Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Historical Records of the establishment of MP Sergian Church

Historical Records of the establishment of the USSR Communist Secret Police: 'NKGB/NKVD', (now known as the KGB/FSB), and its full control over its 'Sergian Church'...   Inbox 

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Dan Everiss

Sat, Dec 9, 2017 at 1:09 PM

"Thou hast granted an inheritance, O Lord, to them that fear Thy name!"

 To all who care and who will listen to the truth!

-who still have their consciences intact and who fear God and not us who are not 'unhinged', as our comfortable and smug critics like to throw at us.

The current, so-called "Moscow Patriarchy" an invention of mass murderer Lenin and atheist mass murderous monster dictator Joseph Stalin, is but a continuation of what utterly uncanonical and apostate false-patriarch, Sergius Stragorodsky- of Thrice-Sorry-Memory, helped to create,  [Sergius being Stalin's figure head]  he who...himself.... was co-instrumental in  the deaths and the sufferings of many Orthodox confessors and martyrs,  he who helped the communist secret police to create and establish, its captive and slavish MP.

This same slavish communist religious-front  organization, this despicable "MP" was  still under full communist and openly so,  to the whole world!...control in 1970 when the Kremlin  fooled the leadership of the old  North American Russian Metropolia [now renamed  The OCA, 'The Orthodox Church in America'] to submit to its 'holy' authority and its right to so grant such blessings,  and to accept  its 'blessing' of 'autocephaly', and later in 2007, when this MP also convinced...and by bribes and threats and coercion..... a large part of the diaspora Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, to also submit to it, [now popularly labeled, The ROCOR/MP under Hilarion Kapral] and to 'gift' it with its, 'autonomy'. (!!!)

The dirty truth?: By so blindly and so foolishly submitting to the authority of that Moscow Patriarchy, both diaspora Russian-originated church bodies, THEREBY de-facto, recognized that communist front apostate& totally UNCANONICAL  pseudo-Russian Church, AS THE LEGITIMATE RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH....supposedly..... a continuation of Holy Patriarch Tikhon (Belavin's) Russian Orthodox Church,..... WHICH IT NEVER WAS, NOR IS NOW~!...this MP 'church' has never yet reformed or repented. It, in its KGB enslaved episcopate,  is a total tool of Satan and his godless servants. In all truth, the MP's  real head, its 'patriarch' in civilian clothing is His Excellency, 'President' Vladimir Vladimirovich PUTIN!...who is still bent on world domination, to revive the 'glorious' Soviet Union,  and to constant bloody war-making and to extend his 'empire' matter how many human beings must suffer and die. Yet, Putin's propaganda-defenders label him as: "A true Orthodox Christian".

Now, both Russian-in-origin, church bodies, the North American OCA and ROCOR/MP  call that false Russian Church, the Moscow Patriarchy,  THEIR 'Mother Church' and the KGB agent false-patriarch, Kyrill Gundayev, correctly attired in magnificent patriarchal theatrical costumes, and mumbling and performing the correct Orthodox ritual blessings and prayers, .... THEIR 'patriarch'. !!!
WHAT A JOKE!...but not a funny joke.

This is spitting on Christ and on all of His martyrs and saints!

And too, most of sold-out pro-ecumenist and in these End Times, 'worldly-Orthodoxy' at least a lot of their top hierarchal clerical higher-ups, [but not necessarily all of the common Orthodox believers-MOST  of whom are still quite traditionalist in their personal vision and their daily practice of their ancestral  Orthodox faith], also, are in full giddy deluded approval, at least publically,  and are 'in communion' with that demonic MP. UNBELIEVABLE! -what JUDASSES!

FRIENDS and all true Orthodox fellow believers: The God fighting communiststhough they now have new titles and they wear modern 'democratic' clothes,  still run Russia!...and their corrupt and vile political-religious outreach organization, their uncanonical and apostate and false Moscow Patriarchate! still under their full control!

The Good Lord, and my conscience will not allow me to be a party to, nor to be silent about,  this massive world-wide deception and End Times, apostasy.

"May I not give Thee a kiss as did Judas, but like the thief do I confess Thee, Remember me O Lord, when Thou commest into Thy kingdom!"
Reader Daniel Everiss in Oregon

Directive from the NKGB USSR on the establishment of the ROC-MP from the archives of the Security Service of Ukraine

Автор: Интернет Собор вкл. Author: Internet Sobor  incl. 09 Декабрь 2017 December 09, 2017 . . Опубликовано в Московская Патриархия (Просмотров: 16) Published in The Moscow Patriarchate (Views: 16)
Pictures on request patriarch sergey stargorod
Директивы НКГБ СССР о создании РПЦ МП и по обновленцам из архива СБУ

Directives of the NKGB of the USSR on the creation of the Russian Orthodox Church [i.e. under Patriarch Sergius Stragorodsky] and on the Renovationists  from the archives of the SBU 

257 257
Совершенно секретно.





