(But Andronik Kotlaroff
has been officially and canonically retired by his fellow bishops, and
he thus has no right to serve anywhere but at Mt. View, nor is he
allowed by them, to perform any sacraments or ordinations, anywhere. He
was relieved by them, of the right to administer any diocese.
He and his followers are in total uncanonical rebellion against lawful higher church authority.
And, newly consecrated Bishop John (Smelic) is now our sole lawful ROCA bishop of Melbourne and Australia.)
Found on:<http://www.rocana.org>

13 Ноября 2016
Воскресной Литургии в храме свв. Мучеников Виленских (Мелбурн,
Австралия), 6-ого ноября, чтец Симеон Шеклуна был рукоположен в сан
иподиакона архиепископом Андроником - правящим архиереем Австралийской
и Ново-Зеландской Епархии.
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