Thursday, March 24, 2022

Reader Daniel thoughts after seeing a main-stream media article

* I wish I could laugh at this, BUT! NO!: "Putin quotes Jesus to justify his invasion of Ukraine" — which is BLASPHEMY! as it proves what sort of "An Orthodox Christian" Vlad Putin really is: the same sort as "Holy Patriarch Kyrill"..i.e. NOT ANY SORT! 


IF UKRAINE LOOSES TO Ruthless Dictator PUTIN, THEN RUSSIA! – all of its people,  And THE WHOLE WORLD… LOOSES!

Therefore the whole world must make sure that Ukraine wins this war. MAY ALMIGHTY GOD GRANT TOTAL VICTORY TO A FREE UKRAINE, and FOR US ALL! 


And a few  added notes of reality: 

First of all: Ukraine has the natural right to be an independent free nation, and no other nation has any right to invade it or to destroy it or to rule over it…NONE!


PUTIN & HIS ARMY NEED TO LEAVE EVERY SQUARE FOOT OF UKRAINE!.. in total defeat and shame…. and then be ousted from power in Russia also.

Our entire free-world is depending on our survival, upon Ukraine’s defeating Putin.  If Putin wins there, we all loose, and World War III is certain, and very soon.  May Putin’s hand not have life in it, so that he can trigger the nuclear and or germ-war war he is threatening.  IF PUTIN STILL LIVES, WE ALL WILL DIE! – that is for certain. 

(-and shame on all, on the internet and elsewhere who  now pathetically defend him/ who ‘take his side’  and who try to blame others-The West or ‘anti-Russian/anti-Putin conspiracies” or numberless invisible ‘others’… for his own demonic crimes and evils and satanic insanities).

So, God bless and grant victory to those Ukrainian patriotic heroes/the many common Ukrainian citizens, who fight and die to defend their Holy Motherland.  They are, at the least,  holy national martyrs-MEMORY ETERNAL!!... and very many of them are fellow Orthodox Christians, – whom Putin… blessed by his phony non-canonical Stalin founded in 1943-his Moscow Patriarchate, KGB Agent-false actor in Patriarchal costume,  “His Holiness Patriarch Kyrill,”  is making  NEW HOLY ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN MARTYRS…. even as Putin & Pat. Kyrill send to their deaths, young innocent Russian boys to kill and be killed, for NOTHING!


One of Putin’s biggest false-propaganda LIES & excuses/cooked-up ‘provocation-pretexts’ for his TRULY UNJUSTIFIED  invading of independent & peaceful & prosperous & European oriented  Ukraine:

 — that; 

“The..[and in other Kremlin propaganda statements:  the ‘evil Nazi-Ukrainians’] are persecuting and killing-committing genocide against  innocent Russians in Ukraine”, etc…. has long ago been totally disproven  and is an absolute  Kremlin fake-news Fairy-Tale LIE & a 100% fabrication & it is without any backing in actual evidence or facts.  And anyone, anywhere, who unquestioningly moronically believes such Communist-originated  provocation fairy-tale rubbish,  is a FOOL or one who hates truth and loves lies,  and they should wake up.

If anyone resembles a ‘Nazi’, it is exactly Hitler-like and Stalin-Like-Vlad Putin.

GOD IS TRUTH, and HE DOES NOT BLESS LIES OR LIARS!.. nor could Almighty God possibly bless Vlad Putin or his servants, or his army,  who has already caused the terrible sufferings and deaths of perhaps many millions of human beings, MADE IN GOD’S HOLY IMAGE, elsewhere, before his Ukraine invasion. Oppression, bombing cities, and tortureing,  and murdering  are what KGB/FSB agent Putin  is good at, for many long years now… his true avocation and purpose in life.

AND, a reminder: 

***PUTIN!.. IS.. NOT!.. RUSSIA! *** 

HE IS THE … DEVIL-MOTIVATED  KGB RUTHLESS POWER-MAD-DELUSIONAL  Hitler-like, DICTATOR … OVER… a Still Non-Free & Still Enslaved ‘Post-Communist’  Non-Democratic … BACKWARD…RUSSIA!

