Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Final Post. Blog Closed.


  1. I QUIT! Daniel, this truly is the last straw! You forwarding my email to the Harry Potter guy is the last straw. You are a loose canon. I never know when you are going to embarrass me next!

    Somebody to take over uploading posts to ReaderDanielSharing blog. Daniel himself is unwilling to try to learn how to do it. He needs a volunteer to step in and upload his posts for him..

    Job Description:
    Daniel wants his emails (ALL of his emails, unless he indicates otherwise) uploaded exactly as he sends them. It is ok to correct typo/spelling errors. If you are not familiar with Blogger, I will keep access for a time to help you learn. It is not difficult, but there are some "tricks" to it.

    Certain things I require. You can't be anonymous. Use your real name. I assume you are Orthodox, disclose your jurisdiction. Also no advertizing. No monetizing. No pop-ups. No stalking scroll bar that follows the viewer as he scrolls down the page. No heavy gadgets that slow page loading. No stat counters -- no spying on viewers. There is to be no profit from this job. And no profit from the blog.

    If you think you'd like this job and if Daniel approves you (Xenia Vangor need not apply), then contact me.

  2. If Daniel starts a whole new website:

    I can provide an xml file to a web designer, but I want removed from the file all instances of my name and all references to my name. (except in the comments).


Guest comments MAYBE can be made by email.

Anonymous comments will not be published. Daniel will not see unpublished comments. If you have a message for him, you need to contact him directly.