Thursday, March 17, 2022

ROCOR-MP Sister Vassa makes sense War in Ukraine

Video 38 minutes



     FW: "ROCOR & The War In Ukraine-Sr. Vassa": 

     A VOICE OF SANITY, REALITY, AND TRUTH FROM WITHIN ROCOR/MP!... to my unexpected! & total happy surprise!  I had to force myself to view this, 38 minute long video, as I normally cannot stomach reading or viewing ANYTHING! from sources/voices in ROCOR/MP, but then… .I did MAKE! myself spend these about 38 minutes, and I became delighted in what this ROCOR/MP well known nun-who was born and raised in the old free ROCOR, has to say. I could not have said it better myself, nor do I know anyone either who could have.

     BUT, I NEED THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE  version of this, as she said that she recently made this same presentation also in Russian…because I want to share it widely with Russian speakers!...some of whom, here in America, out of their nostalgic love for Old Orthodox Holy Russia,…. foolishly trust and believe the false propaganda of POWER Mad Dictator KGB hangover Gangster, Vlad Putin, -backed up by KGB Agent Pat. Kyrill, and the entire Kremlin propaganda apparatus. Russians in the Russian Federation, many…also CAN get only the state’s official propaganda garbage version of any and all “news”, so they have an excuse for  not knowing the truth.

     ROCOR/MP Sister Vassa, is NOT towing the MP’s party line, nor that of Putin nor of the Kremlin!  But of course, I regret that she went along with that betrayal to the MP in 2007…. but so did many others.  God did not allow me to go that route.

     Her entire approach is soundly HUMANLY SANE!, FOUNDAMENTALLY CHRISTIAN!... and Orthodox Christian!.... soundly!

     I agree -100% with all she  says, except of course, her dutifully …likely sarcastically… referring to Kyrill Gundaev, as “Our Beloved Patriarch Kyrill” ….which I truly guess, she does not really believe in her heart that he is, “beloved.”

     Retired Reader Daniel in Oregon, where spring is slowly unfolding, with the white cascades of blooms of the many wild plum trees here, and the wild pussy willows are opening their ‘catkins’- heralds of the coming Palm/Willow Sunday, and Our Lord’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

     Shared For Russian Speakers: 3/14/2022: 

In Russian Language: РПЦЗ и война в Украине

     ROCOR & War in Ukraine:  

ROCOR/MP Sister Vassa speaks: -(She speaks the truth!)  


     3/14/2022: Comment: 

I normally do not view or want to read anything!.... produced by the Stalin’s founded in 1943, uncanonical and apostate , subservient to the KGB and the Kremlin, the MP-“Moscow Patriarchate” …’church’,  or its 2007 appendaged/subjugated  American based church the so-called “ROCOR/MP/Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia-Moscow Patriarchate”,  but… I forced myself to view this, in its English version, and to my total happy surprise, I find that all that Sister Vassa, who was raised in the old free, “White Russian”, emigree, pre-2007 betrayal, ROCOR;   says is the truth. Here is her same  presentation in Russian for Russian speakers.

     Loyal to our free continued and canonical ROCOR,  lead by Vladyka Metropolitan Agafangel, who continues the old canonical and free, Russian Orthodox Church Abroad,

~ Retired Psalm-Reader Daniel Everiss in Oregon




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