...better yet, of course, would be for some bi-lingual person to translate the Russian into a decent English...but why?
Because this is a very good expose one of our church's main attackers, and what he is
actually all about, ETC., who are among the chief self-righteous &
noble (?) malicious slanderers of our Vl. Agafangel and our bishops).
Rd. Daniel in Oregon
Протоиерей Александр Липин: А судьи кто?
Автор: Митрополит Агафангел вкл. 30 Сентябрь 2016. Опубликовано в Авторская колонка (Просмотров: 60)
Таги: рпцз , александр липин

"Итак, подражайте Богу, как чада возлюбленные и живите в любви, как и Христос возлюбил нас и предал Себя за нас в приношение и жертву Богу, в благоухание приятное.
А блуд и всякая нечистота и любостяжание не должны даже именоваться у вас, как прилично святым. Также сквернословие и пустословие и смехотворство не приличны вам, а, напротив, благодарение; (Ефесянам 5:1-4.)
Испытывайте, что́ благоугодно Богу,и не участвуйте в бесплодных делах тьмы, но и обличайте." (Ефесянам 5:11)
Эта небольшая заметка посвящается Вадиму Ярмолинцу, члену приходского совета, Астория, США.
Заранее прошу прощения у всех прихожан РПЦЗ, которые будут читать эту статью, за некоторые приведенные в ней мною цитаты!
В связи с прогрессирующим внутри нашей Церкви расколом и усилением нападок на Первоиерарха РПЦЗ, Митрополита Агафангела, выявился ряд лиц, которые, как мне кажется, особенно рьяно взялись защищать честь "раззоряемой", как им кажется, Синодом Митрополита Агафангела РПЦЗ.
Одним из таких новоявленных "спасителей" является член приходского совета Свято-Троицкого храма в Астории (США) Вадим Ярмолинец.
Кем же на самом деле является человек, незаконно, как он уверен, отлученный от Святого Причастия Митрополитом Агафангелом, и всеми силами добивающийся суда над последним?
Вот какие сведения мы получаем о Вадиме Ярмолинец на интернет-портале Википедия:
Вади́м Алекса́ндрович Ярмолинец (род. 12 марта 1958, Одесса) — прозаик, журналист, радиоведущий.
Финалист премий "Большая книга" (2009 г.) и имени Марка Алданова ( 2007 и 2016 гг.)
Крещён в младенчестве в храме святителя Григория Богослова и мученицы Зои в Одессе.
В 1984 году окончил факультет романо-германской филологии Одесского университета. Работал в одесских газетах «Моряк», «Комсомольская искра».
Соавтор сценария (с Сергеем Четвертковым) художественного фильма «Час оборотня», снятого в 1990-м году на Одесской киностудии.
В 1989 году эмигрировал в США, живёт в Нью-Йорке. С 1990 по 2008 год — сотрудник нью-йоркской газеты «Новое русское слово». Также публиковался в изданиях: «Парус», «Столица», «22», «Новый мир», «Октябрь», «Волга», «Новый Журнал», «Новая юность», «Иерусалимский журнал», «Вопросы литературы», «Интерпоэзия», «Дерибасовская — Ришельевская», «Артикль».
В 2010 году учредил литературную премию им. О. Генри «Дары волхвов» (Нью-Йорк).
Ведущий ежедневного «Утреннего шоу Вадима Ярмолинца» на русском радио Нью-Йорка.
Там же читаем высказывание раба Божия Вадима:
"Литературный труд — наверное, одно из самых неблагодарных занятий человечества. Премии — один из немногих механизмов, которые помогают достойным авторам не сдаваться в борьбе с безразличием или усталостью редакторов, издателей, критиков, засильем модной псевдолитературы и банальным безденежьем. Очень приятно в этой ситуации выступать для них в качестве волхвов, приносящих дары за талант и ту одержимость, которая ещё зовётся преданностью литературе.
— Вадим Ярмолинец."
Выступая в качестве "волхва" для начинающих авторов, сам Вадим уже неоднократно, как мы видели выше, был финалистом престижных литературных премий, и соответственно является автором литературных произведений.
Меня, как человека, хотя и не профессионально, но все же постоянно занимающегося литературным творчеством, искренне заинтересовали те произведения, которые написал Вадим. Конечно же, я думал найти в них, как написанных человеком верующим, рассуждения о Евангельской морали, движение мысли, направляющей читателя к поиску Бога, ну или по крайней мере что-то подобное.
