Saturday, April 30, 2022

Bill Browder on Putin


  Bright Friday: "Bill Browder on Putin": The full clear unemotional factual story on what makes Putin do all that he has done and is doing now, or will do: Putin cares ONLY about his personal great riches, and his power, not anything else. 



Perhaps this testimony about the real Vlad Putin  should  simply be titled: “THE FOOL AND HIS MONEY SHALL SOON BE SEPERATED!” from the biblical Book of Proverbs?

Thus, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, as his deluded defenders and mesmerized propagandized devotees, mistakenly,  describe him as : “The Sincere Orthodox Christian”(-?), is himself among those many of us fallen from God’s grace, fooled by  the devil, whom Jesus warned about in His Holy Gospel, so that we NOT follow their self-soul-distrustful   examples, who love and adore and worship ephemeral  earthly transitory riches/MONEY! , WHICH PASSES  AWAY, and which none of us can take with us when God calls us from this passing feeble world, to then go to the Other Side, to have to give an answer for all of our lives.

Then, what we gave away here/sacrificed, and what virtue we gained, and what mercifulness we did to fellow humans and God’s innocent animals, -that!.... will determine where our immortal souls dwell FOREVER.

Then, all material riches that we called our own, will pass to others hands.

“What we gave away here, is all that we will HAVE in the next world!”…i.e. virtue is immortal, while all earthly goods… and MONEY, perish, thus there is no substitute for the virtue of MERCIFULNESS-which is the exact opposite of what Putin has done all of his life, and for all the evils he is doing now, as a desperate aging fearful of loosing his riches and his power, murderous dictator…who cares NOTHING about the welfare of Russians or of Russia.. or of anyone but himself.


Our Lord’s Warning To All mankind: 

“Lay not up for yourselves, treasures on earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt and where THIEVES BREAK IN AND STEAL,  but lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven; where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break in and steal; FOR WHERE YOUR TREASURE IS, THERE! WILL BE YOUR HEART ALSO!”..i.e. acquire undying eternal VIRTUE! -acquire the Holy Spirit-THEOSIS/UNION WITH GOD-WHO IS HIMSELF, ALL-MERCIFULNESS, -ALL GOODNESS, ALL-VIRTUE!  by sharing with, GIVING TO  others, man and beast,  what GOD…WHO HAS MADE ALL AND WHO OWNS ALL,  has… loaned…. to us!

God shows MERCY to those who show mercy to others….and even to sinners!

Is mercy a motive for what dictator Putin, is doing to poor Ukraine? or for his life of mass torturing & mass-murder and causing  suffering to perhaps millions of fellow humans, over his lifetime?

Postcsript: As recorded from a witness to Hitler’s last days in his underground bunker in Berlin, when one of his generals told him: “Dear Furher, the German people are suffering terribly!”-Hitler coldly responded (as Putin might now, about both the Ukrainians and also about ‘his’ Russians):

“Good! They deserve to suffer!; they never were worthy of me anyway!”


This seems to be the same COLD-HEARTED MERCILESS self-worshipping egocentric human-hating mindset of a deluded, megalomaniac  who KNOWS that he is  in his last days, power-mad,  dictator Vlad Putin, who proves that anti-human/godless Hitlerian Nazism & Stalinist Communist Tyranny still lives! What Putin is doing to Ukraine, he is also doing to Russia-(destroying both nations),  and his captive Russian Federation  which  he claims that he loves and wants to promote, enrich, and protect from…mostly IMAGINED PAPER TIGER, NON-EXISTENT foreign  ‘enemies’ etc. Could he be lying? And/or, be-in massive demonic delusion/prelest? “BY THEIR WORKS SHALL YOU KNOW THEM!” warned Our Saviour.

ANY!...Sincere real GOD-FEARING, Orthodox Christians, could NOT do what terrible monsterous anti-human SINFUL acts  Vlad Putin does, though apparently Putin  is ‘spiritually  guided’ & ‘blessed’ by the current head of  Stalin’s 1943-founded Moscow Patriarchate’s, its current stooge/a KGB actor: “Holy Patriarch Kyrill-Gundayev”,  whose communist run ‘front’ organization was not and still is not,  The  TRUE CONTINUATION OF THE HISTORIC & LEGITIMATE REAL RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH, under its LAST real Patriarch, Holy New Confessor, Martyric Patriarch TIKHON (BELAVIN) .

Vlad Putin and his fellow KGB long term fellow KGB co-worker, once his KGB/FSB superior & PAL though--Kyrill Gundayev, work together. In fact Gundayev trained Putin, in his KGB methods, and in his “Orthodox religiosity” act also. Gundayev mentored Vlad Putin, long ago, and still advises/’blesses”  him.

BUT,  what Vlad Putin  DOES!-HIS ACTIONS,  For all the world to see,  is what total godless misanthropic athiests do….that is clear to anyone who calls himself any sort of a Christian whatsoever, or even just any  plain decent average moral human being, anywhere on this earth.

Just my observations in the forest,-what the birds of the air whisper to me as they fly…I who knows NOTHING by myself, but I observe the seasons.

IF …VLAD PUTIN IS NOT SOON REMOVED FROM POWER, BY MAY 9, HE MAY INDEED START WORLD WAR III, with nuclear weapons. He is very capable of it, unless he is stopped, May God stop him!...and save Ukraine, Russia, and us all!

Retired Psalm-Reader Daniel Everiss, in Oregon


An instructive informative video interview, with a man who knows Putin’s life and mindset and his real reasons for doing all that he does: MONEY AND WORLDLY POWER!...for HIMSELF.

Provisor: This brief interview has great merit in itself, because of the unique importance of the man interviewed,-because of what HE KNOWS!  about the real Putin,  not because his interview is put on this particular  internet  site, -which site I generally, otherwise,  do not have a very high respect for, for its OFTEN left-leaning politically biased views on many other matters. But now is war-time, so I view more sites than I would visit  normally. I SEEK THE TRUTH!..and  TRUTHFUL PERSONS,  wherever it or they may be found!.. but no, my name is not Diogenes!  and my lantern ran out of petrol long ago.


Rd. Daniel Everiss, a DENDRITE tree-dweller, who “KNOWS NOTHING!’



Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Street Interviews in Russia

Fascinating! IN RUSSIA:: On the street, informal opinions asked, mostly of younger Russians, about many sensitive subjects — Most responses seem very honest, yet not sharing their full feelings-more the older people.    (ENGLISH translations)


I share this basically to try to learn,… TO BETTER UNDERSTAND,  what average Russians in Russia think about various important life-subjects…. including their own country – past, present, and future, its economy,  and where it is going now,  and too, about this war in Ukraine, etc…. which about the Ukraine invasion – clearly, many of them do not agree with or really support it at all.

