Dan Everiss
<oregdan@hotmail.com> | Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 2:06 PM |
And a word of warning about reading
all older printed-English translations, in issues of Orthodox Life or from whatever older ROCOR sources:
There are frequent spelling or typo or grammar errors in the printed texts, for various
human error reasons,
and even some drastic miss-translations of the original Russian texts.
And, as I have re-noticed lately, [which fact I had forgotten] there are MANY such errors
in the old ROCOR printed English texts.
One simple cause of this, was that at Jordanville Monastery back then, they used to
hand-print, themselves, these magazines,
and all of their printed materials, both those in Russian and also in Church-Slavonic
and some in English, on their
old-fashioned monastery printing presses, [and often using a cheaper perishable newspaper-type
of poor quality paper, which crumbles with aging]
and even with their liturgical texts, had
often it seems, very little or no proof-reading,
before the English texts were put into their final printed form, and sent or
mailed out.
One gets the distinct impression that some or many of those doing the actual translating
itself, and/or the printing,
were not themselves fluent in our spoken and correct English language.
But now, these old, printed-English translated texts are all we, English speaking Orthodox
have from that bygone era of the old free ROCOR,- of which Holy Trinity Monastery in
Jordanville, was our spiritual center, and so we just must read them, CAREFULLY,
being aware of these bothersome human-error deficiencies.
When I share such texts, I shall try to proof-read and correct and smooth out
the poor English, as best I can, before I share them.
In certain cases the English is so very incorrect, that the English sentences in question
yield the exact OPPOSITE meaning from what
was originally intended in the Russian. That serious communication problem too, is what
happens when the mindless internet
machine-translation [Google] from Russian into English, also OFTEN manufactures,
which affects and distorts the central MEANING of the texts.
And changing the meaning, is a serious fault.
So, I am doing my best to correct this serious communication problem, as best I am able,
BEFORE I share such texts. Yet, I too make mistakes, often because I am rushed,
but also because of my glaucoma- my poor eyes sight.
My apologies I offer IN ADVANCE, to all of my readers.
And a further word of warning to those who do not
realize this fact: In all the world, where English is the common spoken language,
and among the English using Orthodox, there is
still ....No ONE OFFICIAL and commonly accepted liturgical English text in use!
Thus, we English-speaking and English-praying Orthodox,
must suffer the multiplicity of many different English liturgical translations in use.
It is our cross.
And too, this serious problem also applies to the many
divergent English translations of OUR.... ORTHODOX..... HOLY BIBLE, (as THE
Holy Bible belongs totally to our Holy Orthodox Church), too.
retired Reader Daniel Everiss in Oregon
Orthodox Life - Vol. 1 No. 2 March - April, 1950 THE HOLY PATRIARCH
TIKHON On the March 25th/April 7th the Russian Orthodox Chur...
"The memory of the righteous is celebrated with hymns of praise!"

*(with typical & numerous typo and spelling errors humanly pre-checked and corrected)
V01 #2 Holy Patriarch Tikhon
Orthodox Life - Vol. 1 No. 2 March - April, 1950
On March 25th/April 7th, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the
25th anniversary of the mysterious and sorrowful departure from this
life of the Holy Patriarch Tikhon. He was elected to the patriarchal
throne, which had remained vacant for about 200 years,
amidst the tumult and horrors of the October Revolution. These were
already symbolic of the conditions under which he had to exercise his
difficult duties and responsibilities as head of the Russian Orthodox
Church. They were also a forecast of the fate of
our Church under the new rulers, implacable and fanatical enemies of
every religion in general and of Orthodoxy in particular, because of the
important part the Orthodox Church had been playing for centuries in
the Russian Empire.
