Monday, October 19, 2020

My Views on Current Happenings in America

10/18/2020: My thoughtful views on what is currently happening here to my native land, America: GOD BLESS AMERICA!

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Dan Everiss

Sun, Oct 18, 2020 at 5:59 PM

18,770 American Flag Waving Photos - Free & Royalty-Free Stock Photos from  Dreamstime

 ​"O Lord, Save the God-fearing, and Hear Us!" 

Named after my birth father, Daniel-who was named after the biblical Holy Prophet Daniel, I was born at the autumn cold weather end of the year 1943, (while many millions of other human beings, world-wide, were suffering and dying in World War II) in north east Ohio, and my sole personal identity was then, that of just-a typical midwestern plain American! , an Ohioan, a product of our 'American ethnic-melting pot', who was born into mainstream traditional American Protestant Christianity.  English was my only language, both of my prayers to God, Who came into my life early, and of learning and of communication with others.

Step by step, God and the Holy Virgin Mary, lead me to Holy Orthodoxy, which after a long catechumenate,  I entered at age 17  in June of 1961 in St. Theodosius of Chernigov, Russian Orthodox Cathedral, in Cleveland, Ohio.

Only many years  later in my older adult life, living here in Oregon, when I finally  did my family-history research, did I find out that my ethnic European roots were a combination of English, Polish, German and perhaps "Flemish" ("French speaking Flemish"...called today within modern southern Belgium, "Walloons").

BUT, I AM..... only … American!, PERIOD!!!  I am loyal to NO OTHER nation on this earth!

My eternal "homeland of my heart's desiring" is Heaven.

But all of my life, (as I do still to this day) I paid no attention to my own known or unknown ethnicity-ancestry 'bloodline'  nor that of any others I had contact with, as I only wished to see good in... all!  GOD-CREATED! people-their VIRTUE, not what 'blood' they had- or what nationality is their last name, which meant absolutely nothing to my Christian Bible-based values.

In fact, I have always enjoyed associating with people from other lands or races, or languages, etc. It is the spice of life, to me.

The Holy Bible, that blessed  collection of sacred writings which was put together and blessed by THE  early Holy Catholic ORTHODOX CHURCH- and which belongs solely to our Orthodox Church, I began to read and absorb from around my age 6.

I never had nor do I now have, any racial nor nationalistic  prejudices whatsoever.

The Good Lord created all mankind in His Holy Image, and I bow to all peoples and races, as Children of God.... 'For whom Christ Died!'

And what a boring world this would be, if all of we humans looked alike! ..i.e., God the Creator seems to like an almost endless & exotic marvelous  panoply and diversity, in we humans and in His animals and in His plants, and in the varied terrain & climates of this wondrous planet-which He made by-in-large for us humans, etc.

​"How marvelous are Thy works, O Lord! there is no tongue sufficient to hymn Thy wonders! Thou art the God Who workest wonders!  ALLELUIA!"

In fact, this unbelievable diversity is proof that a Supreme Mind -- a PERSON,  created it all. It did not just happen... by accident, or on its own volition.  "In the beginning, GOD CREATED the heavens and the earth...…….!" ​ALLELUIA!

But I grew up totally loyal ONLY to this country, my native land, and its democratic ideals, my ONE AND ONLY native land, America, and I was early educated about and a fervent anti-communist.

I am a totally dedicated pro-American and pro-Orthodox Christian and an anti-communist for all of my life.

Yet, I never imagined that this my native land, was 'perfect,' no!, as I knew too much of biblical and world history.

Our unique American experiment has to do with our formation and our Constitution, which: restrains and limits the powers of our government in favor of preserving as much personal freedom to its citizens as possible.

Our majority founding fathers, from many nations, fled Europe for just such freedoms, a Europe  where most of them had very little economic or religious or political freedoms, and where they saw no bright future for their children.

