Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Festal Greetings Theophany

Festal Greetings with the Great Feast of The Theophany (The Baptism) Of Our Lord

   Trash  Daniel Everiss  
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Dan Everiss

Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 2:51 AM

“When in Jordan Thou wast baptized O Lord, then the worship of the Trinity was made manifest, for the voice of the Father bare witness unto Thee, calling Thee His Beloved Son, and the Spirit in the form of a dove confirmed the truthfulness of that word. O Christ Our God who hast appeared and Who hast enlightened the world, GLORY TO THEE”

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Marxist takeover of our America

Sunday 1/17/2021: Just my current observations as we watch the step-by-step Marxist takeover of our America   Inbox  Daniel Everiss  
Add star  Dan Everiss<oregdan@hotmail.com>Sun, Jan 17, 2021 at 9:57 PM


And Festal Greetings with the soon coming Theophany of Our Lord!

Following the well historically establish process of the Socialist/Marxist-Globalist take over of a country, we here in America are witnessing this being repeated, but this time, on us.

First they get control of the main sources of daily news that most foolishly  believe is ‘the truth’, then they also indoctrinate our children in  our schools and universities (which they have been busy doing for many years now) into believing that Socialism is best, while our traditional American Constitutional liberties and our Free-enterprise economic freedoms are evil.

However, those who know history, well know, that Socialistic Marxist Communism is the curse of every nation that it has been foisted on.

SOCIALISTIC-MARXIST-COMMUNISM just DOES NOT WORK!!!  It is based on many false and erroneous assumptions about human beings and economics.

And then, step by step, they have transformed one of our two main political parties, the Democrats,  into their totally subservient TROJAN-HORSE party -- and they also have deeply infiltrated its opposing party, the Republicans, and then they slander any who oppose this subversion process, as our valiant President Donald J. Trump, so that they have turned many unwise people here against him -- by daily preposterous slanders and endless lies -- DAILY on their totally controlled news  mass-media propaganda network machine, FOR 4 LONG YEARS NOW!

So that when this recent presidential election has been held, many moronic ignorant mindless robotic people in this country, actually voted against him… plus they falsified the entire election process (a well proven fact), so that it appears that he has lost and the pro-Marxist Democrat candidates have won.

This sad reality can well be biblically labeled: “Framing mischief by statute.”

Then, as we see now, since these traitors to America, and blind servants of the world-wide International Communist Conspiracy, SEEM to be now, THE LEGAL LEGITIMATE  US GOVERNMENT, they begin to search out us genuine American patriots who resist their power-grab, to locate us and to persecute us, to turn THEIR soldiers and police guns against us, to complete their illegitimate power takeover of our (former) American Constitutional Republican-Democracy.

THIS same scenario such Marxists have done, starting in their bloody takeover of old Russia in 1907,  in every nation which they have seduced and taken over…. and after their assuming of power, then the arrest and tortures and mass imprisonments begin.

Any who resist, are shot, often “resisting arrest.”

All of our former American Constitutionally protected rights and freedoms are now, past history.

THEY are now, turning our police and military into THEIR enforcers, (who are trained to “JUST FOLLOW ORDERS”)  who used to be guardians of society from real criminals, and protectors of our nation against domestic and foreign enemies.  We conservative patriotic Americans USED to highly respect and honor them, but now they will be used to oppress us.  This transformation has already begun.

NOW, our American police and soldiers  are becoming OUR oppressors and enemies, (with the pro-leftist judges and courts) being totally obedient  and subservient to the new Marxist “legally elected” overlords of our country.

Soon, many of us will be arrested by them, interned into large prison camps, and some -- executed, or “disappeared” by our new ‘legal government’… or we patriots will have to flee our country.

Those members of the deluded “Christian-Left” who foolishly have supported this Socialist-Marxist regime, and who routinely vote Democrat,  they may not close down, as they will suppress any Christians or others, who oppose their anti-God takeover.

We will no longer have any freedom of speech or of religion in this country.

THUS, we are now in the early stages of the end of all of our Constitutional rights and freedoms.

My only prayer that I can utter is: “O Almighty God! Please interdict and stop these anti-god Marxists from taking power!”

Because if God Himself, directly, does not stop them, then we will for sure, have a very bloody prolonged civil war, which will go on for many many years,  to save our free real America, and to prohibit their new “Socialist Republic of America”.

