Dan Everiss
<oregdan@hotmail.com> | Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 12:09 PM |
ROCA: In GREENVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, U.S.A. was performed the sacrament of Holy Baptism and accepting into Orthodoxy of some new American converts (PHOTOS)
Автор: Митрополит Агафангел вкл. Author: Metropolitan Agafangel incl.
22 Ноябрь 2016 November 22, 2016
. .
Опубликовано в
РПЦЗ (Просмотров: 96) Published in
the ROCA (Views: 96)
Иерей Иоанн Мэхэн крестил в православие группу прошедших катехизацию американцев.
Priest John Mahan baptized and received into Orthodoxy, a group of catechesis-prepared , Americans.
Таинство было совершено в приходе в честь Рождества Пресвятой Богородицы, в Гринвилле, Северная Каролина, США, в храме, который
построил и в готором служил протоиерей Григорий Вильямс.
sacrament was committed in the parish of the Nativity of the Blessed
Virgin Mary, in Greenville, North Carolina, USA, in the temple,
which was built previously
and which had been served by Archpriest Gregory Williams, and Fr. John
Hinton and some other visiting priests.
(Note: APPEAL: This small but growing
struggling parish, a mix of various Orthodox ethnic believers,
and their young children and grandchildren, [Russians and Greeks,
Arabs and others, plus new converts], is planning on soon constructing
a proper iconostasis, with good traditional
Orthodox icons, but they ask any donations for this expensive project,
from anyone who may wish to help them. Any help will be greatly appreciated! Please notify Fr.John Mahan, the rector: < frjohnmahan@gmail.com> )
Note: They have well attended daily vespers, and
at sunday liturgies, the small church is packed to overflowing, with
over 40 people. They are a pious and zealous flock, and happy to have
their own full time, resident priest, finally.
Fr. John has much hope for the growth of this parish family. May God
bless and prosper them! MANY YEARS! MNOGAYA LETA!
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