Dan Everiss
<oregdan@hotmail.com> | Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 11:45 AM |
"Oh! how
I have loved the beauty of Thy house, O Lord, and the place where Thy glory dwells!"
the mansions
of the righteous, grant O Lord, blessed repose with Thy saints, to Thy
servant, newly reposed Monk Philaret! and may his memory be eternal!
Clergy in the photos are Fr. (now Vladyka) Andronik
(then Chief of Mission) and Hieromonk Nikolai (Perekrestov), with Fr
Philaret. I'm not in any of these
photos: I was on Trapeza obedience that day whilst the Procession was
going around the Trapeza Church of St Philaret the Merciful, Fr.
Philaret's patron saint.
Personal memories of a living nun who then lived at the ROCOR Convent on the Mount of Olives, Jerusalem:
As a nun at Eleon for 11 years, I knew Fr Philaret very well. I
will send what I know of him, and anything I was able to glean from the
Russian version.
Fr Philaret was from Kharkov in Ukraine. He spoke with quite a noticeable Ukrainian accent, compared to Russian.
In the world he was a dental technician, and received the name
Zosima as Riassafore and Philaret (the Merciful) in small schema. He was
already at Eleon when I arrived in 1996 and was a general handyman- he
could turn his hand to almost anything, and what
he couldn't do, his Spiritual Elder Fr Nektary (Chernobyl) could do. He
was, when not in Church, most often seen on the tractor: ploughing the
olive groves, repairing almost anything, helping Fr Nektary in his
precious vegetable garden and workshop, picking,
bagging and carting olives at the harvest, and supervising the young
monks at Eleon for a work period, especially after they were ejected
from Hebron and Jericho.
Unless engaged in an essential obedience, he was in church in the
south transept where, in those days, all the males would stand. He acted
as cell attendant for Fr Nektary, and once a quarter would bring Fr
Nektary to the Trapeza where the latter would
deliver an edifying address to the nuns.
Fr Philaret was always patient, humble, cheery and ready with a
joke. He always responded promptly to requests for assistance in heavy
After the sad union with MP, Fr Philaret, along with a number of
nuns and lay folk, in obedience to his Spiritual Father, ceased
communing at Eleon, and quite a few of us would go to the Sepulchres of
the Lord and Theotokos, or to Patriarch Ireneos, who
at that time was still able to serve in St Thekla Chapel in his
quarters. For several weeks after the union, he didn't even attend
services in the Church, but I understand that changed in later years.
I've been told that Fr Philaret bore his final illness with his
customary patience, and was attended to by a number of monastics at the
May his rest be with the Saints and his memory eternal.
I apologize in advance for any inaccuracies.
A couple of photos of his names day in 2006 follow.
"Thou hast granted an inheritance, O Lord, to them that fear Thy name!"
(All-Russian language article,
on internetsobor, and the humanly smoothed-out machine-English below it:)
Вечная память: Отошел ко Господу монах Филарет
Автор: Митрополит Агафангел вкл. 09 Февраль 2017. Опубликовано в
РПЦЗ (Просмотров: 30)

7 февраля в Иерусалиме отошёл ко Господу монах Филарет. Монах Филарет
(в миру Зосима Дубин) прибыл в Святую Землю в 1992 году. Был верным
сыном Зарубежной Церкви и, живя в монастыре на Елеоне, после
присоединения Синода митр. Лавра к Московской Патриархии
не причащался c отступившими и слившимися с созданной советской властью
"церковью", за что претерпевал гонения от окружения предателя РПЦЗ
архиеп. Марка (Арнта). О. Филарет был келейником архимандрита Нектария
(Чернобыль) и хорошо усвоил его духовные наставления.
В его келье несколько раз служили Литургию наши клирики, совершавшие
паломничество в Иерусалим. Он молился и причащался в храме Георгия
Победоносца в Назарете, когда там служил во время посещения Св. Земли
митр. Агафангел. За несколько дней до смерти его напутствовал
и причастил Св. Даров Епископ Роман. Похоронен монах Филарет рядом со
своим духовником о. Нектарием на кладбище Вознесенского монастыря не
Елеоне. Царство Небесное!
RE: Вечная память: Отошел ко Господу монах Филарет —
прот. Александр 09.02.2017 22:06
Царство Небесное и Вечный покой! Хороший был монах!!!
Мне грешному тоже довелось молиться с отцом Филаретом. Слава Богу, что
есть еще такие молитвенники! Какое блаженство на лице почившего
Humanly smoothed-out machine-English:
Eternal Memory! to the newly reposed in the Lord, Monk Filaret
Автор: Митрополит Агафангел вкл. Author:
Metropolitan Agafangel incl.
09 Февраль 2017 February 9, 2017
. .
Опубликовано в
РПЦЗ (Просмотров: 4) Published in
the ROCA (Views 4)
8 февраля в Иерусалиме отошёл ко Господу монах Филарет.
8 February in Jerusalem, departed to the Lord, the Monk Filaret.
Монах Филарет был верным сыном Зарубежной Церкви и, живя в монастыре на Елеоне, после присоединения Синода митр.
The monk Filaret was a faithful son of the Church Abroad, and
he was living in a monastery on the Mount of Olives, after joining
Metropolitan Laurus' Synod.
Лавра к Московской
Патриархии не причащался c отступившими и слившимися с созданной
советской властью "церковью", за что претерпевал гонения от окружения
РПЦЗ архиеп.
with the Moscow Patriarchate he was not in communion, and he retreated
from it, when it merged with the Soviet authority's established MP
"church", for which he endured persecution from the influences of the
traitor to ROCOR, of Archbishop Mark (Arndt) Марка (Арнта).
О. Филарет был келейником архимандрита Нектария (Чернобыль) и хорошо усвоил его духовные наставления.
Monk Filaret was a cellmate of Archimandrite Nektarios (Chernobyl) and learned well from his spiritual guidance.
В его келье несколько раз служили Литургию наши клирики, совершавшие паломничество в Иерусалим.
In his cell there were several times to serve the liturgy, were our clergy, when they made their pilgrimages to Jerusalem.
Он молился и причащался в храме Георгия Победоносца в Назарете, когда там служил во время посещения Св. Земли митр.
He prayed and took communion in the church of St. George in
Nazareth, when he served there, during a visit to the Holy Land of
Агафангел. Agafangel.
За несколько дней до смерти его напутствовал и причастил Св. Даров Епископ Роман.
A few days before his death, he was strengthened by the sacrament of Holy Communion, which was given to him by Bishop Roman.
Похоронен монах Филарет рядом со своим духовником о.
Monk Filaret is buried next to his confessor,
Fr. Nektarios
Нектарием на кладбище Вознесенского монастыря не Елеоне.
at the cemetery of the Ascension Monastery, not the Mount of Olives.
Царство Небесное!
Kingdom of heaven!
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