Reader Daniel Everiss in Oregon


And may God, UNLESS PUTIN REPENTS FIRST!,  speedily remove Vlad Putin from power, before he triggers a thermo-nuclear World War Three! he falls from his tyrannical dictatorial role, as did God remove & drown evil Pharaoh  and his evil army in the Red Sea, and deliver Moses and the Hebrew children from his grip. 


— which is my repeated many times over daily prayer for our present-day Pharaoh; The Merciless, The Lover of Bloodshed and Destruction, The Thrice-Accursed of God; Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin!.. an End Times prefiguring/archetype of the Antichrist, The Destroyer of Worlds.

“Evenso, Lord Jesus; Come Quickly, Come quickly!”

Friday, March 18, 2022

Memory Eternal Soldier Vladimir

"Greater love hath no man, but that he lay down his life for his friends": 

Memory Eternal, Our Hero Warrior Vladimir! 

May You Rest With The Saints!, 

One of the many innocent victims of Mass-Murderer Madman, 

KGB Dictator Vlad Putin!, The Butcher of Ukraine

Eternal memory: Warrior Vladimir

Author: Metropolitan Agafangel. Publication date: March 17, 2022. Category: ROCOR.

On March 14, 2022, at the age of 20, near Zaporozhye, our parishioner died in battle defending the Motherland

Vladimir Sidoryuk

Everlasting memory!

For your friends

On March 14, 2022, Volodymyr Vitaliyevich Sidoryuk, a private of the Ukrainian Army, died. He would have turned 21 this May. What did this short life contain and what did this death on the battlefield highlight for us who remained to live?

We knew Vova since childhood, when he was still a preschooler. His family lives next door to the monastery, and from an early age Vova (Vladimir), like his parents, was our regular parishioner. Together with another neighbor boy, Vova served during divine services. His father began to help the monastery when men needed help. As you know, a person inherits values ​​from the family. Without exaggeration, Vova's family was an example of true Christian life. On their part, we have always met with participation and disinterested help.

After school, Vladimir graduated from a nautical school and went sailing twice. Apparently the sea was his element. He dreamed of nothing else. The difficulties and dangers of this profession did not stop him.

Coming from the second voyage, Vladimir received a summons from the draft board. This was in the spring of 2021. Before being sent to the army, the whole family (parents, Vova and his younger sister) confessed and took communion; The priest served a parting prayer service. For about half a year, Vladimir served in Odessa, and three months before the start of the war, he was transferred to serve in Zaporozhye.

Two weeks have passed since the start of hostilities in Ukraine, when the names of those soldiers who were heading to the "hot" spot were read before the formation. Vladimir was not on this list.

War is scary, and not everyone can overcome this fear. One soldier began to cry that he could not go ... "Send me instead of him," Vladimir volunteered. Several days in the trenches, constant skirmishes, unusually difficult conditions. Vova had the opportunity to call home. He didn't complain about how hard it was for him; he only laughed off his mother's questions.

On March 14, during one of the skirmishes, there was a danger of a fire at the facility, which was guarded by Vladimir's unit. Because of the shelling, none of the guys dared to get up from the trench, and Vladimir ran to put out the fire and died.

When you know a person from childhood, when he grows before your eyes, it is difficult to perceive him as an adult, and the age of 20 is not great. In our eyes, he was a young man who did not yet know life, who had not yet seen anything bad. We remember his soft, kind smile, how touchingly he treated his younger sister, parents and all of us...

War changes people, always reveals the essence of a person, testing for strength: it makes scoundrels even meaner, and makes people with high principles heroes. Today we see it every day. Vladimir's death cannot be called accidental, since twice he made a conscious choice and died like a true warrior of Christ, overcoming the fear of death and laying down his soul for his friends.

Abbess Alexandra with her sisters:

original Russian condensed


Вечная память: Воин Владимир_

Автор: Митрополит Агафангел. Дата публикации: 17 марта 2022. Категория: РПЦЗ

14 марта 2022 года, на 20 году жизни, под Запорожьем погиб в бою защищая Родину наш прихожанин

Владимир Сидорюк

Вечная память!

За други своя

14 марта 2022 года погиб рядовой Украинской армии Сидорюк Владимир Витальевич. В мае этого года ему бы исполнился 21 год. Что вместила эта короткая жизнь и что высветила для нас, оставшихся жить, эта смерть на поле брани?

