The Rough Machine-English translation: (best to read the original Russian text): "The Moscow Patriarchate was created by Stalin in 1943 as part of the structure of the KGB"
I WISH THAT SOMEONE..... WOULD TRANSLATE THIS RUSSIAN LANGUAGE ARTICLE INTO GOOD HUMAN-English...this is very important historical information. It is but more solid proof, that what is now called, "The Russian Orthodox Church/MP" is not a canonical continuation of the valid real and historical Russian Orthodox Church, last headed by Holy New Confessor, Patriarch Tikhon (Belavin) of Blessed Memory...who was THE LAST real Russian patriarch!Those, who in 2007, by their shameful and foolish betrayal, mostly mislead by the unionist clergy, sold their souls to it, and who submitted to its bogus authority, lead then by Lavr Skurla, left the Universal Orthodox church, and have, knowingly or unknowingly, joined the apostates, from our old free ROCOR.
God-willing, that at least some of them may finally wake up, and follow their INFORMED consciences, and leave this 'MP' monstrosity organization, totally controlled by the KGB.
Thus, what exactly does it mean, for any local Orthodox church or its clergy or its laity, to be "IN COMMUNION WITH"..... THE ROC/MP'???...a KGB bogus pretend Russian Church?... Especially what does this mean for the OCA, [ the former Russian Orthodox Metropolia of North America], which submitted to Moscow in 1970, or for the ROCOR/MP, which submitted in 2007?
Rd. Daniel in Oregon
The Moscow Patriarchate was created by Stalin in 1943 as [ part of] the structure of the KGB
Author: Internet Cathedral incl. April 13, 2015. Posted in the Moscow Patriarchate (Views: 54)
Patriarchs in uniform or KGB FSB = + = ROC UOC (MP)
can often hear that razreshatelnaya Stalin's policy toward the Church -
is his awareness and support of the church. Try to lose faith in this
September 4, 1943, Stalin created the ROC (formerly of such an organization was not) and appointed glavpopom Sergius. The real head of the Moscow Patriarchate was Karpin, a KGB officer
. Created this structure intelligence agencies was to identify
individuals collaborated with the Nazis in the parishes, open Hitler
(and others and was not), the newly liberated from German troops
territories. For the same purpose, the following was established in 1944
AUCECB how different assorted Protestants - as a division of the KGB
intelligence). So, as a division of the security services, the Moscow
Patriarchate and AUCECB and lasted until the end of the Soviet Union.
After the August coup Commission sun revealed the KGB archives and
released the data, in particular the entire leadership of the ROC was an
agent of the KGB. Including Riediger (Alexy 2) - agent "Drozdov"
Gundiaev (Cyril) - agent "Mikhailov", etc. And Protestants Karev,
liquid, Ponomarchuk, Andreev, White, Radchuk, Kotyakov, Bondaruk,
Sargsyan ...
the documents found by the Commission parliamentary Supreme Council of
Russia (Boris Perchatkin: Orthodox priest Gleb Yakunin, worked in the
Russian Armed Forces Commission) to investigate the causes and
circumstances of the coup (August 1991 coup) have been reports on the
activities of the 4th Division 5 th Directorate of the KGB. These
reports represent a wealth of material for historians of the Russian
Orthodox Church, studying its fate in the Soviet period. They referred
to the recruitment of priests in the service of the KGB. According to
archival data, the policy of recruiting clergy actually started in the
first years of Soviet power.
Discovered and published a number of other archival documents showing
that many hierarchs of the Moscow Patriarchate at the same time is an
agent of the KGB, and the individual, the most promising security agents
were promoted to senior positions of the Moscow Patriarchate as its
publications are excerpts from reports of "curators church" the KGB,
indicating the extent of implementation of the security organs in the
church environment. Here we present only one entry for 1987:
the first time in the Soviet delegation took part in the general
session of UNESCO's agent" Adamant ", from among the hierarchs of the
ROC ... look at five personal and business issues in the territorial
bodies of the agents recommended for promotion to the governing unit of
Russian Orthodox Church. 4 Head of Colonel Timoshevsky "(CA KGB l.358 4
of the report of the Office 5).
Truly, "cadres decide everything." It is noteworthy that the agent
"Adamant", that is to say Metropolitan Juvenal (Poyarkov), according to
documents discovered by the KGB, along with the other bishops of the
Moscow Patriarchate and the leaders of other faiths in the former USSR
was awarded the diplomas of the KGB "for long-term cooperation and
active assistance to organs of state security," "1985 g, l. 51. prepared
notes in the promotion of the KGB agent "Adamant". Shugay.
V.I.Timoshevsky. "
and undercover alias another prominent church KGB agent - "Abbot". This
moniker belongs Eminence Pitirim, Metropolitan of Volokolamsk and
weekly "Spark" was exposed "agent Antonov" - Metropolitan of Kiev
Filaret (Denisenko) (now the Patriarch of Kiev and All Ukraine). He
focused on three articles. Their author Alexander Gentle (probably
written by the order of) ends his latest article "The third name" as
follows: "At birth, His Beatitude named Michael, when receiving the
tonsure was given the name Filaret; third name he was called to the KGB.