And the responses given, prove that regardless of strong government sensorship of world news in Russia, still… many do find out the truth – via the internet or other non-governmentally controlled sources…. especially the inquisitive intelligent& caring  younger people.

Reader Daniel Everiss in Oregon

(WARNING: There is some vulgarity, so be fore-warned.)

“SURVEY 1420”:

But we must remember: Current Russia is not a free speech  country, where it is safe to publically share one’s true feelings about many subjects, especially about Putin or the government, or about this war in Ukraine, etc. YET, their answers tell us a lot about what many younger Russians feel…. even when they relate their feelings in guarded terms.

And a number of the on-the-street opinion questions are connected to the current war against Ukraine.



Sunday, April 24, 2022

Holy Week & Pascha Sharings


MY GREETINGS ON PASCHA/"Easter" , 2022: To All of My Friends, Readers, and Fellow Helpers: THANK YOU AND MAY CHRIST OUR RISEN SAVIOUR, BLESS YOU ALL!-

Retired Reader Daniel Everiss in Oregon, resident at Our Saviour's Place, in the forest. 


  Time:  Sun, 24 Apr 2022 23:24:40 +0000    




SHARING ON PASCHA,[Orthodox Christian "Easter"], 2022: FACINATING!: 

1) "The Most Beautiful Churches In Kyiv" and 

2) "History of Kyiv St. Sophia Cathedral", (including much Ukrainian-Kievan/Rus and early-to later, related European/ Rus History)- 


  Sun, 24 Apr 2022 23:00:47 +0000  


And a reminder: These fascinating narrations of Kievan and Ukrainian and interrelated Byzantine/Early Russian history, etc, is not the only version of all of that very old and very complicated history. So, be advised that all that this astute narrator says, may have some other historians,  who may give a different slant on some points about which she describes.

Reader Daniel in Oregon

What is in danger of total destruction now: The SACRED HISTORIC Patrimony of Ukraine and Russia, and all Orthodox people,-and of Europe, and of all humanity.

Most Beautiful Churches  Of Kyiv.





  Time:  Sun, 24 Apr 2022 15:30:33 +0000  

AND SHORT VIDEO FROM KIEV: (beautiful Kiev pics are not transmitting, showing the radiant smiles and happiness of parishioners).

VERY BRIEF KIEV St. Barbara’s Parish VIDEO:


Author: Metropolitan Agafangel. Publication date:April 24, 2022. Category: ROCOR .

In 2022, due to the war, Pascha was celebrated in Ukraine under a curfew, when it was impossible to move around the city at night from 23:00 to 05:00. Our parishioners came to the temple before the curfew and left after it ended - there were about 40 people in total.

The Paschal service, which was broadcast online, was led by Metropolitan Agafangel, co-served by Archpriest Vitaly and Priest Dionysius, aided by  Protodeacon Michael. Due to the fact that the procession around the temple was impossible, it was made from the altar through the temple to the vestibule and back. During the service in the city, the air raid siren turned on and explosions and shots were heard.

In general, everything went on Pascha joyfully, and after the end of the curfew, the residents of the city came to pray and have blessed the breaking of the fast, their Paschal food on the occasion of the end of Great Lent.


 ROCOR: PASCHA 2022 in Kyiv

Author: Metropolitan Agafangel. Publication date:April 24, 2022. Category: ROCOR .

THE BEAUTIFUL KIEV parish PHOTOS – showing a large group of joyful parishioners, DID NOT TRANSMIT-perhaps internet enemy censoring?

Paschal services in the Kiev parish in honor of the Great Martyr Barbara were performed by the rector Archpriest Sergiy Smorygo.





  Time:  Fri, 22 Apr 2022 18:17:48 +0000  


“Weep not for me, O Mary my mother, for in three days I shall arise, and with myself I shall raise all the dead from the valley  of misery!”



ONE brief glimpse into what makes Putin's "Orthodox " Russian Federation work- How Putin uses HIS CAPTIVE Orthodox Church (-the non-canonical.-bogus "Moscow Patriarchy"-founded by Joseph Stalin in 1943), to boost his power: 


  Time:  Tue, 19 Apr 2022 17:59:26 +0000    

Blaming the ‘decadent West’ for its liberality (i.e. its human freedoms!)  and for its (exaggerated) ‘immorality’, while righteous staunch “CHRISTIAN”  Vlad Putin with his KGB co-worker, Holy Patriarch Kyrill can do ANYTHING, which THEY CLAIM, THAT: “GOD BLESSES” !, etc… such as Putin’s current HITLER-LIKE mass invasion and mass murdering in Ukraine, his invading Georgia, his mass murdering of many thousands of Arab people (many of whom were Orthodox Christians), and bombing, deliberately,  even hospitals, his carpet bombing slaughtering in Syria, etc., etc, etc. plus Putin’s various  Russian critics who just seem to ‘die naturally’ or who mysteriously  ’disappear’ or who were publically murdered by ‘unknown assailants’.



  GREAT and HOLY MONDAY of HOLY WEEK: ROCOR in Odessa, Ukraine Continues To Help Those In Need

  Time:  Tue, 19 Apr 2022 04:29:47 +0000  

 ARTICLE/PHOTOS: From a local Odessa news source: "ROCOR IN ODESSA Continues to Help Those Who Need Help"-with photos  

  Time:  Tue, 19 Apr 2022 05:26:25 +0000

ROCOR in Odessa continues to help those who need help

ROCOR in Odessa, Ukraine  continues to help those in need

Author: Metropolitan Agafangel. Publication date:April 18, 2022. Category: ROCOR .

VIDEO, in Russian, by Nun, Mother  Rafaela


ROCOutside of Russia strives to help as many people in need as possible. 

Despite the war in Ukraine and the numerous difficulties associated with it, with the blessing of the Head of ROCOR, Metropolitan Agafangel (Pashkovsky), humanitarian aid continues to be distributed in the parishes of the church. These are, first of all, food, medicines and many other things that people especially need today.

According to the secretary of the ROCOR Odessa diocese, Mother Rafaila, the church has been providing various assistance to those in need for many years. “We continue this work today. We help a lot of people. This is one of our charitable activities.

For example, the ROCOR church was bombed in Malin. There is no roof. The glasses are all broken. Collecting donations for restoration work.

