Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Joint Commission between Orthodox and Roman Catholic

& From Abbess Juliana: Ortodoxos y católicos alcanzan un acuerdo histórico sobre el primado del Papa. / The 14th Plenary Session of the Joint Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church completes its work

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Dan Everiss

AttachmentSun, Sep 25, 2016 at 12:40 PM

*Reports in both Spanish and English:
Shared by Mother Abbess Juliana in Santiago, Chile-

News of what the  Pope and his Vatican and others are working toward their
 version of "Christian Unity" etc..i.e. "That all may be one"... but all under the Pope?

Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2016 16:15:08 -0300
Subject: Fwd: Ortodoxos y católicos alcanzan un acuerdo histórico sobre el primado del Papa. / The 14th Plenary Session of the Joint Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church completes its work

Date: Sat, Sep 24, 2016 at 9:39 PM
Subject: Ortodoxos y católicos alcanzan un acuerdo histórico sobre el primado del Papa. / The 14th Plenary Session of the Joint Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church completes its work
Ortodoxos y católicos alcanzan un acuerdo histórico sobre el primado del PapaEn Chieti (Italia), pasos importantes hacia la unidad tras una división milenaria
El Papa Francisco recibe al patriarca copto Tawadros © Andreas SOLARO / AFP
La Iglesia católica y la Iglesia ortodoxa rusa luego de una división milenaria comienzan a dar pasos importantes en un tema duro. Parece que atrás queda la inmovilidad que está detrás de la máxima irónica de “dejar a los teólogos en una isla” para resolver temas dogmáticos, mientras el Papa se abraza con Bartolomé I y firma una declaración conjunta con el patriarca Kirill de Moscú.
A través de un comunicado de la parte rusa, la Comisión mixta internacional para el diálogo teológico entre la Iglesia católica y la Iglesia ortodoxa reunida en Chieti Italia hasta este jueves 22 de septiembre, informó de un acuerdo para la aceptación del documento Hacia una comprensión común de la sinodalidad y del primado al servicio de la unidad de la Iglesia.
Precisamente, la novedad está en el pacto alcanzado casi a la unanimidad. De esta manera, se llega a un acuerdo sobre la definición compartida del principio del primado.
En los primeros siglos, entre altos y bajos, el obispo de Roma era reconocido por la Iglesia de Oriente y Occidente como primus, debido a que era el titular de la primera sede, o sea la Iglesia de Roma.
El documento es un paso adelante aunque no vinculante, pero en esta ocasión la Iglesia ortodoxa rusa no se ha levantado de la mesa del diálogo como había ocurrido en la sesión de Rávena, Italia, en 2007. Los observadores consideraban “crítico” el momento además por los precedentes de incomunicación dentro de la ortodoxia.
Uniatismo, piedra en el zapato del diálogo
Luego de la conclusión de la XIV Sesión plenaria, el departamento sinodal para las relaciones eclesiásticas externas del patriarcado de Moscú ha dado la noticia, pero también advierte que aún existe un problema con el tema de las secuelas del uniatismo, es decir, el tema de los católicos griegos ucranianos con rito oriental que son fieles al Papa.
La Iglesia rusa puntualizó: “será difícil seguir adelante con el diálogo si no se resuelve la cuestión de las consecuencias eclesiológicas y canónicas del uniatismo”.
El documento es producto de un documento borrador que tuvo dos procesos de realización anteriores: la Sesión realizada en Amán en el año 2014 y la reunión del Comité en Roma en 2015. En Chieti se trabajó con ese borrador.
Según Moscú, el Comité, que incluye la presentación de 14 Iglesia ortodoxas y autocéfalas, ha llegado a un acuerdo en el tema del primado y la sinodalidad.
Sólo la Iglesia georgiana manifestó su desacuerdo con algunos párrafos específicos, esto se reflejará en algunas notas del documento.
Sin embargo, se trata de un paso adelante en el diálogo entre las Iglesias de oriente y occidente. A pesar de la posición de la Iglesia de Georgia, la Iglesia ortodoxa rusa adoptó el documento final.
El patriarcado de Moscú espera que en la próxima Sesión plenaria, que se realizará en 2017, se resuelva el ‘uniatismo’ .
El metropolita Hilarión, jefe de la delegación ortodoxa rusa, sostuvo que no aceptaba la posición de la Iglesia católica griega de Ucrania y la tachó de “inaceptable” desde la perspectiva de la “ética cristiana”.
El también ministro de Relaciones Exteriores alzó la voz contra el arzobispo mayor de Kiev, Sviatoslav Shevchuk, por sus declaraciones anti-rusas. Hilarión sostiene que Shevchuk está soplando sobre el fuego de la desconfianza que aleja a católicos y ortodoxos y es obstáculo del diálogo presente y futuro.
La Comisión mixta ha sido presidida por el cardenal Kurt Koch, presidente del consejo pontificio para la promoción de la unidad de los cristianos, y por el arzobispo de Telmessos Iob (Getcha), del patriarcado ecuménico.
Ahora, hay que esperar la publicación del documento completo por parte de ambas partes.

