Saturday, October 19, 2019

Miami-Florida: St. Matrona of Moscow parish flees ROCOR/MP- runs to EP's American Greek

Miami-Florida: St. Matrona of Moscow parish flees ROCOR/MP- runs to EP's American Greek-Archdiocese

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Dan Everiss

Sat, Oct 19, 2019 at 1:53 PM

My explanatory comment:- A brief background picture and an over-view of the ROCOR/MP turmoil in Miami:

The root cause of all of this turmoil,  has been from the start, The MP-Moscow's attempts to legally obtain total ownership of that ROCOR/MP's parish's very valuable property and also of its  connected  St. Nicholas Monastery  property in  Ft. Meyer's Florida.

It is a very vigorous and large and quite wealthy parish, composed of mostly newly arrived 'new- Soviet-era' Russian immigrants. They love their parish, and their parish priest.

They are intensely religious people, and they generously give money and physical help to their beloved parish....and priest.

Moscow wants it, (The MP) apparently it seems evident, primarily to sell it for the money!. Putin and his captive & corrupt MP "church" need all the money they can lay their  hands on, the obstructing uncooperative parish priest and the parish council had to be removed. And of course, using the Communist's normal atheist-draconian methods: they pushed forward all sorts of public and private slanders and calumnies against the 'unhelpful' priest and the obstructive parish council, etc.

Also, clearly, they ordered "Autonomous' ROCOR/MP's head Met. Hilarion Kapral to not interfere....which he has dutifully obeyed their marching orders, ONCE AGAIN!

BUT, they had been under the protective omophore of 'Autonomous" ROCOR/MP's Met. Hilarion -Kapral, so how could Moscow interfere with its canonical territory?

Because, what we see transpiring with this ROCOR/MP's parish is what we KNEW would eventually happen! proving what many of us who did not bow to that dastardly 2007 ROCOR betrayal to the Stalin-founded in 1943 [know], 'Moscow Patriarchate's money and world-wide power hungry true motives.

The illegitimate and uncanonical Moscow Patriarchy, a communist religious-front mammoth-octopus with many tentacles, from its foundation in 1943,  we are told and supposed to swallow, exists to..".save souls, and to spread Orthodoxy"???  HARDLY! What a monstrous joke!

And so, what has "AUTONOMOUS"- ROCOR/MP's head, Met. Hilarion Kapral done to defend it's Miami  parish? and their pleas for help?...NOTHING!  It has stepped aside and gone into total hypnotic/zombie-like submissive  silence....obviously on 'orders from above', -i.e. its superior, since June of 2007,  the communist controlled MP, its so-called, "Russian Mother Church"....the "Holy Patriarch Kyril".

And if the MP cannot convince Russian Orthodox people here in the US, to willingly come under their direct rule, and give civil property ownership to them, THEN it goes to American civil courts to seize their properties, 'legally'.

​In those American civil courts, the MP usually/virtually always wins, because  those courts utilize ancient Orthodox canons, which state that: "All church properties and all money funds, in a diocese, belong exclusively to  the name of the head bishop of that -church."   Thus all who have recognized the MP's Patriarch, as their religious head of their church, ...always loose their properties and monies to the MP, if the MP sues them in American courts.

Many poor American Catholics also get the same negative court findings, when they try to civilly-legally stop their Catholic bishops from seizing and selling their parish properties.  The Catholic bishops almost always win in American courts....and for the same ancient-canonical reasons.

The soviet-MP has been doing this for many years here in America, and this fact was a number one inspirational cause for the leadership of the old North American Russian Metropolia, to be coerced/blackmailed in 1970, to bow to Moscow, to gain 'their autocephaly"-i.e. its so-called, Independence.  Otherwise, Moscow threatened to take them, once again, to American courts, and thus to seize ALL THEIR many large and very valuable church properties in America. Thus they caved in to Moscow, which communist government, the American government recognized as "The sole legitimate government of Russia".

Earlier on, the MP gained control of the old North American Russian Metropolia's New York St. Nicholas Cathedral, (built by -Pat. Tihkon before the soviet takeover of Russia) gifted to them.... by an American judge, because they posed as the SOLE civil and LEGAL Russian Church RECOGNIZED by THE SOLE LEGAL GOVERNMENT OF RUSSIA, -Stalin's Creation, (though at that exact moment, the communist fronted 'Living Church Schism', had control of the MP church in Moscow! The American judge knew zero about all that, nor cared apparently.

After-all, America and Joseph Stalin were military allies against Hitler!

The Moscow MP has a pattern of committing  this same procedure in other countries, such as in Ukraine, and ...everywhere, it takes civil legal actions to GRAB ownership of  parish and monastic properties...everywhere it can get away with it. Then they often sell such properties, EVICTING the former parishioners, ....and/or utilize those church facilities  as but more bases for KGB espionage/Fifth-Columnist/& the Kremlin's sympathetic mouthpieces here, ..and world-wide…. 

