Monday, June 5, 2023

"Autocephaly" and "Autonomy"

   Some Observations: "Autocephaly" and "Autonomy" as BLESSINGS/GIFTS 'graciously' granted by Stalin's1943 founded, his uncanonical and graceless "Moscow Patriarchy", which is still today unrepentant and unreformed and a tool of the Kremlin, not of God  

  Time:  Mon, 5 Jun 2023 



“By their fruits (what they DO) shall you know them!”, not by what they SAY.

And, “The Blessing of a heretic is a curse!” i.e. and not a blessing at all.

Well, “autochephaly” or “autonomy” as studied as some isolated intellectual or historical/canonical subject is truly not the real central issue in our current troubled times,  but rather WHO OR WHAT LOCAL valid-truly canonical grace-filled ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN CHURCH HAS THE RIGHT to bestow it….and who does not!

Thus, this seemingly beneficent/generous act (supposidly to unite and strengthen and -better preach THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST, and to better  spread Orthodoxy) & its being granted by Stalin’s  Moscow Patriarchate (or by in heresy Constantinople either), to ANYONE,  in our life-time,  by Stalin’s bogus pretend and utterly uncanonical 1943 created “Moscow Patriarchy” …but a slavish tool of the Kremlin totally a fraud and graceless and..who does it fool?-certainly not God…..but yes, many gulible overly trusting fools.

And also the humour in it is that far from them being granted self-governing genuine independence or autonomy from whatever “mother local Orthodox Church”, this MP fraudulent  travesty both the OCA/MP and  to the ROCOR/MP is really only.. enslaving the giddy celebrating happy spiritually-innebriated recipients of it, to the Kremlin and its pagan global plans for world domination…Putin’s   “Russian World” scenario.

Yes, to the old North American Russian  Metropolia (actually the Platonite  early  schism from ROCOR)  their’s was MISS-labeled, them “being granted AUTOCEPHALY” , while to the betraying group, lead by Met. Laurus-Skurla,  from our old ROCOR, it was miss-labeled as “being granted AUTONOMY”,-but both official choices of misnomer labels actually MEANS only one thing: that both of them, are NOT FREE OR   SELF-GOVERNING, BUT MORE-SO!....-ENSLAVED UNDER THE Kremlin’s controled MP false Orthodox church IN MOSCOW..its octopus tenacles…and nothing more.

AND, that so called Mother Russian Church in Moscow is itself utterly illegal and graceless by many Orthodox canons..and by the blood of the many martyrs which it has caused to be tortured and put to death.

YET!..most members of both of those religious entities are frequently seen or heard foolishly celebrating their IMAGINARY “FREEDOM”…rejoicing over “Fools’ Gold”.

Isn’t  that sort of like: “those who were re-arranging the deck chairs on the ill-fated Titanic, as it started to sink”?..and “As the band played on”?

By their calculated but deliberately misapplied bogus manipulative MISS-USE of Orthodox canons and mis-quotes from Holy Scripture,  the Communist Stalin’s 1943 the dark of night, the  MP “Mother Church”-? & its current “Most Holy”-? “Patriarch”-? Kyrill” have the HIGHEST “CANONICAL-FINAL/LAST SAY-SO,  WORD/Power ”  over both the OCA/MP & their also captured sister local church, the ROCOR/MP:-THAT?...  IS: “FREEDOM/SELF-RULE”???..what a sad sad joke and a traversty! It is like singing: “Thank God we are slaves now!”

KGB Actor-“RELIGIOUS” SPECIAL-AGENT, Kyrill Gundayev…rules them both..and as proof in our faces: we ask the question: just how many clerical or lay members of either of those two captured, AMERICAN-BASED!!!...  church entities EVER publically express any critical or CHRISTIAN …censuring moral sentiments against what UNHOLY GODLESS ATROCITIES of that MP, “Mother Church”  or psychotic mad Hitler/Stalin like, dictator  Putin-its true demonic boss OVER IT, are currently BLESSING OR doing IN THE HOLY NAME OF THE ALMIGHTY GOOD GOD! on the slautered Ukrainians?....And daily threatening to NUKE US ALL…HOW MANY?..publically? I have heard about  very very few, and they were not clergy.

But the non-Orthodox heterodox Christian and pagan world, MOCKS ALL OF US! ORTHODOX because of  what atrocities THEY are doing…really in the name of OUR ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN RELIGION!

“Free as a bird…. in a gilded cage”?..and that is not freedom!

Speechless/wordless, mild-mannered, Retired Taciturn & Bucholic   Reader Daniel..once again, instigated & prodded  to open my mouth because of all the terrible terrible things going on in our sorry old estranged from God, world, many committed by Putin’s “Sincere Orthodox Christians”- as Putin’s hypnotized devotees speak of him, as.  Putin’s vile merciless anti-human orders are all blessed by his actor KGB patriarch Kyrill…his spirituall advisor and confessor.

Our Saviour, however, said: “If you love me, KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS!”

Christ God, SAVE US!

Even so, Lord Jesus, come quickly- Come Quickly!


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