     Вову мы знали с самого детства, когда он был еще дошкольником. Его семья живет по соседству с монастырем, и с ранних лет Вова (Владимир), как и его родители, был нашим постоянным прихожанином. Вдвоем с другим соседским мальчиком Вова прислуживал во время богослужений. Его отец, стал помогать монастырю, когда требовалась мужская помощь. Как известно ценности человек наследует из семьи. Без преувеличения семья Вовы была примером настоящей христианской жизни. С их стороны мы всегда встречали участие и бескорыстную помощь.

     После школы Владимир закончил мореходное училище и два раза ходил в плавание. Видимо море было его стихией. Ни о чем другом он не мечтал. Трудности и опасности этой профессии не останавливали его.

     Придя из второго плавания Владимир получил повестку из военкомата. Это было весной 2021 года. Перед отправкой в армию вся семья (родители, Вова и его младшая сестра) исповедовались и причастилисьбатюшка отслужил напутственный молебен. Примерно полгода Владимир служил в Одессе, а за три месяца до начала войны его перевели служить в Запорожье.

     С момента начала боевых действий в Украине прошло две недели, когда перед строем зачитали фамилии тех солдат, которые направлялись в "горячую" точку. Владимира в этом списке не было.

     Война - это страшно, и не все могут преодолеть этот страх. Один солдатик начал плакать, что не может пойти... "Пошлите меня вместо него", - вызвался Владимир. Несколько дней в окопах, постоянные перестрелки, непревычно тяжелые условия. У Вовы была возможность звонить домой. Он не жаловался, как трудно ему приходитсяна мамины вопросы только отшучивался.

     14 марта во время одной из перестрелок возникла опасность возгорания объекта, который охраняло подразделение Владимира. Из-за обстрела никто из ребят не смел подняться из окопа, а Владимир побежал тушить и погиб.

     Когда знаешь человека с детства, когда он возрастает на твоих глазах, трудно бывает воспринимать его взрослым, да и возраст 20 лет невелик. В наших глазах он был юношей еще не знающим жизни, еще не видевшим ничего плохого. Мы вспоминаем  его мягкую, добрую улыбку, как он трогательно относился к младшей сестре, родителям и ко всем нам...

     Война изменяет людей, всегда выявляет суть человека, проверяя на прочность: подлецов делает еще подлее, а людей с высокими принципами делает героями. Сегодня мы это видим каждый день. Смерть Владимира нельзя назвать случайной, так как дважды он сделал осознанный выбор и погиб как настоящий воин Христов, преодолев страх смерти и положив душу за други своя.

     Игумения Александра с сестрами


Thursday, March 17, 2022

ROCOR-MP Sister Vassa makes sense War in Ukraine

Video 38 minutes



     FW: "ROCOR & The War In Ukraine-Sr. Vassa": 

     A VOICE OF SANITY, REALITY, AND TRUTH FROM WITHIN ROCOR/MP!... to my unexpected! & total happy surprise!  I had to force myself to view this, 38 minute long video, as I normally cannot stomach reading or viewing ANYTHING! from sources/voices in ROCOR/MP, but then… .I did MAKE! myself spend these about 38 minutes, and I became delighted in what this ROCOR/MP well known nun-who was born and raised in the old free ROCOR, has to say. I could not have said it better myself, nor do I know anyone either who could have.

     BUT, I NEED THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE  version of this, as she said that she recently made this same presentation also in Russian…because I want to share it widely with Russian speakers!...some of whom, here in America, out of their nostalgic love for Old Orthodox Holy Russia,…. foolishly trust and believe the false propaganda of POWER Mad Dictator KGB hangover Gangster, Vlad Putin, -backed up by KGB Agent Pat. Kyrill, and the entire Kremlin propaganda apparatus. Russians in the Russian Federation, many…also CAN get only the state’s official propaganda garbage version of any and all “news”, so they have an excuse for  not knowing the truth.

     ROCOR/MP Sister Vassa, is NOT towing the MP’s party line, nor that of Putin nor of the Kremlin!  But of course, I regret that she went along with that betrayal to the MP in 2007…. but so did many others.  God did not allow me to go that route.

     Her entire approach is soundly HUMANLY SANE!, FOUNDAMENTALLY CHRISTIAN!... and Orthodox Christian!.... soundly!

