Saturday, July 30, 2016

current pathetic activities of the schism-makers

About SOME of the current pathetic activities of the schism-makers here: as of today, July 30, 2016

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Dan Everiss

Sat, Jul 30, 2016 at 6:47 PM

MANY YEARS!  MNOGAYA  LETA! to our Honorable Vladyka Metropolitan Agafangel and to our ROCA Honorable Synod of Bishops! each and every one of them!
And may Almighty God, grant them, and us, victory over these impious and malicious schism-makers!
May they all repent!

"Fore-warned, is fore-armed!"

  Some of what was related to me today, Sat. July 30, 2016, by  highly reliable sources :

It seems...that:
 Vl. Sofrony is THE main episcopal clerical leader of this schism [though he is currently officially  'retired' by our Synod, and thus has NO CANONICAL episcopal authority to DO ANYTHING!] , and because he is POWER HUNGRY/'Ambitious', ...and has been so for a long time, and as he hopes to wear the white klobuk himself.  He wants to be the Metropolitan! ...This is what many here, see in him.

Busy energetic retired, Vl. Sofrony [who is a very warm likable 'charismatic', youthful fellow, as most here think of him] is currently physically HERE  in the US... and speaking with and visiting numerous ROCA clergy and laity.... almost daily it seems.
OTHERS also, are constantly busy, some have been so throughout the past many ages.
*In the Book of Job, the Holy Prophet Job asks the Devil what he does all day, to which the Devil replies: "I  constantly go to and fro, traveling though out the whole earth, seeking those whom I may devour!"
Recently, [the possible new metropolitan, to be?] Sofrony  communicated to people here, from Russia, with his numerous, daily, phone calls and emails. 
Currently, he with Dimitry Gontscharow, (* in whose house in Virginia he is staying, and is being driven around by Dimitry), together visited poor retired Bp. Joseph, (who is now in an oxygen tent and in very bad shape), to request him to join their schism enterprise, to which he declined.

Apparently also, they visited  [or somehow spoke with]  RTOC-Trenton Vl. Stefan Sabelnik, and asked him also to join their enterprise, to which... IT SEEMS... [but is not yet confirmed] that he too declined to participate.

 Personally I have much respect for Vl. Stefan, WHO KNOWS BASIC ORTHODOX CHURCH ORDER!... and whatever his faults may be.... as perceived by anyone,  he clearly must have more common sense than to get involved in this pathetic three-ring CIRCUS of our impious power-hungry church-wrecking schism makers, WHO RESPECT NO BISHOP!... UNLESS THEY CAN 100% CONTROL HIM!, ..and which if he did, would only start divisions in his RTOC-Trenton flock here, and ruin his diocese.

Who else?..might they hope to lure?... such as perhaps unbalanced  ROAC Andre 'Maklakov' they might also ask to join their new 'synod', is not yet known.

Mr. George (Yuri) Lukin, another central player in this schism, and another hater of Metropolitan Agafangel,  and the owner and developer of Mountain View, i.e. he never gave ownership of that property to the Church, [where he routinely orders poor Vl. Andronik around as if he owns him, or as if he were his servant], was formerly very involved in the past "Mansonville-Vitaly Schism"... which means that he has a history of involvement in schisms in the ROCOR. Perhaps, he likes sponsoring schisms?

The Metropolitan shall arrive here in about 2 weeks, and plans visiting with GOC Met. Demetrios... and also, Vl. Andronik, plus with others...  and on conducting a general parish meeting in the Astoria Holy Trinity Church.

Of course, he hopes to heal this schism.  But I am not at all sure that he can, as those of this schism crowd, do not want to be healed or to repent.

Last Sunday, in the Astoria Church, Fr. Dimitry Dobronoravov [who, sad to say, is a big and pivotal priestly clerical supporter of this rebellion against the Metropolitan and our Synod]... in the Liturgy, commemorated  GOC Met. Demetrios! (and not Met. Agafangel), at which, the choir refused to respond, and then he in front of the whole church, ordered off and threw the choir director off the cleiros, [where the choir stands in that church, not up in the rear balcony as in some churches] after she asked him: why? did he commemorate GOC Met. Demetrios and not OUR ROCA head, Met. Agafangel:

His angry loud response: "Because I hate  Metropolitan Agafangel... but I like Met. Demetrios!" (!!!)

So, we shall see what more unchristian and anti-Orthodox shenanigans and monkey-business these BUSY and ENERGETIC deluded schism makers will create, and who all will foolishly join them, or who will wisely avoid them, and stay loyal to our ROCA.

And I share this unhappy information, in  the hope that it may contribute to informing our loyal clergy and laity, to NOT be fooled by these church destroyers, and their various slanders and outright lies, who may claim to be creating a more-pure ROCA, and 'free from dictator metropolitans and bishops', but who in reality are simply making a rotten ill-founded schism.

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