Monday, April 26, 2021

Winston Churchill: A short and very accurate definition of "Socialism"

Winston Churchill: A short and very accurate definition of "Socialism"

   Inbox  Daniel Everiss  
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Dan Everiss

Mon, Apr 26, 2021 at 2:21 PM



Great & Holy Tuesday: Joanna, I am surprised at this comment of yours: "The Philosophy of Failure", etc.

   Inbox  Daniel Everiss  
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Dan Everiss

Tue, Apr 27, 2021 at 4:11 PM

BUT, it is now Holy Week, so I will not post any more political articles this week. I need to get back to spiritual matters. But later, I shall explain, as best I am able,  what one of the most moral and educated and intelligent minds of our modern time, Churchill means, and go into a brief explanation of the economic, and political, and spiritual meanings of what all is so very wrong with Karl Marx and his pathetic socialist/communist PLAIN OFF-BASED AND ERRONEOUS social/economic  philosophy, compared with reasonable, AGE-OLD & UNIVERSAL NORMAL human economics – which is our Free-Enterprise/Capitalist system….and the Christian work ethic, etc: - what he is saying here.


And too, they all seemed to ignore or deny any spiritual understanding of mankind- a very fatal error in their lamebrained atheistic philosophical reasonings.

We humans are not only fleshly transient material bodies,  but also minds and immortal souls.

Marx’s principals, most especially his false economic analysis,  are thus: “the philosophy of failure”…because they DO NOT WORK IN THE REAL WORLD, AND INSTEAD OF THEM CREATING HIS HOPED-FOR UTOPIAN SOCIETY -where “all are equal”,  they create prison camps, and wars, and dreary lives, and mass impoverishment  and mass starvation, and make NON-FREE slaves of most people, with the small super rich, top communist ruling class at the top, running everything and everyone’s lives….i.e.  hells-on-earth….and too: his system is godless and anti-religious…..i.e. anti HUMAN.

AND, his system has to be  forced upon a society  first by deceit, and then violence, mass murder, torture, and the constant threat of punishment of the population if all do not submit.


His ‘utopian’ plan for humanity,  DEPRESSES ALL NATURAL INNATE  BORN!.... HUMAN MOTIVATIONS TO THINK AND TO EXPRESS ONES INDIVIDUAL GOD-GIVEN TALENTS and to  IMPROVE ONES LOT IN LIFE, and TO SURVIVE & to PROSPER….and then, such slaves expect others (i.e. that hatred & envied RICH) ..or their communist substitutes, The Socialist Welfare State, i.e.  THE PARTY, to take care of & feed them and to tell then what to do or not to do…i.e. they become dependent SLAVES.

Joe Biden and his leftist crew are working to make America into this  dismal reality.

AND from the individual’s hard work and honest prosperity, THEN…he can …and should, FREELY aid those less fortunate in life…which is a Christian imperative, not really one of Marx’s.

Christ’s teachings about caring for and helping others in need, is based on one’s FREE-WILL LOVE for others, as God has commanded us, not because we MUST…under threat of an oppressive tyrannical earthly governmental regime ordering us to do so,…”or else!”

In official Russian soviet times, the common people had a saying: “The government pretends to pay us, and we pretend to work~”: no nation can exist for long with such wishful but l UNWORKABLE FANTASY-LAND economics, nor the depressing of human energy and creativity.

GOD has given  every human being FREE-WILL, but socialist-communism takes away both God…and human free-will, and any joy in living.

This is what is being done to our America  now, by the sinister Left now in power….and soon will come their total military/police crack down, and their mass imprisonment of dissenters: for “Re-Education”.

In a Christian oriented Free-Enterprise/Capitalist  society, the RICH give the poorer people jobs, (they are the engines of society and the cause of prosperity for the entire nation), and support charitable efforts, because: “The poor ye shall have always with you!”…and contrary to Marxism: THERE WILL ALWAYS BE THOSE WHO HAVE MORE MATERIAL RICHES than  others-that is the normal economics all over the world, from time immemorial to now.

AND, in this exceedingly imperfect fallen-from-grace world, that is the way things SHOULD BE: some are born to riches…or…actually most- so-called “rich” create their material wealth,  by their hard work and efforts….  and some…. are not.

Some are born into various levels of poverty and they stay impoverished.

Universally, the lazy and those who have no initiative to get ahead in life- they remain poor and miserable.

Our American middle-class is a product of our CLOSE-TO-IDEAL,  economic system, that …combined with our individual FREEDOMS, has made this country the richest in the world, for the majority of the common American, of all racial or ethnic derivations.

Also, all over this world, some individual persons are born and/or develop brilliant minds, and others have,  lesser levels of  mental inteligences at birth, plus some have more opportunities to improve  their lives through a better education-and others do not:  THAT IS NORMAL HUMAN EXISTENCE, and that cannot be ever changed. And that means, that every human being is NOT!!! “EQUAL”, (except that in God’s eyes, we are all precious to HIM) in many aspects of each person’s individual personality or talents., no matter what race or nationality or ethnicity he or she is. That too, is the normal world….and what God has set in motion.  

Churchill knew all of this truth.

And without his brilliant and dedicated leadership of England in Hitler’s attacks in World War II, England would have been destroyed and ended.

He was imbued from childhood, with noble Christian principals, and he had both a high intelligence from birth, plus a very thourough & expansive   education, so that he knew what was going on in the world, including -he understood Socialism and its impossible false promises.

We could use him today, and so could his England, now sunk in many aspects of the Socialism that he so despised.


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I get the envy part. I don't get it about "philosophy of failure" or "creed of ignorance."
I have no trouble seeing envy (the sin of coveting) either at the very root, or, if not at the root, then at least very early entwined in the formulation of a socialist vision.

Christ told us, "The poor you will always have with you." To think we can create a heaven-on-earth is the heresy of chiliasm.

And to enforce a chiliastic experiment on unwilling people is evil.

1 comment:

  1. I get the envy part. I don't get it about "philosophy of failure" or "creed of ignorance."
    I have no trouble seeing envy (the sin of coveting) either at the very root, or, if not at the root, then at least very early entwined in the formulation of a socialist vision.

    Christ told us, "The poor you will always have with you." To think we can create a heaven-on-earth is the heresy of chiliasm.

    And to enforce a chiliastic experiment on unwilling people is evil.


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