Saturday, December 11, 2021

ROCOR regarding Sergianism

RE:  Sergianism:  

Stalin appointed a formerly-valid bishop, Sergius Stragorodsky, as patriarch of his newly-created Moscow Patriarchy in 1943.  The heretical apostate doctrine came to be known as "Sergianism."

From: Dan Everiss <>

Time: 2021-12-11 19:31 GMT-06:00

To: John Mahan <>



Yes, Fr. John, our pre-2007 ROCOR did officially reject Sergianism, but what date I am not sure of.  That should be found on  After all, it was added earlier, to the ROCOR’s yearly pronounced anathemas of Sunday of Orthodoxy, at the start of the Great Lent, if I remember correctly.

For secular powers outside of the church, to place anyone in episcopal authority, and in contradiction of church canons, is in itself, therefore, a TERRIBLE IMPIOUS HERESEY.   So to name such a heretical act like that, we have the name of the heretical-person who was complicit in this terrible violation of the internal sacred authority of the church, - with this heretic man’s name: 

Sergius Stragorodsky….”Of THRICE CURSED MEMORY!”  i.e. ”SERGIANISM”  who is anathematized every year, forever…. as are those who follow him.  He and they are outside of The Holy Church.  Thus the entire Moscow Patriarchy is outside of the Holy Orthodox Church.  In the next world they have their reward.

But anyway, our present Metropolitan Agafangel has numerous times renounced that entire heresy and that false founding of Stalin’s 1943 creation, his graceless demonic “Moscow Patriarchy,” headed first by his man, pathetic Sergius Stragorodsky…. totally uncanonically installed  on his illegitimate  throne, by godless Atheist Dictator, Monster & Mass Murderer, Joseph Stalin - himself also anathematized and “Thrice Cursed,” violating many holy canons, while the rightful possible legitimate episcopal claimants to that throne were imprisoned and being tortured or murdered by Stalin.

All of the founding émigré  bishops … and priests of the original ROCOR i.e. certainly did… know to flee the MP and they anathematized the MP…. first headed by Stalin’s subservient man, apostate “Patriarch Sergius Stragorodsky”.. put on his throne by Stalin, and against all Orthodox Church canons.  He was clearly a usuper, and an impious illegal occupant of an episcopal office.

Many of them had personally witnessed first-hand the tragic events of the downfall of Old Russia, and indeed suffered themselves also.  THEY SAW THE OUTWARD TRAGEDIES! ...yet even they, most of them, could not have known the secret dastardly before period, when Pat. Tikhon was arrested, etc. and during the 1943 Stalin/KGB engineered secret founding of the Moscow Patriarchcate - AS ALL OF THAT BETRAYAL WAS ACCOMPLISHED IN THE DARK OF NIGHT AND IN UTTER SECRECY!

And so did their immediate successors: who knew how bad the local destruction of the church was, etc. but not of the secret founding of the MP.

But then, as the years rolled onward, and those first founding clergy of the ROCOR living in various far-flung countries, the foreign diaspora, the memories of many grew dim, AND AS The YOUNGER FOREIGN BORN CLERGY TOOK OVER THE REIGNS OF THE ROCOR, and as little by little the older laity also left this world, replaced by foreign born laity, most  less Russia oriented, - who basically personally knew NOTHING of just how terrible was the bloody take-over of Old Russia by the Communists, nor that communism in any form, just does not work even economically and that it is  anti-human freedom, and anti-God, as the EUPHORIA for an  Old Russia (which truly was destroyed  by the Communists), Russians in diaspora, their dream of … EVENTUALLY returning to and reuniting with ‘Mother Russia’..(as was also the mournful voice of the Jews in the Babylonian Captivity: 

     “By the waters of Babylon, 

     there we sat down and we wept, 

     when we remembered Zion! 

     Sing us one of the songs of Zion!, 

     our captors required of us. 

     How can we sing the Lord’s song in a foreign land?”    i.e. also therefore too, Stalin’s 1943 manufactured in the dark of night, his “Moscow Patriarchate”…i.e. sympathy for it… gradually took on more and more influence within the old ROCOR, pre-2007, AND as the majority of diaspora Russians… more and more younger foreign born people, KNEW NOTHING about the true FACTS of the actual founding of that MP, INCLUDING EVEN MOST OF SUCEEDING GENERATIONS OF THE CLERGY ALSO!... etc …. there was more and more silence on that painful matter, except of course, for what all St. Met. Filaret first prophetically fore-told, and then Met. Vitaly also declared later.

IGNORANCE of the facts of who and by whom AND WHY!... the 1943 founded, MP was started …that IGNORANCE OF THE TRUE HISTORY, was and is now still the primary curse of most in World-Orthodoxy.  They have swallowed EN TOTO the BIG COMMUNIST REVISED PROPAGANDA version of that period of post-Old Russia,  — that the MP was …under “Patriarch Sergius” Stragorodsky, and is now, STILL!... THE ONE & ONLY!  canonical and  actual UNBROKEN CONTINUATION of THE historic, Valid Russian Orthodox Church…. ONE OF THE BIGGEST LIES IN ALL HUMAN HISTORY!