Most of these Founding Fathers had Christian/Biblically-based  beliefs, if divided into various, mostly Protestant, denominations.  But none of them wanted the standard European model: a one Official State Church -- to which everyone must belong to, etc.  Non-Christians were tolerated, as was freedom of thought and speech.  Each American citizen was to have the full freedom to make his life & economical efforts as best he could, by his own planning and self-work:"The pursuit of happiness."  The Free Enterprise Economic System Government was to be very limited and controlled by the voting population, with the totally and actually, government ...being kept as SUBSERVIENT to the people.

(Marxism claims this, but in fact 'the people' in a Marxist 'paradise' are obedient slaves  to the super-rich all-powerful small oppressive upper ruling class of the all-powerful dictatorial Communist elite, who always have their  police and army's guns aimed at the population to keep them obedient... and 'mental wards' always ready to 'treat' /i.e. torture, those who speak against the progressive/advanced' communist system.  Public anti-governmental demonstrations are met with heavy police clubbings, and then some 'disappear' too.  Vlad Putin's neo-soviet regime, has made this system perfect.)

​America was from its start and still is, A WORK IN PROGRESS.... as no nation in world history has ever been perfect nor... has lasted forever -- but is always timed and at some point, God brings it down.

Sad to have to say, but it may turn out that our America is coming to its historical end.  I pray not.

At this time, I regret to have to say, that my beloved native earthly country seems to be in its dying end stage.

And unlike so many of the younger ignorant and mindless deranged pro-leftist morally depraved post-Christian generation of fellow current Americans, who mostly know NO  ACCURATE HISTORY OF ANYTHING!, ...the Good Lord has blessed me to study and to know world history, & that of the founding freedom-oriented principles, and founded on a firm belief that it is Almighty God Who has blessed and founded this nation, of my America, and thus to know how terribly bad atheist communism (morally/spiritually, mentally and economically and in all ways) is for all mankind.  Next to anti-human Islam, it is the second biggest historic major satanic curse on the entire human race, in all of recorded human world history.

Just look and behold what they did to old Russia and the other countries they took over and ruined.

But, I need to make this exposition not go on forever:

IF our noble and totally truthful and wholly patriotic President Donald John Trump (MAY ALMIGHTY GOD, BLESS AND DEFEND HIM, AND GRANT TOTAL DEFEAT TO ALL OF HIS ENEMIES!) is not re-elected, we will have to have a very bloody civil war here, -with many thousand dying, as we who love our country CANNOT  tolerate a leftist/Marxist takeover of our nation, which will be the end of all of our freedoms, and the destruction of our ​FREE-ENTERPRISE, economic prosperity, of any semblance of freedom for those of us who try to practice our Christian religion, ...and thus I must repeat the old adage: "Better DEAD, than RED!" 

I and many other loyal Americans wish that those who live here in our country, (whether they were born here or those who emigrated here) but who hate it and who want us to become communistic, that they should all soon emigrate to current communist nations, and there SEE how well it works in practice.  I recommend that they all go to 'beautiful and prosperous North Korea', where they have zero freedom of speech and where they will be lucky to be able to eat dog meat, or starve to death with the many others there, etc.  There, if they try to protest that government, they will simply be quickly shot, and their organs harvested,  and their mouths shut up forever.

Is this what our insane leftists want for America?  It truly seems so.

It really does seem, that our insane leftist radicals here, many of whom are drugged up, now rioting and looting and fire-bombing in our cities, -- many funded  & lead by foreign monies, want this for America.

To any who read my words here, who live in a country outside my America, I see by the foreign news media, that it is mostly taken over by the world-wide leftist anti-American propaganda machine -- run largely by Red Chinese and the Putin propaganda machine.

That seems true for all European nations, Australian news, BBC, etc, etc, etc.

You outside my country only get misinformation about what all is happening here, I am sad to observe.

MOST of us here, are not leftists and we DO SUPPORT our beloved President Donald John Trump!