" (Editor - as we know from Gleb Yakunin Denisenko, Patriarch of Kiev
in connection with the KGB repented)
the meaning of the third name. Monk gets third name only when trimmed
in great angelic image - in the schema, and His Beatitude and his fellow
Synod is the third name is derived from the KGB under "tonsure" spy in
the service of the godless empire of evil (it should be noted that "the
third name" future agent KGB himself elected and formally received it,
putting his signature on the document on cooperation). Vladimir Zelinsky
theologically develops this idea as follows: "Where the names of the
bishops of the church hide nickname or alias, she, ie Church turns into
anti-church, it took the organizer of this performance.
the name of, among other things, and even particle liturgy. The name of
God, as a person's name. When the Great Entrance commemorated the names
of the Patriarch, the ruling bishop, priest and servant "all upcoming
and praying" that at the time - a few words - how to assemble and looks
around the whole Church. Here it is to be to the Father, who knows each
by name. Under this name he calls remembers leads, judges, and saves us -
regardless of our belief or disbelief - sends us on the road Guardian
who has an ear (hearing), let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the
churches; To him who overcomes I will give to eat of the hidden manna,
and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written,
which no one knows except him who receives it" (Rev. 2: 17) . But where
wittingly or unwittingly parodied the Church as a change of name.
"Potemkin", "Gregory", "Abbot", "Adamant" ...
publicity, however, does not prevent them from continuing their regular
classes - to conduct services, practice believers receive ambassadors
and other prominent foreign dignitaries, to convene councils and synods,
to carry out various charity events.
In his speech, that can not lie, Dorotheus wrote:
No anger, no heresy, nor the devil can not deceive anyone else once
under the guise of virtue. The Apostle says that the devil himself is
transformed into an angel of light, it is not surprising that the
servant is its preobrazuyutsya.v ministers of righteousness (Cor. 11:
14-15). "
Many believed and claimed that Patriarch Alexy II was freely elected
bishops of the Moscow Patriarchate. However, according to newly
discovered documents, during the preparation of the Local Council in
1990 the head of the KGB and the future putschist Kryuchkov sent to all
of the KGB special coded telegram, invites the Office to promote the
election to the patriarchal throne, Metropolitan Alexy of Leningrad
to be collected at the Cathedral Church agents disobey his boss? Over
the past years, no "Drozdov", "Abbot", "Ostrovsky" and others, not yet
disclosed, - none of these "agents in cassocks" has not brought an
example of repentance! No one!
Here is a short list of ministers of the devil, the Antichrist in Orthodoxy:
Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II
also known as Metropolitan of Leningrad and Novgorod, Administrative
Director of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan of Tallinn and Estonia
- a KGB agent "Drozdov"
Playing with pigeons as blasphemy against the Holy Spirit Orthodox Church Patriarch Alexei 2nd - KGB agent Drozdov.
P atriarh
Moscow and All Russia, Chairman of the Department for External Church
Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, the former Metropolitan of
Smolensk and Kaliningrad Kirill Gundyaev
- KGB agent "Mikhailov" [...] At a meeting of students of the Moscow
State University, Head of Department for External Church Relations of
the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad
( he is an agent "Mikhailov") stated that the fact that a meeting of
the clergy with the KGB "morally indifferent" (Bulletin "Direct path», N
1-2, 1992). [...]
December 1975 V.M.Gundyaev - member of the Central Committee and the
Executive Committee of the World Council of Churches, since 1975 member
of "Faith and Order" of the World Council of Churches, to March 3, 1976 a
member of the Synodal Commission on Christian Unity and Interchurch
Relations. From November 1976 to October 1978 V.M.Gundyaev - Deputy
Patriarchal Exarch of Western Europe. In 1978 he was appointed Deputy
Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations. In this
capacity, he worked until the end of 1983.
13, 1989 V.M.Gundyaev was appointed Chairman of the Department for
External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate. In this capacity,
he worked until the election of the Patriarch of January 27, 2009.
From the reports of 4 5 Directorate of the KGB:
1972, February
New Zealand and Australia have left agents "Svyatoslav" and "Mikhailov"
at the meeting of the Central Committee of the World Council of
1973, January
Thailand and India to participate in the work of the WCC derived agents
of the KGB "Master" and "Mikhailov". These agents have beneficial
effect on the work of the Council and presented the material of current
interest on the situation in the WCC and characterization data on
individual workers.
In Prague to participate in the work of the Christian Peace Conference deduced agent "Kuznetsov", from whom he received information representing the operational interest.
1973, FebruaryIn Prague to participate in the work of the Christian Peace Conference deduced agent "Kuznetsov", from whom he received information representing the operational interest.
the Soviet Union as a guest of the Moscow Patriarchate was WCC general
secretary Philip Porter, in respect of which the agents via
"Svyatoslav", "Adamant", "Mikhailov" and "Ostrovsky" prove beneficial
impact, get information representing the operational interest.
1983, February
In Switzerland to participate in the preparations for the Assembly of the WCC sent agents "Mikhailov" and "Constantine."
Metropolitan Perm, former Metropolitan of Astana and Almaty, the former Metropolitan of Voronezh Methodius , - KGB agent "Paul" - Gleb Yakunin: Metropolitan Methodios Voronezh until recently hiding behind the pseudonym "Paul."
Metropolitan of Kiev Filaret (Denisenko) KGB agent Antonov - in connection with the KGB repented.