In Mariupol, a bomb hit the house of our parishioner. There was a house church of ROCOR. They were left without a home. We also try to help them.

The needy parishioners always receive help from us. We are collecting donations and people are responding. We hope that there will be even more such helpers, since times are very difficult today and more and more people need help,” said mother.

She thanked God for the people who are ready to hear requests for help and help. “Some help less, some more. There are such people. Thank God for everything".



Monday, April 18, 2022

200 Ukraine MP priests sue Pat. Kyrill

+GREAT AND HOLY MONDAY: BECAUSE THESE 2 Videos, Were JUST TODAY SENT TO ME: SHARING: TWO VIDEOS: Watch "Ukrainian priests of Moscow Patriarchate call to ban Russian religious doctrine": & "The Russian World", on YouTube 

Subject: Watch "Ukrainian priests of Moscow Patriarchate call to ban Russian religious doctrine" on YouTube      13 minutes

And: another revealing video-       7 minutes

In This Our Orthodox Christian Holy Week: GLORY O LORD TO THY LONG-SUFFERING! GLORY TO THEE!



…because many, world-wide,  to this day,… amassingly… still are not aware of the true historical secret abominable heretical apostate COMMUNIST founding in 1943, in the dark of night and behind closed  doors, of clergy who under dire duress and threat of death or imprisonment if they did not comply with Stalin’s wishes,  who thus set up and organize  Stalin’s apostate uncanonical false-front phony and bogus theatrical stage-set  pretend Russian church, his so-called, “Moscow Patriarchate”  or its false graceless episcopate or its ‘Holy Patriarchs’ either.


Holy New Confessor Patriarch TIKHON, OF THRICE BLESSED MEMORY, was the very last freely elected/dully canonically consecrated  at the 1917 Moscow Sobor, (which was THE  very last free & canonical-LEGAL Sobor/Council of the full real Russian Orthodox Church… which at that time, included delegates from Ukraine also of course) canonical and REAL/genuine  Russian Patriarch, of THE ONE and ONLY HISTORICAL CANONICAL RUSSIAN ORTHODOX  CHURCH, thus he was also the only Patriarch over, also, Ukraine, then a full part of the old Russian Empire, and its ONE Official National Church.   But after his martyric death (likely poisoned by Comrade Tauchev, head of the Secret Police  of the terrorist Bolsheviks),  Stalin INSTALLED his ‘loyal’ stooges  /  afraid for their lives if they did not obey Stalin, apostate clergy to head what was left of that Russian Church structure, planning on totally 100% eliminating it, & all religion as a good true believing theomachist athiest, as soon as was practical.  HOWEVER, Stalin thus, needed to appear GIVE A CHURCH to the suffering Russian & Ukrainian people. So, in order to influence the bulk of the still largely religious common Russian people to help him fight the rapidly invading Hitler’s German army-which would have for sure, soon ended him and his entire Bolshevik reign of terror, he created, in 1943, in the dark of night, his own “Russian Church”, named “The Moscow Patriarchy,” headed by traitor Bishop Sergius Stragorodsky-whom Stalin… against all Holy Canons — which made that elevation 100% INVALID and MEANINGLESS,  put on the then vacant Patriarchal Throne, together with other traitor bishops, and thus Joseph Stalin created his own UNCANONICAL/APOSTATE/ENSLAVED to the Communists, bogus/false ‘church,’ in order to fool the Russian people, and the world. 

And to doubters of this information,  — it comes straight from revealed meeting-minutes, etc.  documents from KGB archives, & Stalin’s secret directives, which later were BRIEFLY opened… under Yeltzin if I remember correctly,  to the public and shared. And many can be located on: <> in the archives…and also on, <>  ….in original Russian..

All who opposed this, he killed off, tortured & imprisoned, or sent to far away work/death  camps…or to have to flee Russia.

That uncanonical and totally NON-ORTHODOX COMMUNIST SUBSERVIENT FALSE-FRONT ‘CHURCH,’ The MP, is what this “Ukrainian Orthodox Church of The Moscow Patriarchy” has been subservient to and  a loyal part of.   It is grace-less and a total fraud and part of the End times mass world apostasy.

KGB agent, ‘Kyrill Gundaev” is a false/actor patriarch, and all of his bishops and priests are also, false and graceless, in the Russian Federation, and in Ukraine, and throughout the whole world. In North America, both of the Russian originated jurisdictions: Since 1972, …when they foolishly bowed to Moscow, The “Autocephalous” OCA-Orthodox Church In America,” and also since 2007, the betrayed large part of the old Exile-Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, now called: The ROCOR of the Moscow Patriarchy, are also both subservient to this false Patriarch, and thus too, (if they are conscious of it or not) to KGB agent dressed in theatrical Patriarchal garb, Kyrill Gundaev’s  real bosses: KGB agent Vladimir Putin and his Kremlin Global Communist  gangsters…. still bent on world domination..i.e. Putin’s “Russian World”.. which is a central reason of why Power Mad Dictator Putin has attacked and invaded and is destroying a free and independent and prosperous Ukraine and its citizens: men and women, and babies, and old people… a Hitler-like mass genocide.

And, exactly, it is that current on-going genocidealmass -murdering which “Holy Patriarch Kyrill” fully publically supports and BLESSES-as if, this is some sort of “HOLY WAR”!.

And is thus: ”GOD’S WILL”

So, finally, in Ukraine, NOW!...many are wakening  up, as to who exactly is “Holy Patriarch Kyrill” and his boss and pal, Vlad Putin.

Retired Reader Daniel Everiss in Oregon, whom God would not allow  to be a part of that betraying of Orthodoxy,  the pathetic hypnotized gathering,  sadly  lead by himself fooled,  JUDAS Met. Laurus Skurla’s, ROCOR,..i.e. “The blind leading the blind, and both shall fall into the ditch!” which sheeps to the slaughter, so foolishly  joined that betrayal in 2007 to Moscow… a Moscow still fully controlled TO THIS DAY, by the heirs of the original athiest 1917 Bolshevik killers of old Orthodox Russia… and Ukraine.