     I agree -100% with all she  says, except of course, her dutifully …likely sarcastically… referring to Kyrill Gundaev, as “Our Beloved Patriarch Kyrill” ….which I truly guess, she does not really believe in her heart that he is, “beloved.”

     Retired Reader Daniel in Oregon, where spring is slowly unfolding, with the white cascades of blooms of the many wild plum trees here, and the wild pussy willows are opening their ‘catkins’- heralds of the coming Palm/Willow Sunday, and Our Lord’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

     Shared For Russian Speakers: 3/14/2022: 

In Russian Language: РПЦЗ и война в Украине

     ROCOR & War in Ukraine:  

ROCOR/MP Sister Vassa speaks: -(She speaks the truth!)  


     3/14/2022: Comment: 

I normally do not view or want to read anything!.... produced by the Stalin’s founded in 1943, uncanonical and apostate , subservient to the KGB and the Kremlin, the MP-“Moscow Patriarchate” …’church’,  or its 2007 appendaged/subjugated  American based church the so-called “ROCOR/MP/Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia-Moscow Patriarchate”,  but… I forced myself to view this, in its English version, and to my total happy surprise, I find that all that Sister Vassa, who was raised in the old free, “White Russian”, emigree, pre-2007 betrayal, ROCOR;   says is the truth. Here is her same  presentation in Russian for Russian speakers.

     Loyal to our free continued and canonical ROCOR,  lead by Vladyka Metropolitan Agafangel, who continues the old canonical and free, Russian Orthodox Church Abroad,

~ Retired Psalm-Reader Daniel Everiss in Oregon




Monday, March 14, 2022

ROC parish in Amsterdam leaves MP

Russian Orthodox [parish] Church in Amsterdam Breaks Away From Moscow

By Nick Koutsobinas    |   Sunday, 13 March 2022 09:58 PM

Clergy with the Russian Orthodox church in Amsterdam announced Saturday they would be separating from the Moscow church in light of Russia's war with Ukraine.

"The clergy unanimously announced," a statement from their website read, "that it is no longer possible for them to function within the Moscow patriarchate and provide a spiritually safe environment for our faithful. This decision is extremely painful and difficult for all concerned."

Conversely, the head of the Russian Orthodox church, Patriarch Kirill, who also sits as a trusted ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, has not condemned the Kremlin's actions. Instead, he has referred to those in Ukraine as "evil forces," according to The Guardian.

Last week, the Netherlands-based church said it would no longer mention Kirill in its liturgy due to him backing the invasion of Ukraine.

"We as the clergy of St. Nicholas parish in Amsterdam have expressed our shock at the invasion of Ukraine by the armed forces of the Russian Federation … We distance ourselves from Patriarch Kirill's narrative," a Facebook post from the church read.

The statement from St. Nicholas's parish goes against the Russian Orthodox church, which has said not to use the words "war" or "invasion" to describe Russia's actions.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Parish in Ukraine prays for peace

Putin, in Great Lent!- attacks our ROCOR All-Saints parish & its city, in the Mykolaiv region of Ukraine

ROCOR{ Our All-Saints Parish in Mykolaiv region of Ukraine, prays for peace: More!- innocent ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN! victims of Mad-man Insane Dictator Vlad Putin 

ROCOR: Parish in Mykolaiv region prays for peace 

Автор: Митрополит Агафангел. Дата публикации: 07 марта 2022. Категория: РПЦЗ.

 The Church of ROCOR in honor of All Saints, who are in the village of Chernomorka near Ochakov in the Nikolaev region of Ukraine, where intense fighting is going on, together with their rector, Archpriest Alexy Sereda, do not lose heart.

"Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there I am in the midst of them..."

We are being bombed, but we are not afraid, we do not lose heart, we are awake, we pray, we endure and thank the Lord for everything! Today they made a cross-procession around our village. God and the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos are with us!

Parish building bombed — How to donate help

Our Holy Protection Church in Malin, Ukraine came under Putin’s shelling

Author: Metropolitan Agafangel. Publication date:March 07, 2022. Category: ROCOR 

On Forgiveness Sunday, March 6, 2022, at 20:30 pm, Putin's troops shelled the city of Malin in the Zhytomyr region in Ukraine.  Our Church of the Intercession came under fire. The temple received significant damage - the roof was destroyed, the domes were damaged, frames, glass, and doors were broken. Inside, the iconostasis was demolished by a blast wave, etc.  Only the walls remained of the temple.  Rector Archpriest Georgy Storozhitsky, his mother Zinaida and one of the parishioners at that time were in the basement, where windows and doors were also torn out.  Thank God, everyone survived.  The military offer everyone to leave, as heavy fighting is expected in Malin.