Поэтому сам себе я задал такой вопрос: "Так каким же "волхвом" для своих многочисленных читателей, является прихожанин РПЦЗ Вадим Ярмолинец, и какие "дары" людям могут принести его литературные произведения?"
Для ознакомления с "дарами" литературного творчества Вадима Александровича я выбрал произведение, широко распространенное в сети интернет под интригующим названием - Cвинцовый Дирижабль "Иерихон 86-89".
Аннотация к роману гласила следующее:
"Одесса. Конец прошлого века. Власти борются с тлетворным влиянием Запада, которое проникает в страну в виде запрещенных книг, вызывающей одежды, разлагающей нравственность музыки. Молодой журналист, расследующий дело о самоубийстве местного диссидента, сталкивается с реальностью, в которой ему предстоит ответить на вопрос: сможет ли он соблюсти главное условие своей профессии — не лгать? Ставка — любовь, работа, будущее, неразрывно связанное с будущим его страны."
Не увидев ничего крамольного в тексте аннотации, я решил выборочно просмотреть некоторые главы произведения. Дальше наступил момент ,который в обыденной среде принято именовать - шок.
Для наглядности приведу лишь небольшую цитату из книги:
"Нам слышно было, как мягко клацнул язычок замка входной двери, как Кащей спустился во двор и его шаги под сводами подъезда. Она отошла от меня, за спиной ножницы стукнули о металл отлива. Я обернулся и увидел, что она снимает через голову футболку. Я стащил с себя клеенку. Отрезанные волосы съехали на пол. Мы поцеловались так жадно, как будто ждали друг друга вечность. Она так сильно прижалась ко мне, что я на секунду задохнулся. Оторвавшись от меня, она стала расстегивать мне брюки, шепча: “Ну, где ты шлялся, подлец?”... (гл. 12)"
То, что пришлось прочитать далее на страницах романа члена приходского совета Вадима Ярмолинца, иначе как мерзостью, верующий человек именовать не может.
Блудная страсть, в подробностях изображаемая автором, возможно и подарит "приятные ощущения" неверующему читателю, но, любящий Бога человек, немедленно, с отвращением прервет чтение подобной душегубительной книги!!!
Что вообщем- то я немедленно и сделал.
И как-то прикровенно в сердце отозвались слова Господа:
"Порождения ехиднины! Как вы можете говорить доброе, будучи злы? Ибо от избытка сердца говорят уста." (Мф.12.34)
И слово святого Апостола Павла: "А блуд и всякая нечистота и любостяжание не должны даже именоваться у вас, как прилично святым."
Естественно, читать другие произведения Вадима Александровича у меня уже не было никакого желания.
Хотя, справедливости ради надо отметить, что возможно в других книгах отсутствует тот дух, которым пронизан роман Cвинцовый Дирижабль "Иерихон 86-89".
Но как бы то ни было, прочитанного мною слихвой хватило, чтобы понять, какие "дары" приносит людям "волхв" Вадим Ярмолинец!
Еще одна мысль, касательно повествуемого мною ранее, не давала мне покоя: а что если раб Божий Вадим уже раскаялся в том, что было написано им достаточно давно, и я, вынося на всеобщий суд свое мнение о данном предмете, погрешаю пред Богом, Который возможно простил некогда сеющего соблазн, а ныне раскаявшегося члена приходского совета?
Но к сожалению, на сайте Вадима Ярмолинеца, я увидел подтверждение обратному; книга "Cвинцовый Дирижабль "Иерихон 86-89" " снова предлагается для прочтения !!! (http://www.yarmolinetslist.com/list)
И, теперь, когда этот человек, продолжает поливать грязью нашего Первоиерарха, я, грешник, обращаюсь к тем своим друзьям, которые, вольно или невольно увлеклись соблазном раскола:
Посмотрите, кто вас окружает, достойны ли такие люди, как Вадим Ярмолинец, являющиеся рупором вашей перестройки, судить других?! Тем более поднимать пяту на избранного V Всезарубежным Собором Первоиерарха РПЦЗ?!
Опомнитесь, братия мои, пока не поздно! Примиритесь с Господом, сказавшим - не судите! Да будем все мы, как и прежде, едины! Человеколюбием Господа нашего Иисуса Христа, Ему же слава со Отцем и Святым Духом во веки. Аминь.