Saint Tikhon, Russian Svyatoy Tikhon, original name Vasily Ivanovich Belavin, (born Dec. 19 [Dec. 31, New Style], 1865, Toropets, near Pskov, Russia—died April 7, 1925, Moscow; canonized Oct. 9, 1989), patriarch of the Russian Orthodox church following the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.Apr 3, 2022

Died: April 7, 1925 (aged 59) Moscow Russia 

Born: December 31, 1865 Russia

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Selected Video with subtitles in English

From: Svetlana Dibinin
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2022 10:38 PM
To: Daniel Everiss
Subject: 1647032395356956.MP4     5 minutes
  Time:   Tue, 12 Apr 2022 05:39:51 +0000    
  From: Dan Everiss <>  
  To:   Joanna Higginbotham <> 

Destroyed church in Ukraine

  4/11/2022: This is what "Sincere Orthodox Christian Vladimir Putin" does to and with Orthodox Churches in Ukraine! - as the original God-hating 1917 Bolsheviks did the same-plus the mass murder of Orthodox clergy and believers? in those days AND NOW. 

People pass by a destroyed church that served as a military base for Russian soldiers in Lukashivka village, Ukraine. (Photo by Anastasia Vlasova/Getty Images)

Not only the Church, but also people were replaced in USSR


1) rough machine-English translation and, 

2) original Russian text: "Not only the church, but also people were replaced in the USSR" 


  Time:  Sat, 9 Apr 2022 18:35:00 +0000    

  From: Dan Everiss <>


About what all is happening in Ukraine and Russia, etc. -from an Orthodox bishop who has LIVED this history and who is now in its midst. HE KNOWS…DIRECTLY!... OF WHAT HE SPEAKS! And he cares only about THE TRUTH!

I apologize to English-only readers, but I simply am not capable to DARE TO correctly smooth-out the rough machine-English  translation from the original Russian text, into a better human-English translation-though I fully understand the machine-English meaning, as I am familiar with this Russian and Ukrainian history. Our beloved and life-long persecuted much-suffering Vladyka Metropolitan Agafangel (Pashkovsky)  has LIVED in it all, and he still lives in its present dark & dangerous & soul-shocking realities. At this moment, his very life is in danger, as is that of his entire flock, clergy and laity both. MAY GOD PRESERVE THEM!: MANY YEARS! MNOGAYA LETA! SAVE O CHRIST GOD!

I invite anyone:  who can put this Russian original text into a truly readable ACCURATE & better smoother English translation, and send it to me, and I will then share it.

Retired Psalm-Reader Daniel Everiss in the wet, early Spring-tide fir forests of southwestern Oregon, looking forward to going with Our Saviour to His Ever-Memorable and Life-Giving Passion and Death on His Cross, and then to Arise with Him on Bright Pascha Morn. May we all end up in the Heavenly New Jerusalem, at the Celestial Marriage Feast of The Lamb of God, with all His Saints, where the rejoicing and ineffable joy and song is unceasing of those who behold the beautiful face of Our Saviour on His Throne!



“I will wash myself in innocency, and so I shall go round about Thy altar, O Lord!”

And, MEMORY ETERNAL! VECHNAYA PAMYAT! And MAY THEY REST WITH THE SAINTS! To the recently departed to the Lord, the innocent faithful men, women, and children, in Ukraine!...and May Almighty God bring to full repentance before they themselves leave this world,  those who have martyred  them, whose blood is on their hands and hearts and souls, the shed blood of the innocent ones!


Metropolitan Agafangel: Not only the Church, but also people were replaced in the USSR

Author: Metropolitan Agafangel. Publication date:09 April 2022. Category: Author's column .

The idea of ​​one's exclusivity is characteristic of almost all peoples. But, the first Slavs, who invited the Varangians to rule their disparate tribes, did not have such an idea at all, and thanks to the Varangians, who became a single Orthodox state with a capital in Kyiv, received their common name from the name of the tribe of their newcomer rulers - Rus, who with childish simplicity accepted and absorbed this is the name that made him native to himself.

We love our homeland, we must protect it, be brought up by its culture and try to multiply it. But at the same time, we must distinguish between good and evil, and call good good, and call evil evil. If we begin to get confused in this, then we go astray from the path of Christ, we ourselves err and lead others astray.

* * *

The most serious sin that once cast out Satan and the first people from Paradise is pride and self-exaltation. Not only an individual, but also a people can fall into this sin.

Proud attitudes are characteristic to one degree or another of any nation. Including Ukrainian. But the former citizens of the USSR, who today proudly call themselves Russians, sin especially with this.

* * *

It is also known from the lessons in the Soviet school that, according to the program of the only party in the USSR, national and cultural differences in the "family of fraternal peoples" should have been leveled over time, and after the "Soviet culture" a "Soviet nationality" should have arisen - the Soviet-speaking mass happy and fooled godless slaves building communism. Then the same fate awaited the "socialist camp", and finally the ultimate goal - the communist world, the "world international", in which there are no national and property differences, with the communist elite in control - the establishment of the communist Masonic lodge of complete control over the whole world. "We will come to the victory of communism!" The whole country was hung with these slogans.

The so-called internationalists who previously lived in the USSR without any nationality at all, today, adapting to changing circumstances, have declared themselves Russians, and not just Russians, but those who carry the mission of enlightening the "Russian world" to all other peoples - that is, " messianic Russians" (which, by the way, directly comes from the self-consciousness of the Soviet people, who "messianic" wanted to make humanity happy by establishing communism all over the world). "Messianic Russians", more precisely and more correctly, "post-Soviet Russians", decided that they are special, who only know how all other people should live (for example, every Soviet person knew how neighbors should live, but could not arrange the life of your own family).

In fact, this exaggerated conceit is akin to a disorder of consciousness in which a person begins to consider himself Napoleon, or someone else from the greats. Today, yesterday's Soviet internationalists, KGB officers, former and current communists, most of them drunkards and immoral people, declare that they are primordially Orthodox and primordially Russian. And behave accordingly. Without repentance, without abandoning Soviet values, and simply without understanding and awareness of what they say and do. So, on command - now instead of the disappeared Soviet man, a "Russian" man has appeared in the Russian Federation.

There is no doubt that, just as it was done in the USSR, in the same way today in the Russian Federation, leaders of various levels of the Moscow Patriarchate, public organizations, parties and, of course, the leaders of "Russian patriots" recruited from among the old or newly recruited spies (i.e. "secret employees" of the "organs" of the KGB-FSB).

The communists in the USSR, having replaced the Church, also replaced the Russians

The Soviet Union was an evil empire, literally everything there was perverted and completely twisted. There, everything, literally all values ​​were replaced - from the Church, to freedom, which began to be called slavery. The Russian people themselves were also replaced.