The newly elected Patriarch Tikhon had to face the first fierce attacks
on the Russian Orthodox Church and to deal with them. He did this in
full accordance with the commandments of our Lord Jesus Christ and the
practice of the Church. He immediately exhorted
the Orthodox of the country to stand firm in their faith, and to follow
him along the path of martyrdom, if legal means of defending the Church
should fail. During the first year of his reign, be anathematized the
Bolsheviks. He also had the superhuman courage
to enumerate in his first epistle all the crimes and villainies of the
red rulers. This he did at the time when torrents of blood were being
shed by the Cheka throughout the country.
Of course, his uprightness, courage and firmness were duly appreciated
by the enemies of the Church ruling over Russia and for a certain period
be was kept in jail awaiting a trial, while the sentence of a death
penalty was already announced by the soviet press.
But at that time, the soviet government was not strong enough to dictate
its orders to other countries, as it does now, so the interference of
the USA, where the Holy Patriarch had spent five years as Archbishop of
the Russian Orthodox Church, and the famous
memorandum of Curzon, put an end to the imprisonment of the Patriarch.
After many months spent in prison, he was released, and immediately
resumed his duties. But release from prison did not end his martyrdom,
and did not mean that be was not subjected to close surveillance, most
painful restrictions, and continual interrogatories
by the Cheka. His relations not only with the outer world, but also with
his bishops, were complicated to such a degree that often he could not
obtain full and true information about some event, although his
decisions or instructions on the subject were greatly
required. This sometimes led to misunderstandings which were gladly
seized upon by his enemies. The constant pressure of the Cheka on his
mind was a severe added burden to his troubles. One can only wonder at
his endurance.
The Holy Patriarch had to witness the trials, executions and martyrdom
of many representatives of the hierarchy, as: the executions of
Metropolitan Vladimir of Kiev, and the famous Metropolitan Benjamin of
Leningrad; the deportation of another prominent Metropolitan,
Cyril of Kazan, whom Tikhon had appointed as his successor. The
Metropolitan Cyril never returned from his exile in the distant polar
regions of Siberia. There were hundreds of others. He had to witness the
destruction of numerous convents and churches, masterpieces
of ancient architecture and most venerated sanctuaries; the execution
and deportation of numerous clergy, the closing of all religious schools
and theological academies, and the prohibition of religious teaching.
In front of the persecution of the Church,
he never lost his presence of mind, his firmness, his solid-as-a-rock
faith in the invincibility of the Church. The period of his activities,
notwithstanding the numerous losses in clergy and church buildings, was
at the same time the period of a great religious
An idea of the extent of these persecutions is given by the boastful
utterance of the founder and leader of the "Soviet God-less," Emeljan
Jaroslavsky. At the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the October
revolution, he said that before the revolution
there were 200,000 clergymen in the country, while at present there were
hardly 20,000. He did not explain what happened to the others.
Nevertheless, the period of the Holy Patriarch Tikhon's activities was a
period of spiritual elevation. Every Orthodox felt
in the persecutions a return to the beginning of Christianity, which
gave the sensation of the near-presence of our Lord, together with the
foreboding of His Second Coming on earth - this time in glory, to judge
mankind and to reward His disciples and true
followers. And the Orthodox in Russia made ready to welcome Him with the
burning candles of their faith and devotion.
A German Catholic journalist who had the opportunity to watch closely
the development of events in our country, wrote that, as a consequence
of the martyrdom of numerous bishops, clergy, and laymen, a new Church, a
Church of martyrs, towers behind the bloody
Kremlin. The blood shed by the Russian martyrs will be the seeds of a
new Christianity. The suffering will unite Christians throughout the
The Holy Patriarch Tikhon was the first to recognize the eschatological
meaning of the October revolution and its importance for all Christians.
With his spiritual insight the Holy Patriarch Tikhon understood at once
that the only way to deal with the Bolsheviks
was to follow the path of martyrdom. He invited his faithful fellow
Orthodox to join him on that path which be himself followed untiringly,
until God, in His mercy, called him to His side, on the ever-blessed day
of the Annunciation; April 7th. March 25th
according to the Russian calendar)
Holy Confessor Patriarch Tikhon, Pray to God For Us!~
E. Lopushansky
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