The Communist slogan to cover this was: “Stalin saved the nation and Patriarch Sergius saved the church”!  i.e. working together OF COURSE.

One may now ask, but why would a die-hard atheiest anti-religion/anti-God Mass-Murdering Communist WHOSE ULTIMATE AIM WAS & IS STILL, TO ERASE ALL SUPERSTITIOUS BACKWARD UN-SCIENTIFIC RELIGION FROM THE EARTH…”The opium of the people” as how could Stalin, even really in his godless heart, want to “save the church”?? .. or should one ask, PRETEND to save the church? 

Because, Hitler was moving in on him … and if the Germans  captured him and his commie cronies, they would have been publically executed!,  and if not stopped, the Germans would have FOR SURE beat and wipped off of the earth, all of the Communists in Russia … because the common Russian people - many of them, anyway, fiercely hated the brutal bloody Communists, and they WOULD NOT come to Stalin’s … aid, in his frantic efforts to repulse the Germans, who had the only powerful efficient military machine capable to defeat Stalin and his …then… falling apart, Red Army.   He was desperate!  SO, to rally the common people  behind him, (as many common Russians welcomed joyfully the invading Germans  as their LIBERATORS! with bouquets of flowers and food and singing), he used their innate religious & patriotic feelings, to fight the invading foreignors,  “For GOD And RUSSIA!” and to save RUSSIA and HER ORTHODOX CHURCH - i.e. HIS phony false-front Moscow Patriarchy, ….and thus he fooled …many of them anyway, but also by threats to them of their summory executions - if they did not join his Red Army,.. so many of them joined his military and fought, “FOR RUSSIA AND GOD!” ..i.e. for Stalin & Communism!.. and many of them died…. as what? - “Soviet Heroes.”

WELL… except for over 3 million Russian men, who eagerly JOINED HITLER’S MILITARY, to defeat Stalin!

In 2006-2007: 

My Met. Agafangel (Pashkovsky) was almost (next to old sickly Bp. Daniel of Erie, frail & house-bound),  - who was under a virtual house-arrest by “care-givers,” pro-union plotters-so he could not physically or thus publically, proclaim his opposition - (THOUGH WE HAVE EVIDENCE THAT HE WAS AGAINST BOWING TO/JOINING WITH THE MP) …NOR could the pro-union plotters take the chance, of allowing Bp. Daniel have is freedom so that he could have become an active  party to be the canonical required MINIMUM necessary SECOND EPISCOPAL HAND, to co-consecrate a new bishop - for those in ROCOR against joining Moscow..i.e. TO THUS CONTINUE THE EPISCOPACY OF THE FREE OLD CANONICAL ANTI-COMMUNIST/ANTI-MP,  ROCOR! - what the pro-union Moscow-directed plotters MOST FEARED!  So that left  the sole episcopal active and free member of ROCOR’s Synod, ROCOR BISHOP OF UKRAINE, Bp. Agafangel Pashkovsky - 100% opposed to ROCOR’s accepting the illegitimate authority of that MP in 2006-2007.  

And ever since he, ROCOR Bishop of Ukraine, Agafangel Pashkovsky, declared his open opposition to that dastardly APOSTASY … establishing his canonical position: NOW STILL HELD TO: BY HIMSELF & OUR Continued ROCOR: “When in 2007 the then majority of the ROCOR Synod… shochingly  apostatized and THEY!...THEREBY  DE-FACTO, ….LEFT THE UNIVERSAL HOLY ORTHODOX CHURCH!, by…. Accepting/bowing to, the anti-canonical invalid authority of the Stalin’s 1943  created FALSE ‘Russian Church,’ Joseph Stalin’s so-called, “Moscow Patriarchate”…THEY THEREBY, in rebellion, NON-CANONICALLY… LEFT!  ABANDONED! BETRAYED!  THE UNIVERSAL ORTHODOX CHURCH, and he alone, as a valid ROCOR Bishop, STAYED IN IT.. i.e. BISHOP AGAFANGEL PASHKOVSKY …. STAYED IN!.... THE UNIVERSAL HOLY ORTHODOX CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC ORTHODOX CHURCH!, so that today, HE ALONE IS THE SOLE VALID EPISCOPAL HEAD, METROPOLITAN OF OUR CONTINUED RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH OUTSIDE OF RUSSIA!  AND SO canonically… HE & His Synod, continues the valid canonical TRUE RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH EPISCOPATE …i.e. Metropolitan Agafangel …with his ROCOR Holy Synod of Bishops, is THE SOLE canonical genuine head of THE!.. ONE!  RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCh Abroad, which POSITION by the way, the GOC and the other “Old Calendarist” Orthodox churches also accepted him as such… and why they … after a long careful study of the canons and the  historical facts… all rejected his other uncanonical rival/fragment/schismatic  pretending claimants to that position.

