Monday, October 7, 2019

Sister Churches Join Romanians in Consecrating Cathedral

#1: Russian-ROCOR, Greek GOC & Bulgarian Churches Join Romanians in Consecrating New Monastery Cathedral


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Dan Everiss

"I was glad when they said to me, let us go into the house of the Lord! Our feet shall stand within thy courts O Jerusalem!"

From: Dan Everiss <>
Sent: Monday, October 7, 2019 12:00 PM
Subject: x3-Sister-Churches: Russian-ROCOR, Greek GOC and Bulgarian Churches Join Romanians in Consecrating Their New Monastery Cathedral

Two hour long fascinating video:

From: Dan Everiss <>
Sent: Monday, October 7, 2019 10:17 AM
Subject: Sister Churches Join Romanians in Consecrating Their New Monastery Cathedral

Румынская ПСЦ: Освящение кафедрального собора (ФОТО)

Romanian Orthodox Old Calendar Church: Consecration of the New Cathedral in Slatioara Monastery (PHOTOS)

Автор: Митрополит Агафангел. Author: Metropolitan Agafangel. Дата публикации:Publication Date: . . Категория: Румынская Страростильная Церковь . Category: Romanian Holy Church .
6 октября в жизни Румынской Православной Старостильной Церкви прошло знаменательное событие - полный чин освящения главного собора этой Церкви - в честь Святого Духа.

On October 6, a significant event took place in the life of the Romanian Orthodox Old-Calendar Church - the full rite of consecration of the main cathedral and its altar, of this Church - in honor of the Holy Spirit.

 Собор начал строиться в Слатиоаре в начале 90-х годов прошлого века, и только сейчас строительство и отделка полностью завершены.

The cathedral began to be built in Slatioara in the early 90s of the last century, and only now the construction and decoration have been  fully completed.

Храм расписан мастерами из Молдовы и Украины в академическом стиле.

The temple is painted by craftsmen from Moldova and Ukraine in an 'academic style'.

Это событие стало возможным благодаря инициативе и трудам Предстоятеля Румынской Церкви митрополита Власия.

This event was made possible thanks to the initiative and work of the Primate of the Romanian Church, Metropolitan Blasius (Blaise).

На освящении собора молились 19 архиереев - 10 из Румынии, 5 из ИПЦ Греции (митрополиты Геронтий, Хризостом, Фотий, архиепископ Авксентий, епископ Амросий), 3 представителей РПЦЗ (митрополит Агафангел, архиепископ Георгий и епископ Анфим) и один архиерей из Болгарской ИПЦ (епископ Виктор).

At the consecration of the cathedral, 19 bishops prayed - 10 from Romania, 5 from the Greek Orthodox Church (Metropolitan Gerontius, Chrysostomus, Photius, Archbishop Auxentius, Bishop Ambrose), 3 representatives of the ROCA (Metropolitan Agafangel, Archbishop George and Bishop Anfim) and one bishop of Bulgaria, Vicar Bishop Victor of Nikopolis- representing Met. Fotios, head of the Bulgarian Church..

Преставители Болгарской Истинно-Православной Церкви: диакон Пантелеимон, иеромонах Серафим, еписоп Виктор, и представители РПЦЗ: архиепископ Георгий, митрополит Агафангел и епископ Анфим.

  (from left to right): Representatives of the Bulgarian True Orthodox Church: Deacon Panteleimon, Hieromonk Seraphim, Bishop Victor, and representatives of the ROCA: Archbishop George, Metropolitan Agafangel and Bishop Anfim.

Предстоятель Румынской Старостильной Церкви митрополит Власий.

Primate of the Romanian Old-Calendar Orthodox  Church, Metropolitan Vlasius-(Blaise).

Служба была возле нового храма в специально построенном временном алтаре, в монастырском дворе.

The service was near the new church around a specially constructed temporary altar, in the monastery courtyard.

На полиелей вышли 18 архиереев.

18 bishops attended  the singing of The Polyelie (The  joyful many-mercies/oil  psalm).

На следующий день, в воскресенье, все собрались в новом храме, был крестный ход со Св. Мощами.The next day, on Sunday, everyone gathered in the new church, there was a procession with the Holy Relics.
После чего приступили к освящению Престола.

