Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Icon of The Mother of God of The Life-Giving Spring

For Bright Friday: Celebration of the Feast of "The Icon of The Mother of God of The Life-Giving Spring" in Greece


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Dan Everiss

Wed, Apr 18, 2018 at 1:10 PM

A brief history:

Bright Friday: The Life Giving Spring of the Mother of God

Commemorated on April 13

Today we commemorate the Life-Giving Spring of the Most Holy Theotokos.

There once was a beautiful church in Constantinople dedicated to the Mother of God, which had been built in the fifth century by the holy Emperor Leo the Great (January 20) in the Seven Towers district.

Before becoming emperor, Leo was walking in a wooded area where he met a blind man who was thirsty and asked Leo to help him find water. Though he agreed to search for water, he was unable to find any. Suddenly, he heard a voice telling him that there was water nearby. He looked again, but still could not find the water. Then he heard the voice saying “Emperor Leo, go into the deepest part of the woods, and you will find water there. Take some of the cloudy water in your hands and give it to the blind man to drink.Then take the clay and put it on his eyes. Then you shall know who I am.” Leo obeyed these instructions, and the blind man regained his sight. Later, Saint Leo became emperor, just as the Theotokos had prophesied.

Leo built a church over the site at his own expense, and the water continued to work miraculous cures. Therefore, it was called “The Life-Giving Spring.”

After the Fall of Constantinople in 1453, the church was torn down by the Moslems, and the stones were used to build a mosque. Only a small chapel remained at the site of the church. Twenty-five steps led down into the chapel, which had a window in the roof to let the light in. The holy Spring was still there, surrounded by a railing. 

After the Greek Revolution in 1821, even this little chapel was destroyed and the Spring was buried under the rubble. Christians later obtained permission to rebuild the chapel, and work began in July of 1833. While workmen were clearing the ground, they uncovered the foundations of the earlier church. The Sultan allowed them to build not just a chapel, but a new and beautiful church on the foundations of the old one.

Construction began on September 14, 1833, and was completed on December 30, 1834. Patriarch Constantine II consecrated the church on February 2, 1835, dedicating it to the Most Holy Theotokos.

The Turks desecrated and destroyed the church again on September 6, 1955. A smaller church now stands on the site, and the waters of the Life-Giving Spring continue to work miracles.

There is also a Life-Giving Spring Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos which is commemorated on April 4.

O most favored by God, thou dost confer on me the healing of thy grace from thine inexhaustible Spring. Therefore, since thou gavest birth incomprehensibly to the Word, I implore thee to refresh me with the dew of thy grace that I might cry to thee:

Hail, O Water of Salvation!


ИПЦ Греции: Празднование иконы Живоносный Источник (ФОТО)

Genuine Orthodox Church of Greece: The Celebration of the Icon of the Mother of God of the Life-giving Source (PHOTOS)

Автор: Ольга. Author: OlgaДата публикации: Date of publication: 18 апреля 2018 April 18, 2018 . . Категория: ИПЦ Греции .Category: CPI of Greece .

В Светлую Пятницу 31.03/13.04 - 2018 г. со всей яркостью был отпразднован праздник Иконы Божией Матери "Живоносный Источник".

On Bright Friday 31.03 / 13.04 - 2018 the holiday of the Icon of the Mother of God "The Life-giving Spring" was celebrated with all  brilliance.

В апостольском городе Патрас в знаменитом одноименном монастыре была ослужена Божественная Литургия Блаженнейшим архиепископом Афинским и всея Греции Калиникосом с участием местного священства и большого стечениямирян.

In the apostolic city of Patras, Greece in the famous monastery of the same name,[of 'The Life-Giving Spring']  the Divine Liturgy was celebrated  by His Beatitude Kalinikos, Archbishop of Athens and All Greece, with the participation of the local priests and a large gathering of the laity.

В этот праздничный день Высокопреосвященнейший архиепископ Калиникос произнес прововедь в которой особо упомянул о Воскресении Господа Иисуса Христа и Чудесах Пресвятой Богородицы.

 On this holiday, His Eminence Archbishop Kalinikos read a gospel lesson, in which it specifically mentioned the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and he also spoke about the miracles of the Most Holy Theotokos.

После окончания Божественной Литургии был совершен Крестный ход вокруг монастыря, затем настоятельница монастыря геронтисса Николая пригласила всех на праздничную трапезу всех верных.

 After the Divine Liturgy, the Cross-procession around the monastery was completed, and then the head/ruler of the monastery, Abbess Gerontissa Nikolaia, invited everyone to a festive meal for all the faithful in attendance.

В Крионери, Аттика, празднование отмечалось в Монастыре Господа Вседержителя, который возглавил Преосвященнейший митрополит Аттики и Воиотии Хризостомос при сослужении Преосвященнейшего митрополита Фессалоникийского Григориу, участии священства и клира.

In Cryoneri, Attica Greece, this celebration [for the festal church-calendar celebration  of the icon of 'The Life-Giving Spring'] was conducted in the Monastery of the Lord Almighty, led by His Grace Metropolitan Chrysostomos, of Attica and Voiotii, with the con-celebration  of His Grace Metropolitan Grigori of Thessalonica, the participation of the priests and by all of the clergy.

 Во время Божественной Литургии Преосвященнейший митрополит Аттики и Воитии Хризостомос произвел священническую хиротонию диакона Михаила.
 During the Divine Liturgy, His Grace Chrysostomos, Metropolitan of Attica,  performed the priestly ordination of Deacon Michael. (См.ЗДЕСЬ ) (See HERE )

В Ризомилос Вестинос, префектуры Магнисиас в старинном монастыре Иконы Пресвятой Богородицы "Живоносный Источник" были отслужены Всенощная и Божественная Литургия Преосвященнейшим митрополитом Димитриадским Фотием при сослужении Преосвященнейшего митрополита Пирейского и Саламинского Фотия, при участии большого колличества священства, клира и стечении многочисленной паствы.

In Rizomilos Vestinos, prefectures of Magnisias, Greece,  in the ancient Monastery of the Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary "The Life-giving Spring", the All-Night Vigil and the Divine Liturgy were celebrated by His Eminence Metropolitan Photios of Dimitriadsky,  with the co-operation of His Grace Metropolitan Photios of Piraeus and Salamis, and with the participation of a large number of the priests, other clergy and the confluence of the numerous flock. (См. ЗДЕСЬ ) (See HERE )
Источник A source

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