22.09.2016 00:26

The 14th Plenary Session of the Joint Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church completes its work

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September 21, 2016 –
The 14th Plenary Session of the Joint Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church completed its work in Chieti, Italy.

After the necessary amendments and additions, the plenary session approved a common document on Synodality and Primacy during the First Millennium: Towards a Common Understanding in Service to the Unity of the Church.
The delegation of the Georgian Church made a statement expressing disagreement with particular paragraphs of the document. This statement was included in the communique adopted by the plenary session and will be present as a footnote in the common document to be published on behalf of the Commission in the nearest future.

The meeting considered a topic to be chosen as a follow-up of the dialogue. The head of the Russian Orthodox Church delegation, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate Department for External Church Relations (DECR), put forward a proposal to devote the next stage of the dialogue to the theme of synodality and primacy in the Churches of East and West in the second millennium, stressing that in the framework of this theme the Commission should complete the discussion on Uniatism as a phenomenon which arose after the 1054 schism and which still constitutes a stumbling stone in the Orthodox-Catholic relations.

Metropolitan Hilarion reminded the meeting that the Joint Commission was to discuss the issue of ecclesiological and canonical consequences of Uniatism at its plenary session in Baltimore, USA, as far back as the year 2000. It was to become a continuation of the work that began in the 1990th with the document condemning Uniatism adopted in Balamand, Lebanon, in 1993, followed by a document on the same issue drafted in Ariccia in 1998. However, the work in Baltimore was not completed because of disagreements that arose both between the Catholic and Orthodox sides of the dialogue and within each of the sides.

After the Joint Commission resumed its work after a 6-years break, Metropolitan Hilarion continued, ‘it was proposed that we should start discussing the issue of primacy and synodality. Our Church agreed to this proposal on the condition that within the context of the theme of primacy and synodality the Commission will explore the canonical and ecclesiological consequences of Uniatism. However, for ten years from 2006 to 2015 the Commission has never revisited this theme. The logic of our dialogue requires that, after completing the document on primacy and synodality in the Church of the first millennium, we should move to considering synodality and primacy in the Churches of East and West in the second millennium. And here we will have to deal with the issue of the 1054 schism and also the issue of Uniatism as one of the central ones in the second millennium. I can predict that there will be many divisive issues and that we will not agree on every point. However, the aim of our dialogue is not simply to agree on the points of which we agree anyhow, but we have to explore also the points of disagreement. And the issue of Uniatism is one such extremely burning issues’.

Metropolitan Hilarion drew the attention of the Commission to the actions of leaders of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, inadmissible in Christian ethics: ‘We can hear the statements made by the UGCC Supreme Archbishop Svyatoslav Shevchuk, which go against the line of our dialogue, create obstacles on its way and sow distrust between the Orthodox and the Catholics. There was a meeting between Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill in February in Havana. For our Church it was a historic event since the Pope and the Patriarch have never met before. We believe it was a very good meeting as it opened a new page in our bilateral relations. However, immediately after it finished it was heavily criticized by the Ukrainian Greek Catholics and not by some group of the faithful but the UGCC leaders themselves. It was not just criticized but there were many insults and unfair attacks. We have to understand that there are people in our Churches who create obstacles on our way, and we have to bear it in mind when we speak about the future of our dialogue’.

On his part, Archimandrite Irenaeus (Steenberg), a member of the Russian Orthodox Church delegation, pointed out that in discussing the topic of primacy and synodality in the Churches of East and West in the second millennium, some points will certainly arise on which the two parts of the Commission will have serious disagreements. Nevertheless, it is necessary to discuss this topic, as well as the issue of Uniatism. He stressed that it would be difficult for the Russian Orthodox Church to continue working in the Orthodox-Catholic dialogue if the problem of ecclesiological and canonical consequences of the unia remains unsolved.

After a discussion it was agreed to leave the question of the topic for further discussion at the discretion of the Joint Commission’s coordinating committee, which is to meet during 2017.

In the communique adopted at the closing meeting, the participants in the plenary session thanked Msgr. Bruno Forte, Archbishop of Chieti-Vasto for the hospitality.
The Joint Commission also expressed solidarity with the suffering population of the Middle East and a number of countries in Europe and the world. The document makes a special mention of the Metropolitans of Aleppo kidnapped by terrorists – Paul, Patriarchate of Antioch, who is a member of the Joint Commission, and Gregory John Ibrahim, Syro-Jacobite Church.
DECR Communication Service

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