From the report of the deputy. 4 of 5 Chief Directorate of the KGB Colonel N. Romanov on in 1982:
The most significant results are expressed as follows:
After the lead agency of the Russian Orthodox Church, Georgian and Armenian churches are strongly held positions on the loyalty, the active support of the peace policy of the Soviet state.
In accordance with the plan of active measures against the deployment of medium-range missiles in Europe, developed pursuant to resolutions of the CPSU Central Committee the issue and approved by the leadership of the KGB 28. 08. 1981, and as part of a joint plan with the service "A" First Chief Directorate to provide beneficial influence of the Soviet Union in the clerical circles in the West through the lead agency of the KGB "Abbot", " Antonov "," Kuznetsov "," Nesterovich "and other religious channels implemented a range of actions to influence the social and political circles in the West European countries. Through undercover vozmzhnost in the ROC and friends to the pope shall also communicate the information that "excessive" enthusiasm for them Uniate question can only cause damage to the relationship between the Vatican and the Russian Orthodox Church.
For the period of 1982 held in 1809, following a 704 soobscheniya.1983 year, September - October. In Moscow from 28 September to 3 October. of the Publishing Department of the MP held a meeting of representatives of the Church of the press, which was attended by 12 foreigners. The issues of information exchange. Through agents "Abbot" and "Gregory" foreigners be politically beneficial impact.
In Moscow, a meeting of the working committee on disarmament KMK. In order to positively influence decision-making and profitable we study individual delegates to the meeting were sent to nine KGB agents, in Vol. H. "Antonov", "Ostrovsky", "Kuznetsov" and "Vadim". The meeting was successful, the outcomes of the interests of our state.
After the lead agency of the Russian Orthodox Church, Georgian and Armenian churches are strongly held positions on the loyalty, the active support of the peace policy of the Soviet state.
In accordance with the plan of active measures against the deployment of medium-range missiles in Europe, developed pursuant to resolutions of the CPSU Central Committee the issue and approved by the leadership of the KGB 28. 08. 1981, and as part of a joint plan with the service "A" First Chief Directorate to provide beneficial influence of the Soviet Union in the clerical circles in the West through the lead agency of the KGB "Abbot", " Antonov "," Kuznetsov "," Nesterovich "and other religious channels implemented a range of actions to influence the social and political circles in the West European countries. Through undercover vozmzhnost in the ROC and friends to the pope shall also communicate the information that "excessive" enthusiasm for them Uniate question can only cause damage to the relationship between the Vatican and the Russian Orthodox Church.
For the period of 1982 held in 1809, following a 704 soobscheniya.1983 year, September - October. In Moscow from 28 September to 3 October. of the Publishing Department of the MP held a meeting of representatives of the Church of the press, which was attended by 12 foreigners. The issues of information exchange. Through agents "Abbot" and "Gregory" foreigners be politically beneficial impact.
In Moscow, a meeting of the working committee on disarmament KMK. In order to positively influence decision-making and profitable we study individual delegates to the meeting were sent to nine KGB agents, in Vol. H. "Antonov", "Ostrovsky", "Kuznetsov" and "Vadim". The meeting was successful, the outcomes of the interests of our state.
Metropolitan of Minsk, Exarch of All Belarus Filaret
, former chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of
the Moscow Patriarchate Kirill Vakhromeev - KGB agent "Ostrovsky"
1973, February
the Soviet Union as a guest of the Moscow Patriarchate was WCC general
secretary Philip Porter, in respect of which the agents via
"Svyatoslav", "Adamant", "Mikhailov" and "Ostrovsky" prove beneficial
impact, get information representing the operational interest.
1983, April
agents "Ostrovsky" and "Kuznetsov" was prepared by an open letter to
Patriarch Pimen US President Reagan. The letter was published in the
newspaper "New York Times", reprinted in "News" from 11. 4. '83 and sent
to friends for publication in their newspapers.
1983, May
Bulgaria for the anniversary celebrations devoted to the 30th
anniversary of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church Patriarchate delegation
went to the head of the Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Pimen. The
delegation included agents of the KGB "Ostrovsky," "Nicholas", of
"fire", "Sergeyev" and operatives of the current provision for an
appropriate cover employee Patriarchate.
In Ireland traveled agents "Abbot", "I.Sergeeva", "TW . "
In Ireland traveled agents "Abbot", "I.Sergeeva", "TW . "
1983, July
Vancouver (Canada) at the 6th General Assembly of the WCC in the
composition of the USSR religious delegation sent 47 agents of the KGB
of the number of religious leaders, priests and technical personnel.
1983, September - October
Moscow from 28 September to 3 October. of the Publishing Department of
the MP held a meeting of representatives of the Church of the press,
which was attended by 12 foreigners. The issues of information exchange.
Through agents "Abbot" and "Gregory" foreigners be politically
beneficial impact.
In Moscow, a meeting of the working committee on disarmament KMK. In order to positively influence decision-making and profitable we study individual delegates to the meeting were sent to nine KGB agents, in Vol. H. "Antonov", "Ostrovsky", "Kuznetsov" and "Vadim". The meeting was successful, the outcomes of the interests of our state.