AND, since the formerly secret KGB files were opened, if only briefly, under Boris Yeltsin, some years ago, we now have certifiable DETAILED-DOCUMENTED  information (Minutes of the Secret KGB MEETINGS) of how/why, and with whose co-operation, Stalin in 1943… IN THE DARK OF NIGHT, AGAINST ALL HOLY ORTHODOX CANONS! accomplished his dirty apostate deed, in creating HIS STOOGE/SUBSERVIENT “Russian Church Hiearachy,” etc.

That false pretend KGB run ‘Russian Church,’ was and till is, utterly anti-canonical, apostate, and GRACELESS, and yet it continues to this day, being entirely enslaved and a part of the KGB/FSB.  It has never been reformed nor cleansed nor made… somehow…. as if …magically?.. Canonical.  But now it serves Putin, & his “Russian World” schemes for world-domination, and no longer is simply only an organization of his predecessor fellow Communist tyrants…. to somehow… convince those backward & fantasy believing pre-mordial/cavemen/superstitious/uneducated Russians… (and too, if possible the entire gulable West) that GOD blesses the Marxist-communists, and that therefore they too, must obey the Kremlin commies, :”All authority is from God,”etc.

Where can one find such historical evidence of this?... (minutes from the KGB Archives of  the actual secret meetings of the KGB plotters, who organized and who FOUNDED THE MP, - etc., and Stalin’s instructions, - DAY BY DAY!, etc:) - on our ROCOR’S .. in the original Russian, (plus now available translated into various other languages), and which info, I have shared numerous times, in improved  rough machine-English translations, on my named site,

 Such information  still is there, but for how much longer, I cannot say, with the ever increasing internet CENSORSHIP.  Though this factual evidence is beyond denial, and is well documented and proven, and is irrefutable!


That precisely was the battle of heroic, lifelong …with his father before him, fighter against communism and for restoring a free noble Russia, by Professor Eugene Magarovsky… and is still mine, both of us life-long fighters FOR ORTHODOX CHRISTIANITY, THE TRUTH!... and against godless Communism.

And too, for both Magorevsky and I… both lovers also of our America,  we have been working to INFORM & STOP that Marxist-godless communism from taking over THIS COUNTRY TOO…MEMORY ETERNAL TO HEROIC AND EVER-MEMORABLE ESTEEMED NOBLE EVGENY MAGOREVSKY! MAY HE INDEED REST WITH SAINTS!

I try to continue that noble work of Eugene Magorevsky.

SO, yes….. today, my Metropolitan Agafangel continues to  share this true history of the false MP, etc… but what is his almost invisible information network… in comparison to Putin’s Kremlin’s  world-wide pro-commie SPECTACULAR! Mass-propaganda machine? the sad fact of life: that all of the major OFFICIAL & themselves-compromised… national Orthodox patriarchates -i.e.“WORLDLY ORTHODOXY” …accept that uncanonical MP, - and are in co-communion with it, (for their corrupt practical considerations:-MONEY & POWER)  as THE CANONICAL GENUINE RUSSIAN CHURCH… and they mock and anathematize our side - the truthful righteous side.

Father John, as I am sure you must be also well aware of: we live in a world of constant non-stop LIES and MANY DECEPTIONS, when truthseekers and truthtellers are… stoned and banished…. and crucified.. or at a minimum, banned from the internet..

“Vanity of vanities! And all is vanity!”

What the liars and deceivers did to Jesus Himself, He fore-warned us, they will do to us also.

So, in conclusion: The truth is out there, for those who truly want to learn of it.  But how few these days seem to seek the truth of any matter, HOW VERY VERY FEW!

But God has put this burden on my mind, heart, and soul, to try to share it with all.  I MUST SEEK AND TELL THE TRUTH… which is what I am struggling to do now, for many years, in my declining health and ever growing material poverty, till I depart this vale of tears, this transient world of endless lies and delusions.

GOD IS ALL TRUTH!.. and He cannot even hear the voices of unrepentant liars, of hardened apostates and revilers of the Truth.


So, this is what I know, and what I here share with you.

Retired Psalm-Reader Daniel Everiss, in the forest of southwestern Oregon

From: John Mahan<>;

Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2021 10:06 AM

To: Dan Everiss<>;

Subject: Sergianism

Did the ROCOR ever officially address the issue of sergianism?



    The last official word I know is that we have 2 wordings of the anathema against Sergianism which are offered and approved for use in the Anathema Service, but not incorporated into the Service books.

    My understanding that the reason for the hesitation is that the definition is not considered perfected. Possibly not able to stand up to something unforeseen in the future. The definition was discussed for months by all the ROCOR experts still living. Apparently this is where it seemed good to the Holy Spirit (and to us) to leave it. So, this is the OFFICIAL final word.

  2. Synod Epistle on Sergianism
    signed Vl. Agafangel, et. al.


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