Friday, August 25, 2017

Shameful Apostasy

APOSTASY!: Even American Roman Catholic institutions SHAMEFULLY caving in, to the 'leftist-liberal-progressive' (anti-Christian) forces- is this their version of being: 'ecumenist and all-inclusive'?-of being ashamed of being Christian?


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Dan Everiss

Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 6:58 PM
To: Joanna Higginbotham <>

My... Orthodox perspective and comments on this video report, and on this entire ongoing betrayal of Christ, currently ever unfolding world-wide process:

Yes, of course, we Orthodox Christians have much!  to dislike and be unhappy, with the fallen-away Heretical Papist church of Rome, and of all the long centuries of its numberless attacks upon us and its endless attempts in which it  militarily invaded, oppressed  and conquered our Orthodox countries and captured our people by  force, making many Orthodox martyrs at their 'Latin' hands,  or to trick us [i.e. their despicable Uniatism, etc.] to be under their pope, etc., etc., etc.

Yet, like it or not, we Orthodox are forced, today,  by necessity and by the realities and facts of modern life in many many nations, such as in America, or wherever, to be fellow citizens and neighbors of Roman Catholics, and Protestants, etc., [often even intermarried with them] - who at least, profess their general,  fundamental CHRISTIAN  identities....though yes of course, their vision of the Christian faith is deficient and abbreviated, a confused mix of truth and error, and much they have been cut off from the Grace-Filled Historic Orthodox Apostolic Church...THE SOLE  Church which Jesus Christ founded Himself..

But everywhere, here included, the forces of antichrist and of haters of Christ, the leftist modernist 'all-inclusive-liberals', [ who in actuality are THE MOST intolerant/ un--liberal ... of any.... of any of us who hold differing views from theirs, especially we Christians, ... than their bigoted and insanely  anti-Christian quasi-Marxist-Leninist delusions !] are steadily pushing to totally remove from our western [post-Christian] societies ALL influences of ANY shreds of Christian heritage or morality or religious devotions or Christian symbols- the CROSS most especially is being forced to be removed from all places of public life in America. Jesus' name too is forbidden. Christ-centered prayers are not allowed in our public schools, etc. The Ten Commandments are being removed too.

Yes, we Orthodox use holy two-dimensional images, icons, and generally with some few exceptions, not normally, three dimensional statue-images. YET,  by allowing their Catholic statues and memorials to be removed , and to erase their religious teachings and sacraments from them also, EVEN from their own Roman Catholic institutions, (!), to simply please the atheists or those of un-Christian beliefs, is despicable.

THEY ARE: "THE SALT THAT HAS LOST ITS SAVOUR"....and is fit for nothing,  but to be cast out  on the ground and to be trampled under foot by men.

Such also is 'our' apostate ecumenist 'worldly-Orthodoxy' of which KGB dictator Vladimir Putin's Sergianism, who co-administered and directed by his man, KGB agent, 'MP-Patriarch' Kyrill-Gundaev,  INSTIGATED that 2007 submission of a large part of our formerly free ROCOR under the KGB enslaved Moscow Patriarchy,  is but another manifestation of, -except that the Sergianists make much use of our Orthodox EXTERNAL rituals and images, -'so as to fool, even the wise' . Putin and his pal, Kyrill Gundaev and their false Russian Church, their 1943 Stalin founded 'Moscow Patriarchy' are well practiced in this deceitful  work.

In 1970, the old North American Russian Metropolia, then actually in a state of schism from its canonical mother church, the Karloftsky, Russian Synod in Exile, since renegade schismatic Bishop Platon Roshdyesvenky made his schism from it in the early 1920s,  [renamed in 1970, after, being sold out by their episcopate, to Moscow, as 'The Orthodox Church in America'] bowed to the communist ruled Kremlin, and united .... with the MP, under the delusion/deception  of: receiving their 'autocephaly' (their independence) from Moscow!,...OF BEING.... 'BLESSED' by atheist communists!

Atheists are blasphemous servants of the Devil, not of God, and so they cannot bless, they only can curs, and defile.

Then later, in 2007, [after we were told, that the Soviet Union had collapsed and was no more and that 'the atheist regime had fallen'] a large part of our formerly free diaspora, Russian Church Abroad, centered here in America, lead by traitor Laurus Schurla, also bowed to the Kremlin, and under the 'heavenly' inspiration and supervision(!!!).... of KGB Vladimir Putin, [ no! not by an angel from heaven!]  in fact...UNITED to that same false Russian Church, 'the totally uncanonical Moscow Patriarchy'  labeling that despicable act as them 'receiving their AUTONOMY' from...again, atheist communists!!!....and uniting with their 'Mother Russian Church'. Now both the OCA and ROCOR/MP are buddies, as they both are UNDER Moscow, i.e. the KGB run false Russian church...whose actual head is KGB bloody dictator, and admirer of Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Putin.

In Orthodox canons, it is stated: "The blessings of a heretic  are a curse!"...and Sergianism and its servants, .... are far worse than all heresies combined.
It is the total mass END DAYS betrayal of Christ and of our Holy Orthodox Apostolic Faith- it is demonic APOSTASY.
Externally, by all appearances: "The Russian Federation is, 'An Orthodox Christian country, ruled by an Orthodox Christian president- His Excellency, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin' ", etc. ...And what a sad joke that is!
Of course, in FACT, who are those groups,  generally speaking,  in America and Europe, who oppose Christian morality or public symbols or monuments of even the remainder of our original FOUNDATIONAL Christian heritage, OUR HISTORY!, our common Christian values and faith? :

- Some, ....openly  and rabidly activist-anti-Christian leftist American Jews, and... totally anti-Christian since Muhammad, MOSLEMS -who are now mass invading and SWAMPING our western countries,  and..... all varieties of our native leftist-humanist secularist who have in common, their mutual satanic inspired, bitter hatred of GOD, -Jesus Christ.

But, I pity poor believing and usually naïve overly trusting of their Catholic clergy and especially of their beloved Holy Pope, American Roman Catholics, my fellow citizens and neighbors, who are being mislead and sold out [actually for many past centuries] by their own Papacy in their Vatican, especially by their  current  ecumenist -leftist & Jesuit, Pope Francis,  [their false, Latin-Heresy's,  'Sole Vicar of Christ on Earth']  who makes continual shocking statements, that seem to indicate that he is not even a Christian himself, at all, but some sort of an anti-Christian atheist and pro-Marxist-Leninist.  
This is a clear sign of the growing and open reign of antichrist, and the end days.
It is the mass apostasy predicted in scriptures and by many saints.
"When He comes, will He find any faith upon the earth?" 

Reader Daniel in Oregon

A California Catholic school is facing a backlash from parents after officials took down some religious statues -- including one of Mary and baby Jesus -- over concerns that they were “alienating” prospective students.

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