Foreigners, by-in-large, it seems to me, largely thus do not have the foggiest idea as to what is really going on here ...not in the least.

Our major in-America, 'drive-by' FAKE- news media, (TV and the Internet, etc.) is largely controlled by this  same anti-American leftist propaganda machine... and thus it daily spews out garbage and slanders and endless lies, lies, and more lies.

Daily, our God-protected President is accused of being THE "Nazi'-Racist" perpetrator of EVERY calamity in America or in the whole world- to the point of disbelieving total laughter.

Yet here and in other parts of the world, many poor & misguided and miss-informed people actually believe such absurd slanders and lies, because it is the only information that is fed to them!   As Holy Scripture puts it: "Every man is a liar!"


Here, we can only hear the truth of anything connected to our currently INSANE!  & three-ring circus, American politics, from our radios, from our small number of conservative TRUTH-TELLING "talk-show" moderators.
Also, if we can watch/hear our President speak, then we KNOW ​HE! is telling us the truth, the full truth as he simply DOES NOT LIE!

The ones who tell only lies are the leftists!

All in the disloyal to America, despicable traitorous Democrat-Marxist Party, only! tell lies after slanderous lies, night and day, every day, and why?

BECAUSE they are desperate to keep their hold on their long-held extreme political power and the enormous government monies which they have controlled for so many years now -- i.e. they are utterly CORRUPT POLITICIANS.

If Trump is re-elected, they will loose much of this, big-time.  He, to them, is the feared, proverbial  "Bull in the China shop!"  They are struggling to stop him, at any cost, and no matter how many lies and slanders they must publish to ruin him.

"Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"

IF, President Donald John Trump is not re-elected, America is finished, and rivers of blood will for sure flow, from a full blown civil war.

Then too,  if our insane left takes over, no one who tries to practice any form of religion: Christian, Jewish, Moslem, Hindu, etc.  but especially of any Christian variety, will be able to worship freely.

Already here, the Democrat controlled state-governors and city-majors are dictatorially closing churches and synagogues and interfering with the practice of religion, WHICH IS FORBIDDEN BY OUR CONSTITUTION!.... using the excuse of stopping the pandemic, etc.

And too, these despicable leftist/Marxist Democrat politicians in seats of higher power;-federal, state, and local,  have closed down our economy, thus causing the downfall of our economy and many jobs, destroying families and lives, and pushing people to suicide and violent solutions. But, violent criminal leftist rioters they order our police to stand-by and allow them to burn and rob and kill citizens! That is already a violent leftist ANARCHIST/MARXIST revolution in our cities.

Some who read my words here, will now ask me to remove them from my email list. If so, good!

I hope to God, that all leftist enemies of my country will soon leave it, and never ever return.


Perhaps if they go to Putin's 'democratic' Russian Federation, there Vlad Putin will declare for them some new 'autonomous republic' for "Refugees From American Capitalist Oppression" -- ? ..i.e., The "ORFACO" Republic?

We are now in a WAR to save our country, and in war there are casualties, and friendships ended, and enemies made.

When I leave this world and face God's judgement before God's Throne, may I be able to say that I did my best for my faith and for my good country.

Very sincerely, as God is My Help and My Witness!

Retired Orthodox Christian Tonsured Reader, Daniel Everiss in Oregon, USA
(I may be old but I am not a fool!). 

GOD BLESS OUR BELOVED PRESIDENT DONALD JOHN TRUMP!...and grant utter shame and defeat to his detractors and foes!


1 comment:

  1. To those Americans who want to live under socialist government:

    You should move to the socialist country of your choice. And not try to bully Americans into changing just to suit you.

    Love it or Leave it are 2 choices. There is another acceptable choice: Wait your turn. Like how you were taught in kindergarten to wait your turn as per the old "Golden Rule." Socialist democrats will surely get another turn at ruining.., uh.. er.., I mean running, the country. Just be patient.


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