Request for help to victims of the war in Ukraine

Автор: Митрополит Агафангел. Дата публикации: 09 марта 2022. Категория: РПЦЗ.

As a result of the war in Ukraine, our Church has suffered and continues to suffer significant damage. Starting from the general situation in the country, when the exchange rate falls, unsustainable energy tariffs, most enterprises are closed, there is a shortage of food, the possibility of movement is impaired, and ending with the specific needs of parishes, clergy and parishioners.

So, on Forgiveness Sunday, March 6, 2022, our Church of the Intercession in the town of Malin in the Zhytomyr region in Ukraine was damaged as a result of shelling. The temple received significant damage - the roof was destroyed, the domes were damaged, frames, glass, and doors were broken. Inside, the iconostasis was demolished by a blast wave, etc. Only the walls remained of the temple. To start restoration work, it is necessary to clear the resulting construction debris, dismantle the damaged elements. A legal document should be drawn up describing the approximate amount of damage caused to the temple. And it is necessary to restore the temple, starting with roofing.

Privatbank card number of the rector of the parish 4149 4991 5435 6800 Storozhitsky Yuri Volodimirovich  (Father Georgy).


Donations for these and other purposes (please indicate the purpose of donations) can also be sent to the following details:

Donations through payment systems such as Western Union and others can be sent to the name of Natalia Sergeevna Kovtun (mother Raphael), Mikhailovskaya Square, 1, 65005, Odessa, Ukraine.

Money from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and Israel can be transferred to the personal card of Metropolitan Agafangel in Privatbank: Mikhail Ivanovich Pashkovsky, /PASHKOVSKYI MYKHAILO/ mastercard: 5168 7574 0379 8566.

Bank account of the Odessa diocese / ROCOR Synod of Bishops in US dollars and Euros

 Beneficiary  name : Diocesan Administration of Odessa diocese of the ROCA

Payee's bank:


st. Andreevskaya 4, Kyiv, 04070, Ukraine


4, Andriivska Str., Kyiv, 04070, Ukraine



Settlement account (IBAN): UA123348510000026002962502478

Bank correspondent:


JPMorgan Chase Bank NA*

270 Park Avenue, NY 10017, New York, USA, SWIFT: CHASUS33


The Bank of New York Mellon

One Wall Street, 8th Floor, 10286, New York, USA, SWIFT: IRVTUS3N


Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas*

60 Wall Street, 10005 NY, New York, USA, SWIFT: BKTRUS33


Settlement account (IBAN): UA403348510000026004962502391

Bank correspondent:


Commerzbank AG,  Kaiserplatz, 60261, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, SWIFT: COBADEFF


KBC BANK NV,  Havenlaan, 2, 1080, Brussels, Belgium, SWIFT: KREDBEBB

A sample of filling out a donation card from AUSTRALIA:

Saturday, March 5, 2022

OCA Abbott Voices Condemnation of Putin

TO ALL: QUITE INTERESTING!, as this comes from an OCA clergyman, whose jurisdiction is in communion since 1972, with Stalin's 1943 uncanonical creation, his "Moscow Patriarchy" and thus whose OCA's "Patriarch" is KGB Agent Kyrill Gundaev! - Putin's slave.. 

Vladimir Putin and Patriarch Kirill practicing Russian-style “Byzantine symphonia”

Shared by: Retired Psalm Reader Daniel Everiss in Oregon, loyal to our Canonical ROCOR Met. Agafangel (Pashkovsky)…. whose birth father was Ukrainian, and whose birth mother was Russian.


by Igumen Vladimir (Tobin)

The current invasion of Ukraine by Putin’s Russian forces may have come as a surprise to some, for many were probably hoping that the massive build-up of Russian troops on the Ukrainian border was a bluff intended to force Ukraine to give in to Russian demands.  As things turned out, however, this was no bluff, and the ensuing invasion has been rapid and fierce.  For the most part, the world reacted with shock to the Russian aggression, and the field was opened for assessment and judgment of the situation.