In Moscow, a meeting of the working committee on disarmament KMK. In order to positively influence decision-making and profitable we study individual delegates to the meeting were sent to nine KGB agents, in Vol. H. "Antonov", "Ostrovsky", "Kuznetsov" and "Vadim". The meeting was successful, the outcomes of the interests of our state.
Metropolitan of Leningrad and Ladoga (Novgorod) Nicodemus
(Boris Rotov) (1963-78), Patriarchal Exarch of Western Europe
(1974-78), Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of
the Moscow Patriarchate (1960-1972), Metropolitan of Minsk and Belarus
(1963), Chapter Publishing Department of the Moscow Patriarchate
(1960-63), the Archbishop of Yaroslavl and Rostov (1960-63) - KGB agent
"Svyatoslav" - a secret Catholic mitropalit Nicodemus (Rotov) - KGB
agent Svyatoslav - mentor and patron Cyril (Gundyaeva). Thanks to the
patronage mitropalita N. Rotova young priest K. Gundiaev made a career
in the MP
From the reports of 4 5 Directorate of the KGB:
1972, February
New Zealand and Australia have left agents "Svyatoslav" and "Mikhailov"
at the meeting of the Central Committee of the World Council of
1973, February
the Soviet Union as a guest of the Moscow Patriarchate was WCC general
secretary Philip Porter, in respect of which the agents via
"Svyatoslav", "Adamant", "Mikhailov" and "Ostrovsky" prove beneficial
impact, get information representing the operational interest.
August 1969:
England to take part in the work of the WCC central committee. Agents
managed to avert hostile activities [public criticism of Soviet
religious persecution] ... 10.
Metropolitan Pitirim of Volokolamsk and Yuryev
(1963-2003) (Konstantin Nechaev), head of the publishing department of
the Moscow Patriarchate (1963-64) - a KGB agent, "Abbot" - one of the
most valuable in the KGB.
1980, January
In Sweden, under the Union of Soviet Societies for Friendship with counter-propaganda mission went Agent "Abbot".
1980, March
the meeting Vaak (international organization of church journalists)
directed agents "Abbot", "Mark." Obtain information about the situation
in Vaak in respect Heslera, the object of our operational interest, is
of interest to the KGB.
In England at the head of the Anglican Church inauguration went Agent "Abbot".
In England at the head of the Anglican Church inauguration went Agent "Abbot".
1980, June
France routable agent "Abbot". Agent "Abbot" traveled to the United States through the Soviet Peace Committee.
1980, November
1980, November
In Germany, the Assembly of the ecumenical center for information sent to the agent in Europe "Abbot".
1980, December
"Abbot" and "Remark" returned from a trip to Germany. Through agents
have a positive impact on the believers in terms of exposing the
slanderous fabrications about the situation of believers in the USSR.
From the report of the deputy. 4 of 5 Chief Directorate of the KGB Colonel N. Romanov on in 1982:
The most significant results are expressed as follows:
After the lead agency of the Russian Orthodox Church, Georgian and Armenian churches are strongly held positions on the loyalty, the active support of the peace policy of the Soviet state.
In accordance with the plan of active measures against the deployment of medium-range missiles in Europe, developed pursuant to resolutions of the CPSU Central Committee the issue and approved by the leadership of the KGB 28. 08. 1981, and as part of a joint plan with the service "A" First Chief Directorate to provide beneficial influence of the Soviet Union in the clerical circles in the West through the lead agency of the KGB "Abbot", " Antonov "," Kuznetsov "," Nesterovich "and other religious channels implemented a range of actions to influence the social and political circles in the West European countries. Through undercover vozmzhnost in the ROC and friends to the pope shall also communicate the information that "excessive" enthusiasm for them Uniate question can only cause damage to the relationship between the Vatican and the Russian Orthodox Church.
For the period 1982 held meetings in 1809, received 704 messages.
After the lead agency of the Russian Orthodox Church, Georgian and Armenian churches are strongly held positions on the loyalty, the active support of the peace policy of the Soviet state.
In accordance with the plan of active measures against the deployment of medium-range missiles in Europe, developed pursuant to resolutions of the CPSU Central Committee the issue and approved by the leadership of the KGB 28. 08. 1981, and as part of a joint plan with the service "A" First Chief Directorate to provide beneficial influence of the Soviet Union in the clerical circles in the West through the lead agency of the KGB "Abbot", " Antonov "," Kuznetsov "," Nesterovich "and other religious channels implemented a range of actions to influence the social and political circles in the West European countries. Through undercover vozmzhnost in the ROC and friends to the pope shall also communicate the information that "excessive" enthusiasm for them Uniate question can only cause damage to the relationship between the Vatican and the Russian Orthodox Church.
For the period 1982 held meetings in 1809, received 704 messages.
1983, May
Bulgaria for the anniversary celebrations devoted to the 30th
anniversary of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church Patriarchate delegation
went to the head of the Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Pimen. The
delegation included agents of the KGB "Ostrovsky," "Nicholas", of
"fire", "Sergeyev" and operatives of the current provision for an
appropriate cover employee Patriarchate.
In Ireland traveled agents "Abbot", "I. Sergeeva, "" TV "
In Ireland traveled agents "Abbot", "I. Sergeeva, "" TV "
1983, July
Vancouver (Canada) at the 6th General Assembly of the WCC in the
composition of the USSR religious delegation sent 47 agents of the KGB
of the number of religious leaders, priests and technical personnel.
