Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Public Admission of 2007 'reunification' goals

For those of us who saw the true facts, as the betrayal plot to the Moscow MP, gradually unfolded and proceeded, some of us earlier than others of us, which betrayal  finally unfolded fully in 2006-2007, it was clear to us, the few truth-seekers,  that the real end-game aim of the Moscow Patriarchate was to absorb into itself, all world-wide ROCOR church properties, dioceses and parishes, [which would be incorporated into/under existing  MP dioceses] and be exclusively under MP bishops,  including all monies, and all clergy and all faithful souls....and plus to thereby, SILENCE all Russian-diaspora Orthodox vocal opposition to their evil world-power aims.

They wanted both our churches and monies and also, OUR MINDS AND SOULS TOO!

Now today, the MP is openly declaring the world, absorbing their captive ROCOR/MP into itself.  ROCOR/MP soon, will not even exist,not  even on paper. And will any in ROCOR/MP protest? It is doubtful.

Then, the KGB totally run and controlled Stalin-founded in 1943, his uncanonical pretend Russian Mother Church-his  'Moscow Patriarchate' ...could better utilize their captives, from the former-ROCOR -as their new 'cadres', misleading and fooling  the Russian diaspora's nostalgic romantic and fanciful exiles' love for a long-dead,FORMER  'Mother Russia',-which the communists killed,  to promote Putin's power and influence here in the west and especially so in America- the America still seen by Putin and his KGB fellow workers, as world-communism's number one enemy.

What this bogus 'Russian Church', this communist front organization called the Moscow Patriarchate 'gifted'/or 'blessed' to our old and formerly free ROCOR, was what they called, 'autonomy', but what a joke!

Back in 1970, this same communist founded and controlled Moscow Patriarchate, 'blessed/gave/granted' to the North American Russian Metropolia, its 'autocephaly'  i.e its 'independence' -Another joke!

Today, both the MP-dependent OCA and a large part of our formerly free ROCOR, -those who in 2007 so foolishly  bowed to- were 're-united-' to  the MP's apostasy and thus to antichrist, now called ROCOR/MP ,  are today....but mindless and often ignorant public propaganda outlets-'Fifth Columnists'  for Putin's propaganda, and for mocking America and our western allies.

I have heard,  directly and indirectly, from both numerous clergy and also influential laity in the OCA [the former POST-1970 name for the old 'North American Russian Metropolia'] and also from those in ROCOR/MP.... many lame defenses and untrue praises.... for Putin!.... and his still unfree Russia, and too, many criticisms and condemnations for the familiar old sour communist theme-tune of: "Wonderful Putin and his wonderful Russia are always right and good, and America is always wrong and the bad guy'!," etc.

These people prove by their words and their deeds, who...... they owe their heart's allegiances and their very souls to!

And most of them, and they are not all self-described 'Russians' but also  numerous non-Russian converts among then also,  who live here in America, and some in Canada, ...Why? are they here?... because if Putin's 'Orthodox Christian'  Russian Federation  is so grand, why not leave here, and just go live there!?

To me, they are obnoxious and pathetic traitors to genuine  Orthodoxy, and to Christ, but  also traitors to America- which country, as imperfect as we are, gives them their freedoms of speech and to practice their religion freely.....including their freedom to open their big mouths or put such anti-American & DISLOYAL! sentiments in print, to criticize this country, and to express their admiration and love for our foreign major enemies....among whom, the most prominent in all the world is: Vladimir Putin and his KGB run dictatorship in the Kremlin.

Today, I hear their members, both clergy and laity,  here in my America,  in both the MP.... dependent.... OCA ['The Orthodox Church in America'] and also in the MP captive ROCOR/MP...say out loud and put on the internet such traitorous  anti-American words.
Every one of them deserves to be arrested by our military, [we truly need national Martial Law]  and mass forcible deportation out of this country!

Reader Daniel


SOME TRUTH !- A public admission of the original 2007 real 'reunification' goals of the KGB-run MP: 'Patriarch' Kyrill Gundyaev: "The re-unification of the ROC (MP) and the ROCOR, has led to the implementation of joint projects"


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Dan Everiss

Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 11:42 AM

Patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev): the reunification of the ROC and ROCOR led to the implementation of joint projects

Автор: Интернет Собор вкл. Author: Internet Sobor  incl. 29 Ноябрь 2017 November 29, 2017 . . Опубликовано в Московская Патриархия (Просмотров: 31) Published in The Moscow Patriarchate (Views: 31)
Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill at the opening of the Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church. November 29, 2017
Как сообщило РИА "Новости" , патриарх Кирилл (Гундяев), говоря в среду на открытии Архиерейского собора об унии части РПЦЗ с МП в 2007 году, заявил, что были предприняты усилия для "осуществления или нового осмысления предложений, которые были выдвинуты в дни подписания "Акта о каноническом общении" и во время подготовительных работ к этому историческому событию".

As reported by RIA Novosti , Patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev), speaking on Wednesday at the opening of the Bishops' Council about the union of the part of the ROCA with the MP in 2007, said that efforts were made to "realize or rethink the proposals that were put forward on the days of signing "The Act of Canonical Communion" and during the preparatory work for this historic event.

 " Он при этом пояснил, что речь идет об "упорядочении канонического положения епархий и приходов русского зарубежья".

 He explained,-that at the same time, that it was a matter of "ordering the canonical position of the dioceses and parishes of the Russian diaspora."

То есть, говоря понятным языком, - процесс перехода имущества РПЦЗ в собственность МП и окончательное слияние бывшего зарубежного духовенства и паствы идет по плану.

It also was; that is, speaking in more understandable terms: The process of transferring the properties of the ROCA into the ownership of the MP and then culminating with the  final merger of the former foreign clergy and their flock  {with the MP}, which process is proceeding according to plan". 

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