Dan Everiss
<oregdan@hotmail.com> | Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 6:03 PM |

Holy Martyr
Andrew of Crete

The Prayer of Saint Ephraim the Syrian:
O Lord and Master of my life,
Grant not unto me a spirit of idleness,
of discouragement,
of lust for power,
and of vain speaking.
But bestow upon me, Thy servant,
the spirit of chastity,
of meekness,
of patience,
and of love.
Yea, O Lord and King,
grant that I may perceive
my own transgressions,
and judge not my brother,
for blessed art Thou
unto ages of ages.
In Holy Resurrection Monastery, Moldova
ROCOR: Reading of the Great Canon in the Resurrection Monastery in Moldova (PHOTOS)
Автор: Митрополит Агафангел. Author:
Metropolitan Agafangel.
Дата публикации: Date of publication:
19 февраля 2018 February 19, 2018
. .
РПЦЗ . Category:
Вечером, 19 февраля, Преосвященнейший владыка Анфим Бессарабский
в Воскресенском мужском монастыре отслужил Великое повечерие с чтением первой части Великого покаянного канона прп.
O n
the evening of February 19, His Eminence Vladyka Anfim of Bessarabia, at
the Holy Resurrection Monastery, served the Great Compline with the
reading of the first part of the Great Penitential Canon of St. Andrew
of Crete.
Андрея Критского.
За богослужением молились монахи и прихожане монастырского храма.
During the worship prayers, there were both monks and laity parishioners in the monastery church.
По окончании великопостной молитвы владыка Анфим обратился ко всем
собравшимся с назидательным словом.
At the end of the Lenten prayer, Bishop Anfim addressed all who gathered with a cautionary word.
рпцз ,
кишиневская епархия ,
вознесенский монастырь Tags:
rpcz ,
Chisinau diocese ,
ascension monastery
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