Link with google English translation:
Управление мусульман Петербурга: Ураза-байрам праздновали более 100 тыс. верующих (ФОТО, ВИДЕО)
Между тем местные СМИ со ссылкой на ГУ МВД сообщают, что к городским мечетям пришли 42 тыс. человек
28 июля. /Корр. ИТАР-ТАСС Максим Ничипоренко, Иван Скиртач/. Более 100
тыс. мусульман приняли участие в праздновании Ураза-байрама в
Петербурге. Об этом ИТАР-ТАСС сообщил председатель Духовного управления
мусульман (ДУМ) Петербурга и Северо-Западного федерального округа Равиль
его словам, около Соборной мечети в центре города собрались в
понедельник утром около 90 тыс. человек. К мечети на Парашютной улице
(Приморский район города) пришли около 20 тыс. мусульман.
тем местные СМИ со ссылкой на ГУ МВД по Петербургу и Ленинградской
области сообщают, что к Соборной мечети пришли не менее 35 тыс. человек,
к мечети на Парашютной - 7 тыс. В пресс-службе петербургского Главка
отказались комментировать ИТАР-ТАСС эти данные.
По данным ДУМ, в регионе всего насчитывается около 700 тыс. мусульман.
аль-Фитр (праздник разговения - с арабского, Ураза-байрам, Кучук-байрам
или Шекер-байрам - с тюркского) - один из двух главных дней
мусульманского календаря, знаменующий окончание священного месяца
мире ислам исповедуют более 1,6 млрд человек (24,8% населения Земли,
каждый четвертый). В России мусульманство - вторая по числу верующих
# RE: Muslims Office Petersburg: Eid celebrated more than 100 thousand believers (PHOTOS, VIDEO) - Internet Cathedral 28.07.2014 15:17
President Vladimir Putin congratulates Russian Muslims with the onset
of the holiday of Eid al-Adha. "One of the most important, significant
Muslim holiday Eid al-Fitr draws believers to spiritual and moral roots
of Islam," - said, in particular, in greeting the president. "Muslim
community Russia is actively involved in educating the younger
generation. Promotes savings of rich national cultural and spiritual
heritage, "- said Putin. And Orthodox Happy Prince Vladimir and the Baptism of Russia did not congratulate. Maybe he accept Islam?
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# RE: Muslims Office Petersburg: Eid celebrated more than 100 thousand believers (PHOTOS, VIDEO) - Internet Cathedral 28.07.2014 15:05
But Orthodoxy on their land in deep crisis ... Whatever is not claimed in the MP.
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# Islam, the most evil anti-human institution- — Rd. Daniel 28.07.2014 17:40
Islam, means 'submission'.
It is a mindless, dead soul, dead intellect, mass enslavement of poor confused humanity, -the worst ever created, inspired by the Devil.
Islam really means, SUBMISSION TO SATAN!
When we read of Moslems who have given it up, and become some sort of Christians, we learn about the major differences between it, and a Christian view of life.
The Christian view gives hope and joy and peace. Jesus gives these good feelings and grace and peace. Islam gives only spiritual and intellectual depression and hate and mass hysteria.
Muhammad, Of Thrice Cursed Memory, taught such an evil way of living.
ISLAM IS A DEAD-END way of life.
All of these poor Moslem fools, have given up their God-given free-will, and blindly obey their evil power hungry leaders, and what the garbled Koran teaches.
Islam causes oppression , murder, and mass ignorance.
Robot-like Moslems more often kill each other, even inside of their 'holy' mosques, and on Moslem 'holy days', right after their Friday Prayers. And then, they go and murder Christian clergy and burn Christian churches.
Moslems who live in western countries, and in Russia, should be told: Either convert to Christianity, or GET OUT!
But the communists have long had a use for them, and so does Putin.
Our president Barack Obama is also pro-Moslem, and anti-Christian, and too, he is pro-Putin and pro-Marxist.
Putin is destroying Russia and real Russian & genuine Orthodox Christian Russian culture, and Obama is doing the same to my America.
This entire world is one big mental asylum, but where the mental patients have locked up the staff, and taken over.
Rd. Daniel
It is a mindless, dead soul, dead intellect, mass enslavement of poor confused humanity, -the worst ever created, inspired by the Devil.
Islam really means, SUBMISSION TO SATAN!
When we read of Moslems who have given it up, and become some sort of Christians, we learn about the major differences between it, and a Christian view of life.
The Christian view gives hope and joy and peace. Jesus gives these good feelings and grace and peace. Islam gives only spiritual and intellectual depression and hate and mass hysteria.
Muhammad, Of Thrice Cursed Memory, taught such an evil way of living.
ISLAM IS A DEAD-END way of life.
All of these poor Moslem fools, have given up their God-given free-will, and blindly obey their evil power hungry leaders, and what the garbled Koran teaches.
Islam causes oppression , murder, and mass ignorance.
Robot-like Moslems more often kill each other, even inside of their 'holy' mosques, and on Moslem 'holy days', right after their Friday Prayers. And then, they go and murder Christian clergy and burn Christian churches.
Moslems who live in western countries, and in Russia, should be told: Either convert to Christianity, or GET OUT!
But the communists have long had a use for them, and so does Putin.
Our president Barack Obama is also pro-Moslem, and anti-Christian, and too, he is pro-Putin and pro-Marxist.
Putin is destroying Russia and real Russian & genuine Orthodox Christian Russian culture, and Obama is doing the same to my America.
This entire world is one big mental asylum, but where the mental patients have locked up the staff, and taken over.
Rd. Daniel
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