evidence that not only our parish but other Orthodox communities in Latin America have repeatedly appealed to Bishop John to stop the unjust persecution of about. Benjamin, what he did not heed.

Efforts have also been evidence, in our view, evidence that some of the statements and actions of Bishop John Karakaskogo contain heretical teachings. In particular, the phrase expressed in Christmas gifts for 2015:
"... The Creator became a creature ..."

and the fact that Bishop John nourishes (ie, remains in prayerful communion) community of Old Believers-bespopovtsev in Bolivia, which is a violation of the Rules of St. Apostles of praying with heretics.
* * *
His Grace Bishop John
Karakaskomu and Venezuelan.
Your Excellency,
Dear Lord, holy!

To you parishioners of Holy Trinity and Our Lady of Kazan in Santiago, Chile, and spiritual children Arch. Benjamin (Voznyuk).

We express our deep concern and express our strong protest actions of the Board of "Cemetary Company Russian Orthodox living in Chile" wearing destructive with respect to our arrival and directly to our abbot and confessor about. Benjamin.

We deeply regret that you, being Orthodox bishops, and knowing canons of the Orthodox Church, to encourage unlawful interference exclusively secular organization, and, moreover, individuals who are not parishioners of our church, in the internal life.

We strongly disagree with your decree banning from serving on. Benjamin, dictated by political rather than canonical motifs.

We believe that you are aware of the fact that despite the fact that since 2007, about. Benjamin remembers not the Liturgy of the ROCA episcopate, no rebuke from the Synod of Bishops to him were applied, although representatives of the Synod, and you in particular, has repeatedly traveled to Chile and had a conversation with. Benjamin.

As Orthodox Bishop, you must understand that no secular organization can not be the owner of churches and church property, and moreover, do not have the right to invite or withdraw sacred-clergymen.

We ask you to show common sense and listen to the opinion of permanent parishioners of Holy Trinity and Our Lady of Kazan, as well as to the treatment prot. Alexander (Iwaszewicz), and not to indulge the desires of people distant from the Church and from the understanding of the Orthodox canons.

With hope for your understanding and cooperation.
Parishioners of Holy Trinity and Our Lady of Kazan in Santiago, Chile.


# RE: trying to seize the Moscow Patriarchate church in Chile - Archdeacon German 05/16/2015 14:28
What is happening now in Chile a prime example of what has become a fallen fragment of the once glorious Church Abroad. In the first case, likened the new owners and force, fraud, lies ready to take property from them did not follow the path of treachery. On the strong do not go, but on the weak - is another matter ... Just like the Moscow Patriarchate selects overseas church property, from any side it does not belong, and their bulk, with the help of civil structures, without neglecting the help from the Mafia denies true Zarubezhnikov namolennye his temples. And in Chile, which is t. N. mit. Hilarion and Bishop. John, with his usual newfound their unprincipled th bribing dubious public, among which some simply give themselves atheists, and relying on soulless civil laws to take away 89-year-old elder Archimandrite Benjamin magnificent temple of the Holy Trinity, built by his hands and tools 34 years ago? Together with Archimandrite Benjamin again suffer, how many times have broken life, ascetic Abbess Juliana monastery with nuns and pupils of the orphanage. In 1948, the nun Juliana had to run at night through the Bethlehem of the mountain monastery, the cradle of her monastic transmitted civil authorities counselor. Almost exactly half a century later, in 1997, a new temptation and even more painful - stabbed in the back by as if '' its '', but in fact it is not his, but from the Vl. Mark all in favor of the same Soviet Patriarchate. All the more memory as Mother Abbess fought bravely as her ruthlessly dragged his feet on the stone stairs. Before superior force had to leave Igumen obedience to the Mount of Olives and leave this gem of Russian Orthodoxy by the same forces of the enemy. Mother thought Iuliyaniya find peace on a distant foreign land, in Chile, but here the enemy: paw does not give her peace of mind. "But I do not lose heart - I wrote my mother Juliana - GOD is not in power but in truth. Only NKVDistami do not want to have anything to do. I remain faithful to death to what we have been taught since childhood my spiritual fathers, wise pastors, mentors and old women. "
Heed the cry of our Orthodox ascetic. Do not let 'them' is the new secret to make a moral crime. "Dali would live peacefully father Benjamin, not a lot of it remains," - writes more caring Mother, not losing hope to reach out to people of conscience, not just betrayed her.
Protodeacon. Herman

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