Friday, May 15, 2020

Inside Moscow's New Military Megachurch

MORE INFORMATION & PHOTOS, (in English): "Inside Moscow's New Military Megachurch"; Babylon the Great Has Fallen!


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Dan Everiss

Fri, May 15, 2020 at 4:36 PM

Comment: We are told that this somber monstrosity, being in the general form and shape of a Russian church,  is being built to commemorate the (Soviet Union's) victory over Hitler and Nazi Germany in World War II.

However, is it not also, to celebrate satanic-atheist-Communism's victory over ...and capturing and enslaving,  of the outward, official Russian Orthodox Christianity and God?

Hitler is long gone, modern Germany & the world is free of him, but godless Communism is still in full actual control in "democratically freely elected"-Vladimir  Putin's corrupt Russian Federation, and this  cathedral's exterior's  darkly hued sinister colours, which in itself gives us a hint of what it really memorializes,  celebrates that fact; of a KGB/FSB  oppressive & captive false 'Russian Church'- the Stalin founded in 1943, uncanonical and apostate Moscow Patriarchy, whose clergy will consecrate it soon with prayers and holy water, this ominous and dark monument, which has inside of it, beautiful  icons of saints, and triumphant and cheerful smiling frescoed images of those who blew up churches,-smilingly holding their machine guns, who burned icons, and mass-murdered the clergy- and millions of Orthodox Christians, and countless other nationalities. Those 'soviet  heroes'  are Orthodox Christian heroes? Are they not, contrarily, heroes of the Devil?...he who is THE enemy of the human race and of God!

Yet, perhaps we should appreciate this monstrous & despicable and filthy memorial for what it is: living proof of what is the enormous evil still in control of Russia and its false and kremlin-KGB/FSB  subservient  phony 'church', and its  its population: supreme evil masquerading as supreme goodness, Satan  pretending to be God.

So to whom is this military memorial cathedral really dedicated to?...surely not to God and His Saints.

What utter blasphemy!

It is but a further indication that we are now in the End Times.

Rd. Daniel

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