Nowadays, the "post-Soviet Russians", having attributed to themselves the Russian heritage, starting from Kievan Rus (they baptized Russia too) and ending with the Russian Empire, coupled with the Soviet legacy, declare with boorish confidence that they are the only heirs and owners of the entirety of Russian culture . Moreover, not only in the historical territory, but everywhere - from the Holy Land (as an example - the Kremlin Palestinian Society) to Alaska inclusive. By making the Ukrainians and Belarusians "less valuable" (i.e., lesser brothers), as, indeed, all other peoples, they gave themselves the right to haughtily indicate the way of life and thoughts that they consider to be the only correct one.

* * *

In post-Soviet times, many people moved away from communist ideas. But, unfortunately, even in the 90s, neither Solzhenitsyn (who praised the ritualists), nor Gleb Yakunin (who eventually founded a religious sect), nor even Dimitri Dudko (who ended his life as an "Orthodox Stalinist"), as they were, and did not become Orthodox people. This is all the more true for representatives of the large army of "professional pseudo-Russians", such as the KGB patriot Nazarov-Pakhomov, who was excommunicated from our Church (on Dikson Island, he secretly joined the Komsomol or the CPSU, in fact, renounced the Russian name and received, according to his own confession, the KGB name is "Walter", for more details see here), as well as many pseudo-Russian KGB patriots like him. Now they teach others to be Russian and how to competently destroy "Svidomo" (ie, conscious) Ukrainians. To this day, they manage to fool honest people, because a decent person cannot even imagine to what degree of perversion a person with a KGB past and an FSB present can reach.

Today, the “post-Soviet religious person”, drugged by the Kremlin globalists and the Moscow Patriarchate, as well as the “KGB-patriot”, attacks and persecutes in the Russian Federation a small remnant of those who adhere to patristic Orthodoxy, arranges splits as a mishandled agent and discredits decent people, and drugged Post-Soviet propaganda "Russians" welcome the cult of war and victory in it, welcome the destruction of the ancient Slavic cities in Ukraine and the murder of its civilians.

And all this is allegedly justified by the fight against gay parades and the bad influence of the West. Indeed, it was about such people that Christ said: "Hypocrits! first take the beam out of your eye, and then you will see how to take the speck out of your brother's eye" (Lk 6.42). And the beam in the eye of the "post-Soviet Russian" is the lack of repentance for the deeds of the God-fighting fathers, the heresy of the Moscow Patriarchate (putting it outside of patristic Orthodoxy), and serving the MP to any, including the theomachic (i.e., Antichrist), power, immorality , corruption and denunciation of the higher clergy and much, much more, which I have written about more than once. Truly, this log is more terrible than gay parades organized by a small group of unbelievers and more terrible than the Western cult of liberal values. Common diseases of Russian society are dictatorship, criminal oligarchy, on the one hand, and the general poverty of ordinary people, on the other, their drunkenness and lack of rights, the implanted cult of war and hatred for everyone who does not agree with the Kremlin's globalists, the cult of various kinds of bastards-Kadyrovs and dead communist commanders, etc. . And with this "wealth" do the Russians think to bestow unfortunate Ukrainians? And they are outraged when they refuse such "gifts". This is not a collection of Russian lands, as the propagandists of the "Russian world" are trying to present, but a desperate attempt to revive the Soviet Union. Russians think to present unfortunate Ukrainians? And they are outraged when they refuse such "gifts". This is not a collection of Russian lands, as the propagandists of the "Russian world" are trying to present, but a desperate attempt to revive the Soviet Union. Russians think to present unfortunate Ukrainians? And they are outraged when they refuse such "gifts". This is not a collection of Russian lands, as the propagandists of the "Russian world" are trying to present, but a desperate attempt to revive the Soviet Union.

The war unleashed by the Russian Federation in Ukraine is due not only to the will of its leader (who, nevertheless, bears full responsibility for all the crimes committed on it), but also to the general state of society, as I wrote here - the post-Soviet pro-communist ideology living in it , the heresy of the Moscow Patriarchate (the main ideological component in the Russian Federation), the mass cult of wars, "heroes" and "victory day on May 9", as well as the paganism and pride of the inhabitants of the Russian Federation, expressed in contempt for the surrounding countries and peoples. All this makes the people of the Russian Federation quite ready to carry out any commands of their leader and share responsibility for any of his crimes.

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Metropolitan Vitaly said that the old Russian emigrants always dreamed of returning to their homeland, with all their might, they helped those who lived in the USSR, wishing to reunite with the captive Russian people. But when new emigrants began to arrive "from there", they were completely bewildered - they did not recognize Russians in them, it was a different, unfamiliar people - with shifty eyes, speaking the "Soviet" language, with petty material demands, inclined to deceive, trying to Anyone who wants to quickly forget where he came from will adapt by any means. I have heard this from many abroad. Metropolitan Vitaly, when he gave me a characterization at the Council, said only one thing, that, they say, you can never say that he came "from there" - "he is like an old emigrant." And that's it - that's the whole point. Then I was confused

Several times I asked Metropolitan Vitaly to come to the territory of the former USSR, knowing what great significance he had for believers, but each time he firmly answered "no." Now I understand that this "no" refers to the post-Soviet people, whom he could not accept and understand. He said that it would be nice to take a plane to the USA and land in St. Petersburg or Sevastopol - but he never did this, because he knew that he would fly to a foreign country. He understood that those St. Petersburg and Sevastopol that he remembered no longer exist, that now these are already other cities and other people live in them. Of course, Metropolitan Vitaly could not have lived even a few days in an atmosphere not like that of the Soviet era, but also completely fake Yeltsin's.

Another emigrant, Yuri Iliodorovich Shidlovsky, told me that the white emigration had always dreamed of returning to Russia, but when such an opportunity arose, it turned out that the spiritual values ​​they kept were no longer needed or interesting there, a completely different people lived there.

It was the Soviet people that became the biggest disappointment for the entire conscience-preserving Russian emigration.

Many who left the former USSR abroad were offended when they noticed such an attitude towards themselves from the old emigrants. But in this case, there is nothing to be offended - we obviously were a different people for them. Gradually, as they became churchgoers and became parishioners of the Russian Church Abroad, the newcomers lost the characteristic qualities of a "Russian" and became real Russian people, no different from the old emigrants. But these, unfortunately, were few in comparison with the total number of new emigrants, who for the most part assimilated into non-Orthodox society.