One such judgment was made by Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and supreme head of the Russian Orthodox Church.  Kirill’s comments were reported by the APF News Agency on February 27, 2022.  In his remarks, he described Moscow’s opponents in Ukraine as “evil forces.” Such a statement, issued by the head the the world’s largest Orthodox jurisdiction, is nothing less than a blatant lie and statement of hate.  I would even suggest that such a remark must surely be an abomination in the eyes of God Himself.  If anyone should want a rebuttal to Kirill’s comment, we might note that Archbishop Yevstratiy (Zoria), speaking for the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, stated that “Putin is not the messiah, but really the anti-Christ of our current time.”

It is well known that Vladimir Putin and the Patriarch of Moscow have been hand in glove for years, as they support each other in the obvious desire for power which marks them both.  This unholy alliance between the political and ecclesiastical authorities is little else than a rape of the Church.  From a theological stance, the Church belongs only to Christ, who is its Lord and Master.  Putin and Patriarch Kirill are turning the Church of Christ into the servant and tool of power-hungry politicians.

For centuries, Ukraine was the victim of Russian cruelty and oppression.  Stalin’s attack on Ukraine in the early 1930s, exacerbated by the Soviet-engineered famine, was nothing less than a genocide.  The Holodomor, a manmade famine that engulfed the Soviet republic of Ukraine from 1932 to 1933, was part and parcel of Russia’s attempts to suppress and even annihilate the country.  Finally with the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990s, Ukraine was able to regain national independence and enjoy freedom from Russian domination.

But Vladimir Putin was not happy with this situation and still clung to the desire to bring Ukraine back under Russian control.  In an attempt to initiate this process, in February and March 2014, Russia invaded and annexed Crimea from Ukraine on the pretense that this action was in the interest of Russians living there.

In more recent years, there were serious ecclesiastical disagreements when many Ukrainians wished to have a Ukrainian Church free from the overlordship of Moscow.  The new independent Orthodox Church of Ukraine officially gained autocephaly in January 2019, when Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople signed a tomos to officially establish its freedom.  Needless to say, the Moscow Patriarchate was not pleased.  Now Russia has attacked Ukraine with a force of over 100,000 troops, intent on spreading chaos and destruction.  Is the Patriarch of Moscow pleased with this new development?  His comment that Moscow’s opponents in Ukraine are “evil forces” can easily answer this question.

In the light of the past history of Russian-Ukrainian relationships, how can we assess this latest invasion?  There are insufficient words to describe the brutality of Russia’s actions.  Putin’s actions in 2022 have proven his right to be ranked among the worst tyrannical powers in human history.  May his name be remembered as history decrees.

As for “His Holiness” Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow, who claims domination over millions of Russian Orthodox Christians, how shall history remember and describe him?  I suspect future generations will deal with that question.  Will he perhaps be described as “Kirill of Blessed Memory”?  I suppose we could ague that anything is possible in the modern world.

As for Vladimir Putin, someone has suggested that he deserves to be tried for war crimes against Ukraine and punished to the fullest extent.  That may perhaps be overly judgmental, but there are surely times when the prophetic voice of Christ’s Church must be judgmental.

A final thought: After Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, and the pursuing Egyptians were drowned in the Red Sea, it is recorded (Ex 15:1) that Miriam led the Iraelite women in this canticle:

Sing to the Lord, for He hath triumphed gloriously; the horse and its rider He hath thrown into the sea!

Let us pray that time may soon come when all men and women can sing this song over all fallen tyrants who have oppressed humanity, and that all may know that “the earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it” (Ps 24:1).

Rev.  Dr.  Vladimir Tobin is a priest and monk of the Archdiocese of Canada, Orthodox Church in America, and founder of Nova Scotia’s only non-ethnic, English-speaking parish.  He holds a PhD in Old Testament and Egyptology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, an MDiv from the Atlantic School of Theology in Halifax NS, and an MA in Patristics and BA in Classics from Dalhousie University in Halifax.

Боже великий, єдиний, нам Украïну храни.  Great and only God, protect Ukraine for us.

For background see the extensive Ukraine section in both Archives at the top of the page.

Click here to donate to International Orthodox Christian Charities’ Ukraine fund.