1983, October
Denmark, at the invitation of the friendship society Denmark - Soviet
delegation left the Russian Orthodox Church, of which included agents
"Abbot", "Gregory." Given undercover mission to defend the peaceful
policy of the Soviet state, to expose the inspiration of Western
propaganda on the situation of religions and believers in the USSR.
In Czechoslovakia to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the ROC delegation traveled KMK, which included agents of the KGB "Antonov", "Vadim" and "Kuznetsov ". With their active participation was developed Declaration on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the KMK, reflecting the overall interests of our state.
From 3 to 8 October. In Moscow there was a meeting of members of the ecumenical circle Information in Europe (an organization of Christian writers), in which participated 23 alien. Through agents "Abbot" and "Gregory" foreigners be politically advantageous influence.
In Czechoslovakia to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the ROC delegation traveled KMK, which included agents of the KGB "Antonov", "Vadim" and "Kuznetsov ". With their active participation was developed Declaration on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the KMK, reflecting the overall interests of our state.
From 3 to 8 October. In Moscow there was a meeting of members of the ecumenical circle Information in Europe (an organization of Christian writers), in which participated 23 alien. Through agents "Abbot" and "Gregory" foreigners be politically advantageous influence.
1983, September - October
Moscow from 28 September to 3 October. of the Publishing Department of
the MP held a meeting of representatives of the Church of the press,
which was attended by 12 foreigners. The issues of information exchange.
Through agents "Abbot" and "Gregory" foreigners be politically
beneficial impact.
In Moscow, a meeting of the working committee on disarmament KMK. In order to positively influence decision-making and profitable we study individual delegates to the meeting were sent to nine KGB agents, in Vol. H. "Antonov", "Ostrovsky", "Kuznetsov" and "Vadim". The meeting was successful, the outcomes of the interests of our state.
In Moscow, a meeting of the working committee on disarmament KMK. In order to positively influence decision-making and profitable we study individual delegates to the meeting were sent to nine KGB agents, in Vol. H. "Antonov", "Ostrovsky", "Kuznetsov" and "Vadim". The meeting was successful, the outcomes of the interests of our state.
Metropolitan Krutitsy and Kolomna Juvenal
(1977- ...), Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations
of the Moscow Patriarchate (1972-81), Metropolitan of Tula and
Arsenyevsky (1969-77) - Vladimir Poyarkov - KGB agent "Adamant" - [...]
agent "Adamant" , that is to say Metropolitan Juvenal, according to
documents discovered by the KGB, along with the other bishops of the
Moscow Patriarchate and the leaders of other faiths in the former USSR
was awarded the diplomas of the KGB "for long-term cooperation and
active assistance to organs of state security," 1985, pp. 51. prepared
notes in the promotion of the KGB agent "Adamant". Shugay.
1973, February
the Soviet Union as a guest of the Moscow Patriarchate was WCC general
secretary Philip Porter, in respect of which the agents via
"Svyatoslav", "Adamant", "Mikhailov" and "Ostrovsky" prove beneficial
impact, get information representing the operational interest.
1977, January
Czechoslovakia, went 4 of 5 Agent Management "Kuznetsov". In India,
with a delegation headed by Patriarch Pimen, directed agents "Adamant",
"Nicholas", "Michael".
August 1969:
England to take part in the work of the WCC central committee. Agents
managed to avert hostile activities [public criticism of Soviet
religious persecution] ... 10
Metropolitan Kliment of Kaluga
(2004- ... Archbishop 1990-2004), Head of the Publishing Council of the
Moscow Patriarchate (2009- ...), Chancellor of the Moscow Patriarchate
(2003, 09), Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in the USA
(1987-90), Managing Patriarchal Parishes in Canada (1982-87) - Herman
Kapalin - KGB agent "Topaz" - [...] The Parliamentary Commission found
that the former representative of the Patriarchate in the United States,
Archbishop Clement (now Kaluga) - agent "Topaz".
"Abbot" get in touch (interview with Mr. Yakunin )
P. Vasilyev // Arguments and Facts, M., №1 (586), January 1992. C.5.
present, the archives of the KGB works parliamentary commission of the
Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation. With a member of the
commission priest G. Yakunin met our correspondent P. Basil.
Vasil'ev: How are documents that you have to work?
YAKUNIN: This sealed volume green color stamped "Confidential" and "Top
Secret". They provide monthly reports on the results of agent and
operational activities of the divisions of the Fifth Administration
(later the "3"), submitted by the KGB. As a priest I am instructed to
examine the activities of the 4th, the so-called church, Department of
Management. Since the decision of the leadership of the KGB, it was
recently abolished how to deal with anti-constitutional activity -
control over the spiritual life of society, then I think I have the
right to introduce your readers with the content of classified
documents, was prepared in the bowels of the church.
- 1967 "At the meetings of the Executive Committee and the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches in the month of September with. on the island of Crete condemned the aggressive actions of the US in Vietnam and Israel in the Middle East made by the agents' Svyatoslav "," Ravens "," Antonov "and others. The delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church voted against resolutions on Vietnam and the Middle East proposed by the representatives of the churches of the West and demanded discuss the situation of blacks in the United States. "
- August 1969 "Our secret service agent managed to promote" Kuznetsov "a leadership position in the World Council of Churches."