And too, since they plan on ending our free-enterprise/”capitalist”  economic system, (which system has  made this country, the richest on earth -- for the majority of our population), all lower and middle income Americans of all ethnic origins,  will suffer, mightily.

Already these tyrannical Democrat party governors and mayors, have put severe unnecessary strictures on our jobs, under the excuse of halting the pandemic, which has destroyed countless jobs and lives! This alone, is pushing our people into civil war.

Marxist/Socialistic economics makes entire nations hopelessly depressed and poor and impoverished, while those at the top, become the richest people on earth.

“In Thee O LORD, have we hoped, let us not be put to shame, in this world or the next!”

Just my observations at this early stage of us losing our free America, to the Leftists who have stolen our presidential election, and our country.

Uttered in sadness and in mourning for our once free America, which our lone honorable President Donald J. Trump was mightily struggling to save, but whom we have allowed to be knifed in his back by the many Judases and  scoundrels surrounding him.

Retired Orthodox Christian Psalm-Reader, Daniel Everiss, loyal to our free-America.


Monday, January 11, 2021

Pence Supports Impeachment of President Trump

Sharing with a few of my knowledgeable friends: Fw: I like what this astute man has to say-he makes a lot of common sense

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Dan Everiss

Mon, Jan 11, 2021 at 4:53 PM

But please ignore the annoying interrupting adverts!
Daniel in Oregon

From: Dan Everiss <oregdan@hotmail.com>
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2021 3:31 PM
Subject: I like what this astute man has to say-he makes a lot of common sense
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Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Festal Greetings with the Nativity

Orthodox Christian Festal Greetings with the Nativity In The Flesh, of Our Lord, God, and Saviour JESUS CHRIST!

  Daniel Everiss  
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Dan Everiss

Tue, Jan 5, 2021 at 1:53 PM

​Thou hast come to us, O Sunrise of the East, to the dark Occident of our nature!

Troparion. Tone 4:
​Thy Nativity, O Christ our God, hath shone upon the world with the light of wisdom; for thereby, they that worshipped the stars were taught by a star to worship Thee, the Sun of Righteousness, and to know Thee,
the Dayspring from on high. O Lord, glory to Thee.

Kontakion, Tone 3:
Today the Virgin giveth birth to Him Who is transcendent in essence; and the earth offereth a cave to Him Who is unapproachable. Angels with  shepherds give glory; and with a star the Magi do journey; for our sake a young Child is born, Who is the pre-eternal God.

-and May God grant a truly Blessed & Holy New Year to All!

More on CCP Virus

SHARING with Video link: REPLY to Orthodox Friends in San Francisco: Fw: More on ccp virus

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Dan Everiss

Mon, Jan 4, 2021 at 6:06 PM

*You may share this, if you wish-

Subject: Re: More on ccp virus
Dearest Orthodox friends in San Francisco,

*For coming Nativity: CHRIST IS BORN! GLORIFY HIM!

WOW!.....how very disturbing, yet not really surprising to me, who worked in various hospitals in the past years, and who witnessed there a gradual on-going degrading process.....of an ever increasing lack of caring for, fellow sick or dying people in hospitals, (mainly by the hospital ADMINISTRATIONS, ...but also by more and more doctors) for them to want to actually  aid in the healing, curing, or in saving the lives of the sick of all ages, especially IF those patients were perceived as not having much of a future, "too old" or anyway who were considered as 'not worth saving',.. 'hopeless'  -especially those over middle age or older.

More and more, over the years in this country, "THE BOTTOM LINE", i.e. the profit margin, was AND IS NOW TODAY,  the number one consideration for those who run hospitals...(& among more and more doctors also, sad to say), but normally in past times anyway, not among most of us who actually were one-on-one  part of the nursing staff actually taking direct care of the sick or dying  fellow HUMAN BEINGS.

And this in-human process has been moving ahead & in place, long before this Covid epidemic.