P.S.: Для наглядности взглядов, которых придерживаться член приходского совета храма в Астории В.А.Ярмолинец, предлагаю непредвзятому читателю посмотреть небольшой видеролик, записанный последним. В конце этого ролика имеются излияния В.Ярмолинеца насчет сексменьшинств.
Интересно , как он со всеми этими пластинками намерен попасть в Царство Небесное ? Там ведь нет рока ( и "меньшинств" ) и Ярмолинцу будет скучно . Но вот в аду как раз и есть тот самый рок , что так нравится Вадику . Жуткий психотрэш с металлическим скрежетом зубов. Оззи покажется на этом фоне просто колыбельной.

Слов нет, одно бесстыдство!
Сейчас люди из мира пытаются делать себя "эталоном" христианства и легко поучают всех окружающих. Но, оставаясь в миру невозможно приблизиться ко Христу, это одна из основных истин.
О всем мирском сказано: "Выйдите из среды их и отделитесь, говорит Господь, и не прикасайтесь к нечистому" (Кор 6.17). Это то, что разного рода шоумены никогда не поймут. И им это объяснить невозможно. Нам же надо следовать указанию Апостола Павла в самом прямом его понимании.
Archpriest Alexander Lipin: Who are the judges?
Author: Metropolitan Agafangel incl. 30 September 2016. Published in a newspaper column (Views: 60)
Tags: ROCA, Alexander Lipin
"Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children, and walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savor.
But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints. Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking and jesting not becoming to you, but rather thanksgiving; (Ephesians 5: 1-4.)
Proving what is well pleasing to God, and no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. "(Ephesians 5:11)
This small article is dedicated to Vadim Yarmolyntsi, a member of the parish council, Astoria, United States.
I beg forgiveness from all the ROCA parishioners who are reading this article for some of the information they quote me!
Due to progressive in our Church schism and increasing attacks on the First Hierarch of ROCOR, Metropolitan Agafangel, revealed a number of persons who, it seems to me, especially zealously undertook to defend the honor "razzoryaemoy", as it seems, the Synod of ROCOR Metropolitan Agafangel.
One of these latter-day "saviors" is a member of the Parish Council of Holy Trinity Church in Astoria (USA) Vadim Yarmolinets.
So who is really a man illegally, he is sure, excommunicated from the Holy Communion Metropolitan Agafangel, and by all means wooing the trial last?
Here are the information we receive about Vadim Yarmolinets Internet portal Wikipedia:
Vadim Yarmolinets (born March 12, 1958, Odessa.) - Writer, journalist, radio host.
Finalist Prize "Big Book" (2009) and the Mark Aldanova (2007 and 2016).
Baptized as an infant in the temple of St. Gregory the Theologian and Martyr Zoe in Odessa.
In 1984 he graduated from the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology of the Odessa University. He worked in the Odessa newspaper "Sailor", "Komsomolskaya spark."
Co-writer (with Sergei Chetvertkovym) feature film "Hour werewolf", filmed in 1990 at the Odessa film studio.
In 1989 he emigrated to the United States, living in New York. From 1990 to 2008 - "New Russian word" member of the New York newspaper. Also published in the editions: "Sail", "Capital", "22", "New World", "October", "Volga", "New Journal", "New Youth", "The Jerusalem Journal", "Problems of Literature" "Interpoeziya", "Deribasovskaya - Rishelyevskaya", "Article".
In 2010, they established a literary prize. O. Henry "Gifts of the Magi" (New York).
Leading daily "morning show Vadim Yarmolyntsi" on Russian radio in New York.
There you read the statement of the servant of God, Vadim:
"Literary work - probably one of the most thankless task of mankind Award -. One of the few mechanisms that help worthy authors do not give up in the fight against indifference or fatigue editors, publishers, critics, domination fashion psevdoliteratury and banal lack of money is very nice in this situation. to act for them as the Magi bringing gifts of talent and the obsession that more is called devotion literature.
- Vadim Yarmolinets ".
Acting as a "magician" for beginners, Vadim himself repeatedly, as we have seen above, was a finalist for the prestigious literary awards, and, accordingly, is the author of literary works.