- 1980 "Active Baptist schismatic Khailo convicted under Art. 190, para. 1 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR and sent to a psychiatric hospital for compulsory treatment. On the leading position in the Russian Orthodox Church promoted agent "Paul", which aims to Irkutsk. "
- 1982 "At the moment the country serving a sentence ... 229 churchmen and sectarians (in 1981 it was 220). Additionally, 18 people are in the link (1981 - 24). By the KGB in the hostile elements of this category of citizens was carried out more than 2,500 cases of operational accounting (1981 - 2225).
- The most significant results are expressed as follows: through the agency of a leading Russian Orthodox. Georgian and Armenian churches are firmly held the positions of loyalty ...
- During the period of 1982 held in 1809, following a 704 message. To work with agents used 13 of safe and 2 secret apartment. Deputy. 4 Department Chief Colonel Romanov. "
- 1983 "in Moscow from 28 September to 3 October. of the Publishing Department of the Moscow Patriarchate held a meeting of representatives of the Church of the press, which was attended by 12 foreign ...
- Through agents "Abbot" and "Gregory" foreigners be politically beneficial impact. Divisional Head 4 of Colonel Romanov. "
- 1987 "Agent" Potemkin "participated in the meeting of the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches, held in Germany. They were obtained data on the situation at the headquarters of the organization, about the upcoming personnel changes in the leadership of its subsidiaries ...
- To ensure counterintelligence meeting of the Committee to continue the work of the Christian Peace Conference and conduct of agent - operational activities together with friends (Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany, Cuba, Czechoslovakia) in the GDR persons were sent vols. Shirokopoyas VN and Spiridonov AM There also routable 12 agents of the security organs. During the event, neutralized attempts provocative attacks on churches in the socialist countries, nedopuscheny unfavorable personnel changes, adopted politically favorable outcome documents ...
- 4 Head of Colonel Timoshevsky. " 1988 "For the first time in the Soviet delegation took part in a session of the UNESCO General agent" Adamant "among the bishops of the ROC considered ... 5 personal and business issues in the territorial bodies of the agents recommended for promotion to the governing unit of Russian Orthodox Church. 4 Head of Colonel Timoshevsky. "
- 1989 "On the subject of service Publishing Department of the Moscow Patriarchate) agent installed" Forks "...
- Released and distributed in the church and the fringes of the environment the next issue of the magazine "Word", published under the control of our agents. 4 Head of Colonel Timoshevsky. "
Father Gleb, according to this document, the "agents in cassocks"
limited only to eavesdropping and spying, drawing a favorable KGB and
the Central Committee of the CPSU and the people making?
G. YAKUNIN: Not only. Here is an excerpt from the August (for 1988), the report of Colonel Timoshevskaya.
- "According to DOR (rapid development of business. - Approx. Ed.)" Pharmacist "carried out activities to further compromise the object in front of peers and connections in the West ...
- Through agents and other features managed to persuade his wife "Pharmacist" apply to the court for divorce marriage with him .... "
- In addition, on the instructions of the KGB agents to conduct "special operations" using spetspreparatov "decoupling language."
P. Vasiliev: And who is, for example, nicknamed "Abbot" and "Adamant"? And what is this "Pharmacist"?
G. YAKUNIN "Abbot" and "Adamant" - two of the existing hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church.
for the "Pharmacist". In order to give nicknames KGB conspiracy not
only their agents, but also persons with whom fought - on KGB language
they were called Owned "in operational monitoring, accounting or
"Pharmacist" - a religious dissident layman A. Ogo.
extremists" priest Alexander Men, for example, had the nickname of
"missionaries", V. Lapkovsky - "Herod". A. Immortal - "Clown" and so on.
the way, you know what nicknames have been the writer Alexander
Solzhenitsyn and Andrei Sakharov Academician? "Spider" and "ascetic".
Sakharov's wife - Elena Bonner operational reports of the KGB took place
as "The Fox."
Vasil'ev: Paying whether agents work?
YAKUNIN: Reports 4th Division is not reflected. However, I know that is
not so much the KGB was paying agents, the agents themselves as "give"
leadership of the 4th Division of the device of their personal career
matters. At the same time, the report mentions award in 1983, one of the
leaders of the Buddhist church Agent "Sayan" diploma KGB "for long-term
cooperation and active assistance to organs of state security."
Encouraged and most active agents from the leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church, for example, the agent "Adamant".
of the KGB, to "lead secret service" treated "Abbot", "Adamant",
"Antonov", "Kuznetsov", "Nesterovich", "Rock", "Altar".
Vasil'ev: Thank God, it's all in the past.
YAKUNIN: Alas, it is not. I learned that the leadership of the
Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate
arm-twisting, so that they have to work for him one of the officers of
the current reserve of the KGB.
Vasil'ev: Frankly, you do not feel sorry for these people? After all, they have been a victim of the system ...
YAKUNIN: Victim of steel they are not and honest pastors who have
experienced the full power of the repressive apparatus - is Orthodox
priests D. Dudka, G. Edelyshteyn and the layman V. Popkov, Baptist
preacher G. Kryuchkov, Catholic priests S. Tankyavichyus and A.
