It was widely reported, with all of the other chaos, and happened just after Laurus signed that union paper, and THEN traveled around Russia, When he was in Kursk, he said this and other ...astounding statements
IT... might.... be recorded on Magerovsky's two sites....... (he was shocked by it, considering it a clear indication that...all along, Laurus was, to some degree or other, a planted sleeper agent, and had been just biding his time, until things were clear for him and the other pro-Moscow plotters, to make their move)..
But since this Kursk statement was embarrassing to the unionist traitors HERE, I assume, that they did not report it, and not in English.
Especially the part, 'thank God, I was never one of them!'.......... What a stinking Judas was Mr. Laurus Schkurla!!!... of thrice-cursed memory!