8-го сентября с.г.
 On the 8th of September this year
В Москве состоялся собор епископов русской православной церкви (тихоновско-сергиевской ориентации), который избрал митрополита Сергия (СТРАГОРОДСКОГО) «патриархом московским и всея Руси» и образовал при нем Священный Синод в составе 6 человек, в который вошли: митрополит Ленинградский Алексий (СИМАНСКИЙ), митрополит Киевский и Галицкий Николай (ЯРУШЕВИЧ), архиепископ Горьковский и Арзамасский Сергий (ГРИШИН), архиепископ Красноярский Лука (ВОЙНО-ЯСИНЕЦКИЙ), архиепископ Ярославский, Иоанн (СОКОЛОВ) и архиепископ Куйбышевский Алексий (ПАЛИ 

 In Moscow, a meeting was held of the bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church (Tikhonov-Sergius orientation), who elected Metropolitan Sergius (STRAGORODSKY) "Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia" and formed under him the Holy Synod consisting of 6 people, including: Metropolitan of Leningrad Alexis (Simansky) , Metropolitan of Kiev and Galicia Nikolai (YARUSHEVICH), Archbishop Sergius of Gorky and Arzamas (GRISHIN), Archbishop of Krasnoyarsk Luke (WAR-YASINETSKY), Archbishop of Yaroslavl, John (SOKOLOV) and Archbishop Alexis of Kuybyshev (PALI ЫН). NH).
В связи с тем, что в течение 2-х лет Великой Отечественной войны русская православная церковь провела значительную патриотическую работу в СССР и за границей, Правительство нашло целесообразным разрешить;

In connection with the fact that during the 2 years of the Great Patriotic War the Russian Orthodox Church conducted significant patriotic work in the USSR and abroad, the Government found it expedient to resolve;

а) открытие богословских курсов для подготовки кадров священнослужителей;

a) the opening of theological courses for the training of clergymen;
б) епископам по своей инициативе ставить перед местными органами власти вопрос об открытии церквей и распоряжаться церковно-приходскими деньгами;

 b) the bishops, on their own initiative, put before the local authorities the issue of opening churches and administering church parish money;

в) открытие в епархиях предприятий по изготовлению свечей и других предметов мелкого церковного обихода;

c) the opening in the dioceses of enterprises for the manufacture of candles and other items of small church use;

г) издание журнала под названием «Журнал московской патриархии», первый номер которого вышел 12-го сентября 1943 года (журнал прилагается).

 d) publication of a journal titled "Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate", the first issue of which was published on September 12, 1943 (the journal is attached).
Для осуществления связи между правительством СССР и «патриархом московским и всея Руси» по вопросам рус¬ской православной церкви, требующим разрешения правительства СССР Совет Народных Комиссаров Союза ССР постановил организовать при СНК СССР Совет по делам Православной Русской Церкви (постановление СНК № 993 от 14-го сентября 1943 года).

 In order to carry out the connection between the government of the USSR and the "Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia" on the questions of the Russian Orthodox Church demanding the permission of the USSR government, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR decided to organize, under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the Council for the Affairs of the Russian Orthodox Church (Decree No. 993 of the Council of People's Commissars, September 1943).

Порядок разрешения вопросов об открытии церквей, создании богословских курсов и других внутрицерковных вопросов, будет определяться Советом по Делам Русской Православной Церкви при СНК СССР и доведен до сведения местных исполнительных органов в ближайшее время.

The procedure for resolving questions about the opening of churches, the creation of theological courses and other intra-church issues, will be determined by the Council on the Affairs of the Russian Orthodox Church under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and brought to the attention of local executive bodies in the near future.

В соответствии с вышеизложенным, в дальнейшей работе по церковникам органам НКГБ необходимо руководствоваться следующим:

 In accordance with the foregoing, in the further work on the clergy, the NKGB organs must be guided by the following:
1. Не препятствовать духовенству проводить в жизнь официальные решения Патриарха Сергия и Синода, касающиеся назначений и перемещении священников по епархиям, открытия богословских курсов, свечных заводов, распространения печатных изданий Патриарха и Синода.

 1. Do not prevent the clergy from enforcing the official decisions of Patriarch Sergius and the Synod concerning appointments and transfer of priests to dioceses, the opening of theological courses, candle factories, and the distribution of printed publications of the Patriarch and the Synod.
2. Наряду с этим обеспечить неослабное агентурное наблюдение за деятельностью епископов и остального духовенства православной церкви, пресекая возможные попытки с их стороны, превышения предоставленных им прав или использования этих прав в антисоветских целях.

2. At the same time, ensure unrelenting agency monitoring of the activities of bishops and the rest of the clergy of the Orthodox Church, preventing possible attempts on their part, exceeding the rights granted to them or using these rights for anti-Soviet purposes.
3. Каждую вновь открываемую церковь обеспечивать проверенной агентурой из числа духовенства или церковного актива.

 3. Each newly opened church should be provided with a trusted agent from the clergy or church asset.

4. До особых указаний НКГБ СССР не допускать распада обновленческой церкви и перехода обновленческого духовенства в ведение московской патриархии, путем дачи соответствующих указаний нашей агентуре из числа руководящего состава духовенства.

4. Until the special instructions of the USSR NKGB to prevent the collapse of the renovation church and the transition of the renovation clergy to the Moscow patriarchate, by giving appropriate instructions to our agents from among the leading members of the clergy.

Не допускать также со стороны обновленцев каких-либо нападок или активных враждебных действий против Сергиевской церкви.

 Do not allow any renewal or any active hostility against the Sergius Church.
5. Усилить агентурную работу среди других церковных течений и сектантов, особенно по нелегальным церковным, организациям и группам, пресекая возможные провокации и попытки активизировать антисоветскую работу с их стороны в связи с принятыми решениями в отношении сергиевской православной церкви.

 5. Strengthen the agency work among other church movements and sectarians, especially on illegal church organizations and groups, preventing possible provocations and attempts to intensify anti-Soviet work on their part in connection with the decisions taken against the Sergius Orthodox Church.

С настоящим указанием ознакомить первых секретарей

With this instruction, acquaint the first secretaries
ЦК компартий Союзных Республик краевых и областных комитетов ВКП(б).

The Central Committee of the Communist Parties of the Union Republics of the Territorial and Regional Committees of the CPSU (B.).




(копией любезно поделился украинский историк Роман Скакун)

 (a copy was kindly shared by the Ukrainian historian Roman Skakun)

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