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In Russia, the people have always acted as the main defender of Orthodoxy - the Russian people have always defended patristic Orthodoxy, starting from the encroachments of papism and ending with the invasion of Islamic hordes. The Russian people are an exclusively Orthodox people, Orthodoxy is its essence and most characteristic feature. But instead of the Russian Orthodox people, as a result of the most severe repressions and the destruction of "dissent", a "post-Soviet Russian" raised by theomachists appeared, indifferent to the heresy of the deceitful Moscow Patriarchate with its service to the Kremlin's globalism, the immorality of the hierarchy and the trampling of Christ's truth.

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Once upon a time, the great Russian writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky pondered whether it was possible to build the happiness of all mankind on the misfortune of only one child. And I decided that no, you can't. This is how a real Russian person thinks. In Ukraine, "Russians" have already killed more than 150 innocent Russian children in terms of language and culture, and twice as many of them have been crippled. For what? Is it made by Russian people? No, not Russian people, but criminals who have already lost not only their divine, but also human likeness, can make plans and give advice on how best to carry out "special operations" for the physical "correction" of the neighboring people and serve for this prayer "for the victory of Russian weapons ". These are not Russian people, but hypocrites bearing Russian names and disguised as Russian people who left the USSR, but did not leave it,

Declaring in words spiritual values, the Russian Federation, in fact, discredits them, and has already reached the point that the whole world rejects the very word "Russian", and everything connected with it - from Orthodoxy to Russian culture, its history and symbolism . Ordinary people in other countries are already so little acquainted with Orthodoxy and with Russian history, but now they are developing, or have already developed, a completely stable negative opinion about everything Russian.

What is the main "crime" of Ukraine?

From the beginning of the fall of communism in the USSR, real Orthodox Russian people began to appear among the Soviet people. This is what the Kremlin globalists feared and fear most of all, trying to take the awakening Russian people under their control. From here appeared the special agents appointed by the KGB to lead the patriotic movement. And now these KGB-FSB-shniks, wherever they can, "patriotically" support everything that is beneficial to the Kremlin, including murders on the territory of Ukraine, since everyone is Ukrainians, Russians, Belarusians, as well as representatives of other peoples living in Ukraine , got out of control of the Kremlin . This is precisely what is most terrible and unacceptable for the globalists sitting in the Kremlin. According to the representative of the leadership of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev, the real main goal of the war in Ukraine ischange the consciousness of Ukrainians , change the mentality of a country that does not want to live in the Soviet Union and try to return the consciousness of the inhabitants of Ukraine to the orbit of the Kremlin's influence (see here ). And if the consciousness of Ukrainians cannot be changed, then, obviously, they will have to be destroyed. A shot in the back of the head is unproductive, they will probably build gas chambers, and more.

The war in Ukraine is a direct continuation of the "Russian world"

I consider it my duty in the current situation to protect the very name of the Russian person, so that the disgrace with which the non-Orthodox and non-Russian Russian Federation is covered today remains on it, and not on the good name of the Russian Orthodox person. Of course, not all residents of the Russian Federation are "post-Soviet Russians", but today, unfortunately, 70% of those who support the war and murders in Ukraine are. This is a people descended from the Soviet people and proudly professing, consciously or unconsciously, the cult of their own delusions, the cult of war and murder. "Post-Soviet Russians" are a separate historical community, an independent people that has nothing to do with the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian peoples. The Russians have suppressed real Russian people in the Russian Federation and are spreading their aggression to other countries in the form of the “Russian world”, which has torn off the mask and shown its true appearance in Ukraine. The "Russian world" can easily do the same in any other country. The Russians do not even hide it.

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I'm not ashamed that I'm Russian. It hurts and hurts me that the servants of the devil, sitting in the Kremlin, did so much in discrediting Russians and Orthodoxy, torn away many Russians by origin from their spiritual heritage and prepared them for eternal death. It is insulting and painful that now for centuries the whole world will think that they destroyed Ukraine and killed its innocent people, as if, the Russian people, confusing the Russian people with the non-national and non-Orthodox people - "Russians".

It remains for us to pray for the revival of genuine Orthodox Russia, and to exert all our feeble strength in order to respond to Christ's sermon addressed to us: "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand" (Mt 4.17). A kingdom that is not of this world...

+ Metropolitan Agafangel

Odessa, April 2022

This article is a continuation and supplement of the article The war with Ukraine was unleashed not by Russians, but by post-Soviet




Митрополит Агафангел: В СССР подменили не только Церковь, но и людей

Автор: Митрополит Агафангел. Дата публикации: 09 апреля 2022. Категория: Авторская колонка.

Мысль о своей исключительности свойственна почти всем народам. Но, такой мысли напрочь не было у первых славян, пригласивших варягов править своими разрозненными племенами, и благодаря варягам, ставших единым православным государством со столицей в Киеве, получивших своё общее имя по названию племени своих пришлых правителейРусь, с детской простотой принявших и впитавших это имя, сделавших его родным для себя.

Мы любим свою родину, должны её защищать, воспитываться её культурой и стараться её преумножить. Но при этом мы должны различать добро и зло, и добро называть добром, а зло называть злом. Если мы начинаем в этом путаться, то сбиваемся с христового пути, заблуждаемся сами и уводим с верной дороги других.

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Самым тяжким грехом, когда-то извергнувшим Сатану и первых людей из Рая, является гордость и самовозношение. Впасть в этот грех может не только отдельный человек, но и народ.

Горделивые умонастроения свойственны в той или иной степени любому народу. В том числе и украинскому. Но особенно этим грешат бывшие граждане СССР, сегодня гордо называющие себя русскими.

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Известно ещё из уроков в советской школе, что, согласно программе единственной в СССР партии, национальные и культурные различия в "семье братских народов" должны были со временем нивелироваться, и вслед за "советской культурой" должна была возникнуть "советская национальность" — советскоязычная масса счастливых и одураченных рабов-безбожников, строящих коммунизм. Затем та же участь ждала "социалистический лагерь", и наконец конечная целькоммунистический мир, "мировой интернационал", в котором нет никаких национальных и имущественных различий, с коммунистической элитой в управленииустановление коммунистической масонской ложей полного контроля над всем миром. "Мы придём к победе коммунизма!" — этими лозунгами была увешена вся страна.

Жившие прежде в СССР вообще без национальности, так называемые интернационалисты, в наши дни, приспосабливаясь к изменяющимся обстоятельствам, объявили себя русскими, причём, не просто русскими, а такими, которые несут миссию просвещения "русским миром" всем прочим народамто есть, "мессианскими русскими" (что, кстати, прямо происходит из самосознания советских людей, которые "мессиански" хотели осчастливить человечество, установив во всём мире коммунизм). "Мессианские русские", точнее и правильнее сказать — "постсоветские русские", решили, что они особые, которые только и знают, как должны жить все остальные люди (так, каждый советский человек знал, как должны жить соседи, но не мог при этом устроить жизнь собственной семьи).