WHO in either ROCOR/MP or the OCA, publicly criticizes, here in America,  either The Russian Federation or the MP of Vladimir Putin???  Virtually no one! 

Who in either Moscow dependent jurisdictions,  (both based here in free America) have spoken any public criticisms of Putin's dastardly bloody unjustified   invasion of Ukraine???, visible proof, most especially here in their hated and feared, -America, the Kremlin Master's, number one designated enemy nation and government, and also  acting in the same way in many other countries, world-wide.

And, now we see clearly- but further proof, of the MP's real long-range  hidden reasons for  engineering the 2007 ROCOR's betrayal to the MP, and what we knew would eventually transpire:  ROCOR/MP is today....but a total sock-puppet ...a marionette and  an enslaved enfeebled stooge of the MP....and it is, with its sister OCA,  more and more openly proving that both are  nothing but anti-American & soviet espionage false-churches  here, and betrayers of  both America...and Orthodoxy.

When you dance to the Devil's pipers music, you eventually must PAY THE PIPPER!
St. Matrona's Miami parish, is trying to avoid paying, and so they have (foolishly) fled for refuge!... to the Apostate/Ecumenist betrayers of Orthodoxy (with the MP), Heresiarch  Pat. Bartholomew of Constantinople, and in this case, to join his American New Calendar Greek Archdiocese...but they being given [a special exemption and permission to use Slavonic and keep the Old Calendar] (!)

It might be said that thus: They are crawling out of the frying pan, and ...falling directly into the fire.

Both the Stalin's  founded  uncanonical MP and Heretical Constantinople are BOTH massive End-time betrayers of the Holy Orthodox Apostolic Faith, and both are soul destroyers and perverters of the Gospel Of Christ. For money and worldly power, they will do anything!

Both exist soley for Mammon,-  money and earthly power, but masquerading as "Spreading the Gospel, Saving Souls, and Spreading Orthodoxy", -etc.

However, in these terrible End Times, who knows or even cares about such matters?  


May God help them and us all.

Wake up all you who have been hoodwinked, and mislead by Judas clergy, and fooled by the MP's propaganda machine,  and ecumenist EP, and return to genuine Orthodox Christianity! Abandon the OCA and ROCOR/MP and apostate worldly Orthodoxy!


JUST MY Objective and Honest and Studied OBSERVATIONS:

retired NO-BODY, forest dweller, Reader Daniel Everiss in Oregon (a 76 year old PLAIN  & loyal average American and a sincere  Orthodox Christian since age 17) - who remains exclusively loyal to our only legitimate canonical ROCOR's head, Vladyka Metropolitan Agafangel (Paskovsky) and his Holy Synod of Bishops.

May...GOD GRANT Vladyka Agafangel and our free ROCOR:  MANY YEARS!  MNOGAYA LETA!

Приход РПЦЗ МП в Майами перешел в Константинопольский патриархат

The parish of the ROCOR MP in Miami, Florida  moved to the Patriarchate of Constantinople

Автор: Митрополит Агафангел. Author: Metropolitan Agafangel. Дата публикации:Publication Date: . . Категория: Юрисдикции Официального Православия . Category: Jurisdictions of Official Orthodoxy .
The image may contain: 1 person, crowd and indoors
В приходе объяснили решение проблемами из-за "массированной кампании" против настоятеля

The parish explained their  solution to theeir problems, because of a “massive slander campaign” against the head priest.

Москва. Moscow. 
18 октября. October 18th
.INTERFAX.RU - Самый многочисленный русский православный приход Флориды перешёл в юрисдикцию Американской архиепископии Константинопольской церкви, сообщил его настоятель архимандрит Александр (Беля).

  INTERFAX.RU - Florida's largest Russian Orthodox (ROCOR/MP) parish passed into the jurisdiction of the American Archbishopric of the Church of Constantinople, said its rector Archimandrite Alexander (Belya).

"Наш приход взяла под свой омофор Американская архиепископия православного Вселенского патриархата. Мне сохранили священнический сан, право совершать богослужения, носить рясу и крест. Приходу святой Матроны дано право служить по привычному нам старому календарю и на церковнославянском языке. Нам с вами даровали не только покров патриархата, в котором находится святая гора Афон, но и защиту правительства Соединенных Штатов. Вам больше не придётся делать выбор между свободой совести и свободой слова", - заявил настоятель в обращении к при

"The American archbishopric of the (Constantinople) Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarchate took us under its omophorion. I was received as  a priest, and with the right to worship,  to wear a cassock and a cross. St. Matron’s parish was given the right to serve according to our old calendar and in Church Slavonic. We were granted not only cover by the EP  patriarchy, under which Mount Athos is also under, but also the defense of the United States government.​(?) We no longer have to make a choice between our freedom of conscience and our freedom of speech, "said the parish rector in a explanation addressed to....

