Thursday, June 25, 2020

TO FRIENDS and SUPPORTERS: Update report

June 11/ 24, 2020: NOTICE TO FRIENDS and SUPPORTERS: Update report on my improved mail-delivery and current basic needs, etc.


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Dan Everiss

Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 9:16 AM
Cc: Dan Everiss <>, Joanna Higginbotham <>, "Fr. John Mahan" <>

The Non Hand made Image of God "Mandylion" - The Saviour not made ...

​We venerate Thy most pure image O Good One, and ask forgiveness of our transgressions, O Christ Our God; for of Thine own good will Thou wast pleased to  ascend the cross in the flesh, to deliver from slavery to the enemy, those whom Thou hadst created; therefore we thankfully cry to Thee, Thou hast filled all  things with joy O Our Saviour, by coming to save the world!

Dear friends and sympathizers,

Finally, after a long struggle to get the postal service, via my local rural postal district, the  Oakland, Oregon post-office, (which is about 15 miles away from my residence), to actually deliver my mail to my door, up my winding uphill road, 

they have finally agreed, and so now, as of today,  I am receiving ​my incoming mail,  at my door-side mail box, and I can send out, my outgoing regular mail faster and more efficiently.... also directly from my door!   Previously, ​for many long years, it was  delivered to my now inaccessible road-side mail box, way down the mountain, where I personally cannot access it anymore.  I am a semi-invalid & non-ambulatory and carless and basically house-bound, so I cannot go down there myself.

I have had to depend on other local undependable people (who are not always willing) to retrieve my incoming mail and bring it up to me, or to take my outgoing mail to town, and pay them.

But my mailing address is the same: 

Daniel Everiss
8419 Hwy 138 West
Oakland, Oregon 97462-9782

For delivery of UPS parcels, (or for anyone to access & reach my dwelling), they must use my roadside entrance gate of 8243 Hwy 138 West, and come through it and bring the parcels up to my door.

By God's mercy, I am surviving, with my daily struggles, BY GOD'S MERCY ALONE!... but if anyone wants to send me some monetary or other help, I cannot refuse it.

My big ongoing problem is transportation to doctor's appointments in Roseburg, (about 3-4 per month), or for food shopping there, etc.

The two semi-willing persons who do this at present, are growing tired of helping me, or are not in good health themselves, and for what I must pay them each time, (roughly  about $100.00 -$150.00 in total per month) ... is a big drain on my low social security income.

Currently, I receive almost zero regular donations to supplement my low income level.

Because I live outside of the official mile-radius limits, within which.... I might be able to get some state-paid transportation, I cannot avail myself of any government paid transportation.  So, please, I ask all who read this, do not argue with me that I can get such transportation paid by the state of Oregon, as I CANNOT!  I have thoroughly researched this matter.... over and over many times.

AND, also what I really need, badly, is someone whom I can trust, to come here and physically help me clean up and straighten up my dwelling, and my living environment, -which I am physically totally unable to do.  If I get someone local, they will want big bucks for that-but so far, I cannot find such a willing or trustworthy person regardless.

SO, I ask all of your prayers, and if you can send me any aid, I cannot refuse it.  Your sincere prayers I request!

My wish and my hope is to convey this entire property, dedicated long ago, to Our Saviour,  for an animal rescue & refuge, -that is my prayer to God. That in itself, will take big bucks.... which I do not have.  But to sell this property for simply money, that I very much will not do. It is sacred trust, which I have made to God, many long years ago.

Retired Reader Daniel Everiss in southwestern Oregon, USA


My unworthy daily prayers are always with you all, and yours I ask!

​Glory to Jesus Christ!  Glory to Him forever!

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