Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Canonical ROCA: Meeting in Ukraine

& REPEAT SENDING: (my site is under attack from the Andronik-Mt. View schismatics): Canonical ROCA: Meeting of our loyal Belarus parishioners with Vl. Agafangel at our Malin, Ukraine Holy Protection Parish

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Dan Everiss

Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 2:47 PM

Note: This crisis in our Belarus parish has been caused by the recent shocking defection there of our former rector, -now defrocked, arch-priest Leonid Plyats- who left Orthodoxy and has joined himself to a bizarre  anti-Orthodox Old Believer sect, and as he continues to try and attract his former parishioners to go with him. Most of them refuse to leave Orthodoxy and loyalty to our Vladyka Agafangel, and Vladyka Agafangel has given them his blessing to perform lay-services, when there is no priest, as detailed in the Chasosolov, the Horologion, plus also Akathists and Canons, etc.

 "O Lord, give ear to the pious,  and hear us!"

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom!"

ROCOR: A meeting of the parish of St. John of Kronstadt from Belarus was held at our Malin, Ukraine church Автор: Митрополит Агафангел вкл. Author: Metropolitan Agafangel  inc. 16 Октябрь 2017 16 October 2017 . . Опубликовано в РПЦЗ (Просмотров: 74) Posted in ROCOR (Views: 74)

14 октября в городе Малин по благословению и под председательством Первоиерарх РПЦЗ Митрополита Агафангела прошло собрание прихода в честь св.

October 14 in the city of Malin, Ukraine with the blessing and under the chairmanship of the First Hierarch of the ROCA,  Vladyka Metropolitan Agafangel, there was a parish-meeting of  parishioners from  the Belarus church in the honor of the  Holy Righteous Saint  John of Kronstadt in Belarus.

Иоанна Кронштадтского из Белоруссии. John of Kronstadt from Belarus. В связи с уходом в раскол и отречением от священного сана запрещённого в служении бывшего настоятеля прихода Леонида Пляца, приход оказался в сложном положении, без непосредственного духовного окормления.

 In connection with the departure from that  parish of their former priest, Leonid Plyats, who is banned to serve,  the parish found itself in a difficult situation, without direct spiritual nourishment.

Как восстановить и поддерживать духовную жизнь прихода обсуждало приходское собрание.

How to restore and maintain the spiritual life of the parish was discussed at the parish meeting.

 Среди прочих его решений, постановлено избрать старостой прихода Александра Мутилина, а казначеем Валентина Веселова.

 Among other decisions, it was decided to elect as the head/warden/starosta of the parish,  Alexander Mutilin, and as the treasurer, Valentin Veselov.

Приход намерен совершать время от времени паломнические поездки в другие страны, где есть наши приходы, для участия в Богослужениях и получения Св. Причастия.

The parish intends to make pilgrimage trips to other countries where there are our parishes from time to time, to participate in priestly lead divine services and to receive Holy Communion.

В свою очередь, Вл. In turn, Vl. Агафангел даёт благословение священникам его епархии и просит священников других епархий по благословению их Правящего архиерея посещать наш приход в Белоруссии с целью духовного окормления.

Vladyka Agafangel gives a blessing to the priests of his diocese and asks the priests of other dioceses, with the blessing of their ruling bishop, to visit our parish in Belarus for the purpose of their spiritual nourishment, and for the giving of the sacraments.

Возможно, со временем, будут рукоположены священнослужители для Белоруссии для оказания духовной помощи нашим прихожанам.

Perhaps, in time, priests will be ordained for Belarus to provide spiritual help to our parishioners.

Да поможет Бог!

 May God help them!

Group of our loyal Belarus parishioners of the church of St. John of Kronstadt, with Vladyka Metropolitan Agafangel, in front of our Malin, Ukraine Holy Protection Church

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