ожанам, собравшимся в храме. ozhanam …

….those gathered in the temple.

Как пояснила "Интерфаксу" член приходского совета Анастасия Горшкова, приход Матроны Московской в Майами был создан в 2011 году попечением русскоязычной диаспоры и архимандритом Александром (Белей), получив благословение первоиерарха Русской зарубежной церкви митрополита Илариона.

As member of the parish council, Anastasia Gorshkova explained to Interfax, that St. Matrona of Moscow's parish in Miami was created in 2011 under the omophore  of the Russian-speaking diaspora and by Archimandrite Alexander (Belei), receiving its blessing by the first bishop of the (ROCOR/MP) Russian Church Abroad, Metropolitan Hilarion -Kapral.

 В 2015 году прихожане приобрели в собственность бывшую церковь методистов, которую переоборудовали по православной традиции.

In 2015, parishioners acquired a former Methodist church, which was converted for Orthodox use according to the Orthodox tradition.

Храм был освящён первоиерархом РПЦЗ в присутствии двух тысяч верующих и мэра города, представителя губернатора Флориды.

The church was consecrated by the First Hierarch of the ROCOR-MP,  in the presence of two thousand believers and attended by the mayor of the city, and a representative of the Governor of Florida.

В последствии храм получил статус собора.

Subsequently, the temple received the status of a cathedral/sobor..

  Попечением прихода при соборе работает воскресная школа, единственное бесплатное учебное заведение в Майами, где ведётся обучение на русском языке.

The parish ["is run by"-?]  the Sunday School, the only free educational institution in Miami that provides instruction in Russian.

Прихожане также заботятся о восстановлении Свято-Николаевского монастыря в городе Форт Майерс.

Parishioners also take care of the restoration work of the St. Nicholas Monastery in Fort Myers, Florida.

"В последние месяцы группой лиц была развёрнута массированная кампания против настоятеля. Их наветы на священника возымели тяжелые последствия для прихода. Созданная РПЦЗ следственная комиссия парализовала нормальную жизнедеятельность прихода, создала информационную напряженность вокруг собора", - рассказала собеседница агентства.

“In recent months, a group of people launched a massive campaign against the rector.. Their libel against the priest had serious consequences for the parish. The ROCOR-MP's  commission of inquiry ,paralyzed the parish’s normal life and created 'information tension' around the cathedral,” the agency’s interlocutor said.

Желая спастись от несправедливых гонений, приход обращался за помощью к патриарху Кириллу, но так как РПЦЗ является самоуправляемой церковью в составе РПЦ, поддержки он не получил, и следующим шагом верующих стало обращение за помощью в Американскую архиепископию Константинополя, отметила Горшкова.

Wanting to escape from such unjust persecution, the parish appealed to MP-Patriarch Kirill -Gundaev, for help, but since the ROCA-MP  is "a self-governing church within the ROC", ​{the big lie of the 2007 betrayal, lead by Met. Laurus Shkurla, of a large part of  old free ROCOR to the communist still controlled and uncanonical/apostate  Moscow Patriarchy-i.e. that it gained true 'autonomy' -INDEPENCE!!!, -HA! HA! ... from the communist controlled and staffed, MP, i.e. that their top head and last word, is MP Pat. Kyril!, ... he did not receive ROCOR/MP  support, (that ROCOR/MP cannot-DARE NOT!  contradict their real boss, the  KGB agent, MP 'Patriarch')  so therefor the next step of the faithful was to turn for aid to the EP-American Archbishopric of Constantinople for help, Gorshkova noted.

"Мы пережили страшные месяцы несправедливых гонений, приход морально и экономически истощён. Мы переходим в другую юрисдикцию в силу тяжелейших обстоятельств, поставивших нас в тупик. Просим не судить нас за этот шаг, а с сочувствием помолиться Господу о возрождении нормальной приходской жизни", - заявила представительница прихода.

“We survived the terrible months of unjust persecution, so that  the parish is morally and economically exhausted. We are transferring to another jurisdiction due to our most difficult circumstances that have perplexed us. We ask everyone not to judge us for this step, but to pray with compassion to the Lord, for us  to revive a normal parish life,” a spokeswoman said.

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Еще на эту тему: МП рейдерским путём захватывает имущество в США
More on this topic: MP raider way seizes property in the United States
Метки: константинопольская патриархия , рпцз мп
Tags: Patriarchate of Constantinople , ROCA MP
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