Me, as a man, though not a professional, but still constantly engaged in literary work, genuinely interested in those works that wrote Vadim. Of course, I thought to find them, how to write a man of faith, arguments about the morality of the Gospel, the movement of thought, guide the reader to search for God, well, or at least something similar.
So I asked myself this question: "So what," magician "for his many readers, is a parishioner of ROCOR Vadim Yarmolinets, and what" gifts "people can bring his literary works?"
To view the "gifts" of literary creativity Vadim Alexandrovich, I chose a work widely on the Internet under the intriguing title - Cvintsovy Airship "Jericho 86-89".
Summary of the novel reads as follows:
"Odesa. The end of the last century. The authorities are struggling with the corrupting influence of the West, which penetrates into the country in the form of prohibited books, causing clothes, corrupting music morality. A young journalist, investigates the suicide of local dissident, is faced with a reality in which he will answer question: Is it important to observe the condition of the profession will be able to - not to lie bet - love, work, the future is inextricably linked with the future of his country? ".
Not seeing anything seditious in the text annotations, I decided to selectively browse some of the chapters of the work. Then came the moment that in an ordinary environment, usually called - shock.
For clarity, give only a small quote from the book:
"We could hear the soft klatsnul tongue lock the door as Kashchei went into the courtyard and steps under the arches of the porch. She moved away from me, behind a pair of scissors knocked on the metal low tide. I turned around and saw that she takes over the head of a T-shirt. I pulled off his oilcloth cut hair slid to the floor We kissed so eagerly, as though waiting for each other forever she is so much closer to me, that I for a moment choked Tearing himself away from me, she began to unbutton my pants, whispering.... " Well, where have you been, you rascal? "... (Chap. 12)"
That had to read further on the pages of a novel member of the parish council Vadim Yarmolyntsi, except as an abomination, a believer can not be called.
Prodigal passion, portrayed in detail by the author, and may give "pleasant" unbelieving reader, but a loving God man, immediately disgusted abort reading this book dushegubitelnoy !!!
What voobshchem I immediately did.
And somehow covertly in the heart responded to the Lord's words:
"You brood of vipers! How can you speak good things, being evil? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." (Mf.12.34)
And the word of the Apostle Paul: "But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let not be once named among you, as is fitting for saints."
Of course, to read other works by Vadim Alexandrovich I have had no desire.
Although, in fairness it should be noted that it is possible in other books is not the spirit that pervades the novel Cvintsovy Airship "Jericho 86-89".
But be that as it may, slihvoy I read enough to understand what "gifts" brings people "sorcerer" Vadim Yarmolinets!
Another thought about narrated by me earlier, did not let me rest: what if the servant of God, Vadim has repented of what had been written by him a long time, and I, introducing a universal court his opinion on this subject, erred before God, who maybe just once sowing temptation, and now repentant member of the parish council?
But unfortunately, Vadim Yarmolinetsa site, I saw evidence to the contrary; book "Cvintsovy Airship" Jericho 86-89 "" are invited to read again !!! (Http://www.yarmolinetslist.com/list)
And now that this man continues to throw mud at our First Hierarch, I, a sinner, turn to those of their friends who, consciously or unconsciously carried away by the temptation of the split:
Look at those around you, there are worthy people like Vadim Yarmolinets, is the mouthpiece of your perestroika, to judge others ?! Moreover, raising the heel to the V All-Diaspora Council elected First Hierarch of ROCOR ?!
Wake up, my brethren, it is too late! Make peace with the Lord, say - do not judge! Yes, we will all, as before, are united! Humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ, He is the same glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.
P.S .: For clarity of views, which adhere to a member of the parish council of the church in Astoria V.A.Yarmolinets, offer readers an unbiased look small viderolik recorded last. At the end of this video are the outpouring V.Yarmolinetsa about sexual minorities.
# RE: Archpriest Alexander Lipin: Who are the judges? - Monk Nikandr 30/09/2016 17:16
I wonder how it is with all of these plates is going to get into the kingdom of heaven? There are in fact no rock (and "minorities") and Yarmolyntsi be bored. But hell is exactly the same fate, so like Vadik. Creepy psihotresh with metallic gnashing of teeth. Ozzy will appear against this background that a lullaby.