Svarinskas, Pentecostals N. Lights B. Perchatkin and hundreds of others.
"agents in cassocks" diligently serve the KGB, you need to bring the
ancient church obychayu recantation, cleansed of sin of Judah.
Without repentance and purification genuine spiritual revival of the Church is impossible.
May God help us in this Lord God!
From the Mitrokhin Archive
Mitrokhin, a KGB officer in Moscow, disappointed in the ideology of
communism and the KGB secretly hated copies of documents from the KGB.
After the collapse of the USSR brought by the British Embassy in Riga
suitcases documents of the KGB, where he worked with Professor Endre
Christopher has written several books.
From the reports of 4 5 Directorate of the KGB:
1972, February
New Zealand and Australia have left agents "Svyatoslav" and "Mikhailov"
at the meeting of the Central Committee of the World Council of
1972, May
As an agent of the KGB recruited by Soviet citizen from the authorities of the ROC "wings".
1973, January
Thailand and India to participate in the work of the WCC derived agents
of the KGB "Master" and "Mikhailov". These agents have beneficial
effect on the work of the Council and presented the material of current
interest on the situation in the WCC and characterization data on
individual workers.
In Prague to participate in the work of the Christian Peace Conference deduced agent "Kuznetsov", from whom he received information representing the operational interest.
In Prague to participate in the work of the Christian Peace Conference deduced agent "Kuznetsov", from whom he received information representing the operational interest.
1973, February
the Soviet Union as a guest of the Moscow Patriarchate was WCC general
secretary Philip Porter, in respect of which the agents via
"Svyatoslav", "Adamant", "Mikhailov" and "Ostrovsky" prove beneficial
impact, get information representing the operational interest.
1973, May
counterintelligence assignments abroad sent: England and Switzerland -
agents "Nesterov" and "academics", France - "Relight" in Germany - agent
"Moskvich" in Poland - "Zazyulya." The agents took part in the various
committees of the WCC and the Christian Peace Conference, had a
favorable impact politically.
1977, January
Czechoslovakia, went 4 of 5 Agent Management "Kuznetsov". In India,
with a delegation headed by Patriarch Pimen, directed agents "Adamant",
"Nicholas", "Michael".
1980, January
In Sweden, under the Union of Soviet Societies for Friendship with counter-propaganda mission went Agent "Abbot".
1980, March
the meeting Vaak (international organization of church journalists)
directed agents "Abbot", "Mark." Obtain information about the situation
in Vaak in respect Heslera, the object of our operational interest, is
of interest to the KGB.
In England at the head of the Anglican Church inauguration went Agent "Abbot".
In England at the head of the Anglican Church inauguration went Agent "Abbot".
1980, May
Hungary traveled agents "Vadim", "Ravens". From Switzerland with the
Youth Commission of the World Council of Churches returned agent of the
KGB in the Leningrad region "George."
In Germany, in the short trip went Agent "Remark". Agent tasked to study the processes taking place in the international community, as well as to study the behavior of the agent of KGB Leningrad region "Markov".
In Germany, in the short trip went Agent "Remark". Agent tasked to study the processes taking place in the international community, as well as to study the behavior of the agent of KGB Leningrad region "Markov".
1980, June
France routable agent "Abbot". Agent "Abbot" traveled to the United States through the Soviet Peace Committee.
1980, September
order to expose the hoax of public opinion in the West in the criminal
case Yakunin agent "Esaulenko" gave an interview to the armature. Tass
that the media extended to overseas.
1980, November
In Germany, the Assembly of the ecumenical center for information sent to the agent in Europe "Abbot".
1980, December
"Abbot" and "Remark" returned from a trip to Germany. Through agents
have a positive impact on the believers in terms of exposing the
slanderous fabrications about the situation of believers in the USSR.
From the report of the deputy. 4 of 5 Chief Directorate of the KGB Colonel N. Romanov on in 1982:
The most significant results are expressed as follows:
After the lead agency of the Russian Orthodox Church, Georgian and Armenian churches are strongly held positions on the loyalty, the active support of the peace policy of the Soviet state.
In accordance with the plan of active measures against the deployment of medium-range missiles in Europe, developed pursuant to resolutions of the CPSU Central Committee the issue and approved by the leadership of the KGB 28. 08. 1981, and as part of a joint plan with the service "A" First Chief Directorate to provide beneficial influence of the Soviet Union in the clerical circles in the West through the lead agency of the KGB "Abbot", " Antonov "," Kuznetsov "," Nesterovich "and other religious channels implemented a range of actions to influence the social and political circles in the West European countries. Through undercover vozmzhnost in the ROC and friends to the pope shall also communicate the information that "excessive" enthusiasm for them Uniate question can only cause damage to the relationship between the Vatican and the Russian Orthodox Church.
For the period 1982 held meetings in 1809, received 704 messages.
After the lead agency of the Russian Orthodox Church, Georgian and Armenian churches are strongly held positions on the loyalty, the active support of the peace policy of the Soviet state.