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AND further Comments by Retired Psalm-Reader Daniel Everiss, - Some background information:

Since the former North American Russian Metropolia,… then in schism from the Russian Synod In Exile, - whose schism was founded in about 1923, by renegade “Met. Platon Rozhgyestvensky,” this jurisdiction - originally a legitimate canonical North American Metropolia of the pre-Bolshevik revolution, canonical Mother Russian Church,  in 1972 bowed to and submitted to the PHONY CONTRIVED authority of Stalin’s creation in 1943, his KGB-KREMLIN captive … ”Moscow Patriarchate”…  which pretended to grant it - their MP’s “AUTOCEPHALY” …i.e. a pretended/false SELF-GOVERNING STATUS..i.e. “INDEPENDENCE” from this utterly uncanonical and graceless religious front,  - Stalin’s bogus “Russian Church”…..  since that date, this American based jurisdiction, this ”OCA” has recognized as its highest authority ruler over it, “The Moscow Patriarch,” i.e. “ITS PATRIARCH!” now for some years, Kyrill Gundaev… a stooge and totally willing KGB agent subservient slave to The Kremlin and the KGB, and to Mad Dictator Vladimir Putin with his demonic plans for world domination, his great “Russian World” scheme.  Now, Putin is starting with his demolishing and destroying of Ukraine and its people… as he is also,  simultaneously destroying RUSSIA also, and its captive non-free people…. an enslaved often depressed people who can never hope to “vote Putin out.”

RARELY, IF EVER! do we hear any of the clergy of this OCA… or in fact also, neither from any clergy of the… from  2007, the Moscow also subservient  ROCOR/MP…. EVER utter one word of criticism against Vladimir Putin or anything he or his captive MP Patriarch or his clergy are doing or saying. 

WHILE OFTEN, and very publically, the clergy (from the highest ones to the lowest parish level ones) of the MP bless with copious endless OCEANS! of holy water, and huge fragrant clouds of incense, and with many many choirs singing hymns, and with cross-processions of holy icons and church banners, and with Orthodox priestly blessing prayers: all of his soldiers, and his guns, and his missals, and tanks, and war planes, his submarines, his warships, and atomic bombs, etc, etc… i.e. STALIN’S "Holy” Moscow Patriarchy… BLESSES ALL OF THE ENDLESS EVILS OF KGB DICTATOR Mass-MURDERER VLADIMIR PUTIN!... he who now, is trying to exterminate Ukraine and its free prosperous  people!... (for one big reason: Ukraine  is creating an alluring  temptation JUST NEXT DOOR!... for the average RUSSIAN, to see that freedom and a western styled economy, WORKS!... and that thus, Ukraine NEARBY RUSSIA, to many non-rich/not part of the “Oligarchy/decadent communist hangover ‘nomenklatura’ ruling class, average Russian people, whom most are dead tired of the repressed non-free and corrupt life they have to endure living The Russian Federation,….  and Next, ALL OF US ALSO, in Putin’s demonically hated “THE WEST.”  And, historic mass - pillager Genghis Khan similar type, Vladimir Putin… holds us all - THE ENTIRE WORLD! under his “Atomic War” intimidation & BLACKMAIL - if we go against his world domination plans… if even in the slightest details..

He is for sure, a repeat of the lunacy of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin.

BUT, … if?… he, this uncontroled maniac deluded mentally and spiritually very sick dictator,  actually does trigger his atomic missels, then… we WILL HAVE TO AUTOMATICALLY… RETALIATE… and then, he and his captive Russia… will be no more, but too, where will the rest of the world be, either??? 

May Almighty God! take Hitler and Stalin-like, Vlad Putin from this world, QUICKLY, before he can trigger World War III!   His one miserable life is not worth the many millions who will otherwise die, or of the thousands in Ukraine now suffering and dying because of his derangements.  THIS is my daily prayer to God!: 


So now this brave honest soul, this OCA clergyman, in Canada, dares to speak some truth!  How long before the Moscow subserviant OCA punishes him or defrocks him, remains to be seen… or.. he simply ‘dissappears’?

What a way to begin our Orthodox Great Lent!... but this current diabolical daily growing WORLD WIDE catastrophy, situation is not of our choosing.

Reader Daniel, in constant prayer for Ukraine, for the also suffering non-free Russian people, for my America, and for the world.

“Save The Pious, O Lord, and Hear Us!