# RE: Archpriest Alexander Lipin: Who are the judges? - Nun Vera 30.09.2016 14:17
ZXyf4_RY3g7Yrw8b629iI_gue29e7q6I5E96UQAJ_X4S-034BYOfSgNS8Swg7_B7O5cNjwmbmJBGWrKuVUOdui63ahE07L51kgWbId8-vwZQh7pjIfk9jY00WTWbBIo = s0-d-e1-ft.gif
Needless to say, one shamelessness!
+3 # RE: Archpriest Alexander Lipin: Who are the judges? - Metropolitan Agafangel 30/09/2016 12:47
Now people of the world are trying to make himself "benchmark" of Christianity and easy to preach to all the others. But remaining in the world can not be closer to Christ, it is one of the basic truths.
About all the things of the world says, "Come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing" (Corinthians 6.17). This is something that all sorts of entertainers will never understand. And it is impossible to explain. We also need to follow the instructions of the Apostle Paul in the truest sense it.
Archpriest Alexander Lipin: Who are the judges?
Author: Metropolitan Agafangel incl. 30 September 2016. Published in a newspaper column (Views: 60)
Tags: ROCA, Alexander Lipin
"Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children, and walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savor.
But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints. Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking and jesting not becoming to you, but rather thanksgiving; (Ephesians 5: 1-4.)
Proving what is well pleasing to God, and no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. "(Ephesians 5:11)
This small article is dedicated to Vadim Yarmolyntsi, a member of the parish council, Astoria, United States.
I beg forgiveness from all the ROCA parishioners who are reading this article for some of the information they quote me!
Due to progressive in our Church schism and increasing attacks on the First Hierarch of ROCOR, Metropolitan Agafangel, revealed a number of persons who, it seems to me, especially zealously undertook to defend the honor "razzoryaemoy", as it seems, the Synod of ROCOR Metropolitan Agafangel.
One of these latter-day "saviors" is a member of the Parish Council of Holy Trinity Church in Astoria (USA) Vadim Yarmolinets.
So who is really a man illegally, he is sure, excommunicated from the Holy Communion Metropolitan Agafangel, and by all means wooing the trial last?
Here are the information we receive about Vadim Yarmolinets Internet portal Wikipedia:
Vadim Yarmolinets (born March 12, 1958, Odessa.) - Writer, journalist, radio host.
Finalist Prize "Big Book" (2009) and the Mark Aldanova (2007 and 2016).
Baptized as an infant in the temple of St. Gregory the Theologian and Martyr Zoe in Odessa.
In 1984 he graduated from the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology of the Odessa University. He worked in the Odessa newspaper "Sailor", "Komsomolskaya spark."
Co-writer (with Sergei Chetvertkovym) feature film "Hour werewolf", filmed in 1990 at the Odessa film studio.
In 1989 he emigrated to the United States, living in New York. From 1990 to 2008 - "New Russian word" member of the New York newspaper. Also published in the editions: "Sail", "Capital", "22", "New World", "October", "Volga", "New Journal", "New Youth", "The Jerusalem Journal", "Problems of Literature" "Interpoeziya", "Deribasovskaya - Rishelyevskaya", "Article".
In 2010, they established a literary prize. O. Henry "Gifts of the Magi" (New York).
Leading daily "morning show Vadim Yarmolyntsi" on Russian radio in New York.
There you read the statement of the servant of God, Vadim:
"Literary work - probably one of the most thankless task of mankind Award -. One of the few mechanisms that help worthy authors do not give up in the fight against indifference or fatigue editors, publishers, critics, domination fashion psevdoliteratury and banal lack of money is very nice in this situation. to act for them as the Magi bringing gifts of talent and the obsession that more is called devotion literature.
- Vadim Yarmolinets ".
Acting as a "magician" for beginners, Vadim himself repeatedly, as we have seen above, was a finalist for the prestigious literary awards, and, accordingly, is the author of literary works.
Me, as a man, though not a professional, but still constantly engaged in literary work, genuinely interested in those works that wrote Vadim. Of course, I thought to find them, how to write a man of faith, arguments about the morality of the Gospel, the movement of thought, guide the reader to search for God, well, or at least something similar.
So I asked myself this question: "So what," magician "for his many readers, is a parishioner of ROCOR Vadim Yarmolinets, and what" gifts "people can bring his literary works?"
To view the "gifts" of literary creativity Vadim Alexandrovich, I chose a work widely on the Internet under the intriguing title - Cvintsovy Airship "Jericho 86-89".
