Saturday, April 30, 2022

Bill Browder on Putin


  Bright Friday: "Bill Browder on Putin": The full clear unemotional factual story on what makes Putin do all that he has done and is doing now, or will do: Putin cares ONLY about his personal great riches, and his power, not anything else. 



Perhaps this testimony about the real Vlad Putin  should  simply be titled: “THE FOOL AND HIS MONEY SHALL SOON BE SEPERATED!” from the biblical Book of Proverbs?

Thus, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, as his deluded defenders and mesmerized propagandized devotees, mistakenly,  describe him as : “The Sincere Orthodox Christian”(-?), is himself among those many of us fallen from God’s grace, fooled by  the devil, whom Jesus warned about in His Holy Gospel, so that we NOT follow their self-soul-distrustful   examples, who love and adore and worship ephemeral  earthly transitory riches/MONEY! , WHICH PASSES  AWAY, and which none of us can take with us when God calls us from this passing feeble world, to then go to the Other Side, to have to give an answer for all of our lives.

Then, what we gave away here/sacrificed, and what virtue we gained, and what mercifulness we did to fellow humans and God’s innocent animals, -that!.... will determine where our immortal souls dwell FOREVER.

Then, all material riches that we called our own, will pass to others hands.

“What we gave away here, is all that we will HAVE in the next world!”…i.e. virtue is immortal, while all earthly goods… and MONEY, perish, thus there is no substitute for the virtue of MERCIFULNESS-which is the exact opposite of what Putin has done all of his life, and for all the evils he is doing now, as a desperate aging fearful of loosing his riches and his power, murderous dictator…who cares NOTHING about the welfare of Russians or of Russia.. or of anyone but himself.


Our Lord’s Warning To All mankind: 

“Lay not up for yourselves, treasures on earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt and where THIEVES BREAK IN AND STEAL,  but lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven; where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break in and steal; FOR WHERE YOUR TREASURE IS, THERE! WILL BE YOUR HEART ALSO!”..i.e. acquire undying eternal VIRTUE! -acquire the Holy Spirit-THEOSIS/UNION WITH GOD-WHO IS HIMSELF, ALL-MERCIFULNESS, -ALL GOODNESS, ALL-VIRTUE!  by sharing with, GIVING TO  others, man and beast,  what GOD…WHO HAS MADE ALL AND WHO OWNS ALL,  has… loaned…. to us!

God shows MERCY to those who show mercy to others….and even to sinners!

Is mercy a motive for what dictator Putin, is doing to poor Ukraine? or for his life of mass torturing & mass-murder and causing  suffering to perhaps millions of fellow humans, over his lifetime?

Postcsript: As recorded from a witness to Hitler’s last days in his underground bunker in Berlin, when one of his generals told him: “Dear Furher, the German people are suffering terribly!”-Hitler coldly responded (as Putin might now, about both the Ukrainians and also about ‘his’ Russians):

“Good! They deserve to suffer!; they never were worthy of me anyway!”


This seems to be the same COLD-HEARTED MERCILESS self-worshipping egocentric human-hating mindset of a deluded, megalomaniac  who KNOWS that he is  in his last days, power-mad,  dictator Vlad Putin, who proves that anti-human/godless Hitlerian Nazism & Stalinist Communist Tyranny still lives! What Putin is doing to Ukraine, he is also doing to Russia-(destroying both nations),  and his captive Russian Federation  which  he claims that he loves and wants to promote, enrich, and protect from…mostly IMAGINED PAPER TIGER, NON-EXISTENT foreign  ‘enemies’ etc. Could he be lying? And/or, be-in massive demonic delusion/prelest? “BY THEIR WORKS SHALL YOU KNOW THEM!” warned Our Saviour.

ANY!...Sincere real GOD-FEARING, Orthodox Christians, could NOT do what terrible monsterous anti-human SINFUL acts  Vlad Putin does, though apparently Putin  is ‘spiritually  guided’ & ‘blessed’ by the current head of  Stalin’s 1943-founded Moscow Patriarchate’s, its current stooge/a KGB actor: “Holy Patriarch Kyrill-Gundayev”,  whose communist run ‘front’ organization was not and still is not,  The  TRUE CONTINUATION OF THE HISTORIC & LEGITIMATE REAL RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH, under its LAST real Patriarch, Holy New Confessor, Martyric Patriarch TIKHON (BELAVIN) .

Vlad Putin and his fellow KGB long term fellow KGB co-worker, once his KGB/FSB superior & PAL though--Kyrill Gundayev, work together. In fact Gundayev trained Putin, in his KGB methods, and in his “Orthodox religiosity” act also. Gundayev mentored Vlad Putin, long ago, and still advises/’blesses”  him.

BUT,  what Vlad Putin  DOES!-HIS ACTIONS,  For all the world to see,  is what total godless misanthropic athiests do….that is clear to anyone who calls himself any sort of a Christian whatsoever, or even just any  plain decent average moral human being, anywhere on this earth.

Just my observations in the forest,-what the birds of the air whisper to me as they fly…I who knows NOTHING by myself, but I observe the seasons.

IF …VLAD PUTIN IS NOT SOON REMOVED FROM POWER, BY MAY 9, HE MAY INDEED START WORLD WAR III, with nuclear weapons. He is very capable of it, unless he is stopped, May God stop him!...and save Ukraine, Russia, and us all!

Retired Psalm-Reader Daniel Everiss, in Oregon


An instructive informative video interview, with a man who knows Putin’s life and mindset and his real reasons for doing all that he does: MONEY AND WORLDLY POWER!...for HIMSELF.

Provisor: This brief interview has great merit in itself, because of the unique importance of the man interviewed,-because of what HE KNOWS!  about the real Putin,  not because his interview is put on this particular  internet  site, -which site I generally, otherwise,  do not have a very high respect for, for its OFTEN left-leaning politically biased views on many other matters. But now is war-time, so I view more sites than I would visit  normally. I SEEK THE TRUTH!..and  TRUTHFUL PERSONS,  wherever it or they may be found!.. but no, my name is not Diogenes!  and my lantern ran out of petrol long ago.


Rd. Daniel Everiss, a DENDRITE tree-dweller, who “KNOWS NOTHING!’



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