Joanna's selections from Reader Daniel's emailings.
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Photo Report: ROCA: Vladyka Gregory,
Photo Report: ROCA: Vladyka Gregory, ( an honored member of our ROCA's
Holy Synod), Bishop of Sao Paulo Brazil and All South America, Visits
Holy Trinity Cathedral, Buenos Aires, Argentina
YEARS! MNOGAYA LETA! To His Grace, Vladyka Gregory and to our
Vladyka Metropolitan Agafangel, and to our entire Holy Synod, and to all
who remain loyal members of our clergy and laity!
ROCA: His Grace Bishop Gregory, visits Argentina (PHOTO) Автор: Митрополит Агафангел вкл. Author: Metropolitan Agafangel incl. . . Опубликовано в РПЦЗ (Просмотров: 58) Published in the ROCA (Views: 58)
Архиерейский визит Преосвященнейшого Владыки Григория и Дьякона Евгения в Буэнос Айрес, Аргентину.
His Grace, Vladyka Bishop Gregory, and Deacon Eugene serve in the Holy Trinity Cathedral, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Всенощная, Божественная Литургия и трапеза в Свято Троицком Храме в Неделю 16-ю по Пятидесятнице.
served at the Saturday evening Vigil and then for the Sunday, Divine
Liturgy, and they attended also the common- table/trapeza at the Holy
Trinity Cathedral, on the 16th Sunday after Pentecost. Всенощная,
Божественная Литургия и трапеза в честь храмового праздника в день
памяти Св. Преподобнаго Сергия Радонежского в Вилле Бажэстэр.
They also were at the Vigil
and the Divine Liturgy and the luncheon, in honor of the church's
holiday, for the feast-day of Saint Sergei of Radonezh, in Ville
Bazhester. Больше фотографий здесь More photos here
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What is Bishop Gregory's last name? Contact info?