Summary of the novel reads as follows:
"Odesa. The end of the last century. The authorities are struggling with the corrupting influence of the West, which penetrates into the country in the form of prohibited books, causing clothes, corrupting music morality. A young journalist, investigates the suicide of local dissident, is faced with a reality in which he will answer question: Is it important to observe the condition of the profession will be able to - not to lie bet - love, work, the future is inextricably linked with the future of his country? ".
Not seeing anything seditious in the text annotations, I decided to selectively browse some of the chapters of the work. Then came the moment that in an ordinary environment, usually called - shock.
For clarity, give only a small quote from the book:
"We could hear the soft klatsnul tongue lock the door as Kashchei went into the courtyard and steps under the arches of the porch. She moved away from me, behind a pair of scissors knocked on the metal low tide. I turned around and saw that she takes over the head of a T-shirt. I pulled off his oilcloth cut hair slid to the floor We kissed so eagerly, as though waiting for each other forever she is so much closer to me, that I for a moment choked Tearing himself away from me, she began to unbutton my pants, whispering.... " Well, where have you been, you rascal? "... (Chap. 12)"
That had to read further on the pages of a novel member of the parish council Vadim Yarmolyntsi, except as an abomination, a believer can not be called.
Prodigal passion, portrayed in detail by the author, and may give "pleasant" unbelieving reader, but a loving God man, immediately disgusted abort reading this book dushegubitelnoy !!!
What voobshchem I immediately did.
And somehow covertly in the heart responded to the Lord's words:
"You brood of vipers! How can you speak good things, being evil? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." (Mf.12.34)
And the word of the Apostle Paul: "But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let not be once named among you, as is fitting for saints."
Of course, to read other works by Vadim Alexandrovich I have had no desire.
Although, in fairness it should be noted that it is possible in other books is not the spirit that pervades the novel Cvintsovy Airship "Jericho 86-89".
But be that as it may, slihvoy I read enough to understand what "gifts" brings people "sorcerer" Vadim Yarmolinets!
Another thought about narrated by me earlier, did not let me rest: what if the servant of God, Vadim has repented of what had been written by him a long time, and I, introducing a universal court his opinion on this subject, erred before God, who maybe just once sowing temptation, and now repentant member of the parish council?
But unfortunately, Vadim Yarmolinetsa site, I saw evidence to the contrary; book "Cvintsovy Airship" Jericho 86-89 "" are invited to read again !!! (Http://www.yarmolinetslist.com/list)
And now that this man continues to throw mud at our First Hierarch, I, a sinner, turn to those of their friends who, consciously or unconsciously carried away by the temptation of the split:
Look at those around you, there are worthy people like Vadim Yarmolinets, is the mouthpiece of your perestroika, to judge others ?! Moreover, raising the heel to the V All-Diaspora Council elected First Hierarch of ROCOR ?!
Wake up, my brethren, it is too late! Make peace with the Lord, say - do not judge! Yes, we will all, as before, are united! Humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ, He is the same glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.
P.S .: For clarity of views, which adhere to a member of the parish council of the church in Astoria V.A.Yarmolinets, offer readers an unbiased look small viderolik recorded last. At the end of this video are the outpouring V.Yarmolinetsa about sexual minorities.
# RE: Archpriest Alexander Lipin: Who are the judges? - Monk Nikandr 30/09/2016 17:16
I wonder how it is with all of these plates is going to get into the kingdom of heaven? There are in fact no rock (and "minorities") and Yarmolyntsi be bored. But hell is exactly the same fate, so like Vadik. Creepy psihotresh with metallic gnashing of teeth. Ozzy will appear against this background that a lullaby.
# RE: Archpriest Alexander Lipin: Who are the judges? - Nun Vera 30.09.2016 14:17
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Needless to say, one shamelessness!
+3 # RE: Archpriest Alexander Lipin: Who are the judges? - Metropolitan Agafangel 30/09/2016 12:47
Now people of the world are trying to make himself "benchmark" of Christianity and easy to preach to all the others. But remaining in the world can not be closer to Christ, it is one of the basic truths.
About all the things of the world says, "Come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing" (Corinthians 6.17). This is something that all sorts of entertainers will never understand. And it is impossible to explain. We also need to follow the instructions of the Apostle Paul in the truest sense it.
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