 I am afraid that what is exposed in this shocking documentary testimonial  is but one sad sign of the End Times, when we humans are becoming so very very evil, and indeed monstrous and disfigured, that simple human MERCY does not count any more, only MONEY and material power & wealth...i.e. ​THINGS. We may, at will,  mass murder by abortion unborn or newly BORN! babies, and the useless elderly, or ANYONE! Way back over the past centuries, it was largely early Christians who created hospitals/houses of hospitality,  or "Poor-houses",  where the sick and dying, and abandoned orphans, (who often were left in caves or out in the desert to die, as their pagan  parents didn't want them...especially  physically defective or girl babies or other burdensome unloved little children) and abandoned widows and the destitute poor, who  were SEARCHED FOR by Christians, taken in & nursed, and fed and saved...for MERCY_SAKE, not for profit or for money....nor certainly not for any praise either. It was simply what Christians were supposed to do.

Monastics, men or women,  often did this work, and as many saints among  them testified: "To nurse the sick, the orphans and widows and the wounded and dying, is of GREATER BLESSING BY GOD, THAN TO PERFORM  MANY PRAYERS! or other ascetic feats!"
Such work of mercy,  was and still today SHOULD BE, copying the work and example of the Gospel's Good Samaritan.....i.e. Christ's LOVE in practice.

As to the other very complicated aspects of this current catastrophic  world-wide pandemic: yes we are not being given the full truth about it nor as how to best beat it, etc....and why? Because, for one issue: the (indeed financially struggling!)  nation-wideFAILING American hospital establishment needs!  big bucks.. to survive, even before this catastrophic pandemic crisis, and so many hospitals therefore tend to label as THE official 'cause of death' as: Covid 19..whether the truth or not, .as then they get huge governmental reimbursements.

ALSO, as in this truthful but upsetting  VIDEO, APPARENTLY, SOME ACTUALLY hasten!  SOME DEATHS! 

and, for profit!!!...which is murder, plain and simple.

And SOME well tried CHEAP! medicines as that cholo....with zinc, & Vitamin D, etc, (plus some other easily available cheap older drugs)  have long proved effective in foreign countries, both for other serious diseases and also now for Covid 19, and actually here also, 
(As I have heard/viewed videos of  some of their personal  obviously quite truthful and knowledgeable testimonies!) but neither the medical/POLITICAL establishment , nor their captive Fake NEWS MEDIA, doesn't want us to know this. WHY???

One of these common drugs  cured our President Trump, for one.

For one reason: big pharma wants to make its huge  profits, ...not for us to obtain and use cheap medicines!   and then LIVE!

So corrupt dirty politics AND BIG MONEY! are clearly playing a huge part in aiding the excessive deaths.

These days, life is cheap!...especially for those who do not believe in God or in a life here-after.

Such is our supposed "progressive-liberal-modern" society- godless and worshipping money.

In short my dear friends, today you and I live in sinister times where life is very very cheap, and where only money and worldly power mean anything to those who actually run every country on this earth....even America.

"Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus! Come Quickly!"
     Daniel in the forest

Glory to Him Forever!

P.S. One psychological quasi-medical excuse for purposefully, letting some patients die, is to label them under the old military medicine category of: "Triage medical care"-i.e. To only try to save those who Can BE EASILY & QUICKLY SAVED..AND LET THOSE WHO ARE TOO FAR GONE, or judged as ' not worth saving',  to just "Make them comfortable" and to quietly on their own-DIE!..i.e. actively nurse back to their soldier-performance health level, ONLY those wounded soldiers who are fit to return to the battle, when you are over-whelmed with the many sick and dying soldiers, etc.: decide who will live and who may be allowed to just, die!

*Look on the internet under St. Francis Memorial Hospital in SF, AND VIEW THE MANY PATIENT COMPLAINTS, FOR YOU TO GET A LITTLE VIEW OF SOME OF WHAT IS SO LAMENTABLE about current American hospitals., if that hospital has not yet managed to remove those negative internet discharged-patients' complaints...which I KNOW are but the tiny tip of the iceberg! I worked there for 7 and a half years, and witnessed it's quality of care level  go down bit by bit, because all that its management cared about was PROFIT, and their false public image 'of caring', not truly caring about human beings- either of the patients in that hospital nor of we in the nursing staff & associated departments, who actually & directly took care of them.

Triple billing, is but one of their games, especially in their emergency room,  but I cannot imagine what goes on there now, with the strains of this pandemic.

Daniel,  myself, "past my due date" at 77 years old, and no doubt one whom they would just let die, or even actively  'put to sleep'  if I entered their hospital today.

Subject: More on ccp virus