Then they proceeded to the consecration of The Throne (the cathedral's altar table).

Св. Мощи были помещены в специальное углубление посредине Престола, засыпаны мрамрной крошкой и залиты воскомастиком.

The Holy Relics were placed in a special depression in the middle of The Throne, covered with marble chips and flooded with melted bees-wax.

Также мраморной крошкой засыпали углубление в Престоле под крышкой Престола.

Also, the marble recess was filled, in the altar-table under the cover of the top marble-covering slab.

Всё это также залито воскомастиком.
All this was also flooded with melted bees-wax.

Затем Престол накрыт толстой мраморной плитой и эта плита тщательно вымыта и вытерта полотенцами.

Then the Throne (altar table) was covered with a thick top-finishing marble slab and this slab was thoroughly washed and smeared  with holy oils and then wiped off with towels.

Затем плита окроплена радостамой (розовой водой).

Then the top covering marble slab  was sprinkled,  joyfully with (Rose-water).

После этого плита помазана Св. Миром.

After that, the top  marble slab  was anointed with the Holy CHRISM.

Св. Миро архиереи руками равномерно распространили по всей плите.

The Holy Chrism, the bishops spread evenly throughout ,all over the covering altar marble slab,  with their bare hands.

По углам плиты наклеили воскомастиком изображения Евангелистов.

To the top surface of the four corners of the altar's covering marble slab, were glued with hot bees-wax,  iconic  images of the  Four Evangelists.

Наложили на плиту тонкую пелену из ткани.

Then the bishops placed a thin sheet of cloth, on the top surface of the altar table.

Поверх пелены одели срачицу, стянули её под плитой шнурком и запечатлели узел шнурка восковой песатью.

On top of this shroud cloth covering, they placed and fitted tight- the cloth covering, and they pulled it down tight from its edges, under the top overhanging edges of the altar table, and they made it secure with hand-tied string-lace, and imprinted the lace tied knots with ahot bees-wax binding seals..

Поверх срачицы одели на Престол облачение.

Over the first cloth covering, they then dressed the throne with its  vestments.

Облачение покрыли покровом.

The protective altar vestment was then covered.

И поставили на Престол Дароносицу, Семисвечник, Евангелие и Крест.

And they placed on the Throne,  the Reserved-Sacrament Holy Tabernacle, the Menorah (7 branch candelabra-as was in Solomon's Jerusalem Temple),  the Gospel  Book and the Blessing Cross....and an extra Holy Gospel book. Behind the altar was placed the cut-out wooden, painted) large processional crucifix and the two lamenters, the Virgin Mary and St. John the Beloved, on either side of the crucifix. In the different local national Orthodox churches, their specific holy objects on top of ..or behind...their altar-tables, differ to some degree, by local customs...or as they can afford to purchase and use. Poor parishes often have less on their altars, by necessity.

*Also: the bishops  consecrated  WITH HOLY CHRISM, many new Holy Antimencis-Saint's Relic bearing altar sanctified cloths, (depicting Christ' Burial- His Shroud/Epitafios/Plaschanitza,) -no doubt for new church altars...and/or to be used to replace old worn-out ones.

In the Orthodox Church, Divine Liturgy can only be served, by an ordained priest, ON a consecrated saints' relics embedded, cloth ANTIMENCIS - signed by the bishop whose priest is placed there, BY HIS BISHOP, to serve THAT altar, by him. Every Orthodox priest/presbyter  is but an extension of his bishop's/episcope's  apostolic authority. He can do nothing without his canonical bishop's knowledge or blessing. And priests are ordained FOR...or..TO  THAT ALTAR.

 In a sense, they are wedded/married to that altar/throne. For a priest to travel around, as in a missionary journey, he needs his bishop's permission to do so, and then he carries with him, a consecrated  antimencis cloth.

All Divine Liturgies are always performed ON TOP OF SAINT's RELICS, as was done in the Early Catacomb Church- when Liturgy was usually  performed on top of the tombs of saints....i.e. on their sacred bones. The antimencis relic-bearing cloth, is a continuation of that early tradition. However, also- under and in, a fully consecrated altar, saints relics are also incorporated.
Reader Daniel in Oregon

Возжгли лампады на Семисвечнике. Lighted lamps on the menorah.
(продолжение следует) (to be continued)

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