Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Stalin's Final Speech

Plus 'Stalin's Final Speech'- October 14, 1952, [English subtitled]: Joseph Stalin, whom Vladimir Putin greatly admires-gave us his lying communist double-talk, (similar to our Democrat Party's speeches) yet it is revealing to our own current times-

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Dan Everiss

Sun, Aug 27, 2017 at 1:46 PM
Comment: Yes, it is very hard to discover even the slightest truth or any!... connection to actual-life reality, in anything  he says, except that all that he claims  evil capitalism, etc, has done or is  doing to harm mankind, is exactly what he and his Marxist-Leninist Communists did do themselves, but 100 times more, and far far worse....as true history recording  informs us....AND as we know from the lives of the countless Holy New Martyrs, witnesses to Stalin's new wonderful Soviet Russia, etc,

But since the Devil is the Father of Lies, what can we expect from those of his servants?
However, yes, in the mass murderer monster of all human world history, Joseph Stalin's  exact words and thoughts, we can hear today, a very similar sour repeat echo of them all, from  our modern utopian-leftists' mouths, and from their world-wide  modern mass- propaganda machines.

Listen or read closely to everything  he says,  and connect their full implications to today's world scene. It is quite eye-opening. NOTHING REALLY HAS CHANGED!
And all need to remember that in 1943, this same God-hating Joseph Stalin founded 'his church', placing his slavish dupe, Sergius Stragorodsky on the patriarchal throne, and naming it: 'The Moscow Patriarchy'...which is still to this day, the un-reformed and un-redeemed, KGB staffed and run false 'Russian Church', totally uncanonical and utterly apostate....but which most of worldly-Orthodoxy fully recognizes as canonical and legitimate (!)

Thus, they all mock God.

This communist founded, by Joseph Stalin,  fake Russian Church, HAS NO CONNECTION TO THE LEGITIMATE HISTORIC CANONICAL RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH, last headed by THE LAST real Patriarch, Holy Confessor and Patriarch, TIKHON (Belavin) of Thrice Blessed Memory.
ALL who have come after Holy Patriarch Tikhon, have been and still are, thieves and robbers!...the Gospel's 'wolves in sheep's clothing'.

And in 1970, the old ["Bishop Platon Roshdyesvensky" schismatics from the Russian Church Abroad since the early 1920's ] North American Russian Metropolia, [since 1970 and their Moscow granted, 'autocephay',  called the OCA]... and later on in 2007, lead by betrayer ROCOR  Met. Laurus Skurla,  a large part of the old free ROCOR [now labeled as ROCOR/MP], bowed to this monstrosity creation of the communists, and JOINED themselves to it.

Both jurisdictions' leadership,  actually swallowed the big lie, and believed that they were, 'joining  themselves to their Mother Russian Church'.

Full video of Josef Stalin's final public speech - delivered at the XIXth Congress of the Communist Party of the USSR on 14 October 1952. Visit: scottwpalmer.com ...

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