По сути, это преувеличенное самомнение сродни расстройству сознания, при котором человек начинает считать себя Наполеоном, или кем-то иным из великих. Сегодня вчерашние советские интернационалисты, сотрудники КГБ, бывшие и действующие коммунисты, в большинстве своём пьяницы и безнравственные люди, заявляют, что они исконно-православные и исконно-русские. И ведут себя соответственно. Без покаяния, без отказа от советских ценностей, и просто без понимания и осознания того, что они говорят и делают. Так, по командетеперь вместо исчезнувшего советского человека, появился в РФ человек "русский".

Нет сомнений, что подобно тому, как это делалось в СССР, так же и в наши дни в РФ "сверху" назначаются руководители разного уровня Московской патриархии, общественных организаций, партий и, конечно же, возглавители "русских патриотов", набранные из числа старых или вновь завербованных сексотов (т.е. "секретных сотрудников" "органов" КГБ-ФСБ).

Коммунисты в СССР подменив Церковь, подменили и русских

Советский Союз был империей зла, там буквально всё было извращено и насквозь изолгано. Там все, буквально все ценности были подмененыот Церкви, до свободы, которой стали называть рабство. Были подменены и сами русские люди.

В наши дни "постсоветские русские", приписав себе русское наследие начиная от Киевской Руси (они и Русь крестили) и кончая Российской Империей, в купе с советским наследием, с хамской уверенностью заявляют, что они и есть единственные наследники и собственники всей полноты русской культуры. Причём, не только на исторической территории, а вездеот Святой Земли (как примеркремлёвское Палестинское общество) до Аляски включительно. Делая украинцев и белорусов "меньшеценными" (т.е., меньшими братьями), как, впрочем, и все остальные народы, наделили себя правом свысока указывать тот образ жизни и мыслей, который считают единственно правильным.

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В послесоветские времена многие люди отошли от коммунистических идей. Но, к сожалению, даже в 90-е годы, ни Солженицын (восхвалявший обрядоверов), ни Глеб Якунин (основавший в итоге религиозную секту), ни, даже, Димитрий Дудко (закончивший жизнь "православным сталинистом"), как не были, так и не сделались православными людьми. Тем более это касается представителей многочисленной армии "профессиональных псевдо-русских", вроде отлучённого от нашей Церкви КГБ-патриота Назарова-Пахомова (на о. Диксон тайно вступившего в комсомол или КПСС, по сути, отрёкшегося от русского имени и получившего, по его собственному признанию, КГБ-шное имя "Вальтер", подробнее см. здесь), как и множество ему подобных псевдо-русских КГБ-патриотов. Теперь они учат других быть русскими и как нужно грамотно уничтожать "свидомых" (т.е., сознательных), украинцев. Им по сей день удаётся морочить головы честным людям, поскольку порядочный человек даже представить не может, до какой степени извращения может дойти человек с КГБ-шным прошлым и ФСБ-шным настоящим.

Сегодня "постсоветский религиозной человек", одурманенный кремлёвскими глобалистами и Московской патриархией, равно как и "КГБ-патриот", нападает и преследует в РФ малый остаток тех, кто держится святоотеческого православия, в качестве засланного агента устраивает расколы и дискредитирует порядочных людей, а одурманенные постсоветской пропагандой "россияне" приветствуют культ войны и победы в ней, приветствуют уничтожение древних славянских городов в Украине и убийство её мирных жителей.

И всё это, якобы, оправдывается борьбой с гей-парадами и плохим влиянием запада. Воистину, именно о таких людях сказал Христос: "Лицемер! вынь прежде бревно из твоего глаза, и тогда увидишь, как вынуть сучок из глаза брата твоего" (Лк 6.42). А бревно в глазу "постсоветского россиянина" — это отсутствие покаяния за деяния отцов-богоборцев, ересь Московской патриархии (ставящая её вне святоотеческого православия), и прислуживание МП любой, в том числе богоборческой (т.е., антихристовой), власти, безнравственность, продажность и доносительство высшего духовенства и многое, многое другое, о чём я не один раз писал. Воистину, это бревно страшнее гей-парадов, устраиваемых незначительной группой неверующих людей и страшнее западного культа либеральных ценностей. Общие болезни российского обществадиктатура, криминальная олигархия, с одной стороны, и повальная нищета простых людей, с другой, — их пьянство и бесправие, насаждаемый культ войны и ненависти ко всем, кто не согласен с глобалистами Кремля, культ разного рода мерзавцев-кадыровых и мёртвых полководцев-коммунистов, и т.д. И вот этим "богатством" россияне думают одарить несчастных украинцев? И возмущаются, когда те отказываются от таких "даров". Это не собирание русских земель, как пытаются представить пропагандисты "русского мира", а отчаянная попытка возрождения Советского Союза.

Война, развязанная РФ в Украине, обусловлена не только волей её руководителя (который, тем не менее, несёт всю полноту ответственности за все преступления, на ней совершённые), но и общим состоянием общества, как я здесь писалживущей в нём постсоветской прокоммунистической идеологией, ересью Московской патриархии (главной идеологической составляющей в РФ), массовым культом войн, "героев" и "дня победы 9 мая", а также язычеством и гордыней жителей РФ, выразившихся в презрении к окружающим странам и народам. Всё это делает народ РФ вполне готовым выполнять любые команды своего вождя и разделить ответственность за любые его преступления.

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Митрополит Виталий рассказывал, что старые русские эмигранты всегда мечтали вернуться на родину, всеми силами, помогали тем, кто жил в СССР, желая воссоединения с пленённым русским народом. Но когда "оттуда" стали прибывать новые эмигранты, они пришли в полное недоумениеони не узнавали в них русских, это был иной, незнакомый народс бегающими глазами, говорящий на "советском" языке, с мелочными материальными запросами, склонный обманывать, пытающийся любыми способами приспособится и желающий, чтобы поскорее все забыли, откуда он приехал. Это я слышал за границей от многих. Митрополит Виталий, когда давал мне на Соборе характеристику, сказал только одно, что, мол, никогда не скажешь, что он приехал "оттуда", — "он как старый эмигрант". И всёв этом вся характеристика. Тогда я был в недоумении, а сейчас я понимаю, что это, наверное, самая высокая оценка, которую мог дать старый русский эмигрант, и благодарен владыке Виталию за его слова.