In accordance with the plan of active measures against the deployment of medium-range missiles in Europe, developed pursuant to resolutions of the CPSU Central Committee the issue and approved by the leadership of the KGB 28. 08. 1981, and as part of a joint plan with the service "A" First Chief Directorate to provide beneficial influence of the Soviet Union in the clerical circles in the West through the lead agency of the KGB "Abbot", " Antonov "," Kuznetsov "," Nesterovich "and other religious channels implemented a range of actions to influence the social and political circles in the West European countries. Through undercover vozmzhnost in the ROC and friends to the pope shall also communicate the information that "excessive" enthusiasm for them Uniate question can only cause damage to the relationship between the Vatican and the Russian Orthodox Church.
For the period 1982 held meetings in 1809, received 704 messages.
1983, February
In Switzerland to participate in the preparations for the Assembly of the WCC sent agents "Mikhailov" and "Constantine."
1983, April
agents "Ostrovsky" and "Kuznetsov" was prepared by an open letter to
Patriarch Pimen US President Reagan. The letter was published in the
newspaper "New York Times", reprinted in "News" from 11. 4. '83 and sent
to friends for publication in their newspapers.
1983, May
Bulgaria for the anniversary celebrations devoted to the 30th
anniversary of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church Patriarchate delegation
went to the head of the Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Pimen. The
delegation included agents of the KGB "Ostrovsky," "Nicholas", of
"fire", "Sergeyev" and operatives of the current provision for an
appropriate cover employee Patriarchate.
In Ireland traveled agents "Abbot", "I.Sergeeva", "TW . "
In Ireland traveled agents "Abbot", "I.Sergeeva", "TW . "
1983, July
Vancouver (Canada) at the 6th General Assembly of the WCC in the
composition of the USSR religious delegation sent 47 agents of the KGB
of the number of religious leaders, priests and technical personnel.
1983, October
Denmark, at the invitation of the friendship society Denmark - Soviet
delegation left the Russian Orthodox Church, of which included agents
"Abbot", "Gregory." Given undercover mission to defend the peaceful
policy of the Soviet state, to expose the inspiration of Western
propaganda on the situation of religions and believers in the USSR.
In Czechoslovakia to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the ROC delegation traveled KMK, which included agents of the KGB "Antonov", "Vadim" and "Kuznetsov ". With their active participation was developed Declaration on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the KMK, reflecting the overall interests of our state.
From 3 to 8 October. In Moscow there was a meeting of members of the ecumenical circle Information in Europe (an organization of Christian writers), in which participated 23 alien. Through agents "Abbot" and "Gregory" foreigners be politically advantageous influence.
In Czechoslovakia to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the ROC delegation traveled KMK, which included agents of the KGB "Antonov", "Vadim" and "Kuznetsov ". With their active participation was developed Declaration on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the KMK, reflecting the overall interests of our state.
From 3 to 8 October. In Moscow there was a meeting of members of the ecumenical circle Information in Europe (an organization of Christian writers), in which participated 23 alien. Through agents "Abbot" and "Gregory" foreigners be politically advantageous influence.
1983, September - October
Moscow from 28 September to 3 October. of the Publishing Department of
the MP held a meeting of representatives of the Church of the press,
which was attended by 12 foreigners. The issues of information exchange.
Through agents "Abbot" and "Gregory" foreigners be politically
beneficial impact.
In Moscow, a meeting of the working committee on disarmament KMK. In order to positively influence decision-making and profitable we study individual delegates to the meeting were sent to nine KGB agents, in Vol. H. "Antonov", "Ostrovsky", "Kuznetsov" and "Vadim". The meeting was successful, the outcomes of the interests of our state.
In Moscow, a meeting of the working committee on disarmament KMK. In order to positively influence decision-making and profitable we study individual delegates to the meeting were sent to nine KGB agents, in Vol. H. "Antonov", "Ostrovsky", "Kuznetsov" and "Vadim". The meeting was successful, the outcomes of the interests of our state.
From the report of the Chief 4 of 5 Directorate of the KGB colonel VI Timoshevskaya for 1989:
accordance with a plan approved by the leadership of the KGB, made the
agent-operational and organizational measures to ensure public safety
during the preparation and carrying out of the activities of the World
Council of Churches (WCC) in Moscow, which was attended by more than 500
foreign religious workers. As a result of measures implemented by the
Executive Committee and the Central Committee of the WCC made public
statements (8), the message (3), corresponding to the political line of
the socialist countries. Conducted undercover operative and technical
measures in respect of 29 operational sites of interest of the KGB and 9
objects conducted surveillance. Through the agency of foreigners have a
positive effect, obtained additional installation and characterization
data, information about their political views, position occupied in his
country. Taken numerous interviews favorable to us. To solve
organizational and operational issues held meetings (2) KGB operative
# RE: The Moscow Patriarchate was created by Stalin in 1943 as the structure of the KGB - Hieromonk Nicander 04/13/2015 13:22

Not Karpin, and Karpov, KGB Major General."... The real head of the Moscow Patriarchate was Karpin, an officer of the KGB."
# RE: The Moscow Patriarchate of the Orthodox Church was created by Stalin in 1943 as the structure of the KGB - Internet Cathedral 13/04/2015 8:33
I do not know the original source of this article. Unpleasant to read intrusive insertion of "intermediate "editor
that Filaret Denisenko, allegedly confessed, in collaboration with the
KGB. His statement that "the KGB did not use me, and I used the KGB" can
not be called repentance. He just clearly confirmed that indeed the
KGB. No revelations of the structure of Filaret Denisenko not followed.
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