Tuesday, October 18, 2016

analogous example

Another vivid similar & analogous example for us, (their anti-canonical mindset), with our ROCA-Schismatics: A Metropolitan Mystislav ('Guk') of the "Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church'

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Dan Everiss

Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 12:29 PM

From: oregdan@hotmail.com
To: oregdan@hotmail.com
Subject: Another lesson for us: A Metropolitan Mystislav ('Guk') of the "Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church'
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2016 13:05:34 -0600

 My comment on this: This same impious & rebellious anti-Orthodox lamebrain & self-justifying mentality seems to be quite similar to our current Kotlaroff schismartics from our ROCA, i.e. they have placed themselves above and beyond the canons, and yet they claim to still be Orthodox...somehow, and they believe that they may act and do, as they wish, [ picking and choosing which canons suit them, or which do not]...and to just  ignore Orthodox Canon Laws, because those canons are 'no longer popular', ...i.e. that those outdated/odious/punitive/restrictive/pro-episcopal authority canons,  simply, do not apply to us!...they only apply  to / are a burden on.....others...i.e. WE ARE MAKING UP OUR OWN NEW RULES!, our own new happy 'free autonomous church'.EmojiEmojiEmoji
Rd. Daniel in the forest

Good video link: (narration is in Ukrainian):

"Since world-Orthodoxy does not recognize us as canonical,  we..... do not have to obey Orthodox canons".
The Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church has officially declared that its church is not, and does not have to, obey the Orthodox canonical laws (VIDEO) Автор: Интернет Собор вкл. Author: Internet Cathedral incl. . . Опубликовано в Апостасия (Просмотров: 6) Posted in Apostasy (Views: 6)
Pictures on request Mstislav guk
В ответ на распространенное в СМИ видео, на котором один из ведущих иерархов УАПЦ Митрополит Мстислав (Гук) в день Воздвижения Креста Господня в ресторане в пьяном виде танцует и обнимается с девицами, а также дерется с посетителями, Архиерейский собор этой юрисдикции постановил не наказывать его по следующей причине:

 In response to widespread media video coverage, about one of the leading hierarchs of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church:  Metropolitan Mstislav (Guk), who..... on the feast-day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross,  was filmed  in a restaurant,  drunk and dancing with and hugging women, as well as fighting with the other restaurant patrons,.... however.....the Council of Bishops of that jurisdiction, has decided not.... to punish him for the following reasons:

"РУКОВОДСТВУЯСЬ ДУХОМ ХРИСТИАНСКОЙ ЛЮБВИ, а также тем, что УАПЦ не является канонически признанной Поместной Церковью мирового православия, а, следовательно, формально не обязана ВСЕГДА и ВО ВСЕМ действовать в точном соответствии с каноническим правом Православной Церкви".

!!! "In the spirit of Christian love, as well as because of the fact that the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church is not canonically recognized by the Local Churches of world Orthodoxy, and so,.... it is not formally obliged to always and everywhere, act in strict accordance with the canon laws of the Orthodox Church."

Источник A source

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