Я несколько раз просил митрополита Виталия приехать на территорию бывшего СССР, зная, какое огромное значение он имел для верующих людей, но каждый раз он твёрдо отвечал "нет". Теперь я понимаю, что это "нет" относится к постсоветским людям, которых он не мог принять и понять. Он говорил, что хорошо было бы сесть в США на самолёт и приземлиться в Петербурге или Севастополе, — но он никогда этого не сделал, поскольку знал, что прилетит в чужую страну. Он понимал, что тех Петербурга и Севастополя, которые он помнил, больше не существует, что сейчас это уже другие города и в них живёт другой народ. Конечно, митрополит Виталий не смог бы прожить даже нескольких дней в атмосфере не то, что советских времён, но и насквозь фальшивых ельцинских.

Другой эмигрант, Юрий Илиодорович Шидловский мне говорил, что белая эмиграция всегда мечтала вернуться в Россию, но, когда такая возможность появилась, оказалась, что хранимые ими духовные ценности там никому не нужны и не интересны, там живёт уже совсем другой народ.

Именно советский народ стал самым большим разочарованием для всей сберёгшей совесть русской эмиграции.

Многие, уехавшие из бывшего СССР за границу, обижались, замечая такое отношение к себе со стороны старых эмигрантов. Но в данном случае обижаться нечегомы очевидно были для них другим народом. Постепенно, воцерковляясь и становясь прихожанами Русской Зарубежной Церкви, новоприезжие утрачивали характерные качества "россиянина", и становились настоящими русскими людьми, не отличавшимися от старых эмигрантов. Но таких, к сожалению, были единицы по сравнению с общим числом новых эмигрантов, которые в основной своей массе ассимилировались с неправославным обществом.

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На Руси народ всегда выступал главным защитником православиярусский народ защищал святоотеческое православие всегда, начиная от посяганий папизма и заканчивая нашествием исламских полчищ. Русский народэто исключительно православный народ, православиесуть и самая характерная его черта. Но вместо русского православного народа, в результате тяжелейших репрессий и уничтожения "инакомыслия", появился взращённый богоборцами "постсоветский россиянин", равнодушный к ереси лживой Московской патриархии с её служением кремлёвскому глобализму, безнравственностью священноначалия и попранием христовой правды.

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Когда-то великий русский писатель Фёдор Михайлович Достоевский размышлял, можно ли построить счастье всего человечества на несчастье только одного ребёнка. И решил, что нет, нельзя. Так думает настоящий русский человек. В Украине "россиянами" уже убито более 150 ни в чём не повинных русских по языку и культуре детей и в два раза больше их покалечено. Ради чего? Это сделано русскими людьми? Нет, не русские люди, а преступники, потерявшие уже не только божеское, но и человеческое подобие, могут строить планы и давать советы, как лучше осуществлять "спецоперации" по физическому "исправлению" соседнего народа и служить ради этого молебны "о победе русского оружия". Это не русские люди, а носящие русские имена и принявшие вид русских людей лицемеры, вышедшие из СССР, но не ушедшие из него, а также ими обманутая и не облёкшаяся в Русское православие, молодёжь.

Декларируя на словах духовные ценности, РФ, в действительности, дискредитирует их, и уже дошло до того, что во всём мире вызывает отторжение само слово "русский", и всё, что с ним связаноот православия до русской культуры, её истории и символики. Простые люди в других странах и так мало знакомы с православием и с русской историей, теперь же у них складывается, или уже сложилось, вполне устойчивое отрицательное мнение о всём русском.

В чём главное "преступление" Украины?

С начала падения коммунизма в СССР в среде советского народа стали появляться настоящие православные русские люди. Этого-то больше всего боялись и боятся кремлёвские глобалисты, пытаясь пробуждающихся русских людей взять под свой контроль. Отсюда и появились специальные агенты, назначенные КГБ возглавлять патриотическое движение. И сейчас эти КГБ-ФСБ-шники везде, где только могут, "патриотически" поддерживают всё, что выгодно Кремлю, в том числе убийства на территории Украины, поскольку всеукраинцы, русские, белорусы, как и представители других народов, живущих в Украине, вышли из-под контроля Кремля. Именно это и есть самое страшное и неприемлемое для сидящих в Кремле глобалистов. По признанию представителя руководства РФ Д. Медведева, действительная главная цель войны в Украинеизменить сознание украинцев, изменить менталитет страны, не желающей жить в Советском Союзе и попытаться вернуть сознание жителей Украины в орбиту кремлёвского влияния (см. здесь). А если сознание украинцев изменить не удастся, то, очевидно, их надо будет уничтожить. Выстрелом в затылок непродуктивно, наверное, будут строить газовые камеры, и побольше.

Война в Украинеэто прямое продолжение "русского мира"

Считаю долгом в нынешней обстановке защитить само имя русского человека, чтобы позор, которым покрыта сегодня неправославная и нерусская Российская Федерация, остался на ней, а не на добром имени русского православного человека. Конечно, не все жители Российской федерации являются "постсоветскими россиянами", но сегодня таковыми, к сожалению, являются 70% поддерживающих войну и убийства в Украине. Это народ, происшедший из советского народа и горделиво исповедующий, сознательно или неосознанно, культ собственных заблуждений, культ войны и убийств. "Постсоветские россияне" — это отдельная историческая общность, самостоятельный народ, не имеющий никакого отношения к русскому, украинскому и белорусскому народам. Россияне подавили в Российской Федерации настоящих русских людей и распространяют свою агрессию в другие страны в виде "русского мира", сорвавшего маску и показавшего свой подлинный облик в Украине. То же самое "русский мир" с лёгкостью может проделать в любой другой стране. Россияне этого даже не скрывают.

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Мне не стыдно, что я русский. Мне обидно и больно, что служители диавола сидя в Кремле так много успели в деле дискредитации русских и православия, отторгли множество русских по происхождению от духовного наследия и приготовили их к вечной погибели. Обидно и больно, что теперь столетиями весь мир будет думать, что уничтожали Украину и убивали её невинных людей, будто бы, русские люди, путая русский народ с безнациональной и не православной народностью — "россиянами".

Нам остаётся молиться о возрождении подлинной Православной Руси, и приложить все свои немощные силы, дабы отозваться на обращённую к нам проповедь Христа: "Покайтесь, ибо приблизилось Царство Небесное" (Мф 4.17). Царство, которое не от мира сего

+ Митрополит Агафангел
